Video PC Xbox 360 PS3

While AbSoLuT_b is trying hard to keep the site running by posting tons of news each day, I have been keeping myself busy with the now famous iCEnhancer mod which gives Grand Theft Auto IV a photo realistic look. Not eveyrthing is perfect though, but then again, I'm using the beta version of the mod so it makes sense. Kudos to ICE La Glace for his work as I can even run the game at 30 to 55 fps depending on the situation. Here is a first video captured in 1080p and 30 fps and a bunch of homemade screenshots so you can see what it's all about. If you want to try it out yourself, here is the address where to download it.
Update: Another short video added.
Update 2: Added a gallery using the same mod but with replaced vehicles, screens by Miguel and Blades.

15 images

  • GTA IV top model video - 15 images
  • GTA IV top model video - 15 images
  • GTA IV top model video - 15 images
  • GTA IV top model video - 15 images
  • GTA IV top model video - 15 images
  • GTA IV top model video - 15 images
  • GTA IV top model video - 15 images
  • GTA IV top model video - 15 images
  • GTA IV top model video - 15 images
  • GTA IV top model video - 15 images
  • GTA IV top model video - 15 images
  • GTA IV top model video - 15 images
  • GTA IV top model video - 15 images
  • GTA IV top model video - 15 images
  • GTA IV top model video - 15 images

40 images

  • GTA IV top model video - 40 images
  • GTA IV top model video - 40 images
  • GTA IV top model video - 40 images
  • GTA IV top model video - 40 images
  • GTA IV top model video - 40 images
  • GTA IV top model video - 40 images
  • GTA IV top model video - 40 images
  • GTA IV top model video - 40 images
  • GTA IV top model video - 40 images
  • GTA IV top model video - 40 images
  • GTA IV top model video - 40 images
  • GTA IV top model video - 40 images
  • GTA IV top model video - 40 images
  • GTA IV top model video - 40 images
  • GTA IV top model video - 40 images
  • GTA IV top model video - 40 images
  • GTA IV top model video - 40 images
  • GTA IV top model video - 40 images
  • GTA IV top model video - 40 images
  • GTA IV top model video - 40 images
  • GTA IV top model video - 40 images
  • GTA IV top model video - 40 images
  • GTA IV top model video - 40 images
  • GTA IV top model video - 40 images
  • GTA IV top model video - 40 images
  • GTA IV top model video - 40 images
  • GTA IV top model video - 40 images
  • GTA IV top model video - 40 images
  • GTA IV top model video - 40 images
  • GTA IV top model video - 40 images
  • GTA IV top model video - 40 images
  • GTA IV top model video - 40 images
  • GTA IV top model video - 40 images
  • GTA IV top model video - 40 images
  • GTA IV top model video - 40 images
  • GTA IV top model video - 40 images
  • GTA IV top model video - 40 images
  • GTA IV top model video - 40 images
  • GTA IV top model video - 40 images
  • GTA IV top model video - 40 images
Commented on 2011-07-15 23:31:55
I was planning to download the mod, but I changed my mind.

It's still GTA4 and I hate GTA4.

Actually the only one I liked a bit was GTA3. (when GTA felt fresh/new)

Mod looks good though, kudos to Ice.
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Commented on 2011-07-15 23:50:17
Sooo......where's the top model ? Can't see any in those pics ;)
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Commented on 2011-07-16 00:01:20
Now the people in the city look too cartoony.
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Commented on 2011-07-16 00:20:16
i love GTA IV. In terms of gameplay, it is definitely not the best GTA out there, but on graphics side it blows all the other games out of the water. each GTA had its own defining style to it, thats what makes these games great, and GTA IV's style was creating one of the most believable open world city in any video game to date. GTA IV set the benchmark for future GTA titles on this generation of gaming, just like GTA III did for its generation, so i expect that this was just the opening to a more wonderful experience to come from GTA V
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Commented on 2011-07-16 00:25:10
Rockstar are definitely going to be sitting up and paying attention to this, whether the guy gets any money or recognition for these techniques I'd hate to guess.
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Commented on 2011-07-16 00:26:16
Mod does look very good, what spoils those images is the poor ground texture.
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Driftwood - Dictateur en chef
Commented on 2011-07-16 00:27:28 In reply to xgei8ht
There is no texture mod applied, that's why. I was not sure which one I could use with my updated Steam version of the game. Also, I kinda was afraid it might kill the framerate.
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Commented on 2011-07-16 00:31:42
At first the lighting looks amazing, but then after a while it seems to get a bit annoying.

Certainly I can't wait to see how much the tech has improved with GTAV. Red Dead Redemption looks incredible.
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Commented on 2011-07-16 01:23:50
How did you make this work? It always crashes the game on my computer (.exe APPCRASH).
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Commented on 2011-07-16 01:53:56 In reply to b0vril
Posted by b0vril
Certainly I can't wait to see how much the tech has improved with GTAV.
Probably not by this much, considering they still have to cater for the 6-7 year old toyboxes.
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Commented on 2011-07-16 01:55:01
That lighting is trying so hard to be like Kane and Lynch 2, yet looks like a not well thought out filter. If anything, Rockstar should pick this guy up just to finish the lighting.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Commented on 2011-07-16 02:22:48 In reply to b0vril
Posted by b0vril
At first the lighting looks amazing, but then after a while it seems to get a bit annoying.
This. I'm not sure I want to go through the hoops necessary to patch the Steam version. I actually think it already looks f'n amazing maxed out anyway. I only wish I could get anti aliasing.
Posted by Fenrir
Probably not by this much, considering they still have to cater for the 6-7 year old toyboxes.
Except they clearly didn't. GTA4 runs pretty poorly on the 360 and looks the part as well. The PC version clearly makes a lot of use of the additional resources available. Efficient? Perhaps not. But the rage engine is already plenty capable, and since developers target sub-HD resolutions and sub-30fps performance in favor of heavy shaders, they're already pushing software beyond the "toyboxes."
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Commented on 2011-07-16 07:57:03
Simply impressive. This is definitely the kind of talent a developer needs to bring inhouse.
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Commented on 2011-07-16 09:06:09
It looked fine on foot, but on the car it was so annoying seeing the lighting flip back and forth, I wouldn't be able to stand it. Good effort though.
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Commented on 2011-07-16 10:08:12
How is this realistic? Nothing but bloom there.
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Commented on 2011-07-16 12:08:23
Lmao at 57 seconds he runs past the guy and he says what the fucking fuck lol.
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Commented on 2011-07-16 12:50:10
Check out this video about ground textures:
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Commented on 2011-07-16 16:06:17
Was this played with the newest patch 1.0.7? I looks like some of the effects are missing from these videos. Works best with patch 1.0.4
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Driftwood - Dictateur en chef
Commented on 2011-07-16 16:36:39 In reply to Sto
Yes it was played with the newest patch because this is the steam game with the latest updates.
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Commented on 2011-07-16 19:09:10
videos unavailable, lame.
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PlumbDrumb - Still drinking
Commented on 2011-07-16 19:16:36 In reply to infamouz956
Posted by infamouz956
videos unavailable, lame.
I've been getting that the last couple of days. Just refresh the page and it should load.
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Commented on 2011-07-16 21:28:40 In reply to IIGrayFoxII
Posted by IIGrayFoxII
I was planning to download the mod, but I changed my mind.

It's still GTA4 and I hate GTA4.

Actually the only one I liked a bit was GTA3. (when GTA felt fresh/new)

Mod looks good though, kudos to Ice.
Indeed, not to be a debbie downer but this game was rush designed for cashing in on a console generation that was rushed to sub 300 million transistor GPUs.. mostly thanks to Microsoft not to wait the 2 to 3 years it would take for 700+ transistor GPUs to mature thanks to process shrinks.

I personally find GTAIV (I have the PS3 complete ed) to be embarrasing to look at and play since I am aware of how long a game can be in development for.

These PC GTA "Real" mods have been around for since GTA3 and its ok I guess when you have a fanatical obsession and refuse to move onto other game than GTAIV but unfortunately other than skins, these mods add nothing new, they do not use the hardware reguardless of frame rate reports.

And its kind of disappointing to think that some "fanperson" has to improve an old game when the game developer who engineered and programmed and applied creative energies just could not do the same.

At best its just another novelty but seriously there are much more games out there and I prefer to either replay an old unaltered game classic or a new current release, the people who download this will probably enjoy it and good for them I guess I am just annoyed that a game has to be improved not by the game dev but by fanpersons, specially when they are broken overhyped messes like Crysis 1/Warhead/2
Posted by GriftGFX
Except they clearly didn't. GTA4 runs pretty poorly on the 360 and looks the part as well. The PC version clearly makes a lot of use of the additional resources available. Efficient? Perhaps not. But the rage engine is already plenty capable, and since developers target sub-HD resolutions and sub-30fps performance in favor of heavy shaders, they're already pushing software beyond the "toyboxes."
Ahh another of the PC gamer master race that goes around insulting game consoles by calling them "toyboxes" wow, just wow, and no surprise that this behaviour is being encouraged.

Do you in your infinite and very expensive PC intelligence have any concept or grasp on what "custom game programming" and "refined 3d engines" are? oh wait that super expensive $500 per component PC is so not a "toybox" that it magically fixes all the broken A.I., broken game programming, broken etc that makes that platform famous, I bet it even fixes the disloyal pirates.
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Commented on 2011-07-16 22:51:42
Looks pretty good but not loving how grainy it looks.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Commented on 2011-07-17 01:30:08 In reply to Akumajo
Posted by Akumajo
Ahh another of the PC gamer master race that goes around insulting game consoles by calling them "toyboxes" wow, just wow, and no surprise that this behaviour is being encouraged.

Do you in your infinite and very expensive PC intelligence have any concept or grasp on what "custom game programming" and "refined 3d engines" are? oh wait that super expensive $500 per component PC is so not a "toybox" that it magically fixes all the broken A.I., broken game programming, broken etc that makes that platform famous, I bet it even fixes the disloyal pirates.

Another console fanboy who is overly sensitive and can't read. I was quoting someone when I said that. Lighten up.

I also just built a new PC and went extremely over-the-top and not a single component was $500. There's only one component on the market that is $500 (not counting dual GPU configs). Hyperbole is fun, aint it?
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Commented on 2011-07-17 02:41:01
The mod makes the game look STUNNING, this is pretty much the next gen now.
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About the game
PC X360 PS3
Published by
Rockstar Games
Developed by
Rockstar Games

$135 of $400 per month

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    Driftwood @Loakum: enjoy, the one Sony sent us will be there on launch day. Coverage will follow asap. (> 3 Months ago)

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