I still have a few camcorder videos of upcoming Xbox 360 games to come, that's about everything exclusive I'll be able to get until I finally get a Xbox 360 (and it looks like it's not going to happen until a looong time). So enjoy these videos while it lasts. This one was filmed on a projection screen and so the colors are a bit muted.
All comments (39)
Seriously, I may get a debug in about 2 weeks. Knowing MS I'm quite sure I'll get it after the US launch though.
Graphics look great, but this is FIFA. I would kill for PES with Fifa 06 X360 graphics.
DrM: It's the 360 version. First screen released. Edit: Nevermind :D
DrM: It's the 360 version. First screen released.
he's pointing out you have the Xbox icon, not 360 ;)
graphics look superb though
MS should send you one straight away my good chap for services to game buying! Especially considering this is the first site that has really shown what the 360 can do in full screen high quality detail!
I think it looks pretty next gen to me, if launch titles look this good...I can't even imagine when we get to games where the developers have allready gotten their feet wet.
THX 2 U!! RESPECT 4 Ur hard work n money!
THAT is next gen. It makes the players look much more real and actually "in" their environment. The shadowing gives depth to the model and emphasizes--subtly, yet accurately--the curves, dimples, and corners of the player models. The lighting and shadowing are very good--so good it makes me roll my eyes when EA brags about the lighting in another game. There is a world of difference between this and many of the other games coming out. For sports this is looking a half step behind NBA 2K6 (which has the best rendering techniques of the next gen sports games). The grass and faces are good as well in FIFA.
I do not play soccer games much, but my friends do. A couple of Soccer addicts--a title like this will get them off their rears and buy an Xbox 360 for sure.
Ps- Great job as normal Blim.
I'd prefer PES but I've preordered this anyway, just for some football to play over Christmas, plus it was only £30.
I'd prefer PES but I've preordered this anyway, just for some football to play over Christmas, plus it was only £30.
The players do look a bit plastic, but that's not a big deal--it's not as bad as in other games. I'm sure moving clothes would have helped greatly with the look of the players, the shorts barely move from what you can tell in the video.
Player likeness is also a litte off. The player faces are fairly well done, but the bodies don't look all that good. They are pretty much the same model over nd over. Even in Winning Eleven 8 you can see this implemented better.
Also, it seems like the speed of the game was really off, that's not how a soccer match is. It also makes the animations look weaker than they are to begin with.
Finally, the ball physics are still not up to the level.
Now, the pros:
The grass does look nice indeed :D
The cut-scenes showing the coach are always nice
The trouble is they have COMPLETELY messed up the speed of the game and the ball physics, it looks like the players are on Benny Hill and are using the cheap plastic footballs that you buy to play with on the beach which curve all over the place at the slightest hint of a breeze.