Kingdom under Fire: Circle of Doom is back with this new gallery showcasing the characters Duane and Leinhart. Also worth mentioning, the game went Gold today.
Update: Added 2 trailers showing these 2 characters in action.
Update 2: Even more images, artworks and videos!
All comments (18)
This is now a Dumbed Down version... a more accessible approach to the series.
This is now a Dumbed Down version... a more accessible approach to the series.
But who knows maybe it turns out good, i just don't see why they had to turn a innovative strategy game into a hack and slash.
Who's the developper of this? Any chance to see the game on PS3?
Who's the developper of this? Any chance to see the game on PS3?
Edit: Ups, sorry for the double post.... server is slow...
However, the game looks promising ^^
Edit: Just looked at the second trailer. Reminds me visually of drakengard, even gameplay and camera remind me of it. And that's not nessesarily bad. Wow, in the trailer that chick even looks hotter!!!
That's quite sad. Some designs look almost identically to the soul blade!!!