Video PS3

Sony did not think we could use a review code of Gran Turismo 5 but thankfully, DJmizuhara is always there to get us some exclusive high quality footage. In the seven videos below, you will be able to see the two types of cars that are available in the game, namely the standard and premium models. Weather effects are also included in today's menu and you will also recognize some of the most famous tracks of the franchise. I also took the liberty of adding a few images from photo mode our French members have taken over the past few days. Enjoy!

Images by our fellow members

  • 7 Gran Turismo 5 videos - Images by our fellow members
  • 7 Gran Turismo 5 videos - Images by our fellow members
  • 7 Gran Turismo 5 videos - Images by our fellow members
  • 7 Gran Turismo 5 videos - Images by our fellow members
  • 7 Gran Turismo 5 videos - Images by our fellow members
  • 7 Gran Turismo 5 videos - Images by our fellow members
  • 7 Gran Turismo 5 videos - Images by our fellow members
  • 7 Gran Turismo 5 videos - Images by our fellow members
  • 7 Gran Turismo 5 videos - Images by our fellow members
  • 7 Gran Turismo 5 videos - Images by our fellow members
  • 7 Gran Turismo 5 videos - Images by our fellow members
  • 7 Gran Turismo 5 videos - Images by our fellow members
  • 7 Gran Turismo 5 videos - Images by our fellow members
  • 7 Gran Turismo 5 videos - Images by our fellow members
  • 7 Gran Turismo 5 videos - Images by our fellow members
  • 7 Gran Turismo 5 videos - Images by our fellow members
  • 7 Gran Turismo 5 videos - Images by our fellow members
  • 7 Gran Turismo 5 videos - Images by our fellow members
  • 7 Gran Turismo 5 videos - Images by our fellow members
  • 7 Gran Turismo 5 videos - Images by our fellow members
  • 7 Gran Turismo 5 videos - Images by our fellow members
  • 7 Gran Turismo 5 videos - Images by our fellow members
  • 7 Gran Turismo 5 videos - Images by our fellow members
  • 7 Gran Turismo 5 videos - Images by our fellow members
  • 7 Gran Turismo 5 videos - Images by our fellow members
  • 7 Gran Turismo 5 videos - Images by our fellow members
  • 7 Gran Turismo 5 videos - Images by our fellow members
  • 7 Gran Turismo 5 videos - Images by our fellow members
  • 7 Gran Turismo 5 videos - Images by our fellow members
  • 7 Gran Turismo 5 videos - Images by our fellow members
  • 7 Gran Turismo 5 videos - Images by our fellow members
  • 7 Gran Turismo 5 videos - Images by our fellow members
  • 7 Gran Turismo 5 videos - Images by our fellow members
  • 7 Gran Turismo 5 videos - Images by our fellow members
  • 7 Gran Turismo 5 videos - Images by our fellow members
Commented on 2010-11-25 21:04:38
such a mixed bag visually. The cars look stunning.. then they go a soil that by throwing terrible looking shadows over them (especially in cockpit view)

Apparently a patch for online is fast on its way.. so thats good news
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Commented on 2010-11-25 21:14:44
I don't mind them wanting to throw in the option to get 'used' standard model cars from GT4; they're easy enough to avoid. I don't, however, like that we are forced to race against them in-game. Not a huge turn off, but one of the many small issues that keeps this game from being great. Can't turn off the HUD, WTF?

Some of the tracks could have seriously used a graphical upgrade as well. Beyond that, the gameplay is fantastic and the premium cars look amazing if you can get past the horrendous shadows.
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Commented on 2010-11-25 21:14:52
It's conforting that Turn10 atleast did a god job shortening the gap on the photomode (crap resolution implementation that need extra work to get some decent shots, but oh well) as i'm not seeing that much here that wasn't already bullshoted as well, by turn10's game a year ago.

The lack of snow and wet shots are a bit dissapoing, show more of that.
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Commented on 2010-11-25 21:17:10
Talk about a mixed bag. The premium cars look very nice and I really like the use of light and shadow even if the shadow themselves nearly ruin the immersion. The night tracks look incredible from the dashboard view with all the shadows moving around. London also looks very nice. Mixing the standard cars with the premiums is jarring though. It's interesting to see the player pass a highly detailed car then a standard one. kinda funky.
Those environments are way low-poly though, and I'd swear one of those tracks was from GT1( the one with the lake at the bottom of the hill). Whoever was playing did a decent job of staying away from bumping the other cars..
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Commented on 2010-11-25 21:20:16
One thing I don't like about this game, two tracks have been ported from GT4, Laguna Seca and Monaco & both have shocking textures, especially Laguna. Should have just left them out imo.

Other than that though, it's awesome & loving every minute
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Commented on 2010-11-25 21:27:28
I thought the featured image was an actual photo for a split second...
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Commented on 2010-11-25 21:27:33
Yet again a plethora of photo mode screen shots to try and cover up the underwhelming gameplay visuals. This game seems to have some great moments visually, but like most have said so far, it's really a mixed bag. I wouldn't be so bitter if it weren't for the Sony Hype Machine. They always bring me up then shoot me down, just like Killzone2 did.
Regardless, it's going to be a great game I have no doubt. I look forward to seeing the game released, finally.
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Commented on 2010-11-25 21:38:22
OMG, you have got to be kidding me! I just watched the videos and all the trees are made of 2 flat planes perpendicular, like the old PS1 days, even the closer trees in the urban environments. There is just no excuse for that..
I think they spent WAY too much time on making the cars look shiny, and neglected everything else.
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Doom_Bringer - I have terrible taste
Commented on 2010-11-25 22:26:19
This message is in "Boulet Time" (TM), If you still *really* want to see it, click here
head it got bad review...hopefully Sony will come down on them but I think PS3 didn't live up to PD's expectations

Game would be better if it were PC exclusive
Commented on 2010-11-25 22:32:56
Theres is any way for you guys get the japonease intro ? , becouse the US intro (music) sucks !!!
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Commented on 2010-11-25 23:12:32
I never expected the shadowing department to appear like a sore thumb in GT5. I mean, I never really noticed anything wrong from prologue, and they do have a better fidelity of shadows in cockpit and whatnot than turn 10's games even there looks more realistic in tone and colour, but when they go all jagged and glitchy it makes the whole scene look like a friggin' mess.
Quite mindboggling that PD didn't have the time(???) to fix this kind of inconsistencies.
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Commented on 2010-11-25 23:26:50 In reply to spacemanjupiter
Posted by spacemanjupiter
OMG, you have got to be kidding me! I just watched the videos and all the trees are made of 2 flat planes perpendicular, like the old PS1 days, even the closer trees in the urban environments. There is just no excuse for that..
I think they spent WAY too much time on making the cars look shiny, and neglected everything else.
Agreed. The Cars do look great, but the environment, which you will see a lot more of, especially if your not a behind the car player, looks like shit. Nothing like those ridiculous promo shots.
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Commented on 2010-11-25 23:34:03
it's like car porn. *drools*

those photomode shots rival most rendered images i've seen. premium cars look gorgeous, and as i thought, standard cars DONT look horrendous when in motion (i'd be happy to race alongside them), but still, probably best to avoid them where you can. when everything is right it looks beyond anything i've seen in gaming, racing game or otherwise.

looking forward to playing this over xmas. just got it for 20quid from PCworld. can't really complain at that price.
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Driftwood - Dictateur en chef
Commented on 2010-11-26 00:03:16 In reply to pythxvii
Posted by pythxvii
Nothing like those ridiculous promo shots.
I certainly hope you don't mean the shots accompanying the article. They were made in photo mode by some members, like I said.

And photo mode shots are never close to what gameplay looks, whether it's GT, Forza or PGR.
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Commented on 2010-11-26 00:46:31
been watching my brother play GT5, great game and modes, although wish i had 3d TV/glasses for the background graphics in the game, would give it that extra wow feature

can't wait get paid from work, great Sim racer to go with Midnight Club Los Angeles and Burnout Paradise collection
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Commented on 2010-11-26 01:02:08
Looks beautiful for the most part (nitpicking the various buggy lod and shadow issues making the rounds on the net) but the tearing and framedrops hurt the eyes - the latter surely important in affecting a racing game?

I hear it's better in 720p, tho.
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Commented on 2010-11-26 01:12:05 In reply to squarejawhero
Posted by squarejawhero
I hear it's better in 720p, tho.
that it plays better or it looks better?
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Commented on 2010-11-26 02:06:38
I must admit that I am pretty letdown by GT5 so far. The premium cars all look really nice, but I can't get over how bad a lot of the standard cars look as well as how bad a large percentage of the tracks look. I have no idea WTF PD was doing this whole time b/c for how long the game has been in production this game is a major dud in many ways.

The physics are much improved from GT4 thankfully, but they still aren't the best on the console market. Some tracks, with the right cars makes for some serious eye candy, but so far the game isn't anywhere close to the visual stunner I have been hoping for/waiting for.

I never worried b/c it was PD afterall, I never would have guessed that they would release a game that feels this rushed and half-baked. The scary part is that it's been delayed so many times. I'm honestly shocked at how inconsistent this game is.

More than anything I'm just really bummed the tracks don't look better. I thought they would deliver more than this.
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Commented on 2010-11-26 02:42:00
Wow just watched the madrid track with standard cars. fantastic. The AI in the end was trying really hard lol.

Great game. Also unlike others I think standard cars are great with new physics. They could have easily sold GT4 HD with some track and online play for 40$ some years back but instead they added all those in a game. Many old classic games reamke of HD are sold and sells millions. They also could have done that.
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Commented on 2010-11-26 04:24:12
The reviews so far aren't too great, even from GT fans like computerandvideogames. Blurry textures, low poly environments, cardboard cutout trees from the 90s, unstable framerate, screen tearing, horribly glitchy shadows, etc.. I've seen a few with balls already say that Forza3 tops GT5 in overall visuals and overall as a game. Forza3 is 2 years old now..
No wonder they've been showing photomode so much the past few months, and very little gameplay. Any processor can render great 'photo mode' pictures. My phone could do it. It just might take a lot longer. How they missed the boat on visuals when the game has been in development for 5 freakin years, i don't understand. They've always made it a point in the past to excel in this department. The only thing I can think of, considering the dev time put into it, is that they overestimated the capabilities of the hardware. They probably fell for the Sony Hype Machine like everyone else, and projected a little too confidently.
I may actually skip out on this one.
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Commented on 2010-11-26 09:01:50

looks 100% real. Awesome, i want it for my 360 :(
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Commented on 2010-11-26 11:58:11
Firstly - Forza 3 is one year old, not two.

Secondly - @mrheadpants, I hear it plays and performs better in 720p. But methinks that's the 3D mode.

Personally I'd love to have this, a wheel and a PS3 with a massive telly. The physics look great. I'm just wondering if the performance issues would affect my enjoyment. When it looks great, it looks unbelievable, when it looks and performs bad, it's facepalm time. Peeps pishing folks complaining about the visuals across the net forget that for a long time this was sold on the strength of the visuals, and as a simulator beyond the driving solid visuals are a definite requirement for suspension (get it?) of disbelief.
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Commented on 2010-11-26 12:56:34
Cool game, bad sounds. :-I
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Commented on 2010-11-26 14:06:20 In reply to staatsfeind1234
Posted by staatsfeind1234

looks 100% real. Awesome, i want it for my 360 :(
Why does this link send my mozzila ape shit?

he used the wrong url
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About the game
Published by
Sony Computer En...
Developed by
Polyphony Digital

$135 of $400 per month

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  • Driftwood

    Driftwood @Loakum: enjoy, the one Sony sent us will be there on launch day. Coverage will follow asap. (> 3 Months ago)

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    Driftwood @reneyvane: non ils l'ont publié le 1er octobre et je crois que tu l'avais déjà linkée. ;) (> 3 Months ago)

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