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EA wants you to dance Mexican salsa with this all new video of Fifa 10. Mexico is up against the USA in this trailer and as usual, we're shown some nice tricks and goals. Kick off is set for early October in Europe and later that month in North America.

Commented on 2009-08-10 23:17:53
I think EA are letting themselves down with these pointless trailers. They show little to nothing, and the fact that graphical detail is yet to be implimented at the last is just doing nothing but making people think it will look and play the same as 09. EA, sort it out and show us side-by-side comparisons on the gameplay mechanic improvements between '10 and 09. Also, Mexico V USA? What the fuck? Boring!
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Commented on 2009-08-10 23:18:40
Guess thy aint going for realism then!

Some of them moves and play are daft and dont see in real game of footy

looking forward to seiing some PES
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Commented on 2009-08-10 23:22:52 In reply to Smithy2483
Posted by Smithy2483
Guess thy aint going for realism then!

Some of them moves and play are daft and dont see in real game of footy

looking forward to seiing some PES
I disagree. Of course they are going for realism, it's just that the trailer is poorly constructed. And you do see flicks and back-heels performed like that during real matches. Don't you remember the Blanko Bounce?

What I will say for this teaser is that the gameplay seems to much more organic and flowing. The fact that these skill moves can be pulled off during an attack like this is emphasizing the more fluent and expressive nature that '10 will have. Some beautiful goals will result from this. But it's time that EA showed some actual gameplay footage, and please show it with good players playing rather than a couple of spanners who haven't a clue.
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Commented on 2009-08-10 23:26:01
this is faaaaaar from impressive!
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GangStarr - Inhibited Sony Lover
Commented on 2009-08-10 23:35:31
i like the new net physics :| thats all this trailer shows tbh

not much needs to be changed from 09 except making scoring harder and better player positioning (mainly defensive). they say they fixed these things and i believe them

other parts of the game sound perfect (improved Manager mode etc)

also to people here, please dont mention PES, its only gonna create pointless arguments... atleast wait till we see some pes2010 footage.

cant wait for both games
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Commented on 2009-08-10 23:41:56
Well for me, the argument between PES and Fifa was settled the moment Seabass opened his gob pertaining to the fact that he has no current gen engine in the works. That was about a year ago. Seabass and PES can go fuck! No new engine = no purchase for a new PES title for me. Ever!
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Commented on 2009-08-11 00:02:05
This message is in "Boulet Time" (TM), If you still *really* want to see it, click here
hey dingleberry , why do you have to swear to voice your opinion ???
Commented on 2009-08-11 00:04:14
This message is in "Boulet Time" (TM), If you still *really* want to see it, click here
Some people think it makes them look tougher. Or their opinions more important than others.
Commented on 2009-08-11 00:24:09 In reply to GangStarr
Posted by GangStarr
i like the new net physics :| thats all this trailer shows tbh

not much needs to be changed from 09 except making scoring harder and better player positioning (mainly defensive). they say they fixed these things and i believe them

other parts of the game sound perfect (improved Manager mode etc)

also to people here, please dont mention PES, its only gonna create pointless arguments... atleast wait till we see some pes2010 footage.

cant wait for both games
making scoring harder? strange. although mostly I did score sometimes it was pretty strange. one match I score 5 in 10min, while others it won't work
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Commented on 2009-08-11 00:39:28 In reply to radsy
This message is in "Boulet Time" (TM), If you still *really* want to see it, click here
Posted by radsy
hey dingleberry , why do you have to swear to voice your opinion ???
Because I'm a colourful person? You got a problem with that? If it's in my vocab, I'll see fit to use it. People taking offense to cursing. What's the world coming to.
Commented on 2009-08-11 00:42:51 In reply to itaintrite
This message is in "Boulet Time" (TM), If you still *really* want to see it, click here
Posted by itaintrite
Some people think it makes them look tougher. Or their opinions more important than others.
Aye, that's it. Nail on the head. You've sussed me out. I'm rattled.
Commented on 2009-08-11 01:11:34 In reply to dingleberry
Posted by dingleberry
I disagree. Of course they are going for realism, it's just that the trailer is poorly constructed. And you do see flicks and back-heels performed like that during real matches. Don't you remember the Blanko Bounce?

What I will say for this teaser is that the gameplay seems to much more organic and flowing. The fact that these skill moves can be pulled off during an attack like this is emphasizing the more fluent and expressive nature that '10 will have. Some beautiful goals will result from this. But it's time that EA showed some actual gameplay footage, and please show it with good players playing rather than a couple of spanners who haven't a clue.
They show these kinds of moves in every trailer for just about every EA game—moves that get you going, "wow, I can't wait to pull that sh*t," and then you get the game and you realize, "wow, all those trailers were totally scripted." If they want us to believe that these moves can be done in gameplay, then show us game play of the best FIFA 10 players pulling amazing moves against the hardest difficulty setting.

Also, is this preview only for North America or something? Being from the US, I like seeing our boys get a bit of recognition, but isn't this going to bore the 90% of soccer (whooops, I mean football) fans that aren't from NA?
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Commented on 2009-08-11 01:35:23
A really terrible trailer to be honest, because all that's done is give the impression that FIFA 10 is going to be exactly the same as FIFA 10.

A waste of everyone's time, really.
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Commented on 2009-08-11 01:43:07
Mexico vs. USA?

Come on... give me some Barcelona vs. Real Madrid or Spain vs. Brazil!

PS. "Mexican Samba" What the...

Samba is not mexican, it's Brazilian, and what sounds here is "Salsa" (dura)
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Commented on 2009-08-11 01:55:47 In reply to blmbox
Posted by blmbox
A really terrible trailer to be honest, because all that's done is give the impression that FIFA 10 is going to be exactly the same as FIFA 10.

A waste of everyone's time, really.
Bollocks. I meant FIFA 09.
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Commented on 2009-08-11 04:52:57 In reply to phreakinpher
Posted by phreakinpher
They show these kinds of moves in every trailer for just about every EA game—moves that get you going, "wow, I can't wait to pull that sh*t," and then you get the game and you realize, "wow, all those trailers were totally scripted." If they want us to believe that these moves can be done in gameplay, then show us game play of the best FIFA 10 players pulling amazing moves against the hardest difficulty setting.

Also, is this preview only for North America or something? Being from the US, I like seeing our boys get a bit of recognition, but isn't this going to bore the 90% of soccer (whooops, I mean football) fans that aren't from NA?
But that's just the thing about this trailer - it doesn't look scripted. It looks like a compilation from a replay from actual gameplay. Look at the scripted intro to 09 and you'll see the difference. Also, I wasn't aware that Mexico and America were bitter rivals. Am I missing something here? It states North American rivals. Isn't Mexico a south American country?
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Commented on 2009-08-11 07:20:47
hey dingleberry- Mexico would be central america, but whatever. It's obvious you are passionate about Soccer( he, he) as I don't see you swearing very often. Cool though that you are into it so much, I guess. I always wondered why they render the grass in every Soccer game but no other sports games. Personally I can't stand yearly updates for sports games- they should just update rosters through dlc. It astounds me that after 10 iterations, you still haven't got everything in...
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Driftwood - Dictateur en chef
Commented on 2009-08-11 11:21:56 In reply to OldSchoolGamer
Posted by OldSchoolGamer
PS. "Mexican Samba" What the...

Samba is not mexican, it's Brazilian, and what sounds here is "Salsa" (dura)
Thanks for the lesson, you know I'm just stupid because I'm French, there's no way in hell it could have been some kind of humoristic comment because football is more about Brazil than Mexico in people's mind. Why don't you become a newser dude, you'll probably blow my mind. But hey, I don't mean to trouble your musical culture so here you are, I'm making the change and you can be all proud.
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Commented on 2009-08-11 13:31:42 In reply to Frozpot
Posted by dingleberry
But that's just the thing about this trailer - it doesn't look scripted.
I guess my non-script senses are as finely attuned as yours, as I cannot tell the difference between this and all of the scripted scenes that EA uses in their previews. Look at NBA 10 gameplay update trailer. Doesn't look *as* scripted as before, but you can still tell that all of those scenarios were set up by the develops to show case those moves—there is no indication that any of them actually take place during the playing of a game, ie gameplay.
Posted by Frozpot
Mexico would be central america, but whatever.
Not to turn this whole forum into a corrections argument, but I do believe that Mexico *is* in North America, or at least according to every Wiki page on North America. Start here if you're curious:
Posted by dingleberry
Also, I wasn't aware that Mexico and America were bitter rivals. Am I missing something here? It states North American rivals. Isn't Mexico a south American country?
More so than are USA and the only other option for a North American rival, Canada.
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Commented on 2009-08-11 15:10:40 In reply to Driftwood
Posted by Driftwood
Thanks for the lesson, you know I'm just stupid because I'm French, there's no way in hell it could have been some kind of humoristic comment because football is more about Brazil than Mexico in people's mind. Why don't you become a newser dude, you'll probably blow my mind. But hey, I don't mean to trouble your musical culture so here you are, I'm making the change and you can be all proud.
The joke was probably too elaborated for me =(
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Commented on 2009-08-11 16:15:58 In reply to phreakinpher
Posted by phreakinpher
More so than are USA and the only other option for a North American rival, Canada.
I was thinking more along the lines of Iraq. :)

But the point I was making about the scripted scenario in this trailer is that when you compare it to the eventual trailer, and intro to Fifa 09, you'll notice that it's using in-game graphics but with animations exclusive to that clip alone to give it a more cinematic and realistic look to it. I see none of that going on here. It's all in-game from actual gameplay. Be it that it's all set-up so that all the one-touch passing and back-heels are coming off during one attacking move is a different debate. They obviously had to make it a bit exciting to watch, but I've no doubts whatsoever that this was all in game with no pre-rendered animations and set-pieces. The only thing I can see where some sort of editeding has been done with some camera blur thrown in for cinematic effect is where it's showing the Blanko Bounce. Whether or not you'll be afforded enough time to do this in the game is a matter of time to see. I wasn't aware that you could do that trick in Fifa 09. Perhaps it's EA hinting at more player individual identity in the game like PES had in it's prime?
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Commented on 2009-08-11 16:19:20 In reply to dingleberry
Posted by dingleberry
I wasn't aware that you could do that trick in Fifa 09.
LT + click right analog stick.
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Commented on 2009-08-11 17:12:35 In reply to blmbox
Posted by blmbox
LT + click right analog stick.
Ah, well there you go. Makes the trick in the trailer all the more pointless.
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Commented on 2009-08-11 21:28:44
That trailer was awfull,and Im a Fifa 09 fan,it gives me nothing than just some animations here and there but where is teh gameplay I wanna see some long passes or some triangulations or some frikin shoots at the pole =)
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Commented on 2009-08-11 22:36:18 In reply to dingleberry
Posted by dingleberry
I see none of that going on here. It's all in-game from actual gameplay.
But isn't that begging the question? I mean, do we actually know that's gameplay, when the question is: can you actually do that stuff in gameplay, or is "animations exclusive to the clip" as you say? Have we seen these moves in gameplay? Do we *know* that you'll be able to do them in the game? If not, how can we assert that these are *not* "exclusive" moves? And ultimately, wouldn't what I asked for, i.e. gameplay videos, answer these questions immediately?

Furthermore, EA has done nothing in the past to garner any trust from me when it comes to these kinds of questions. After 15 years of fake "gameplay" videos, why should we expect this year's to be any different?
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About the game
X360 PS3 WII
Published by
Electronic Arts
Developed by
EA Sports

$135 of $400 per month

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