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Square Enix has released some Screenshots from Final Fantasy XIII-2. There is no release date announced for the title at the moment.

7 Images

  • Final Fantasy XIII-2 Screenshots - 7 Images
  • Final Fantasy XIII-2 Screenshots - 7 Images
  • Final Fantasy XIII-2 Screenshots - 7 Images
  • Final Fantasy XIII-2 Screenshots - 7 Images
  • Final Fantasy XIII-2 Screenshots - 7 Images
  • Final Fantasy XIII-2 Screenshots - 7 Images
  • Final Fantasy XIII-2 Screenshots - 7 Images

5 Images

  • Final Fantasy XIII-2 Screenshots - 5 Images
  • Final Fantasy XIII-2 Screenshots - 5 Images
  • Final Fantasy XIII-2 Screenshots - 5 Images
  • Final Fantasy XIII-2 Screenshots - 5 Images
  • Final Fantasy XIII-2 Screenshots - 5 Images
Commented on 2011-06-29 22:02:37
no specific date, but the time frame is Early 2012
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Commented on 2011-06-30 00:27:13
Couldn't care less about this anymore !
FF used to be an event..every couple of years,now...dumped down to this lifeless soulless whatever !

And here we have all the cut out contend,that did not fit on the disc or time frame to be included into the first game,thrown together in a new way,not sure if the game makes any sense to the coders and makers or to anybody anymore !

Just saddens me !

But I guess some people ,or many ? still like it !

Will play Xenogears again,Grandia and a nice cool final Fantasy 6 !
Those were Cool games.
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Commented on 2011-06-30 00:31:19 In reply to iosomewhere
don't waste your time.
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Commented on 2011-06-30 00:52:07 In reply to Xion4360
Posted by Xion4360
don't waste your time.
Agree with you !:)
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Commented on 2011-06-30 01:24:11
Just don't look at the ground.
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Commented on 2011-06-30 01:39:02 In reply to iosomewhere
Posted by iosomewhere
Couldn't care less about this anymore !
FF used to be an event..every couple of years,now...dumped down to this lifeless soulless whatever !

And here we have all the cut out contend,that did not fit on the disc or time frame to be included into the first game,thrown together in a new way,not sure if the game makes any sense to the coders and makers or to anybody anymore !

Just saddens me !

But I guess some people ,or many ? still like it !

Will play Xenogears again,Grandia and a nice cool final Fantasy 6 !
Those were Cool games.
Indeed, they are just milking the hell out of it.This used to be a game that sold consoles now its just..something?
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Commented on 2011-06-30 05:46:17
Looks good! Can't wait to play this!!!
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Commented on 2011-06-30 07:08:36
/cry Final Fantasy: versus XIII is never coming out, is it.

...fuck you square...fuck you for getting my hopes up.
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Commented on 2011-06-30 07:36:27
never understood the hype with this vs, why hype yourself for a SE game, they have destroyed everything that made them good.

I look at these screen shots and....nothing....absolutly nothing.
When i used to look at FF games, goose bumps, almost near on emotional at the thought of playing a new one ...good times.
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Commented on 2011-06-30 18:06:18 In reply to ManThatYouFear
Posted by ManThatYouFear
never understood the hype with this vs, why hype yourself for a SE game, they have destroyed everything that made them good.

I look at these screen shots and....nothing....absolutly nothing.
When i used to look at FF games, goose bumps, almost near on emotional at the thought of playing a new one ...good times.
I know exactly what you are talking about.
Feel the same,it was always a very special time.
You really were looking forward to play it,
even buy a new hardware if you have to,
lock your self down in your room and get lost in that world.

And now ? VS and Agitto..and what ever strange titles they have to pollute the FF name.
With games announced in the series even before the last one is out...XIII-2 comes and 14 is already announced and even the other games are not out.

Giving them the Final Fantasy Brand name cause they know,otherwise they wouldn't sell shit !
But this way...all what FF was get really just destroyed !
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Commented on 2011-06-30 18:07:53 In reply to Xeviant
Posted by Xeviant
/cry Final Fantasy: versus XIII is never coming out, is it.

...fuck you square...fuck you for getting my hopes up.
Kingdom Hearts III is being stalled because of versus.
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Doom_Bringer - I have terrible taste
Commented on 2011-06-30 18:33:29
the water in that one shot looks awful!! argh
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Commented on 2011-07-01 03:24:59
For all the people mindlessly bashing the game: Read all the info about the game. After that you will understand that FFXIII-2 will be a major improvement over XIII.
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Commented on 2011-07-01 11:12:44 In reply to Drsw36
Posted by Drsw36
For all the people mindlessly bashing the game: Read all the info about the game. After that you will understand that FFXIII-2 will be a major improvement over XIII.
mindlesly bashing? piss off

Major improvement? i expect that from any sequel (and it rarely happens) and to be fair, 13 is that putrid and shocking it would be near on impossible for them NOT to improve it
since the merger they have been shit, sugar coat it as much as you want, SE are not what they used to be
lost odyssey kicked the shit out of anything they have released since 10.
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Commented on 2011-07-02 00:44:46 In reply to ManThatYouFear
Posted by ManThatYouFear
mindlesly bashing?
Yes, just look at the comments. You guys hate the game(and its not even out yet) because Square & Enix have merged? That's a bit mindless.
Posted by ManThatYouFear
piss off
No need to be rude.
Posted by ManThatYouFear
13 is that putrid and shocking it would be near on impossible for them NOT to improve it
Well thats an opinion, alot of people see FFXIII as a step forward for the series. SE tried many new thing with FFXIII and thats a GOOD thing. Of course some people dont like change. Some people don't want things to change and are stuck in the past. "FF use to be soo cool blah blah blah".
Posted by ManThatYouFear
since the merger they have been shit, sugar coat it as much as you want, SE are not what they used to be
See what I mean by "stuck in the past"? Nostalgia can blind you. They've must have been at least one game that SE made since the merge that pleased you.
Posted by ManThatYouFear
lost odyssey kicked the shit out of anything they have released since 10.
Yeah its not a bad game. But I found the character boring as hell. Jansen was... ugh!!! The story was ok and the gameplay a bit slow. I think FFXII & FXIII are superior but that's just my opinion.

Anyway, I think we should wait a bit before judging the game. Its way too early. FFXIII-2 will fix many thing that people didn't like about FFXIII and I think you guys should give it a chance.
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Commented on 2011-07-02 06:35:09 In reply to Drsw36
Posted by Drsw36
Yeah its not a bad game. But I found the character boring as hell. Jansen was... ugh!!! The story was ok and the gameplay a bit slow. I think FFXII & FXIII are superior but that's just my opinion.

Anyway, I think we should wait a bit before judging the game. Its way too early. FFXIII-2 will fix many thing that people didn't like about FFXIII and I think you guys should give it a chance.
omg so true. but i didnt mind jansen that much, he was kinda funny :) but yeah, the characters did suck..compared to any typical RPG :(
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Commented on 2011-07-02 23:00:10
Wait... do you see me bashing this game ?
you see me bashing the shit that was, my comment was "why hype this" if the past game is to go by then this WILL be shit

You seem to have me mistaken for someone that wants this game to be shit.. i dont, i want this game to be the best fucking rpg ever made because as a fan fucking hell yeah i want to play something grand and fantastic
My point is, i have given up all hope in SE, and there fore will never again (well unless shit changes) hype myself for one fo there titles

And yes 13 was a step forward in some regards, but in others it was 3 steps backwards

As for LO main character was ace, if not a little..odd
As for jensen i agree, as much as he reminded me of a video game version of bruce cambell he was stil a twat. but it played exactly like i expected and what i wanted.. and for that i love it :)

Oh and it aint nostalgia dude, i played 7-9 and 10 only a few years ago (2-3) and there still as fantastic as i rem, just slightly bit rougher lol
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Commented on 2011-07-02 23:07:35
I see. I was mistaken and I apologize for that. :)

I just hope XIII-2 will be as good as the articles/interviews make it out to be.
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Commented on 2011-07-03 08:02:41
yeah the new infos sound very good hope they deliver. here are some point that sound really good :)
- the mogry is back :) he finds hidden treasures for you and transforms into a timer when you near an enemy so you can attack him from behind.
- you can recrute beaten enemys for the party(pokemon)
- at some points in the game you get a choise what you do next, the result are different endings :)
- more exploration not just tunnelways and more sidquests
- more towns, more interaction with NPCs and Quicktime events in boss battles
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Commented on 2011-07-03 10:44:52
more towns lol, you mean towns :D

Yeah that does sound good :) but i refuse to get hyped, i will rent it, i owe it to the 10 year old in me.. and i really dont mean that in any kind of pedophile way.
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Commented on 2011-07-03 13:08:17
mmh i will buy it the fanboy in me cannot refuse :) i liked FF13 mostly because of the awsome dynamic battle system. and dont say its just pressing xxxxxx with auto battle. who usd that is a noob and sqare did this for the noobs who never played a FF title before.
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Commented on 2011-07-03 13:47:38
to be fair all you ever do in any final fantasy is press x :D, its just how you choose to press that x.
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Commented on 2011-07-03 14:57:23
jep thats a fact. im happy to see some people in here make sense when it comes to FF games. i hope you can switch charakters in battle in 13-2. for me it look like FF13 was just an experiment to see how the new things work out.
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Commented on 2011-07-03 16:14:18
I understand why you could not flip in 13 the fighting was to fast paced and would of taken someone with ninja gaiden reaction speeds to pull off, but i did wish i could, if anything just to throw out that little shits uber move now and again :(

I would like the battle system kept the same to a degree, but i would like it tweeked (more slowed down than turn based) to have more control over the other characters if i so desire, maybe if you choose the AI to run the others the battle system speeds up (helps with grinding..)

I would very much like to have the spells to play more of a part to the actual battle other than "oo flashy" i know they did, but not massivly, you did not feel strategic about it in anyway or form.

And i did miss (yes this was in 13 but not to the same huge effect) of when you eventually got blizarga and cast it for the first time it was "ooo fuck yeah" the new one it was more.."wont cast that again did not do much more damage and took up 3 fucking bars.."

And openess this is the key part something that has since vanished since 10 was a huge success, final fantasy 8 was my fave for it (over all game was a bit shit..DRAW!! christ..) you was just allowed to adventure and go looking for new creatures to have stuck on the end of your gunblade, 10 had what..secret areas that usually had just a chest/item of some kind..hmm thinking about it...*looks at fable 2* I hated fable for the exact same thing.

If none of that makes sence its because my kids are screaming at me while there playing castle crashers and i am eating my dinner.. and the cats on my neck.. and its hot and i am very hot sweaty and uncomfortable.
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Commented on 2011-07-06 07:14:40
omg i though i will never read that word again "DRAW" i hate the battle system of FF8 :( now i will get nightmares.
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About the game
X360 PS3
Published by
Square Enix
Developed by
Square Enix

$135 of $400 per month

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