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Ubisoft sent us this video of Far Cry 2 showing the impressive map editor included in the game and what it can do.

Commented on 2008-10-16 09:33:34
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Commented on 2008-10-16 09:53:33
Was really looking forward to this, but now that they've turned the PC version into a glorified rental, I'm going to pass. Same with Mirror's Edge and Dead Space.

I really hope the games industry get over this fucking DRM phase quickly, otherwise I'm going to have to start getting my games from the dark corners of the internet. It's one thing to check with a game server that your game is legit; it's another to tell me how often I can install my own fucking game.
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Commented on 2008-10-16 10:04:12
You tell 'em Fen!!!!!
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Commented on 2008-10-16 10:55:48
Haha @ the Korean's hip hop version of Cannon in D
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Commented on 2008-10-16 12:49:39
multiplayer looks like a blast. Cant wait to pick this one up.
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Commented on 2008-10-16 12:50:14
What the fakk!? why not show us a clip when they are doing it with a controller? or does that already exist?.....im confused......im going to sleep now..
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Commented on 2008-10-16 12:50:47
How are the maps actually going to be shared? If they are small 500kb things that are sent to every player that simply joins a server, its great.
But if its the same BS as in most other games where you have to go look for a map on a website, download it, look for a server playing it, the server changes maps, you dont have the map, quit game and repeat. I aint gonna bother.

Ingame auto-downloading of maps is what makes or breaks this for me.

Edit: Oh wait, so this trailer is for the console versions? Cool then :P
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Commented on 2008-10-16 13:50:32
Posted by droezelke
You did not read the DRM policy yet I presume? You can install FC2 5 times on three different PC's. Everytime you uninstall the game, your counter resets back to the previous count. So you can install your game as many times as you want. The only thing it really does, is that you have to activate it every time you install the game.
Steam allows me to install my games on as many computers as I want, whenever I want, without installing a rootkit that opens holes in my computer's security. I've bought more content from VALVE than any other company. Steam is a perfect example of LOGICAL DRM; DRM that exists to effectively combat pirates by calling home and ensuring that hundreds of people aren't using the same CD keys, etc.

The DRM on FarCry 2, Spore etc. is NOT there to combat piracy, it's there to limit what consumers can do with their purchased media. The publishers would like nothing more than for me to have to repurchase their game every time I install new hardware in my PC, and I don't doubt that that is what will become of PC gaming should we allow them to continue with this experiment.
If that is your reason to begin stealing games (yes, I call it stealing), I wonder what you need to start stealing other things.
I would not steal material objects, because it is very difficult for corporate interests to control what I can and can not do with my material goods. My computer, my car; these I can do with whatever I please. I can lend them to my friends, I can install new parts, I can do whatever I like. Imagine having a car that had to ask Ford HQ for permission for where you wanted to drive? It sounds ridiculous when applied to a car, but for some reason people like you support it for software, as if the concepts of OWNERSHIP and PRIVACY mean nothing to you.
Don't kill PC as a gaming platform, support it!
What made, and still makes, PC gaming great is the FREEDOM it as a medium presents. You can have mods for your games, you can play online for FREE, etc. If we don't fight for this freedom, we wont have it anymore. We have to vote with our wallets, and this is what I am going to do.

Support people who truly support PC as a platform, like Bethesda and Stardock, not the greedy pricks who want to squeeze us for everything we're worth.
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Commented on 2008-10-16 14:49:12
Erm.. back on to the subject of Far Cry 2 map editor. Can you only make maps for multiplayer use or can you set up Single Player maps and put in enemies?
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Commented on 2008-10-16 15:23:59 In reply to Fenrir
Posted by Fenrir
What made, and still makes, PC gaming great is the FREEDOM it as a medium presents. You can have mods for your games, you can play online for FREE, etc. If we don't fight for this freedom, we wont have it anymore. We have to vote with our wallets, and this is what I am going to do.

Support people who truly support PC as a platform, like Bethesda and Stardock, not the greedy pricks who want to squeeze us for everything we're worth.
Are you for real?

Totally disagree with you and your example with the car makes no sense at all, seriously. Do you share your car on BitTorrent to tousand of people? Can you borrow your car to 3 different people at the same time to drive? I am sure your insurance wouldn't be too happy about that. Games on Steam work differently, you can't install the game unless you login to your Steam account. FarCry2 is available on Steam too, so you can continue using it the way you have used your previous games. I think all games purchased for PC on CD/DVD should use DRM, period.

I am not surprised many developers give up on making good games on PCs and moved on to consoles which have much lower piracy. There are only few good games now on PC and most of them are MMOs, which is totally different story. People like myself work 50 hours a week to create a game, its our job, we do it for living not just for fun, it pays our bills and supports our families. For instance, Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 has been downgraded almost 20.000 times since it was released week ago, 20.000 x 40$ = 800.000$ stolen! Developers don't pay their staff for overtime, so all we can do is hope that the game sells well and get some bonus pay, which doesn't happen allot on PC platform.

If you don't plan on pirating the software/game then you shouldn't have a problem with this, actually you should show support for it since successful sells of PC games will increase the market for it and might just convince more developers to make good games for it... People have no problem with buying DVDs/Bluray for 30$-40$ watch it for an hour and store it, but somehow games which you play for weeks, sometimes for months or years are too expensive for you when the price is not that much different with much higher entertainment value...
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Commented on 2008-10-16 16:19:15
Posted by Zeuxis
People have no problem with buying DVDs/Bluray for 30$-40$ watch it for an hour and store it, but somehow games which you play for weeks, sometimes for months or years are too expensive for you when the price is not that much different with much higher entertainment value...
Where the hell do you buy your DVDs and Blurays?? I pay around $15 for dvds and $20 to $25 for blurays. Some places do sell blurays for $30-$40 but that's why the format hasn't taken off into the mainstream yet.[quote=droezelke]

Thanks for this reply. I hate it when people are trying to find every excuse to steal games. It is only normal that all sorts of security systems are built in to prevent illegal activities.quote]
I think it's pretty obvious that Fenrir is NOT trying to find an excuse to steal the game. He's simply standing up for his rights. And did you not see how DRM in Spore helped to "prevent illegal activities"? It was still pirated like hotcakes. That's the problem. They're only punishing the law abiding consumers and not stopping those that would steal it. It doesn't work.
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Commented on 2008-10-16 17:45:49
DRM only makes things worse for the consumers. I mean the most stupid thing is that install limit BS. I HATE IT! I mean people who pirate the games doesn't need to call to customer service to get the game installed 6th time or so. I want to install it to as many PC's as I want. The same games also has this check on Steam versions so it's not option to get Steam version to get rid of the BS protection.

I know you can deactivate them too but yeah like I should need to do it. What about when the server goes down? I can't install and play then. What about after 5 years or so... maybe the server is shut down completely when the company is out of the business.
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Commented on 2008-10-16 17:52:19
Most of the posts in this topic should be bullet timed, IMO. Mods are quick to step in and BT some posts that don't really deserve it. At least they are on topic, which is more than can be said for some of the posts above which have fuck all to do with Far Cries map editor video. Speaking of which, to say this game is nothing more than a rental is a joke. It's worth the full price alone just for this feature which looks amazing.
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Commented on 2008-10-16 18:15:44
Posted by droezelke
How does DRM punish the law abaiding consumers? Please explain this to me. If you can install a game as much as you want on 3 PC's, what is the problem?
And why is it wrong to implement it? If games are still pirated even with DRM, does that make pirating legal? Pirating is theft, no matter how you look at it.
Fenrir wants to install his game as much as possible. The DRM system in Far Cry 2 allows that. Every time you uninstall the game, you get an extra install count. And that is fair in my opinion. So why be against it?
I have never had any problems with legal copies, no matter what security was built in. I have never downloaded an illegal copy. I want the PC platform to survive, because everything was born on PC, and all innovations were created on PC. If the PC as platform dissappears, then this will be a huge blow in new, fresh and technological evolution.
I'm also wondering too - no doubt these same people install other software they own on multiple systems, without reading the documentation to find out that they're breaking the law and the software in question is only a single-user license.

DRM is simply enforcing the methods which you should already be following.
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Commented on 2008-10-16 18:20:55
Wait... just pirating on the pc? What about when u trade in console games to places like gamestop or trade with ur buddies? Hmm... i wonder if what Gamestop does is legal then lol oh well, nobody really cares :P

Back on topic now

Dude I hate waiting for this game now hahaha
Looks like some new additions to multiplayer woohoo!
I wonder how many different builings theyll have in this one?
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Commented on 2008-10-16 18:23:36
I am sure that I wont buy this game if they keep the copy protection in it. I mean every time game uses it there is lots of complaining. Consumers doesn't like that kind of copy protection. I don't see the point for CD/DVD check on MP games... There is already cd-key and account system so why do I need to keep the disc in the drive to play it. Actually I don't like when you have to have CD/DVD on drive on any game.

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Commented on 2008-10-16 18:28:42
multi looks OK, but the single player is where im worried. i need info regarding the mission structure. cos atm it sounds like your told to assault one camp after another with no variation. if thats the case. its not worth anything beyond a rental for me.
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Commented on 2008-10-16 18:48:33 In reply to Fenrir
Posted by Fenrir
Was really looking forward to this, but now that they've turned the PC version into a glorified rental, I'm going to pass. Same with Mirror's Edge and Dead Space.

I really hope the games industry get over this fucking DRM phase quickly, otherwise I'm going to have to start getting my games from the dark corners of the internet. It's one thing to check with a game server that your game is legit; it's another to tell me how often I can install my own fucking game.
I agree with you buddy, but I heard off the 1up podcast that with the likes of Spore, you can uninstall your current game before nuking your pc (for example) and this will allow you to keep the three or four installs that you have got when you purchase the game originally.

I hope that they can find a solution to this piracy problem soon as it seriously threatens our culture !!.
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Commented on 2008-10-16 19:02:08
This message is in "Boulet Time" (TM), If you still *really* want to see it, click here
Who - buys - PC games these days?
Commented on 2008-10-16 19:07:37
I am still trying to understand why would you LEGALLY want to install any game on more than 5 PCs at the same time. I be pretty impressed if anyone has ONE PC capable of running this game, not to say 5 or more... lol If its for your new PC then uninstall it from old PC and you get your installation back, simple. Piracy is on such a high level now that I am very suprised real gamers who love games and want more quality games don't support DRM system. Sure its not water proof, but its either that or no more new PC games since it will not be woth for develoepers.
If you plan on borrowing this game to a friend, that is fine, but keep in mind you need the serial and game in the DVD-Rom (just like you would on a console) ....unless you let him copy it and use NO DVD crack, which again, is illigal and stealing.

Game rental is different, its only one copy going around, but developers already plan on charging places like Gamestop for that, since shops make a crazy profit on this, while developers get nada.

Keep in mind pretty much all computer software works this way, Microsoft and Adobe. If you purchase Flash, Photoshop or Office etc you one get 1 install, that's it! You paid for one copy, why should you get unlimited?
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Commented on 2008-10-16 19:09:38 In reply to broman
Posted by broman
Who - buys - PC games these days?
I do, through Steam, its the most convenient way of buying games, wish consoles started using the same system.
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Commented on 2008-10-16 19:17:49
The BEST map editor on consoles... would give some PC map editors a run for their money... Very cool! Nice move Ubi. Lets see if Infinity Ward, Bungie, others follow your lead in the coming years?
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About the game
PC X360 PS3
Published by
Developed by
Ubisoft Montreal

$135 of $400 per month

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