Xbox 360

While waiting for the 720p version that's still being encoded, here are quite a few 720p captures from the Marketplace version of the new Vidoc. The quality isn't that great, but this time it's not my fault ;)
Update: 720p video online !

Vidoc captures

  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
  • Halo 3: Vidoc #2 captures - Vidoc captures
Commented on 2007-04-10 19:23:28
gud man ur smelf...for an alpha it looks great and all the effort they're putting in will surely pay off big time!
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Commented on 2007-04-10 19:28:29
looks nice , cant wait for May 16.
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Commented on 2007-04-10 19:45:47
Looks like a refurbished original Xbox game, can't wait for the Single Player campaign though, that is where the game truelly shines IMO.
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Commented on 2007-04-10 20:33:58 In reply to Winter_wolf
Posted by Winter_wolf
Looks like a refurbished original Xbox game, can't wait for the Single Player campaign though, that is where the game truelly shines IMO.
Pre-Alpha build meaning just about everything in it is a placeholder.
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Commented on 2007-04-10 21:22:46
i like the engine and the textures... i hope that this gets game of the year 2007
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Commented on 2007-04-10 22:21:52
I think the graphics are great. Even if it is Alpha.

If anyone complains about the graphics, that's their opinion. Don't bother trying to convince them that they're not the final graphics, that's Bungie's job. Fanboys... sigh.
In reply to
Commented on 2007-04-10 22:22:49
Still looks like Halo 2 to me, will wait till I see a more finished verison of the game to bass full judgment though. It's got alot of hype to live up to and the beast that is Gears of War to contend with
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Commented on 2007-04-10 22:36:54
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Commented on 2007-04-10 22:44:27
Gawd, how I hate the battle rifle, and the SMG is not something I like to pick up during match ups either. I wish they had done away with both for Halo 3.

A Vulcan or the ability to carry the portable 30 Cal turret would have been welcome. Oh well, we got the assault rifle back so I guess I shouldn't complain.
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Commented on 2007-04-10 23:53:03
I can't wait. I have been holding on to Crackdown for 2 months now. Finally I can play halo 3
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Commented on 2007-04-11 00:01:04
Lol @ Halo 3 contending with GoW. GoW is no match. I hope this game doesn't steal any thunder from UT3 which I'm sure it will.
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Commented on 2007-04-11 00:26:35 In reply to GrimThorne
Posted by GrimThorne
Gawd, how I hate the battle rifle, and the SMG is not something I like to pick up during match ups either. I wish they had done away with both for Halo 3.

A Vulcan or the ability to carry the portable 30 Cal turret would have been welcome. Oh well, we got the assault rifle back so I guess I shouldn't complain.
I guess you missed the chaingun a guy was using against the turret in Highground? Yeah, figured you did.

Anyway, it looks great, especially for an Alpha. Besides, even if it did ship like this, it would still be a huge success. But it's not. It's going to look way better than this, and I think that says something as to how well this game is going to sell.
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Commented on 2007-04-11 00:51:12
Mp spartans are nicely designed

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Commented on 2007-04-11 03:15:02
i can't wait!!!
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Commented on 2007-04-11 03:26:04
If you look closely in the background in one of the TV's in the top left corner (when it shows all those TV's stacked on eachother) you can see the pistol :)

Here's a screenshot.

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Commented on 2007-04-11 03:49:56
Damn man.

Don't look so hard.
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Commented on 2007-04-11 04:54:43 In reply to Burglarize
Posted by cooleo_no1
Damn man.

Don't look so hard.
I actually saw it posted elsewhere, I didn't notice it myself heh.

I was pointing it out for the guy complaining about the AR and the SMG. What more could you want than the AR and the Pistol from Halo? The AR was the perfect companion to the Pistol.
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Commented on 2007-04-11 04:57:42 In reply to Haseo
Posted by Haseo
Still looks like Halo 2 to me, will wait till I see a more finished verison of the game to bass full judgment though. It's got alot of hype to live up to and the beast that is Gears of War to contend with
Because most of the placeholders are from HALO 2.
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Commented on 2007-04-11 05:43:01
Never really been a halo fan, this series has always made me sick but i want to play this game, looks piff. I'll force myself to play this one.
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Commented on 2007-04-11 07:15:36 In reply to Drew
Posted by Drew
I guess you missed the chaingun a guy was using against the turret in Highground? Yeah, figured you did.
One thing so that we're clear, a Chain Gun IS NOT a Mini/Gatling gun. There is a REAL distinction. The Chaingun is a 7.62mm (or larger) rotating motor and ammo chain system. It is always mounted or stationed as the system weighs thousands of pounds.

The Mini-gun is much lighter, usually a 5.56mm with a linked belt, and a plug in battery powered gatling type system. It can be fixed or mobile. If the firing mode is kept below a 1000 rounds per minute, a person can carry and fire the weapon accurately. Anything over a thousand is unmanagable.....even for a Spartan I would imagine.

So mini-gun you can carry, chain-gun you can't. The ammo drum in a chain-gun alone can weigh thousands of pounds. You might as well be walking around with whatever the Hunters are carrying and I know Bungie isn't going to give us that either. lol

And that's what I was talking about, a weapon that's not stationary on the map or fixed to a vehicle.

I would also prefer the 30 Cals that you see stationed on the multiplayer maps or slung over the shoulders of marines in the single player campaign. The 30 Cal would never need more than an ammo can to hold hundreds of rounds.

That's all I meant.

Now while Bungie seems closed to the idea of these kinds of weapons, over at the official Halo Wars forums Ensemble seems to be keeping an open mind.
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Commented on 2007-04-11 10:56:15
Hot damn. That ball shield thing is friggin awesome. If I understand correctly, and it's position is physics based depending on the topography of the map, than that is actually pretty innovative. GJ Bungie!

And slomo/various camera angle/freeze frame death replays is sickeningly awesome. I mean who hasn't ever wanted that in an FPS? Or any game? Looks like they will deliver. Hell, even if the final build looks just like the alpha I'd be completely satisfied.

Word of the day - "Man-cannoning"
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Commented on 2007-04-11 11:49:45
720p Halo: *Drools*

I'll torrent it and be kind(er).
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Commented on 2007-04-11 16:11:26
Whatta hell is [bip] de [bip] de [bip] supposed to mean :D Guy says "Oh my god", and I find it VERY hard to find 3 words to censor in that sentence even translated :>
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Commented on 2007-04-11 16:13:08
I hope the equiptment you can deploy (trip mines, grav lift, bubble sheilds), aren't that big a bulky in the final game...just a minor grip i know...
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Commented on 2007-04-11 18:26:41
Not impressed. At all.
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About the game
Published by
Xbox Game Studios
Developed by

$135 of $400 per month

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