Video Xbox 360 PS3

Many people asked for a 1 vs 1 video of Pro Evolution Soccer instead of against the rather too simple AI of the showfloor demo. There you have it, and in full 720p resolution!

Commented on 2009-08-21 19:24:51
Hmmm looks solid, but the physics really sucks.
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Commented on 2009-08-21 19:28:37 In reply to SchuddeBuikje
This message is in "Boulet Time" (TM), If you still *really* want to see it, click here
Posted by SchuddeBuikje
Hmmm looks solid, but the physics really sucks.
What did you expect from a PS2 game?
Commented on 2009-08-21 19:33:00
You do yourself no favours Dingleberry.

Anyway, the graphics really are fantastic; better than FIFA's if you ask me. Unfortunately for Konami, this is evened out by the fact that FIFA's animations are on a whole new level compared to that of PES. Still, this looks like it could be a return to form for the PES team, and it could also serve a base for the future.

Can't wait to try it out for myself.
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Commented on 2009-08-21 19:35:47 In reply to blmbox
This message is in "Boulet Time" (TM), If you still *really* want to see it, click here
Posted by blmbox
You do yourself no favours Dingleberry.

Anyway, the graphics really are fantastic; better than FIFA's if you ask me. Unfortunately for Konami, this is evened out by the fact that FIFA's animations are on a whole new level compared to that of PES. Still, this looks like it could be a return to form for the PES team, and it could also serve a base for the future.

Can't wait to try it out for myself.
What? It's a PS2 engine. Even you should know this. If Seabass listened to more people like me with my views on his game (as a fan of the series of course, or was) then PES wouldn't be getting it's arse handed to it the way it is at the minute. The man has too much pride and is blinded by it, and deluded.
Commented on 2009-08-21 19:44:20
There's a difference between 'PS2 engine' and 'PS2 game'. Even you should know this. People weren't expecting a whole new engine for PES 2010, and those who were are the deluded ones. I do agree that it needs a new engine - although the engine has proved that it can surpass FIFA's graphics, the animations and physics will never be able to - but since the PES team has practically tripled in size over the past year, there's every chance we'll see a new engine in the near future.

If not, there's always next gen...
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Commented on 2009-08-21 20:06:19 In reply to blmbox
Posted by blmbox
There's a difference between 'PS2 engine' and 'PS2 game'. Even you should know this. People weren't expecting a whole new engine for PES 2010, and those who were are the deluded ones. I do agree that it needs a new engine - although the engine has proved that it can surpass FIFA's graphics, the animations and physics will never be able to - but since the PES team has practically tripled in size over the past year, there's every chance we'll see a new engine in the near future.

If not, there's always next gen...
It's strange that by giving an honest and viable opinion that's been echoed around the internet on various blogs and sites can be censored on here.

Here's the thing: how long has it been since PES came to this current generation? 5 years? So, what is essentially the lifespan of an entire generation of console, Konami, Seabass, and it's still blind and loyal fanbase are still holding out on the hope of a new engine this gen? Five years in? What do you think would have happened to EA and FIfa had it not had the licenses years ago when they were just rehashing the same old shite year in year out? It would have went the way of everyother footballing series: dead as a dodo. PES is just still merely surviving based on it's legacy alone. For me this series died at PES 5. I stopped playing at PES 4 simply because it was offering nothing new. So here we are 6 years later and it's still playing like a PS2 title and it's still not even as good as what PES 5 was on the former gen. That is both sad and pathetic.

I really do hope that PES gets a new engine...oh, sometime within the next generation or so, but my main fear with it is that if it doesn't, Fifa will be so far ahead of it, that it will just die. That's not a good thing for the market. PES needs to keep pushing hard so that EA do the same. We wouldn't have a Fifa 10 these days if PES had not have been so good in the first place. EA needed to sort it out or just wither and die, and they have done, yet the PES fanboys still fail to see that it's surpassing PES in every aspect (yes, that includes visually IMO), and why? Baffles me how people can be so blind.

Skip to 3:21 in that video. I never thought a standing tackle with two players virtually standing still could cause a person to fly 3 feet and roll like he's just fell out of a car. It's this sort of thing that is unnaceptable to me.

Oh, one more thing: sorry for the rants on these football videos.
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Commented on 2009-08-21 20:28:01
Same with Fifa ? Please :)
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Commented on 2009-08-21 20:29:23
More like Pro Arthritis Soccer. Their poor spines.
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Commented on 2009-08-21 20:31:29
blmbox: PES graphics may be better in those 5 seconds of close-up face shots during cut-scenes, but in game is a different story.
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Commented on 2009-08-21 21:21:45
I think it looks better in-game as well to be honest - it's as much to do with the art direction as it is the technological aspects.

I don't know why I'm getting jumped on in this thread; never, in any of the threads relating to PES or FIFA, have I said that PES will be better than FIFA this year. All I've been saying is that some people are being incredibly harsh on PES this year, when it's clearly shaping up to be a pretty solid game. Many believe that FIFA 10 will wipe the floor with PES 2010 and, while I do believe that FIFA 10 will be the better game, I equally believe that PES 2010 will regain a lot of the series' credibility - that in itself is a significant step forward for PES, particularly this gen.

Maybe people like Dingleberry should stop saying things like "there isn't even a contest" and hold your judgement back a little bit until you get to play both games.

I'd also like to add that the build at Gamescom is a month old.
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Driftwood - Dictateur en chef
Commented on 2009-08-21 21:27:26 In reply to 7Pato
Posted by 7Pato
Same with Fifa ? Please :)
Not a chance, we're back home.
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Commented on 2009-08-21 21:34:33
The one thing that they've really got nailed down is the net physics, which are (still) kind of unsatisfying in FIFA. Other than that: same old PES. The choppy dribbling feels more archaic and 'last-gen' than ever and there still seems to be no variety or subtelty in speed - neither in the way the players are running, nor in the overall game. It's all still a bit too fast and hectic, with the opposition closing in too quickly and with too much emphasis on all-out attacking all the time, like a Premiership match on steroids.

And there is just something wrong about players driving the ball ahead. It feels like it is attached to their feet via an invisible string. I am pretty sure it also still has that annoying loud 'thud' whenever someone touches the ball ever so slightly.

Maybe a break away from the abysmal last two iterations -- especially in the graphics department -- but not enough, imo, to reconquer the throne.
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Commented on 2009-08-21 21:38:32 In reply to blmbox
Posted by blmbox
I think it looks better in-game as well to be honest - it's as much to do with the art direction as it is the technological aspects.

I don't know why I'm getting jumped on in this thread; never, in any of the threads relating to PES or FIFA, have I said that PES will be better than FIFA this year. All I've been saying is that some people are being incredibly harsh on PES this year, when it's clearly shaping up to be a pretty solid game. Many believe that FIFA 10 will wipe the floor with PES 2010 and, while I do believe that FIFA 10 will be the better game, I equally believe that PES 2010 will regain a lot of the series' credibility - that in itself is a significant step forward for PES, particularly this gen.

Maybe people like Dingleberry should stop saying things like "there isn't even a contest" and hold your judgement back a little bit until you get to play both games.

I'd also like to add that the build at Gamescom is a month old.
Mate, to be fair, as far as I'm concerned, there isn't a contest. Seriously, Fifa 10 is taking this series and dragging it about the floor like a wet mop. The modes EA have implimented alone are killing it stone dead. Ther's just so much variety in the online and offline modes now in Fifa, and the set-piece editor is something that will keep people hooked on for hours. There's always something new to try with that little feature. You'll always go back to it to come up with something sneaky to impress your mates with, that and the fact that you can actually have your mates in your own team and bring them online. Come on - that's something you only dreamt about a few years ago, and it's now a reality. The gulf between these two titles is night and day and all in between as far as value for money goes and production values.

Oh, and I don't think anyone is jumping on you. I'm certainly not. It's just a debate is all. There's no insults or anything flying. No nerves being jangled. All these are are rants.

Like I say, I hope the PES series recovers, but it's not recovering from these efforts. It's still not going anywhere or doing anything remotely interesting at all. The loyal fanbase is keeping it alive, barely. It's not a good thing because like I say, competition is a healthy thing in the games industry.
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Commented on 2009-08-21 22:19:10
Again, I think it'll be closer than a lot of people are anticipating. Funnily enough, a feature as small as importing your own face into the game is something that's probably sealed the deal between me and FIFA 10. On PES you can only do that via Xbox Live's vision camera - which is something I don't have, nor do I intend to get - but in FIFA 10, you can just upload it to the EA website.

I could imagine that being very cool indeed. Plus, they've finally made it so that you can create your own club online with your own mates playing as themselves - seems they listened to me!
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Commented on 2009-08-21 22:38:30 In reply to blmbox
Posted by blmbox
Again, I think it'll be closer than a lot of people are anticipating. Funnily enough, a feature as small as importing your own face into the game is something that's probably sealed the deal between me and FIFA 10. On PES you can only do that via Xbox Live's vision camera - which is something I don't have, nor do I intend to get - but in FIFA 10, you can just upload it to the EA website.

I could imagine that being very cool indeed. Plus, they've finally made it so that you can create your own club online with your own mates playing as themselves - seems they listened to me!
Indeed. It's a big win for football fans all round, no?
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Commented on 2009-08-21 22:48:28
Here's the thing: how long has it been since PES came to this current generation? 5 years?
WTF is this guy smoking? Xbox 360 came out in Nov 2005. The first PES for xbox360 came out in Q4 2006. That makes it LESS than 3 years. Sure, you can say that they've been developing it for a year before the game came out (PES6/WE10 was still using old engine) so less than 4 years.

That being said, I think FIFA has been the better game since 08, but I still prefer to play PES with my friends. The gameplay (despite its flaws) is still better in PES.
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Commented on 2009-08-21 23:23:35 In reply to itaintrite
Posted by itaintrite
Here's the thing: how long has it been since PES came to this current generation? 5 years?
WTF is this guy smoking? Xbox 360 came out in Nov 2005. The first PES for xbox360 came out in Q4 2006. That makes it LESS than 3 years. Sure, you can say that they've been developing it for a year before the game came out (PES6/WE10 was still using old engine) so less than 4 years.

That being said, I think FIFA has been the better game since 08, but I still prefer to play PES with my friends. The gameplay (despite its flaws) is still better in PES.
I second that
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Commented on 2009-08-22 00:44:34
I haven't got the same opinion as blmbox for the graphics. I don't want to launch the famous discussion "which graphics are better?" but I just think that FIFA graphics are far away PES graphics.
For me PES looks like some kind of plastic, robotic players, while FIFA players are much more "living". In addition, PES stadiums terribly sucks while FIFA stadiums are just wonderful.
No, really, I can't really understand blmbox's opinion on this point.

But in an other hand I agree with you about player's judgement on PES, too rough for the game. I think that a lot of ex-PES fanboys are terribly disappointed that the license dived so deep, that they can't forgive konai and so "punish" them.
The fact is PES is still more accessible, more simple than FIFA. I'd like to say, based on my FIFA/PES 09 plays, that PES is the ideal game for fun, playing with friends who have never played before, while FIFA is better for tactics, matches between two used players... But I still can't play a PES game after having played to FIFA, they seem too simple ,there is too many functions left :/
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Commented on 2009-08-22 01:09:33 In reply to itaintrite
Posted by itaintrite
Here's the thing: how long has it been since PES came to this current generation? 5 years?
WTF is this guy smoking? Xbox 360 came out in Nov 2005. The first PES for xbox360 came out in Q4 2006. That makes it LESS than 3 years. Sure, you can say that they've been developing it for a year before the game came out (PES6/WE10 was still using old engine) so less than 4 years.

That being said, I think FIFA has been the better game since 08, but I still prefer to play PES with my friends. The gameplay (despite its flaws) is still better in PES.
4 versions in 5 years and still it plays worse than the PS2 versions. I think beyond mathematical errors on my behalf, that that fact alone is beyond a joke.
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Commented on 2009-08-23 18:54:35 In reply to dingleberry

Skip to 3:21 in that video. I never thought a standing tackle with two players virtually standing still could cause a person to fly 3 feet and roll like he's just fell out of a car. It's this sort of thing that is unnaceptable to me.

lol -drogba, ronaldo?
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