Xbox 360

Microsoft just announced Gears of War 2: All Fronts Collection, a retail collection of all the downloadable content to date plus 7 new multiplayer maps and one new campaign level playable either as usual, or stealthily. It will be released at the end of July for $19.99 or 14.99 euros and will also include some bonuses like a theme and other niceties. For those who already have all the DLC packs, the new maps and solo level will be available as a download for 1600 points, basically the same price as the retail one...

All Fronts Collection images

  • Gears of War 2: All Fronts Collection - All Fronts Collection images
  • Gears of War 2: All Fronts Collection - All Fronts Collection images
  • Gears of War 2: All Fronts Collection - All Fronts Collection images
  • Gears of War 2: All Fronts Collection - All Fronts Collection images
Commented on 2009-05-06 18:43:25
Hang on, They're charging the same amount for only the maps and the solo on live ??? how STUPID can they be ??? I havent bought any of those packs but I am thinking of those poor people who.... How freaking unFair!!!!!
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Commented on 2009-05-06 18:48:15
Unfair? that stuff is almost given free, guy.
If early adopters didn't had any problem giving 800 Spacebucks (15$) for 3/4 maps, why would they have to give 20 for a compilation as big a this one?
Its not like they have standards (on DLC pricing)

I for once, would never give 800 Spacebucks for Dark Corners (7 maps, and it seems really fair pricing now), but i'm all down for a DLC Pack-In for even 20/30 Bucks in a retail selling.
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Commented on 2009-05-06 18:57:43 In reply to hellyheamf
Posted by hellyheamf
Unfair? that stuff is almost given free, guy.
If early adopters didn't had any problem giving 800 Spacebucks (15$) for 3/4 maps, why would they have to give 20 for a compilation as big a this one?
Its not like they have standards (on DLC pricing)

I for once, would never give 800 Spacebucks for Dark Corners (7 maps, and it seems really fair pricing now), but i'm all down for a DLC Pack-In for even 20/30 Bucks in a retail selling.
Did u even understand what I said ????

Of course the Big package is extremely good value and I am getting it. I was talking about the Pack containing the (7maps+Solo compaign) only which they are charging 1600MP for i.e. the same price as the BIG retail package that contains everything. They are basically ripping those poor sods off!!
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Commented on 2009-05-06 19:12:32
The intention was probably that, if youre getting the retail box, maybe you dont already have the DLC packs. I think those are more of a "in case you dont have these" and the box price is meant for the new content..

even if thats the case tho, there definitely should be a lower price for the download than the retail box. Reconsider this price Epic (Or should I say Microsoft)
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Commented on 2009-05-06 19:14:21 In reply to alimokrane
Posted by alimokrane
Did u even understand what I said ????

Of course the Big package is extremely good value and I am getting it. I was talking about the Pack containing the (7maps+Solo compaign) only which they are charging 1600MP for i.e. the same price as the BIG retail package that contains everything. They are basically ripping those poor sods off!!
Nobody is being ripped off. If you already have the rest of the DLC and just want the new one you might as well just buy the DLC. If not, just buy the new retail package.
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Commented on 2009-05-06 19:18:05
...even so..The price of purchasing all of what is available on the retail Box over Live would be more, plus the retail box has some extra goodies....It creates an uncomfortable disparity..well at least the retail Box is the easy choice
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Commented on 2009-05-06 19:51:01
Wrip off
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Commented on 2009-05-06 19:54:45
way to thank early adopters, i mean we are the sole fucking reason why Gears of war is so famous and selling like hot gold.

5 millions sold already..thanks to who? gamers who adopted to buy the game early..and what do we get? we have to pay extra for maps which later adopters get for free.

Now..we even have to pay the same cost for a few new maps that a new adopter will get with all the other maps and extras.

brilliant, way to fucking thank your early adopters and fans screwed us with combustable, then snowblind, now this..and don't even get me started on how much early adopters paid for the limited edition and we still get screwed over..

and hah, gets better..early adopters had to deal with *errors* and *bugs* of the game cause well..don't worry! epic has all fixed it with patches..which shouldn't be there in the first fucking place! argh!

i think for gears of war 3, i'm just gonna play gears 1 or 2 and wait like 6 or 8 months until purchase..
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Commented on 2009-05-06 20:44:58
Day one purchase... bring it!!
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Commented on 2009-05-06 21:01:28
Luckliy i dont have any of the content and i may just buy this to get all the extra goodies and at 14.99 i cant say no, i can then just give my other one to my bro :)
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Commented on 2009-05-06 21:20:50
Haha. I do feel sorry for fans of this game. You already got conned with previous DLC packs that just regurgitated content from the PC version of Gears of War 1, and now they're trying to bleed more money out of fans of the game. Have they even fixed the online yet? Is it actually playable? I got rid of my copy when it was still unplayably broken over a month after release, it's a wonder people still play at all to be honest.
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Commented on 2009-05-06 21:36:02
This is unbelievable! FINALLY a good deal on some dlc!!! 14 maps + 1 new campaign mission + extra goodies for $20 --> This is the way dlc should always be priced.

It's very hard for me to feel sorry for any of the "early adopters" of the first two dlc packs as you never should've bought them in the first place imo. 800pts for 3 or 4 maps is a ripoff. And I'm a huge Gears fan that's been playing online consistently since day one. Plus, 1600pts for 7 maps is the same value when compared to the first two map packs that some people bought. And no one complained when Bungie used to do this. They'd make their map packs free about 6 months after they came out. (Why they stopped doing this after the Heroic map pack is beyond me. Come on Bungie, even Epic is making you look bad now. Make the Legendary map pack free already!)
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Commented on 2009-05-06 21:37:03
I held off buying GOW2, just like I did Lost Planet, until they brought out Colonies. I'll be grabbing this now it's got some extra stuff too. Cool!
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Commented on 2009-05-06 21:41:39 In reply to Splicer261
Posted by Splicer261
i think for gears of war 3, i'm just gonna play gears 1 or 2 and wait like 6 or 8 months until purchase..
Why don't you just buy the game right away and then wait the 6 to 8 months before buying any dlc so you can get a package deal like this? People that waited to buy this game aren't getting this dlc free with it now. You know that right?
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Commented on 2009-05-06 22:01:19
Gears of war ??? Is that a shooter ?


DLC ... cheap or not ... great deal or not ... There getting your money one way or another .
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Commented on 2009-05-06 22:03:59 In reply to ASURAshadow
Posted by ASURAshadow
This is unbelievable! FINALLY a good deal on some dlc!!! 14 maps + 1 new campaign mission + extra goodies for $20 --> This is the way dlc should always be priced.

It's very hard for me to feel sorry for any of the "early adopters" of the first two dlc packs as you never should've bought them in the first place imo. 800pts for 3 or 4 maps is a ripoff. And I'm a huge Gears fan that's been playing online consistently since day one. Plus, 1600pts for 7 maps is the same value when compared to the first two map packs that some people bought. And no one complained when Bungie used to do this. They'd make their map packs free about 6 months after they came out. (Why they stopped doing this after the Heroic map pack is beyond me. Come on Bungie, even Epic is making you look bad now. Make the Legendary map pack free already!)
Don't be upset with Bungie. it wasn't up to them. Once they went independant, they lost a LOT of control over Halo. Its MS now.

And yeah, they did this so that now the old stuff sold most of its bulk, their gunna lower the price, so the people who eitehr couldn't, or wouldn't pay that much money for the DLC. They had to, or decided to, wait, so its only fair to make it cheaper. If you were willing to wait just to get a bit of money off (and lets face it, its not a hell of a lot) then you should have waited to see if anything came up. Not to mention the fact that the map packs were WAY over priced, what with the lack of good, original content, etc etc etc.
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Commented on 2009-05-06 22:20:09
Does seem a little unfair but I guess it makes sense in a messed up kind of way, the actual retail game is now not worth as much and should become a less expensive "greatest hits" type of deal by now. Every game decreases in value over time so in theory you could wait for any blockbuster title to come out in a cheaper form or bundled in with new content. Burnout is a good example of this as that has recently been released as a much cheaper title with all the DLC content right out of the box...

Early adopters always experience the burn of paying more and ultimately getting less in both software and hardware terms and its actually nothing new but the advent of games having new content added has changed the game as the early crowd can experience an unfair "money pit" effect and end up paying some ridiculous totals for all the content.
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Commented on 2009-05-06 22:38:38 In reply to ASURAshadow
Posted by ASURAshadow
Why don't you just buy the game right away and then wait the 6 to 8 months before buying any dlc so you can get a package deal like this? People that waited to buy this game aren't getting this dlc free with it now. You know that right?
Because i'm a stupid fan of the game..fanboys always get it early because they can't wait and want to play it.

I was a huge..i mean huge gears of war fan, you would see me online all the time and i pwned everyone, i was good..damn good

then gears of war 2 was announced, i got all excited and pre-ordered the limited edition and paid all the extra money and got it..played it and then i realise they are releasing new maps for a price..oh hell, i can't wait and i got it..cause i want to play it ofcourse!

then what do they do? release patches cause apparently they realised it has issues and need fixing (Duh!) then the snowbuild maps came out, flashback and like i said, being a fan you get them..why cause they make it for the fans!

but in reality, it's the early adopters who get bent over and screwed and i bet you as soon as the new maps are released, i'm going to fork out and get them..yup, that's the life of a fanboy..when you love something why wait and we're the type of suckers they want.

Same thing goes for movies..i'll be in imax the day of release for transformers 2, sure i can wait for blu-ray to come out and watch it as many times as i want..but hey, fans don't do that..they wanna see it early and talk about how awesome it was to other fans.

sucks though, considering it is early adopters who made the game what it is..and made it famous..epic should've given us some deals atleast, because we are the faithful
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Commented on 2009-05-06 23:06:33 In reply to Splicer261
Posted by Splicer261
i think for gears of war 3, i'm just gonna play gears 1 or 2 and wait like 6 or 8 months until purchase..
Sure, they still make dumb choices, as in: WHY SO LOW in the retail one? Going by the prices they made the DLC Maps before, it should cost no less than 30 bucks in their normal pricing mindset. Cheap Stuff, really.
And not making the DLC pack(maps+SP Mission) just a little more pricey (maybe 1200 spacebucks), and not the total 20 bucks, makes no sense whatsoever.

But you decided that 15 bucks for 4 maps to play day one in the past, was a, at least, afordable price and you bought it. Why make so much fuss in paying 20 bucks for seven new maps, a SP Mission, a Poster/Strategy Guide and blocking your mind that you already have all that stuff that it still offers and all cheaptards are gonna get. You're an early adopter, you shouldn't mind paying big monyes for having stuff day one. I paiyed 20$ for a used copy of GoW2, 2 months after its release.
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GangStarr - Inhibited Sony Lover
Commented on 2009-05-07 00:05:38
are those 7 new maps ontop of the 3 DLC's? because i bought all of them :|
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Commented on 2009-05-07 00:24:05
LOL, stealth in locust attire!.... Anyways, the DLC before didn't make sense, the value of fresh content(Every map looks alike) wasn't good and matchmaking still is pretty lame. I'll just plan on getting this retail package on sale, near release. That'll stick it to the man!
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Commented on 2009-05-07 01:00:05
Good deal for those who haven't purchased anything thus far, huge ripoff for everyone else.
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deftangel - Hot stuff!
Commented on 2009-05-07 01:03:34
The migration from selling discs at retail to going digital only will be a painful one. It's pretty likely that the retailers told MS they wouldn't stock the disc if they put the campaign add on up on live for less than the retail pack. Personally, I've no interest in playing more MP for this but more single player I'd have been in.

It sucks but during the transition period it's going to happen. What I do expect though is that the content will be installable from disc, in which case retail will be flooded with pre-owned copies about an hour after they start selling and with a bit of luck, end up over-ordering and having to reduce it for new anyway.

A savvy customer will give this an extra week or borrow one from a friend.
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deftangel - Hot stuff!
Commented on 2009-05-07 01:04:22 In reply to GangStarr
Posted by GangStarr
are those 7 new maps ontop of the 3 DLC's? because i bought all of them :|
As far as I understand it, yes.
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Commented on 2009-05-07 01:09:56 In reply to LEBATO
Posted by LEBATO
Good deal for those who haven't purchased anything thus far, huge ripoff for everyone else.
don't say obnoxious things, the DLC price is the same as the others... the retail one is the only thing making it look bad.
Maybe Epic will change the prices till June.
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About the game
Published by
Xbox Game Studios
Developed by
Epic Games

$135 of $400 per month

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