Trailer Xbox 360

Ubisoft revealed in Cologne a new fighting game: Fighters Uncaged, exclusively for Kinect that will be available in November 2010. Images and trailer inside.

Press release:


LONDON, UK - August 18, 2010 – Today, Ubisoft® announced Fighters Uncaged, a new fighting game that will be available worldwide in November 2010 exclusively for KinectTM on Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft. Developed by AMA Studios, Fighters Uncaged will deliver players the excitement of real fighting competitions, in addition to teaching players mixed martial arts techniques.

“Fighters Uncaged is the first motion fighting game for Kinect, dedicated to a core audience,” said Caroline Stevens, EMEA director of marketing at Ubisoft. “Fighters Uncaged requires players to get out of their seat to engage in a controller-free full-body combat game and experience the authentic fighting style of Thai boxing.”

Leveraging the Kinect technology, Fighters Uncaged delivers players an immersive total-body combat experience. Players will be able to create 70 different strikes inspired by martial arts and compete in 21 different fighting environments such as rooftops, dark alleys, gritty city docks and abandoned church. Included are diverse opponents with unique fighting styles, devastating combos with voice-activated super strikes, opportunities to upgrade your character by unlocking new skills and a jump-in multiplayer feature to take your enemies down with your friends.

8 images

  • GC : Fighters Uncaged for Kinect - 8 images
  • GC : Fighters Uncaged for Kinect - 8 images
  • GC : Fighters Uncaged for Kinect - 8 images
  • GC : Fighters Uncaged for Kinect - 8 images
  • GC : Fighters Uncaged for Kinect - 8 images
  • GC : Fighters Uncaged for Kinect - 8 images
  • GC : Fighters Uncaged for Kinect - 8 images
  • GC : Fighters Uncaged for Kinect - 8 images
Commented on 2010-08-18 18:25:04
Voice-activated super strikes !!! Massive satisfaction
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Commented on 2010-08-18 18:41:24
why can't the movement be 1:1, why make it context sensitive instead of 1:1 movement ?
Just look at the last image, the hands are obviously in a different position from what is on screen.
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Commented on 2010-08-18 18:55:59 In reply to newbielives
Posted by newbielives
why can't the movement be 1:1, why make it context sensitive instead of 1:1 movement ?
Just look at the last image, the hands are obviously in a different position from what is on screen.
Because this thing called "Kinect" is completely inacurate. Microsoft has signed it's death warant. :) lol All games for this system are very boring and looks stupid. If you like this kind of sport go and practice in real life. If this game is ment for fat nerdy people then i doubt they will lift their legs or hands to play this kind of game. Truly this is a real life imitation, so why should i buy tv and console if i can go and have fun 100%.
In reply to
Commented on 2010-08-18 19:07:10
Heh, I don't have enough space in my room for playing this. I think that a normal controller is ideal for the way I wanna play fighting games. If I wanted to fight I'd join some dojo or ring.
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Commented on 2010-08-18 19:14:46 In reply to Sarunas
This message is in "Boulet Time" (TM), If you still *really* want to see it, click here
Posted by Sarunas
Because this thing called "Kinect" is completely inacurate. Microsoft has signed it's death warant. :) lol All games for this system are very boring and looks stupid. If you like this kind of sport go and practice in real life. If this game is ment for fat nerdy people then i doubt they will lift their legs or hands to play this kind of game. Truly this is a real life imitation, so why should i buy tv and console if i can go and have fun 100%.
You're an idiot, there have already been games shown that feature full body motion tracking. The reason this game doesn't feature your character moving exactly the same as you is because not everyone is a skilled martial artist! By the way, if you don't have a console or even a TV then why the hell are you on this website???
Commented on 2010-08-18 19:16:59 In reply to Sarunas
You would be surprised by how hard it is to get someone to fight/spar with you without being an asshole or doing something illegal
Posted by Sarunas
Because this thing called "Kinect" is completely inacurate. Microsoft has signed it's death warant. :) lol All games for this system are very boring and looks stupid. If you like this kind of sport go and practice in real life. If this game is ment for fat nerdy people then i doubt they will lift their legs or hands to play this kind of game. Truly this is a real life imitation, so why should i buy tv and console if i can go and have fun 100%.
In reply to
Commented on 2010-08-18 19:41:11 In reply to Sarunas
Posted by Sarunas
Because this thing called "Kinect" is completely inacurate. Microsoft has signed it's death warant. :) lol All games for this system are very boring and looks stupid. If you like this kind of sport go and practice in real life. If this game is ment for fat nerdy people then i doubt they will lift their legs or hands to play this kind of game. Truly this is a real life imitation, so why should i buy tv and console if i can go and have fun 100%.
Wait? This blatant attempt at flame bait has not been Boulet Timed yet? Our standards most certainly are dropping.
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Commented on 2010-08-18 19:42:14
I like how all these games are getting the same treatment as the Wii did when it was first coming out
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Commented on 2010-08-18 20:02:33
Shovelware! Call me a d-bag but god do I hate motion controls and 3D watering down the industry and affecting the quality of games like KZ3.
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Commented on 2010-08-18 20:10:16 In reply to Wheat_Thins
Posted by Wheat_Thins
Shovelware! Call me a d-bag but god do I hate motion controls and 3D watering down the industry and affecting the quality of games like KZ3.
how is it effecting games like killzone 3? not only are both motion controls and 3D entirely optional, but the game looks better then killzone 2. if anything, 3D has improved killzone 3 for those who can take advantage of it.

kinect however, just looks like a load of crappy, basic shovelware. that's when they're actually working of course. i dont think i've seen an on-stage demo that has worked flawlessly yet. there is alwasys something wrong be it major lag and latency, or just it's complete inability to recognise a players movement accurately. unless of course it's pre-recorded/pre-rendered and simply acted alongside to make it seem real (Star wars anyone). kinect is a mess of a product, MOVE, despite being a complete Wii rip-off, at least can be adapted for a range of games and genre's...but more actually WORKS. kinect doesnt have that redeeming quality. they should have either canned the idea once they new it didnt work as advertised, or at the very least kept with the original spec and sold it relatively cheap to at least stand a small chance of getting SOMe market saturation. at least then it wouldnt be a complete laughing stock.
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Commented on 2010-08-18 20:45:30

This doesn't even look like a game, more like a tech demo. If it's part of a pack of other "games" or sports, I guess it's ok...but if they're trying to sell this as a full retail they must be crazy.
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Commented on 2010-08-18 21:04:40 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
how is it effecting games like killzone 3? not only are both motion controls and 3D entirely optional, but the game looks better then killzone 2. if anything, 3D has improved killzone 3 for those who can take advantage of it.

kinect however, just looks like a load of crappy, basic shovelware. that's when they're actually working of course. i dont think i've seen an on-stage demo that has worked flawlessly yet. there is alwasys something wrong be it major lag and latency, or just it's complete inability to recognise a players movement accurately. unless of course it's pre-recorded/pre-rendered and simply acted alongside to make it seem real (Star wars anyone). kinect is a mess of a product, MOVE, despite being a complete Wii rip-off, at least can be adapted for a range of games and genre's...but more actually WORKS. kinect doesnt have that redeeming quality. they should have either canned the idea once they new it didnt work as advertised, or at the very least kept with the original spec and sold it relatively cheap to at least stand a small chance of getting SOMe market saturation. at least then it wouldnt be a complete laughing stock.
Have you not watched any of the KZ3 dev videos? They are struggling getting it running well when you have to make two frame buffers. They are designing the game to fit into two frame buffers effectively destroying what the game could look like if they were programming it to fit into one frame buffer like normal. Sure you can "turn off" the 3D but they are still designing the game to fit into two frame buffers effectively neutering the game.
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Commented on 2010-08-18 21:15:52
At least The Fight looks worse. I dunno if that is a compliment or an insult... awfull waggle crap age.
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Commented on 2010-08-18 21:27:07 In reply to Wheat_Thins
Posted by Wheat_Thins
Have you not watched any of the KZ3 dev videos? They are struggling getting it running well when you have to make two frame buffers. They are designing the game to fit into two frame buffers effectively destroying what the game could look like if they were programming it to fit into one frame buffer like normal. Sure you can "turn off" the 3D but they are still designing the game to fit into two frame buffers effectively neutering the game.
i've seen the screens and footage, the game looks better then killzone 2, that's all that matters. it has in no way being "neutured" as you put it. if the game is looking, and running better, where at the same time offering far larger fields of battle with improved AA, improved lighting, improved textures, improved sound and improved particle effects. untill the game actually looks worse, this whole "3D is ruining games" is just paranoid, delusional BS.
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Commented on 2010-08-18 22:06:21
I kind of agree that the Kinect seems to not deliver especially well on the 1:1 tracking. It cna be done but the results seem to be of varyinggly satisfying degrees.

Anyway, this looks bloody horrible. Stiff and booring is the only thing i see here, the ubisoft fitness block-kicking looked more fun tbh :P
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Commented on 2010-08-18 22:42:25 In reply to FreeSwag
Posted by FreeSwag
Wait? This blatant attempt at flame bait has not been Boulet Timed yet? Our standards most certainly are dropping.
The standards are not the same for anti ms
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Commented on 2010-08-18 23:40:26 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
how is it effecting games like killzone 3? not only are both motion controls and 3D entirely optional, but the game looks better then killzone 2. if anything, 3D has improved killzone 3 for those who can take advantage of it.

kinect however, just looks like a load of crappy, basic shovelware. that's when they're actually working of course. i dont think i've seen an on-stage demo that has worked flawlessly yet. there is alwasys something wrong be it major lag and latency, or just it's complete inability to recognise a players movement accurately. unless of course it's pre-recorded/pre-rendered and simply acted alongside to make it seem real (Star wars anyone). kinect is a mess of a product, MOVE, despite being a complete Wii rip-off, at least can be adapted for a range of games and genre's...but more actually WORKS. kinect doesnt have that redeeming quality. they should have either canned the idea once they new it didnt work as advertised, or at the very least kept with the original spec and sold it relatively cheap to at least stand a small chance of getting SOMe market saturation. at least then it wouldnt be a complete laughing stock.
I have seen many demos of Move with massive lag as well. At E3, Tiger Woods PGA Tour had massive lag when it was demoed on stage. And the Move demo of The Fight (or whatever it is called) had massive lag as well and also problems registering some of the moves.
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Commented on 2010-08-18 23:48:18 In reply to Sarunas
Posted by Sarunas
If you like this kind of sport go and practice in real life.
This game looks pretty weak, but the whole "do it in real life" thing is completely stupid. Maybe people don't have the time to get into it in real life. Maybe people don't want to hit other people or get hit by them. Maybe there are a ton of other reasons people would rather play a game than do it in real it a fighting game, a music game, or any other game that has a real-life counter-part.
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Commented on 2010-08-18 23:50:39
While there are a lot of stupid posts from the typical fanboys from this site, I expected it to be a lot worse tbh lol.

This looks pretty lame though. I really don't see how Kinect is going to add up to a package that can come close to the Wii and it's stellar AAA first party games. I have a really hard time believing MS and/or Sony are gonna match the Wii anytime soon.

I'd love to be wrong above move and kinect, but i'm sure as hell not buying either anytime soon.
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Commented on 2010-08-19 00:26:53
Kinect can do 1:1, pr pretty close., What you think of as 1:1 anyway. Thing is, that makes shit HARD. People play games because they can't ACTUALLY do the things their video game counterparts can. But they still want a taste of that thrill or whatever. 1:1 fighting would be great: for people who actually know how to fight. Less so for nerds who can't throw a punch for shit.
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Commented on 2010-08-19 00:57:41 In reply to pythxvii
Posted by pythxvii
Kinect can do 1:1, pr pretty close., What you think of as 1:1 anyway. Thing is, that makes shit HARD. People play games because they can't ACTUALLY do the things their video game counterparts can. But they still want a taste of that thrill or whatever. 1:1 fighting would be great: for people who actually know how to fight. Less so for nerds who can't throw a punch for shit.
I disagree completely. The big draw for a fighting game using Kinect would be your character doing what you are actually doing in 1:1 fashion, not close approximations based on similar movements. Throwing multiple quick punches, ducking and weaving, accurately blocking incoming attacks...all of that would be DAMN fun even if you are terrible at it. Besides, looking like you're throwing a good punch and actually throwing a good punch(good power, locked wrist, etc...) would look the same to Kinect, so fat nerds needn't worry.
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Commented on 2010-08-19 01:00:51
although the game does look terrible, just as moves fight one does, i do believe its a promising sign to see them atleast attempt to use the motion controls away from the safe party/dance games. This kind of "shovelware" if sold in big enough numbers then leads to the big licences building upon them. I dunno about anybody else but i'd be pretty damn interested to play a first person fight night (with fightnights production values) using kinect/move.

I do agree though that it's the wrong time for developers to start investing resources into 3D. KZ3 for example.. it does indeed look improved over KZ2 but there can be no getting around the fact that considerations have to be made in order to offer 3D that odds are nobody here will take advantage off on release day.
KZ3 may still look better.. but without that 3D investment it would probably be safe to assume that it would of looked better still - 1080p springs to mind.
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Commented on 2010-08-19 08:53:45 In reply to bleachedsmiles
Posted by bleachedsmiles
KZ3 may still look better.. but without that 3D investment it would probably be safe to assume that it would of looked better still - 1080p springs to mind.
Not even GT5 is in 1080p native and yet your already pointing the finger.
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Commented on 2010-08-19 09:27:40
am i the only one who thinks this looks cool?
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Commented on 2010-08-19 11:13:22 In reply to rustykaks
Nope, I think it's cool too. All this bullshit about 1:1 this, 1:1 that, how the fuck are you going to get 1:1 with your legs unless you strap a move dildo to each foot? In which case the outlay is going to be astronomical!


It's no better than move, but certainly no worse.
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