Another trailer Sony showed during the awards was God of War 3, presenting short gameplay sequences.

Commented on 2008-12-15 12:44:48
awesomeness. already pre-ordered.
fanboys are truly disgusting, there's so much hate on the net towards the graphics of this trailer(all in-game BTW). for anyone to actually say that the graphics here look bad really need to just give up on gaming.
as always, you guys have the best footage.
In reply to
Commented on 2008-12-15 13:01:51
The graphics don't look bad, but they certainly aren't anything special. Killzone 2 and Gears of War 2 both look a lot better than this. Saying that, this game isn't exactly being released next week, is it? Plenty of time to brush up the graphics.

But you can only judge what you see, and this was a disappointment.
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Commented on 2008-12-15 13:16:01
Can't say I was impressed, but then again I've never really been into GOW. Lots and lots of button mashing, followed by an annoying QTE...
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Commented on 2008-12-15 13:21:24 In reply to jmd749
Posted by jmd749
awesomeness. already pre-ordered.
fanboys are truly disgusting, there's so much hate on the net towards the graphics of this trailer(all in-game BTW). for anyone to actually say that the graphics here look bad really need to just give up on gaming.
as always, you guys have the best footage.
It has nothing to do with being a Fanboy (at least for me personally). I am big fan of the franchise and a sucker for these kind of games but David Jaffe hyped up the graphics of this game SO MUCH that it just had to end up in disappointment. He literraly called the game "A painting coming to life" - This trailer is miles from being a painting. They have time though so I am willing to be proven wrong and at the end of the day, the graphics are still good looking.

Other than that, I cant wait for the game. 2009 might bethe year I finally get a PS3.
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Commented on 2008-12-15 13:28:11 In reply to broman
Posted by broman
Lots and lots of button mashing
...If you don't know what you're doing.
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Commented on 2008-12-15 13:32:56 In reply to alimokrane
Posted by alimokrane
It has nothing to do with being a Fanboy (at least for me personally). I am big fan of the franchise and a sucker for these kind of games but David Jaffe hyped up the graphics of this game SO MUCH that it just had to end up in disappointment. He literraly called the game "A painting coming to life" - This trailer is miles from being a painting. They have time though so I am willing to be proven wrong and at the end of the day, the graphics are still good looking.

Other than that, I cant wait for the game. 2009 might bethe year I finally get a PS3.
well, in your case you were just mis-informed. he stated very clearly that the VGA footage was NOT the footage to which he was referring to with the "painting come to life" comment.
here's the proof, listen from 7:10
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Commented on 2008-12-15 13:37:22
Oh, and it really irritates me when someone labels other people as 'fanboys', just because they don't agree with your opinion.
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Commented on 2008-12-15 13:48:42 In reply to blmbox
Posted by blmbox
Oh, and it really irritates me when someone labels other people as 'fanboys', just because they don't agree with your opinion.
opinion is one thing, but saying something wrong knowingly and defending the hell out of it with a whole load of BS and not listening to reason, is just plain stupid(i wasn't referring to you BTW).

anyways, the fanboys to which i refer to are the ones that went to jaffe's blog and called him names and accused him of misleading them and overhyping the game even though they know that he was referring to something else with the "painting come to life" comment, and then they go on to make some stupid threads in forums about it.

anyways, GOW3 can't come soon enough.
In reply to
Commented on 2008-12-15 14:00:35 In reply to blmbox
Posted by blmbox
The graphics don't look bad, but they certainly aren't anything special. Killzone 2 and Gears of War 2 both look a lot better than this. Saying that, this game isn't exactly being released next week, is it? Plenty of time to brush up the graphics.

But you can only judge what you see, and this was a disappointment.
I wholeheartedly agree on this one. I wasn't expecting the moon for this trailer and there is plenty of time to really _make_ the game. At least we got a really small glimpse on where the game is at currently. Still, the majority of complaints(in teh internetz) seem to focus on Jaffes statement about the 'living painting' even though it's not this teaser. How nice it would be to see that one. Pity.

Hopefully we won't be hearing from this game any time soon as it's way, way unfinished. In the meantime I'll wait for KZ2 and others to fill that gap.
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Commented on 2008-12-15 14:04:24 In reply to jmd749
Posted by jmd749
well, in your case you were just mis-informed. he stated very clearly that the VGA footage was NOT the footage to which he was referring to with the "painting come to life" comment.
here's the proof, listen from 7:10
Aha!! See I missed that. the only thing I read was the eurogamer article but there was no mention there of what preview he saw and that it was different to what was shown.

Okay, Excellent. Let's wait and see then :)
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Commented on 2008-12-15 14:22:40
The old games pushed the PS2 to breaking point. If this game can't do it to the PS3, then we'll get another great sequel but slightly disappointing in the graphics area, like what Ninja Gaiden 2 was to 360.

LOL at the painting arguments though, I'd rather play Prince of Persia which is proof of concept art paintings coming to life.
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Commented on 2008-12-15 14:31:20
I don't know what you people are talking about, it looked pretty spectacular to me.
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Commented on 2008-12-15 14:44:30
I know what was bugging me about the footage. Too much grey. I hope the actual underworld or whatever section this gameplay is from, has better contrast, lighting, or colours.
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Commented on 2008-12-15 15:03:15 In reply to jmd749
Posted by jmd749
well, in your case you were just mis-informed. he stated very clearly that the VGA footage was NOT the footage to which he was referring to with the "painting come to life" comment.
here's the proof, listen from 7:10
Wich means what he saw was game type B, and this is game type A?

In the end its just plain and simple overhyping and showing underwhelming footage.

Now Uncharted 2, THAT is a nice and well made Trailer.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2008-12-15 15:03:45 In reply to digi_matrix
Alimo, this teaches you a lession then ;)

I think the game looks very very good for such a early build.

No one outside the studio knows how old this build is, when this was made...etc. so jumping in conclusiong this early this bad.

I mean games doesnt get created on graphics first, it somewhat is near the end.

I didnt have high expectations, I just imagined it would be a epic scenery, but I wasent dissapointed because I had low expectations just incase.

But I can say this, I thought it looked very very good, some part great.
Now I can't wait to see what thy have to show us more.

I am not that much into GOW franchise (Kratos is a bad simple design) but I am in for the huge scale vistas and story. The gameplay was FUN, so lets leave it as that.
Posted by digi_matrix
I'd rather play Prince of Persia which is proof of concept art paintings coming to life.
Try Valkyria Chronicles, that looks like a art sketchbook coming to life, I prefer that than POP, has a unique style to it.
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Commented on 2008-12-15 15:44:31 In reply to Sath
Posted by Sath
I mean games doesnt get created on graphics first, it somewhat is near the end.
er...i'm pretty sure they do game engine first, which includes the graphics, or most of it... maybe some polish near the end. But most certainly not the graphics near the end...
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Commented on 2008-12-15 15:50:19 In reply to Sath
Posted by Sath
Try Valkyria Chronicles, that looks like a art sketchbook coming to life, I prefer that than POP, has a unique style to it.
Valkyria Chronicles doesn't look like concept art. It's just a cel-shaded style. They're both vastly different styles, so don't know why you just compared them...
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Commented on 2008-12-15 15:57:53
What can I say. Loved GoW1 & 2. Day 1.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2008-12-15 15:57:56 In reply to digi_matrix
Posted by mt_sabao
er...i'm pretty sure they do game engine first, which includes the graphics, or most of it... maybe some polish near the end. But most certainly not the graphics near the end...
Sure the engine is very important when making a game, but graphics change later in development depending on how much content they have added with space and such.

Look at Resistance 2, looked bad for months and months, but I think 1 month before the release the graphics got a overhaul.

Graphics change the closer to release, this is a very early build.

But I think the graphics are fine as it is, just have good story to continue on and fun gameplay I am all for it.
Posted by digi_matrix
Valkyria Chronicles doesn't look like concept art. It's just a cel-shaded style. They're both vastly different styles, so don't know why you just compared them...
Well it looks like a colored sketchbook to me.
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Commented on 2008-12-15 16:12:01
The graphics at its core will not change much, yes it will receive some polish, but those expecting this game to make some sort of huge leap in the way it looks come release will be disappointed, that said i think it looks fine as it is, this will be a fast paced action game with many enemies and things going on at the same time, i only hope they bring lots of new moves and enhancements to the game play.
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Commented on 2008-12-15 16:13:29
These games are just too epic.

Even if the graphics aren't that great, the story and situations you get into are just outright awesome. Looking forward to this.
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Commented on 2008-12-15 16:23:57 In reply to dcdelgado
Posted by dcdelgado
The graphics at its core will not change much, yes it will receive some polish, but those expecting this game to make some sort of huge leap in the way it looks come release will be disappointed, that said i think it looks fine as it is, this will be a fast paced action game with many enemies and things going on at the same time, i only hope they bring lots of new moves and enhancements to the game play.
lol a bit like how killzone 05 trailer that sucked only recieved a few upgrades. So it's been proven that games can change drastically.

Why are people so gullable, who here actually thinks that what they showed you today was the final product. Remembering that people have been wowed by killzone, gears, crysis and so forth do you really think that they are going to give what was the best looking PS2 game mediocre visuals for PS3, I haven't even watched the trailer but eitherway I can almost guarantee you that GoW 3 will be one of the best looking games, why? because they've proven themselves on the PS2 and PSP, all they are doing now is teasing you into believing that they wont deliver visually and then bang the shock factor will come when you see the final game, remember everyone has eyes and they know god of war 3 is the biggest PS3 title now logical tell me that you think they will allow the visuals to be sub par, I thought so, here ends my rant.
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Commented on 2008-12-15 16:40:01 In reply to omniscient
I think you are missing my point, it looks great as it is and with a bit of polish will look even better.

And the KZ2 trailer shown at E3 in 2005 was CG and was amazing!! in no way did it suck?, and that trailer still looks much better than kz2 does now.
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Commented on 2008-12-15 17:23:56 In reply to Ronsauce
Posted by Ronsauce
...If you don't know what you're doing.
Well in all fairness, God of War never really pushed me to think all that much about what i was doing in combat. What made God of War great imo was the nice mix of puzzles and action, combined with some pretty cinematic moments and awesome graphics. The gfx so far does not impress me at all. But like people have said, it'll probably get better closer to release.
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Commented on 2008-12-15 18:08:13 In reply to omniscient
You are turning things up-side-down as dcdelgado pointed out, I'm not sure where your head was when you wrote that bit about KZ2 and all, but it must have been in some dark place.

Also, you're statement about GOW 1 and 2 looking great on the ps2 so it can only look great on PS3 can be dismissed simply by pointing out Ninja Gaiden 2 on Xbox 360. Ninja Gaiden on Xbox was a masterpiece and graphics that trumped everything out there...Ninja Gaiden 2 on the other hand is a mess visually.

As for me, I think the footage looks good, not great. The action looks awesome, but why do I get the feeling it's all QTE. QTE's are lame and if that's the case for this footage then...MEH (and before anyone even dares to mention it, yes...I know there weren't any QTE button/icons to see in this footage, but that can easily be, and most likely is, filtered out for trailer purposes).
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