Trailer PS4

We may not have any 4K version to share but how about a 25 mbps bitrate 1080p trailer of Final Fantasy VII Remake? We're also trying to catch up with all the images we've missed in the past few weeks (months...), some of them having only been released this week.

76 images

  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
  • Final Fantasy VII 25mbps trailer - 76 images
Commented on 2019-12-17 19:15:05
Awesome. They are really letting loose with the updates on this. There is supposed to be a trailer at Jump Festa and that it on Friday I believe. After that game awards trailer, it could be just a rehash thing now.

Because Red XIII isn't playable until closer to the end of the Midgar part of the original, they must be leaving him out as playable altogether. Maybe he will show up where he does but he will try to gun it alone in his escape from the building and then he just ends up joining them right at the gates of Midgar anyway. Or maybe not and they are just holding off his reveal.
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Commented on 2019-12-18 01:55:09 In reply to andrewsqual
They might be saving him for people to find in the game. To be honest, they have already show too much of the game. While there will be new stuff, I wish they save a lot of surprises - Red XIII's design in this new visual being one of the biggest - for when people play the game.
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Commented on 2019-12-18 03:49:24
looking good. i'll wait for when it's launches on PC in complete form.
March 3rd, 2021 seems to be that date. and also when the next part launches as well.
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Commented on 2019-12-18 15:42:23 In reply to GunsnSwords
If Square Enix can manage to release each part yearly, that will be awesome. However, I don't know if that's feasible, unless the company assigned a lot of teams from other projects to this. Basically, do what Ubisoft does.

Though that brings its own can of worms, as seen by the bugs in Assassin's Creed: Unity and unpolished level of quality in Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Breakpoint. However, considering it's the same game, just different parts, that could be done with much less issues, both technically and quality wise.

I believe we will hear more about the pace of release for these parts shortly before or after the first part's release. Also, I'm sure the inevitable PC/XB1 release will be ported to the PS5/XBSX as a sort of enhanced edition, since by March 2021 the focus of most AAA studios will be on games for these new consoles.

Square Enix knows this, as well as the fact that from part two onwards, one of these consoles should be the target console of development. I'm sure they will release for both PS4/XB1 and PS5/XBSX, as the install base on the new consoles won't be as big. But if you're going to wait for the PC version, you might want to consider the PS5 version as well, if you prefer to play on consoles.
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Commented on 2019-12-18 18:40:49 In reply to Sdarts
They are hiding a lot it seems. 3 weeks ago, a lot of the crew did their own little paragraphs on what they worked on in the original or how old they were when the original came out lol. One of them mentioned Johnny and the Shinra Middle Manager, I hope they don't show them until launch, keep some things a surprise. :)

I hope standard Xb1 is never in the equation when making this game and future parts too, I simply don't want it to be held back and compromised at any point of development. A PC version is a given but not necessarily Xb1. Its over a year and I still don't see Dragon Quest XI for Xbox. Kingdom Hearts III sales were 85% on PS4. Square Enix knows this and knows which console users are not buying games.
Maybe it will come to Xbox if Microsoft just hand 2 million units of sales worth over to Square Enix in the form of 120 million quid (luckily that's the most it could ever hope to sell on the console so it works out that they don't have to give that much), then it can just come to game pass.

I really do hope the next part is a pure PS5 game first and no last gen versions at all though, it will HOPEFULLY have some form of a world map in it and the faster loading times will change everything about how its designed.
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Commented on 2019-12-19 01:37:13
Posted by Sdarts
But if you're going to wait for the PC version, you might want to consider the PS5 version as well, if you prefer to play on consoles.
FF has a strong MOD community on pc. 
so i decided to just play all my FF games on there in particular.
i'm sure the next gen and pc will roughly margin the same graphics
Posted by andrewsqual
I hope standard Xb1 is never in the equation when making this game and future parts too, I simply don't want it to be held back and compromised at any point of development. A PC version is a given but not necessarily Xb1. 
The graphics on PS4 are already set in stone. if that's what you're thinking.
all of the footage in circulation has been this. and all parts released on ps4 will be equal to the first part. visually.

for PC and next gen versions, their graphics will be based on the original assets, not compromised. if they were.
if the original assets were already at maximum detail then the next gen will not see much extra detail.
unless of course the developers decide to manually edit and enhance original content.

a standard PC port typically offers -
- uncapped resolution.
- uncapped frame rate (if possible)
- uncapped shadow resolution. 
- uncapped post process effects. 
- custom AA settings.

seeing how we are years later into the current gen. quite a few developers these days naively work on much higher quality content before exporting a compressed version of it. creating a possibility of the original content to be restored, if a developer wishes to.
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Commented on 2019-12-19 01:49:54
to further add, if FF15 PC is anything to go by. the PC version should sport some changes. i didn't see much improvements for characters though. some character textures were 1.1 with the current gen. like Ardyn. 
only a hand full of changes were made. such as landscape detail, tessellation, and foliage. oh and Nvidia hair works on some creatures. 
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Commented on 2019-12-19 02:17:22
Posted by GunsnSwords
i'm sure the next gen and pc will roughly margin the same graphics.
unless square enix again partners with nvidia to debut exclusive nvidia tech. 
just recently Square partnered with nvidia to debut new luminous engine features.
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Commented on 2019-12-21 13:56:29 In reply to andrewsqual
Posted by andrewsqual
They are hiding a lot it seems. 3 weeks ago, a lot of the crew did their own little paragraphs on what they worked on in the original or how old they were when the original came out lol. One of them mentioned Johnny and the Shinra Middle Manager, I hope they don't show them until launch, keep some things a surprise. :)

I hope standard Xb1 is never in the equation when making this game and future parts too, I simply don't want it to be held back and compromised at any point of development. A PC version is a given but not necessarily Xb1. Its over a year and I still don't see Dragon Quest XI for Xbox. Kingdom Hearts III sales were 85% on PS4. Square Enix knows this and knows which console users are not buying games.
Maybe it will come to Xbox if Microsoft just hand 2 million units of sales worth over to Square Enix in the form of 120 million quid (luckily that's the most it could ever hope to sell on the console so it works out that they don't have to give that much), then it can just come to game pass.

I really do hope the next part is a pure PS5 game first and no last gen versions at all though, it will HOPEFULLY have some form of a world map in it and the faster loading times will change everything about how its designed.
lmao what a dipshit thing to say.the ancient turd ofthe fat ps4 is included, then your whole fud goes into the shitcan.
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Commented on 2019-12-22 07:56:51
this sure does look good. it compliments the movie quite well.
I doubt an xbox version will change what has already been shown. 
given this is UE4, which is home to Gears of war, and few other titles like 
Injustice 2, Spiro Trilogy, Dark pictures, HellBlade and the new Star Wars game.
the engine actually scales quite decently i'm well aware of.
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Commented on 2019-12-24 20:17:26
So what is this game cumulatively going to cost when all said and done? A couple hundred bucks after they break it into multiple releases?
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Commented on 2019-12-25 00:17:17 In reply to Wheat_Thins
Posted by Wheat_Thins
So what is this game cumulatively going to cost when all said and done? A couple hundred bucks after they break it into multiple releases?
that is correct. it will be priced based on each part and their content. each part though has more content than a regular game. if pricing is a main concern, you can probably wait for the complete edition. paying the premium is for early access. which last up to a year. 
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Commented on 2019-12-25 01:57:51 In reply to Wheat_Thins
Posted by Wheat_Thins
So what is this game cumulatively going to cost when all said and done? A couple hundred bucks after they break it into multiple releases?
anyone (really more than a tired soundbyte) care? you waited 20+ years for a full form release and it will come in slices at different development times/platforms and content. Just skip a release and play'em all for bargain bin sale prices. Most peolpe who fall in the "oh no, now it isn't the new fad thing and no one cares when it isn't a just released title" i'll never understand.
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Commented on 2019-12-26 00:58:39
Hard drive space might be the bigger concern other than it's pricing.  FFXV complete is almost 200 gbs. 
i'm expecting 500 GBs to 1TB for the 7 Remake Complete. all parts.
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Commented on 2019-12-26 19:10:52 In reply to GunsnSwords
Posted by GunsnSwords
Hard drive space might be the bigger concern other than it's pricing.  FFXV complete is almost 200 gbs. 
i'm expecting 500 GBs to 1TB for the 7 Remake Complete. all parts.
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Commented on 2019-12-26 20:09:12
funny how it all works out though. going back to fitting everything on cartridges and flash memory.
first it was a thing of the past now it's the future.
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Commented on 2019-12-27 18:56:10
I'm so pumped about this damn game, i mean c'mon, I wasn't this hyped for a jrpgs since FFIX, and even then you could see that it would never be the same, as great FFIX is the whole Square scene was rapidly changing (going back to the old fantasy roots and less inovation).

Can't Wait!
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Commented on 2020-01-02 06:52:19
Phew... I would have been very upset if they didn't make all the male characters look like ladyboys.
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Commented on 2020-01-11 02:17:59 In reply to crookedmind
Wait, Barret looks like a ladyboy?
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About the game
Published by
Square Enix
Developed by
Square Enix

$135 of $400 per month

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