Images Xbox 360 PS3

EA wants everyone to be prepared for the next big sports event of 2010 with these images of 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa. With no less than 199 national teams, the game will mostly appeal to those who enjoy the atmopshere of a worldwide competition, but it will also be interesting to see the improvements it should bring to Fifa 10.

14 images

  • Fifa World Cup images - 14 images
  • Fifa World Cup images - 14 images
  • Fifa World Cup images - 14 images
  • Fifa World Cup images - 14 images
  • Fifa World Cup images - 14 images
  • Fifa World Cup images - 14 images
  • Fifa World Cup images - 14 images
  • Fifa World Cup images - 14 images
  • Fifa World Cup images - 14 images
  • Fifa World Cup images - 14 images
  • Fifa World Cup images - 14 images
  • Fifa World Cup images - 14 images
  • Fifa World Cup images - 14 images
  • Fifa World Cup images - 14 images
Commented on 2010-03-29 22:40:44
Tempting, but I think I'll just wait for FIFA 11. ;)
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Commented on 2010-03-29 22:49:27
Can't you just create your own tournament in Fifa 10 and select the teams manually? :/

This is the definition of milking the cow.

I wouldn't mind buying a DLC for new stadiums and celebrations and stuff... but a whole "new" game just for this? Bleh.
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GangStarr - Inhibited Sony Lover
Commented on 2010-03-30 00:03:54 In reply to itaintrite
Posted by itaintrite
Can't you just create your own tournament in Fifa 10 and select the teams manually? :/

This is the definition of milking the cow.

I wouldn't mind buying a DLC for new stadiums and celebrations and stuff... but a whole "new" game just for this? Bleh.
dont be stupid just to be stupid

here is your answer btw:

"Question: So. Your game. Can you tell me what was behind the decision to create a new title specifically for the World Cup, rather than just providing a new downloadable package for the occasion?

Simon Humber: As you are limited with what you can do with downloadable content you would not be able to deliver a World Cup experience; it just wouldn’t be possible. Realistically, doing it that way you’d end up with a World Cup of 32 teams playing at Stanford Bridge in the snow. It just wouldn’t be the full experience.

The World Cup is the biggest sports event in the World. Qualification happens from the six confederation cups and 199 teams entered in to the main tournament from qualification, so it just wouldn’t be possible to capture this experience in download form, even if we wanted to."

Sell FIFA 10 and but this for £25 if people think it isnt worth £40 but to say this game isnt justified and should be DLC is just extremely ignorant and stupid
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Commented on 2010-03-30 00:14:00 In reply to GangStarr
Really? I love fifa but this, on the contrary as what they told us, could have been a DLC. Just have a look at GTA4 DLCs...

Anyway I might buy it because I'm a big football fan, but I really hope this isn't gonna cost me the same price as a normal fifa.

Please let there be new animations and skills but also an update to the engine!
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Commented on 2010-03-30 00:52:58
But they also upgrade the graphics, the animations and the gameplay. Are you seriously telling me that you'd expect them to add that via DLC as well? Do me a favour.
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Commented on 2010-03-30 01:09:17
I'd have to agree with blmbox. These "milking-the-cow" games are "betas" to next year's release. In this case, FIFA 11. And even though I normally don't buy these, FIFA has gotten so good that I am actually looking forward to this one.
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Commented on 2010-03-30 01:24:35
I only play manager mode in Fifa and Fifa10's manager mode was far, far too buggy for me to ever consider buying this, no way I'm spending another 600Sek, will wait for Fifa11 and hope they learned their lessons from the feedback of Fifa10.
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Commented on 2010-03-30 03:02:45 In reply to blmbox
Posted by blmbox
But they also upgrade the graphics, the animations and the gameplay. Are you seriously telling me that you'd expect them to add that via DLC as well? Do me a favour.
Well have a look at the screenshots. New graphics??
DLC or a Downloadable game would be more appropriate, that's all I'm saying.
But if the game costs the right price, then I'm happy ^^.
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Commented on 2010-03-30 03:04:46 In reply to blmbox
Posted by blmbox
But they also upgrade the graphics, the animations and the gameplay. Are you seriously telling me that you'd expect them to add that via DLC as well? Do me a favour.
do you seriously believe they've added enough "improvements" and extra's within half a years development since fifa 10 to warrent a £50rrp price tag? improvements that couldnt of been patched into it, or charged as a £10 dlc package? Do me a favour.

They're talking about it on inside xbox on the 360..the improvements are minimal
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Commented on 2010-03-30 03:14:54
That's exactly my point. I will gladly pay if there's a NOTICEABLE upgrade in graphics and gameplay. But if it's just more celebrations, more authentic hairstyles and that kind of crap, no thanks.

@Gangstarr, oh right, a developer/publisher always speaks the truth. ALWAYS. Sorry, I AM stupid for not believing that.
The World Cup is the biggest sports event in the World. Qualification happens from the six confederation cups and 199 teams entered in to the main tournament from qualification, so it just wouldn’t be possible to capture this experience in download form, even if we wanted to.
So basically they're just saying they can't make it DLC because there are too much content to include, NOT because of the supposedly upgraded graphics/gameplay. That sounds reasonable right? I mean, it's not like we've seen DLC that are a few GBs right?
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GangStarr - Inhibited Sony Lover
Commented on 2010-03-30 03:37:29
i could easily give you examples as to why it needs to be a new game but cant be bothered, i couldnt care less in the end. if u dont think its worth it then dont buy it, if u do then buy it

if you thinks its same as FIFA10 then why do you care? great you got FIFA10 so you arent missing anything right?

for me the fact that the world cup tournament is available online is the selling point. they did something similar for EURO08 and that was the first time i actually played a football game online, i am usually a single player man (or 2 players on same console). there is also other stuff but no point of me going into that is therE?
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Commented on 2010-03-30 03:48:09 In reply to bleachedsmiles
Posted by bleachedsmiles
do you seriously believe they've added enough "improvements" and extra's within half a years development since fifa 10 to warrent a £50rrp price tag? improvements that couldnt of been patched into it, or charged as a £10 dlc package? Do me a favour.

They're talking about it on inside xbox on the 360..the improvements are minimal
Complete and utter bollocks.

Euro 2008 is a great example of this; it was a far cry from FIFA 08 in many regards, and is what actually got me into this generation of FIFA games. In fact, I'd go as far to say that Euro 2008 is the most important FIFA game of all time in terms of what it represented. Because games like this serve as 'filler titles', you people just assume it's not worth the dough and can be drafted in via DLC.

The same people who probably pay full price for half-arsed sequels.
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Commented on 2010-03-30 04:00:43
blah blah blah. The truth of the matter is nobody here has said that this is the exact same game as fifa 10, nor have they said they're completely not interested in it. So Blimbox, and Gangstarr please hold those they will indeed fall on deaf ears.

What i'm personally saying is that the improvements and adjustments that i have so far learned of this do not convince me it deserves it's full retail asking price. And why anybody would expect there to be a new games worth of improvements over their last game that was released not even 6months ago i don't know - you'd have to tell me as you're apparently of that belief.

Fact is EA themselves have said they're going to start pushing their "project ten dollar" onto their sports games - games that have the biggest tradein's for EA, with digital subscriptions/micro transactions. So you can bet that you'll see such improvements incorporated to an existing title via dlc.
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GangStarr - Inhibited Sony Lover
Commented on 2010-03-30 04:10:28
it had a 12 month development

its not made by the the exact same team as FIFA10 people
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Commented on 2010-03-30 09:12:15
we need some gameplay to see the differences between world cup and fifa 10

c'mon drift wood , give us a video !!
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Commented on 2010-03-30 15:01:27
Yet another "we made 100 improvements", how about telling us what these 100 things are and letting us judge how improved it is?
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Commented on 2010-03-30 17:01:46 In reply to bleachedsmiles
Posted by bleachedsmiles
blah blah blah. The truth of the matter is nobody here has said that this is the exact same game as fifa 10, nor have they said they're completely not interested in it. So Blimbox, and Gangstarr please hold those they will indeed fall on deaf ears.

What i'm personally saying is that the improvements and adjustments that i have so far learned of this do not convince me it deserves it's full retail asking price. And why anybody would expect there to be a new games worth of improvements over their last game that was released not even 6months ago i don't know - you'd have to tell me as you're apparently of that belief.

Fact is EA themselves have said they're going to start pushing their "project ten dollar" onto their sports games - games that have the biggest tradein's for EA, with digital subscriptions/micro transactions. So you can bet that you'll see such improvements incorporated to an existing title via dlc.
Firstly, if you're going to attempt to make witty comments - emphasis on the word 'attempt' - at least spell my username correctly.

As GangStarr correctly points out, the team behind this game isn't identical to the one behind FIFA 10; a section of workers branch off after the release of the 'major' FIFA titles to work on projects such as this, joining those already working on it. This is not therefore something that simply gets grinded out in a short space of time, but is given considerable care and thought out even prior to the release of the previous FIFA. You only have to do a little bit of research to see that.

I'm not even saying that this is worth a full-price purchase - if you want my honest opinion, it shouldn't be released at retail price - but to say that it could be released as DLC for what would probably be a pretty small sum? Nah, I can't see that being plausible.
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Commented on 2010-03-30 17:12:41
Also, here's some gameplay for those who haven't seen any before:
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Commented on 2010-03-30 17:57:21
May I remind EA that it's going to be fall/winter and fans won't be dressed like that South African girl...
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Commented on 2010-03-30 18:00:17
thanks blmbox , looks very very similar to fifa 10 . i cant see much gameplay improvements . maybe its just me ??
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Commented on 2010-03-30 18:07:27
I don't think it's ever easy to tell unless you play the game for yourself. That's how I felt about FIFA 10 anyway.
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GangStarr - Inhibited Sony Lover
Commented on 2010-03-30 19:01:24
everyone should just wait till the demo to judge gameplay

in terms of gamemodes i am very happy
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Commented on 2010-03-30 20:02:46 In reply to GangStarr
Posted by GangStarr
everyone should just wait till the demo to judge gameplay
Well that's hard to do as the Fifa/Euro/WorldCup demos tend to be 4 min halves at Semi Pro or such, impossible to get a real idea of how improved (or not) the game really is, not to mention the demo code will be early code which will have changed a fair bit to the point of release code (based on the past Fifa/Euro demos).
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Commented on 2010-03-30 20:11:55 In reply to blmbox
Posted by blmbox
Firstly, if you're going to attempt to make witty comments - emphasis on the word 'attempt' - at least spell my username correctly.

As GangStarr correctly points out, the team behind this game isn't identical to the one behind FIFA 10; a section of workers branch off after the release of the 'major' FIFA titles to work on projects such as this, joining those already working on it. This is not therefore something that simply gets grinded out in a short space of time, but is given considerable care and thought out even prior to the release of the previous FIFA. You only have to do a little bit of research to see that.

I'm not even saying that this is worth a full-price purchase - if you want my honest opinion, it shouldn't be released at retail price - but to say that it could be released as DLC for what would probably be a pretty small sum? Nah, I can't see that being plausible.
I dont have to attempt to be "witty" hunny. As for getting your handle wrong - oops.

The fact that it's developed by a different branch of EA's fifa canadian team removes nothing from A) the game hitting so soon since fifa 10, with fifa 11 a few months behind it's heels. B) the punchline still being the same - a full retail release with apparent minimal effert.

You yourself don't think it warrents a full retail price..and you're on the fifa defence force. So whats your problem with people preferring that this would of been offered as DLC for quater of the cost?
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Commented on 2010-03-30 20:14:56 In reply to bleachedsmiles
I don't have a problem with you believing that; I just don't think it's plausible.
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About the game
X360 PS3 PSP
Published by
EA Sports

$135 of $400 per month

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