Xbox 360 PS3

The internet connection here is horrid most of the time, but we finally managed to upload this Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 video.

GC images

  • GC08: PES Gameplay - GC images
  • GC08: PES Gameplay - GC images
  • GC08: PES Gameplay - GC images
  • GC08: PES Gameplay - GC images
  • GC08: PES Gameplay - GC images
  • GC08: PES Gameplay - GC images
  • GC08: PES Gameplay - GC images
  • GC08: PES Gameplay - GC images
  • GC08: PES Gameplay - GC images
  • GC08: PES Gameplay - GC images
  • GC08: PES Gameplay - GC images
  • GC08: PES Gameplay - GC images
Commented on 2008-08-20 14:34:52
Whoever is playing it is not doing a good job lol :p

Hard to tell anything from this video except it DOES seem slower and the grass looks excellent and saw a couple of new animations too.

So I guess it will be a fun game to play, just won't hold that PES magic.
(only judging from what I read and watching this vid, mind you).
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Commented on 2008-08-20 14:35:50
Cheers guys, much appreciated.

Well i'm a little relieved to be honest. The grass is looking a trillion times better than last year (as is the lighting), and I understand from previews that the gameplay has gone back to PES 5 on the PS2.

Finally, a real next gen PES.
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Commented on 2008-08-20 14:50:43
Certainly better visuals than last year. Lot more polish too, no jerky cutscenes and replays for example
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Commented on 2008-08-20 14:55:04
I still, unfortunately, have to say that FIFA is likely to get my money this year. PES 09 is looking a lot better than PES 2008 and has actually regained a lot of my respect, but it isn't revolutionary (not that I was expecting that in just a year).

When they made the step to next gen consoles, Konami should have created a new engine from scratch. People might say "why fix something that isn't broken?" Well, PES are never going to get back ahead of FIFA until they create a new engine because they are still using the same engine from the PS2 days.

I think a lot of people expect a revolution for PES 2010, and i'm included in that. Still, Konami finally look to be releasing a next gen PES that somewhat lives up to the name.
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Commented on 2008-08-20 14:58:31
I've downloaded both Gamersyde vids of Fifa and Pes... and it's interesting watching them back to back to back to back etc...

I think i'll be going Fifa too.
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Commented on 2008-08-20 15:00:32
A further note... THIS is what PES should have been last year. Is this really 2 years worth of improvement over PES6? Hmmm
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Commented on 2008-08-20 15:00:55
Does Fifa look better than, from both of Gamersyde's demonstrations? The streaming has stopped working for me for some reason, so i'll have to download them.

And yes, this is basically PES 2008.2. This should have been last year's installment and Konami really haven't done well enough in the last 3 years. PES 6 was forgiveable because of the jump to next gen, but PES 2008 was a disaster and lost a lot of fans.

But expect a revolution next year.
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Commented on 2008-08-20 15:10:12
Watching them back to back, Fifa looks a LOT more realistic. There's clearly a different set of animations for each action.. so it's not the same header/jump... not the same turn... and even different players have a different run (key players it seems, big names)

Also, Fifa seems to keep the play going longer, PES is stop-start in comparison (although partly because they were using the dive button and hacking eachother)

PES seem to have almost perfected the grass and the ball physics however.

Fifa have mentioned they're paying for a physicist to come in and work on their ball physics, but that won't be in this build. (source: Fifa Soccer Blog's visit to EA Canada)
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Commented on 2008-08-20 15:12:25 In reply to blmbox
Posted by blmbox
Cheers guys, much appreciated.

Well i'm a little relieved to be honest. The grass is looking a trillion times better than last year (as is the lighting), and I understand from previews that the gameplay has gone back to PES 5 on the PS2.

Finally, a real next gen PES.
A real next gen PES? Are you for real? How on earth can it possibly be a next gen game, if the gameplay has actually gone backwards to PES 5? Explain that to me. It's a PS2 with a slightly polished up veneer. If that floats your boat and is what you bought a next gen console for 3 years ago, then fair enough. Myself, I was looking for a new engine that would blow me away with amazing animation and graphics. PES still looks like a cartoon and plays like a last gen title. I'm stomped as to why people think this is great. I am (or was) a die-hard PES fan, but the series has gone to shit. Next gen PES does not exist as of today. If you want a proper next gen football title, then EA are serving that up, and only a fool would deny that fact.
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Commented on 2008-08-20 15:14:29
Yeah but when Konami get it right, it tastes so much sweeter than when EA gets it right. :)
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Commented on 2008-08-20 15:19:22 In reply to dingleberry
Posted by dingleberry
A real next gen PES? Are you for real? How on earth can it possibly be a next gen game, if the gameplay has actually gone backwards to PES 5? Explain that to me.
If you knew what the last 2 PES games were like (which you obviously do), you would also be happy to call this a 'real' next gen PES game. The series has actually gone back to its PS2 roots gameplay-wise, which is the most refreshing thing i've heard about this game. So for me, it is a 'real' next gen PES game because the gameplay finally seems to at least be back on track.
Posted by dingleberry
If you want a proper next gen football title, then EA are serving that up, and only a fool would deny that fact.
Well if you bothered scrolling up just a little bit, you would see me say "FIFA gets my money this year". So please refrain from using the word 'fool', unless you want to end up looking like one.
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Commented on 2008-08-20 15:23:38 In reply to blmbox
Posted by blmbox
But expect a revolution next year.
Konami simply don't have another year to rush out a new engine that they will still have to tweak and add to over the coming years so late in a consoles life, and I'm talking about 360 here. It'll be 4 years out by the time 2010 comes about, and normally consoles last about 5 years before they get the boot for the next gen. That's a fact. By the looks of things, Fifa 09 will be gaining a lot more of the PES fanbase this year, and by next year, EA's engine should be in full effect and producing some amazing things. I hear they have yet to add the new ball physics in 09 which should give the game an even more realistic dynamic to the gameplay. That's staggering when you ever think about it. By 2010, PES could be so far behind that it could eventually just end up being killed off by the monster EA are creating.
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Commented on 2008-08-20 15:28:39
the video does not work for me
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Commented on 2008-08-20 15:29:12
As far as I know, development on a new PES engine started a while back and they're looking at 2010 to be their 'revolutionary' year. But yes, FIFA will gain a significant amount of the PES fanbase this year and it's up to Konami to win them back next year. I and many others have had enough of Konami's lazy, half-arsed attempts and quite frankly it isn't good enough.

One word. Complacency.
Posted by guliad
the video does not work for me
Same for me. The Fifa one isn't working either.
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Commented on 2008-08-20 15:33:53
Having just viewed the video, I'm stunned, but for all the wrong reasons. Wow. What can I say? I never thought I'd ever be so critical of a PES game after 2008, but this is NOT what I was expecting. Konami went on record stating a radical and stunning graphical overhaul. Where is it? A few new textures? Give me a break. The animations are what blow my mind. The players still look as if they are on rails, and when Ronaldinho pulls off that volley, it looks like something out of a Chinese martial arts period film where they are on wires. They still have that Baywatch movement, and the stop/start stutter when they fail to make contact in a tackle. Looking at this game, it just looks like a high res PS2 game with the camera pulled back. I'm shocked. Comparing this to the Fifa game play video, it's night and day. It's that huge of a difference.
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Commented on 2008-08-20 16:44:42 In reply to rob230
Posted by rob230
I've downloaded both Gamersyde vids of Fifa and Pes... and it's interesting watching them back to back to back to back etc...

I think i'll be going Fifa too.
ego tha paro to pro.10 xronia to pezo.......................
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Commented on 2008-08-20 16:46:01
den eime troll......apla ta leo sta ellinika....
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Commented on 2008-08-20 17:04:52
Lol... of course fifa looks better on vids... it has always been like that. But when you're actually playing it's a totally diferent story. (minus pes2008, that was indeed probably worse than fifa2008)

The guys on on we blog are saying the new pes feels slower paced and realistic like pes5/6... and without framedrops... I'm in heaven.
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Commented on 2008-08-20 17:12:30 In reply to Acronos
Posted by Acronos
Lol... of course fifa looks better on vids... it has always been like that. But when you're actually playing it's a totally diferent story. (minus pes2008, that was indeed probably worse than fifa2008)

The guys on on we blog are saying the new pes feels slower paced and realistic like pes5/6... and without framedrops... I'm in heaven.
That's what i've been paying attention to as well. Despite being a PES fan site, the guys at WENB are really impartial. Whilst they've admitted it's not revolutionary, they've said it goes back to its roots and feels like PES 5/6 with HD visuals. Sounds good to me.

What's going to determine the outcome for me? The demos. Fifa's is coming on September 11th and a PES demo is sure to follow that. Whichever demo impresses me the most, i'm buying that game.
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Commented on 2008-08-20 18:18:19 In reply to blmbox
Posted by blmbox
That's what i've been paying attention to as well. Despite being a PES fan site, the guys at WENB are really impartial. Whilst they've admitted it's not revolutionary, they've said it goes back to its roots and feels like PES 5/6 with HD visuals. Sounds good to me.

What's going to determine the outcome for me? The demos. Fifa's is coming on September 11th and a PES demo is sure to follow that. Whichever demo impresses me the most, i'm buying that game.
Correction. Suff is impartial, but Adam is a complete tool. You're having a laugh when you say that guy is impartial, because he's anything but. PES 2009 is getting negative feedback from most play testers that have spent a considerable amount of time playing it. There are shades of last year's GC about this game, and that is ominous. Of course, Adam will be spouting BS that it's anything other than a disappointment, but that's expected from a blind fan boy.
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Commented on 2008-08-20 18:29:38
I was pointing more towards Suff actually and if you read Adam's impressions, they're pretty much the same as Suff's. Only one preview i've read has been outright negative.

It's clear which football game is coming out on top, and it sure as hell isn't Konami's.
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Commented on 2008-08-20 19:04:57
lmfao guys LMFAO, if you tought Konami couldn't have fuck it up more this year than they already did last year GUESS WHAT:

The spanish league, La Liga will noet be included! what an absolute fucking bummer, by this i officially boycot the pes series, welcome fifa!
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Commented on 2008-08-20 19:19:42 In reply to blmbox
Posted by blmbox
I was pointing more towards Suff actually and if you read Adam's impressions, they're pretty much the same as Suff's. Only one preview i've read has been outright negative.

It's clear which football game is coming out on top, and it sure as hell isn't Konami's.
Apologies if I've come across as being a bit crude to you. I think the thing is that people were expecting great things after last year's effort. Fact is, nothing great has been seen. Most PES fans were thinking Konami were holding off with a big surprise for the GC, and BANG!...nothing. It's gone off with a bit of a whimper, and this to me is shades of 2008 all over. This is Konami's 3rd throw of the dice on new hardware, and they've delivered absolutely nothing to get excited about for either of them. People can dress it up however they wish, but it's pure denial to say that PES 2009 is shaping up to be anything other than a joke already. EA's trailer and gameplay footage left me speechless, where as PES 2009 has done nothing to me other than make me shake my head in disgust.
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Commented on 2008-08-20 19:49:33
It's a shame though, a real shame. I for one hope that Konami get it right sooner rather than later because, when they do get it right, it's a joy for every football fan.

FIFA just looks like a really authentic experience. They've got great presentation, great visuals, great commentary, great game modes and finally have the gameplay to go with it. You can't help but congratulate them - they've worked their arses off for 3 years to try and perfect their new engine, and they've finally overtaken PES in terms of quality. And Bardogan is right - PES has lost the Spanish League license. Rubbing salt in the wounds really, although they do have Wembley as a licensed stadium.

I very much look forward to the FIFA 09 demo, and hopefully the PES 09 demo will convince me to buy that game as well.
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Commented on 2008-08-20 23:00:00
Fifa have mentioned they're paying for a physicist to come in and work on their ball physics, but that won't be in this build. (source: Fifa Soccer Blog's visit to EA Canada)
Dude, right now I'm a big supporter of FIFA, but that's just a bunch of PR, which translates to a bunch of bull crap. They always do that for racing games, and some shooters and the result is what it is and that's it. I remember how Turn 10 was bragging about a AI PhD they brought to the dev team of FM2 and it turns out the AI is just good, but still makes some stupid mistakes, and then let's not get started with Gran Turismo and their crappy claims.

Anyways, whoever said expect a revolution next year must be really sad person. I mean, come on, I think it is very obvious by now. Konami just doesn't have the money to invest in this franchise. They don't care about it enough. It surprises me that anyone expects a revolution after so many years into this gen.

This game looks a LOT better than last year's, but damn, last year was bad.
And Bardogan is right - PES has lost the Spanish League license.

You see, two steps forward and five steps backwards. Absolutely no gain. That's just sad.
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$135 of $400 per month

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