Trailer PC PS4 Xbox One

The closed beta of Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Wildlands will run from February 3 until February 6 has announced Ubisoft. Discover a new trailer inside that focuses on the open areas of the game, new screenshots plus a short look at the Peruvian Connection, a pre-order bonus mission.


Step Into The Role of an Elite Ghost Team by Playing the Entire Beta Cooperatively With Up To Three Friends

SAN FRANCISCO — January 25, 2017 — Today, Ubisoft® announced that the Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon® Wildlands Closed Beta will be available from February 3-6, 2017 on current-gen consoles and PC. Pre-load will start on February 1. Players waiting to see what it truly takes to become a Ghost can still sign up to have a chance to participate in the Closed Beta at Each selected player can invite up to 3 Ubisoft friends to join their team on the same platform.

The Closed Beta will introduce players to near-future Bolivia as they explore Itacua, a flourishing and mountainous province. As Ghosts, players will work together to take down key members of the Santa Blanca drug cartel as they dismantle the criminal organization. Similar to the full game, all the content in the Closed Beta will be playable with up to three friends via four player co-op or in single player. Players are free to utilize any variety of vehicles, tactical equipment and weapons to get the job done. Fans looking to dive deeper into the inner workings of the Santa Blanca drug cartel can learn more with the upcoming release of Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon® Wildlands: War Within the Cartel, an original, live-action promotional video premiering February 16th on Ubisoft’s Twitch channel ( Fans can RSVP for the livestream premiere at

Set in the largest action-adventure open world ever created by Ubisoft, Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands takes place in Bolivia, a few years from now, as the country has been turned by the vicious Santa Blanca drug cartel into a narco-state. Players are tasked with eliminating the cartel by any means necessary. The massive and responsive open world encourages a variety of playstyles allowing players the freedom to choose how they execute any and all missions.

For more information about Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands, please visit, follow us on or and join the conversation by using #GhostRecon.

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10 screenshots

  • GR: Wildlands new trailer, beta date - 10 screenshots
  • GR: Wildlands new trailer, beta date - 10 screenshots
  • GR: Wildlands new trailer, beta date - 10 screenshots
  • GR: Wildlands new trailer, beta date - 10 screenshots
  • GR: Wildlands new trailer, beta date - 10 screenshots
  • GR: Wildlands new trailer, beta date - 10 screenshots
  • GR: Wildlands new trailer, beta date - 10 screenshots
  • GR: Wildlands new trailer, beta date - 10 screenshots
  • GR: Wildlands new trailer, beta date - 10 screenshots
  • GR: Wildlands new trailer, beta date - 10 screenshots

10 screenshots (4K)

  • GR: Wildlands new trailer, beta date - 10 screenshots (4K)
  • GR: Wildlands new trailer, beta date - 10 screenshots (4K)
  • GR: Wildlands new trailer, beta date - 10 screenshots (4K)
  • GR: Wildlands new trailer, beta date - 10 screenshots (4K)
  • GR: Wildlands new trailer, beta date - 10 screenshots (4K)
  • GR: Wildlands new trailer, beta date - 10 screenshots (4K)
  • GR: Wildlands new trailer, beta date - 10 screenshots (4K)
  • GR: Wildlands new trailer, beta date - 10 screenshots (4K)
  • GR: Wildlands new trailer, beta date - 10 screenshots (4K)
  • GR: Wildlands new trailer, beta date - 10 screenshots (4K)

Artworks (Support-Sniper / Engineer-Assault)

  • GR: Wildlands new trailer, beta date - Artworks (Support-Sniper / Engineer-Assault)
  • GR: Wildlands new trailer, beta date - Artworks (Support-Sniper / Engineer-Assault)
Commented on 2017-01-25 19:19:41
Did you manage to sign up for beta? Hope that you can show beta vids next week :)
In reply to
Commented on 2017-01-26 13:59:06
After NDA lifted last night and tons of gameplay vids and previews came out Ghost Recon is now dead to me. We all thought Ubi would fuck it up and they well and truly have. Such a shame for such a great series to end up like this.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Commented on 2017-01-26 14:29:38 In reply to Xoar
Posted by Xoar
After NDA lifted last night and tons of gameplay vids and previews came out Ghost Recon is now dead to me. We all thought Ubi would fuck it up and they well and truly have. Such a shame for such a great series to end up like this.
Note: He thinks R6 is garbage too, so take this with a grain of salt.
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Commented on 2017-01-26 14:45:36 In reply to GriftGFX
Posted by GriftGFX
Note: He thinks R6 is garbage too, so take this with a grain of salt.
specifically, siege, so he's not wrong.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Commented on 2017-01-26 14:49:38 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
specifically, siege, so he's not wrong.
Note: this guy has terrible taste in online/fps games, so take this with a grain of salt.
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Commented on 2017-01-26 15:01:47 In reply to GriftGFX
Posted by GriftGFX
Note: He thinks R6 is garbage too, so take this with a grain of salt.
Garbage? No ive never said that! It's a decent console shooter in this day and age but a poor Rainbow Six game. Massive difference!

But yeah if you think Siege is so amazing you will likely love this as well. Ubi destroying another franchise for the kool aid drinkers and desperate for the COD/Battlefield money.
In reply to
Commented on 2017-01-26 15:13:30
Why is this game garbage? What did they fuck up?
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Commented on 2017-01-26 15:21:07 In reply to GriftGFX
Posted by GriftGFX
Note: this guy has terrible taste in online/fps games, so take this with a grain of salt.
Note: this guy has terrible taste. period, so take what he says with a truck load of salt.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Commented on 2017-01-26 15:27:23 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by Xoar
It's a decent console shooter in this day and age but a poor Rainbow Six game. Massive difference!
It's a great PC shooter.
Posted by KORNdog
Note: this guy has terrible taste. period, so take what he says with a truck load of salt.
Yeah I like terrible games like Rainbow Six Siege. Clearly hated by people who actually play these games ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

What's your go-to FPS again, KORNdog? Nothing?
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Commented on 2017-01-26 15:28:47 In reply to b0vril
Posted by b0vril
Why is this game garbage? What did they fuck up?

That might be what Grift and Korndog want from a Ghost Recon game but certainly not what proper Ghost Recon fans want. That is Just Cause-Mercenaries meets Far Cry.
In reply to
GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Commented on 2017-01-26 15:34:28
"Proper Ghost Recon fans" lol.. some people take themselves way too seriously.

Ghost Recon hasn't been good for a very long time. I think GRAW (Console) is a pretty shitty game. It's janky as hell and it's got horrible squad AI. The fact that they're trying something new is a breath of fresh air for a series that has been in the gutter for more than a decade.

Same for Siege.
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Commented on 2017-01-26 15:40:00 In reply to GriftGFX
Posted by GriftGFX
"Proper Ghost Recon fans" lol.. some people take themselves way too seriously.

Ghost Recon hasn't been good for a very long time. I think GRAW (Console) is a pretty shitty game. It's janky as hell and it's got horrible squad AI. The fact that they're trying something new is a breath of fresh air for a series that has been in the gutter for more than a decade.

Same for Siege.
Graw was the start of the downward slope but it was still decent though! Janky AI what? We play GR for PvP not single player and the games pre Graw were increidible PvP games.

Anyway it's clear you love Ubi's new style of game geared towards causals and kool aid drinkers i hope you go on to have many great hours on this truly awful Ghost Recon title.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Commented on 2017-01-26 15:42:30 In reply to Xoar
Posted by Xoar
Graw was the start of the downward slope it was still decent though! The games pre Graw were increidible PvP games.

Anyway it's clear you love Ubi's new style of game geared towards causals and kool aid drinkers i hope you go on to have many great hours on this truly awful Ghost Recon title.
There's no friggin' way R6 Siege is a "casual" game. Are you telling me you could knock heads with streamers like xFactor and Matim0? I buy that! Get real, please.

I don't have a lot invested in this game. This is absolutely going to be a throw-away experience for me and I'm looking forward to it. GRAW was hot-garbage. Ubisoft is making better shooters than they were a decade ago. It's as simple as that.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Commented on 2017-01-26 15:43:53 In reply to Xoar
Posted by Xoar
We play GR for PVP
"We". I think you mean "I".

There's nothing wrong with PVP military sims. You should probably play ArmA 3 or Squad if that's what you're looking for.
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Commented on 2017-01-26 16:16:39
Siege is more like a CCTV simulator than a shooter, Tons of gagets to make life as easy as possible for you and 3 min matches = Rush.

Rainbow Six used to be about slow paced having to use your brain to figure out where the enemy is not using 100s of cameras and gadgets to do so and only having 3 mins to do so. Fuck even when you die in Siege you come back from the dead to be a cctv operator bucause people like you dont have the attention span to stay dead for any amount of time. Do you know what happens now in this Ghost Recon game when you die in Coop? You respawn close to your squad. Dear oh dear!!!

Arma aint out on consoles and Arma is a million miles away from games like Rainbow or Ghost Recon.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Commented on 2017-01-26 16:18:41
Well if you're looking for hardcore simulation on consoles.. good luck :)
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Commented on 2017-01-26 16:20:13
Since when was the older Ghost games considered Hardcore have no clue what your talking about. Ghost Recon was a tacital shooter.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Commented on 2017-01-26 16:23:10
They're not.. but they're not.. great MP shooters either. You seem to want this to be more on the simulation MP side. There are games like that out there. Ghost Recon has been a squad stealth game for a long time in addition to any of it's PVP ambitions. You're correct that I don't know much about old GR multiplayer on consoles. I was playing better games on PC at the time.

But you're clearly as clueless if you think games like Siege are casual. Buy a PC and come play in the grown up side of the pool and let me know how casual it is. Good luck finding whatever you're looking for.
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Commented on 2017-01-26 16:24:01 In reply to GriftGFX
Regardless of how good, bad or janky the Ghost Recon games were, they still had some Tactical Shooter elements that Wildlands seems to have abandoned in favor of a more streamlined system. That in of itself is not necessarily bad, sometimes it's good. But there's no denying it's very different than past Ghost Recon games.

EuroGamer made a great article about Wildlands, saying how the game is, what is different, what they liked and what they didn't liked. I was going to post this article yesterday, but didn't thought much people were interested in Wildlands. Either way, it's worth a read. But for those that only want the interesting parts, below are a few excerpts:

"If you had any expectations that Ghost Recon Wildlands would play anything like its predecessors in the tactical shooter series, it's probably best to put them to one side. This is a different take on the formula."

"So different is this spin on an old Ubisoft staple... ...that it's hard to see what's left of the older games. Wildlands does its own thing, and it feels like four-player co-op is at the very heart of what Ubisoft has designed here."

"So there's a little Just Cause in Wildland's free-flowing chaos, a little Crackdown in how it's willing to let you tackle its challenges as you please and a fair amount of The Crew in its drop-in/drop-out co-op that sees riotous multiplayer spread out across a generous map. In terms of any Ghost Recon, though? There are only minute traces of the tactical shooter as it's more commonly known."

EuroGamer - Looking for Ghost Recon in the Wildlands:

Some people in the comments of the article say that the fact that Wildlands is less tactical is what appeals to them. While others complain that the fact that it is less tactical turns them off. Either way you look at it, Wildlands is very different than the old Ghost Recon games, regardless of how good or bad the game ends up being. Quite honestly, this interests me far more than the older games ever did, but it still feels like The Division in the jungle, but I might be wrong.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Commented on 2017-01-26 16:25:30 In reply to Sdarts
Posted by Sdarts
Regardless of how good, bad or janky the Ghost Recon games were, they still had some Tactical Shooter elements that Wildlands seems to have abandoned in favor of a more streamlined system. That in of itself is not necessarily bad, sometimes it's good. But there's no denying it's very different than past Ghost Recon games.
No I accept that they abandoned a lot of old GR. I don't care. I don't think those games are good.
Posted by Sdarts
Quite honestly, this interests me far more than the older games ever did, but it still feels like The Division in the jungle, but I might be wrong.
Not really seeing that. Doesn't appear to have the same sorta RPG structure or the seamless shared world of The Division. Or it's PVP.
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Commented on 2017-01-26 16:25:38 In reply to Xoar
Posted by Xoar
Siege is more like a CCTV simulator than a shooter, Tons of gagets to make life as easy as possible for you and 3 min matches = Rush.
I will like to see you rushing on Siege just to laugh at you getting constantly kill
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Commented on 2017-01-26 16:27:23
Yeah those that just want to jump in blow shit up have digger battles (jack fragz vid) and ride dirt bikes will most likely love it but as i say thats the last thing id expect or want to do in a ghost game.
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Commented on 2017-01-26 16:30:23 In reply to rayy
Posted by rayy
I will like to see you rushing on Siege just to laugh at you getting constantly kill
Its a much more rush and gun game than proper Rainbow games. Its 3 mins a round ffs lol
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Commented on 2017-01-26 16:33:13 In reply to Xoar
Posted by Xoar
Its a much more rush and gun game than proper Rainbow games.
Two things

1. Siege is not a rush and gun game. If you play like that on Siege you gonna get constantly kill.

2. Rush and gun is not equal to casual. Have you play Quake or Unreal Tournament. Those are rush and gun and they are far from casual.
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Commented on 2017-01-26 16:35:16 In reply to GriftGFX
You might be right, but I actually forgot about The Division's RPG elements. I meant as an "Online 4 Player Co-Op Third Person Shooter".

Also, Wildlands does have a Tech Tree in which you spend points and money from missions to acquire better weapons, gear and abilities, just like The Division, hence why to me at least the two look very similar.
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About the game
Published by
Developed by
Ubisoft Paris

$135 of $400 per month

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