Namco loves secret websites, so they put 16 new 720p images from Frame City Killers online. These are presenting the different urban territories, and kind of reminds me of the docks in Shenmue. Looks great though, except the unpleasant lack of antialiasing.
All comments (16)
The other UE3-games, like Gears of War, is very dark where they don't have to focus that much on the surroundings. They have to do that in this game.
Definitely a Shenmue vibe from it though, and the premise is still enough to keep me very interested!
The urban city style is cool, the buildings are O.K for a free roam game I guess, the city is good, but wait til people and cars are involved...
The AA will probably be done later I guess, these still look like early in-game shots tho.
and when you are talking about graphics, are you talking about in game or anything computer generated in general?
its ugly. i cant understand how somebody likes it. this is a game for xbox 360 right?
And by the way, except some cool fighting scenes, FF:AC totally sucks. Bad story, bad directing and very bad editing. Video-games makers should try to create better games instead of wasting millions of dollars in crappy movies.