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Electronic Arts and DiCE released this new images and a trailer of Battlefield: Bad Company 2. More at E3 as usual.

4 images

  • BFBC 2 images and trailer - 4 images
  • BFBC 2 images and trailer - 4 images
  • BFBC 2 images and trailer - 4 images
  • BFBC 2 images and trailer - 4 images
Doom_Bringer - I have terrible taste
Commented on 2009-05-22 17:48:01
great series but Dice is wasting their time on consoles. Bad Company 1 was nowhere near as feature rich as Battlefield 2 (which was released years ago). And with only 24 players the game isn't fun at all....not to mention it bombed on both systems.

Dice should try to emulate Valve, make games on PC first and then port them to consoles. They have a huge fanbase too (on PC) but they don't seem to care much about them (Battlefield 2 haxor patch has been in development for 1 year and the beta is pretty much dead).

In terms of multiplayer support Valve (yesterday's update) >>>>>>>>>>> Dice (Lots of hackers on BF2, ruining games, crashing servers)
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Commented on 2009-05-22 17:51:25
Bad Company is also a PC game Doom. The BF2 1.5 patch is also not dead, and just recently went into its public beta phase. Considering the game is four years old, that's really not all that bad. Hell, they basically broke BF2 because they cared too much about the community and all the cry baby pubbers.

It's still buggy as shit though. Has been since day one.

I'm worried about the future of this franchise because this game is multiplatform. With multiple new entries to the franchise on PC, why bother dedicating an entire team to Battlefield 3? And lets not forget that 2142 was also simplified in many ways, and not as feature rich as its predecessor.

Maybe the Battlefield we loved is dead.
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Doom_Bringer - I have terrible taste
Commented on 2009-05-22 17:57:19 In reply to GriftGFX
I know this is on PC just like Battlefield 1943 but do they really compare to the original entries? No 64 player support, no big maps, no commander, less vehicles, poor squad system, classes are being cut left and right (NO landmines in Battlefield 1943) and the list goes on and on. The series is being console'ized and I hate belongs on PC, Dice should have made a spin off for the consoles.

Also the Battlefield 2 1.5 Ver 2 beta is DEAD, the game itself is extremely popular though (I just logged on right now and there are like 50 people playing the beta, most times its less than that).

Also Battlefield 2142 is very good! Its built upon BF2 and most things were improved...I like it a lot
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Commented on 2009-05-22 18:05:55 In reply to Doom_Bringer
Posted by Doom_Bringer
I know this is on PC just like Battlefield 1943 but do they really compare to the original entries? No 64 player support, no big maps, no commander, less vehicles, poor squad system, classes are being cut left and right (NO landmines in Battlefield 1943) and the list goes on and on. The series is being console'ized and I hate belongs on PC, Dice should have made a spin off for the consoles.

Also the Battlefield 2 1.5 Ver 2 beta is DEAD, the game itself is extremely popular though (I just logged on right now and there are like 50 people playing the beta, most times its less than that).

Also Battlefield 2142 is very good! Its built upon BF2 and most things were improved...I like it a lot
I think 2142 was the beginning of the end, unless DICE proves me wrong. They had already cut and consolidated classes. They nerfed vehicle hit boxes (tank combat in 2142 is a joke!) and it became way too reliant on unlocks. Hell, you had to unlock FRAGS. 2142 is not terrible, but it's no BF2.

And what makes you think BF2 1.5 is dead? The beta is new after all. Had they said something to imply that they weren't moving forward with 1.5? The beta has only been available to the public for a short time.

Lastly, they did make a spin-off. It's just now that spin-off is coming full circle. It's lame, but this very well may be the future of the Battlefield franchise. I still think BF3 exists, but I don't understand what they're doing at all. They're over saturating the market with crap Battlefield games and eventually their core fanbase is just going to give up and move on. Hell.. that's the primary reason that I'm a Call of Duty player now.
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Doom_Bringer - I have terrible taste
Commented on 2009-05-22 18:14:53 In reply to GriftGFX
I think Battlefield 2142 is great, the Russian floating tanks suck but otherwise the game is extremely balanced and they fixed pretty much everything that was wrong with BF2 (uber air domination, overpowered artillery and uber complicated sniping). Its easier to snipe people in 2142, easier to shoot down aircrafts, the unlocks are very cool (especially that anti vehicle 100 c energy sniper rifle). I love 2142.

About the patch, I downloaded it the day it was released and it was popular at first but people abandoned it pretty quickly (mainly becuase it was impossible to join games, and still is). All this means is the actual 1.5 patch won't be released by the end of May...

Call of Duty..I never got into the series...way to scripted and not fun at all. I mostly stick to Team Fortress 2 and all Battlefield PC games.
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Commented on 2009-05-22 19:22:19
Call of Duty was wicked for its single player it felt like playing a movie, but after playing even BFBC1 going back to COD was like drinking 80 cups of coffee and redbull and still running super fast it was insanely arcadey even against BFBC
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Commented on 2009-05-22 19:43:11
This message is in "Boulet Time" (TM), If you still *really* want to see it, click here
Oh god here come the butthurt PC fanboys with their idiotic lies...

BFBC wasn't fun at all? Sold poorly?

Face it, the Battlefield series isn't dead, PC gaming is...
Commented on 2009-05-22 19:51:21
BC despite its flaws was fun to me. They got no where to go but up really compared to last game, i think they will fix alot of the issues with BC. The trailer is coo by the way.
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Commented on 2009-05-22 21:09:26
wow that was an awesome trailer..felt intense
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Commented on 2009-05-23 04:49:55
Nice trailer. I'll get it for sure.

And I really don't get why there is so much hate for BC. I played BF 2 a lot and for me it had many faults. I hated big vehicle maps because aircraft was so damn powerful, the hopping around while shooting went on a long time until they finally got around to fix it. I abandoned the game shortly after though.

BC for me is a good hybrid between more arcade style play (simplicity of use) and more realistic shooting/classes. I like CoD very much, but it's a different shooter altogether. In many ways I prefer it to CoD. Also from the trailer it seems like they fiddled with the classes again: People can be reanimated again.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Commented on 2009-05-23 09:21:57 In reply to powder
Posted by Doom_Bringer
I think Battlefield 2142 is great, the Russian floating tanks suck but otherwise the game is extremely balanced and they fixed pretty much everything that was wrong with BF2 (uber air domination, overpowered artillery and uber complicated sniping). Its easier to snipe people in 2142, easier to shoot down aircrafts, the unlocks are very cool (especially that anti vehicle 100 c energy sniper rifle). I love 2142.
I'll just agree to disagree. I think that Battlefield 2 is a much better game. I also think that this is reflected in the fanbases. There are still more people playing BF2 than there are 2142. They nerfed the games vehicles in terrible, terrible ways. Tank combat is extremely simplified. BF2 has several hit boxes on its tanks and multiple weak points--and even an uber tricky one-hit-kill zone--2142 reduced it down to, "the rear is weak!"

The game is just a dumbed down version of BF2. I do love the walker though, and some of the unlocks are actually cool. Hell, I even loved their replacement for the Assault's noob toob. In the end though, the game is still extremely weak compared to their previous efforts.
About the patch, I downloaded it the day it was released and it was popular at first but people abandoned it pretty quickly (mainly becuase it was impossible to join games, and still is). All this means is the actual 1.5 patch won't be released by the end of May...
Oh.. well when you said, "dead" I thought you meant it was vaporware or something. I'm not surprised that there aren't a ton of people playing a beta patch. It's a beta after all and it really does not add too many new features.
Call of Duty..I never got into the series...way to scripted and not fun at all. I mostly stick to Team Fortress 2 and all Battlefield PC games.
That's what MP is for. A lot of people seem to play TDM though.... which is horrible. Search & Destroy owns though. The game has some issues.. but that's what pro-mod is for.
Posted by powder
Oh god here come the butthurt PC fanboys with their idiotic lies...

BFBC wasn't fun at all? Sold poorly?

Face it, the Battlefield series isn't dead, PC gaming is...
Uh.. k.
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Doom_Bringer - I have terrible taste
Commented on 2009-05-23 17:05:57 In reply to GriftGFX
I have played 2142 for a good amount of hours and the only vehicles that feels nerfed is the the Russian gravity tank that has poor turning ability. The hit points never really bothered me, I still love and play Battlefield 1942 extensively and that game too has tanks with one major hit point (the back) and I can live with it. And with precise weaponry such as the 100 cal energy sniping gun, its easy to take down the tanks.

About the popularity, Battlefield 2 was very hyped and it lived up to it while Battlefield 2142 kinda came out of nowhere. Also right now Battlefield 2 is $9.99 and is easy to max out on old PC's while 2142 is $19.99-$29.99 and is more graphical intensive than BF2 (better lighting, particle effects etc). In the end it really boils to do one's preference of modern warfare or futuristic warfare.

Finally Call of Duty, simply not interested at all...I had the chance of buying world at war recently (steam sale 50% discount) but didn't...I played the beta and it was just too fast paced for my tastes.

I think all Battlefield PC games rock...I even play BF Vietnam every now and then. They all have good userbase and good communities. All worth it IMO
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Commented on 2009-05-24 09:17:57 In reply to Doom_Bringer
Posted by Doom_Bringer
In terms of multiplayer support Valve (yesterday's update) >>>>>>>>>>> Dice (Lots of hackers on BF2, ruining games, crashing servers)
That's why they're going to consoles, as well as other originally PC games/devs. These hackers, and people downloading illegally are the ones who are destroying the PC games, and the PC game industry on the whole. Take a look at the new Sims game that's coming out as the most recent example, people have begun to download it illegally, almost three weeks prior to the games release.

And there is no stopping it, unless you stop PC games completely.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Commented on 2009-05-24 09:51:45 In reply to jinx0r
Posted by jinx0r
And there is no stopping it, unless you stop PC games completely.
Yeah, that's not going to happen. There will be another entry in the Battlefield series for PC. Hell, this game is coming to PC too. There are more titles becoming multiplatform than ever, including for Windows. For the first time ever we're seeing more and more console ports on the PC as well. Check Valve's numbers. They're great.

PC gaming isn't going anywhere. Ever.
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PlumbDrumb - Still drinking
Commented on 2009-05-24 10:39:30
"PC gaming isn't going anywhere"

You should read that over, Grift :D
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Commented on 2009-05-24 16:37:44
Bad Company is an amazing MP game. I still play it to this day.
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Doom_Bringer - I have terrible taste
Commented on 2009-05-24 17:05:01
yea PC gaming is better than ever IMO. Lack of PC exclusives is kinda sad because generally PC exclusives are way better and genre defying IMO. Take a look at Crysis. I beat that game last year after building a new PC and its just so hard to play console FPS's after beating it. I bought Far Cry 2 for PC and tried the PC demo of CoD4 and they both palled in comparison. After playing Crysis & Crysis warhead, I simply have zero interest in Killzone/Resistance/Halo/Far Cry/CoD and other console FPS's...they are simply way behind in terms of design compared to PC exclusives FPS's.

Plus multiplatform PC games are so awesome these days. I just beat Mirror's Edge and Dead Space recently on PC and it was a great experience playing both at 720p @ 60 FPS. GTA4 port was ok though :P
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Commented on 2009-05-24 19:56:33
I thought PC vs Console died in the 90's
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Commented on 2009-05-24 20:03:33
I really enjoyed the first BFBC on the 360, so I can't wait for this one. I've always had a bit of a fetish for snowy landscapes...
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Commented on 2009-05-24 20:34:58 In reply to Doom_Bringer
Posted by Doom_Bringer
yea PC gaming is better than ever IMO. Lack of PC exclusives is kinda sad because generally PC exclusives are way better and genre defying IMO. Take a look at Crysis. I beat that game last year after building a new PC and its just so hard to play console FPS's after beating it. I bought Far Cry 2 for PC and tried the PC demo of CoD4 and they both palled in comparison. After playing Crysis & Crysis warhead, I simply have zero interest in Killzone/Resistance/Halo/Far Cry/CoD and other console FPS's...they are simply way behind in terms of design compared to PC exclusives FPS's.

Plus multiplatform PC games are so awesome these days. I just beat Mirror's Edge and Dead Space recently on PC and it was a great experience playing both at 720p @ 60 FPS. GTA4 port was ok though :P
I don't normally bite on these sorts of things, but you are missing out on great gaming by being such a PC snob. I do some PC gaming and love Crysis, but you're out of it IMO. Every game is a different experience and I am super happy that not every game is plagued by simulation or over-depth, personally. And the PC has an infinitely higher ratio of shit -to-great games than anything else out there. Just 'cuz you enjoy a certain style of game doesn't make others not worthy of attention or praise...
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Doom_Bringer - I have terrible taste
Commented on 2009-05-24 21:01:29
I am not a snob and I think there are plenty of good experiences to be had on both PS3 and Xbox 360 (wii lolz). The PC space ownz the FPS department the console ownz the third person shooter department. After beating Dead Space its clear that Gears of War 1, Gears of War 2, Fable 2, Uncharted etc are richer compared to PC stuff. Racing is debatable but I don't really care about racing games anymore, same for fighting, JRPG, those smaller PSN and XBLA titles don't interest me a bit.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Commented on 2009-05-25 00:51:38
Yea I'm not convinced I'm missing much in BC. The sequel is coming to the PC and I still may not bite. It's just not the Battlefield game that I want, and there are plenty of other great FPS to play out there. I'm not completely anti-console-FPS either. I still do play quite a bit of Halo with my friends.. it's just a more casual thing for me than it is on the PC side.

I *may* give BC2 a chance, but it will mostly depend on other people. If my gaming buddies pick this up, I'll basically have to as well.
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Doom_Bringer - I have terrible taste
Commented on 2009-05-25 02:06:24
Bad Company 1 looks pretty neat for a console shooter, I certainly find it more interesting compared to Resistance, Halo, CoD or Killzone but its 24 player which isn't enough...I can't even imagine having fun with only 24 players. 64 players FTW!

I will give this a chance for sure, I hear the PC version will be totally different compared to the console ver (same for 1943). I have bought all of Dice's games since Battlefield 1942 so no way I am skipping on 1943 or BC2 on PC :)
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Commented on 2009-05-25 02:13:34
I've never had any problems with smaller player counts. It's all about how the game is designed. Call of Duty 4 is too crowded with more than 16 players on most maps, it just becomes a clusterfuck, and in most games it's not uncommon to see clan play limited to 5v5-like numbers.... and that's the most fun you can have with such a game. 5v5 infantry matches in BF2 were a blast, and 8v8 vehicle matches were incredible. Thanks to the map scaling, Battlefield has no problems with player counts small or large.

More isn't always better.

And I'm not sure how much different the PC version of this game will be. I've heard DICE go on record as stating that 1943 will be "different" and I can only assume that it will receive a larger player cap... but Bad Company will mostly consist of maps designed for smaller numbers and I don't see them redoing level design for the PC version.

It's a bummer that 1943 will still only have three classes regardless of platform.
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Commented on 2009-05-25 14:46:23
Bad Company was alot of fun so i am excited for BC2. Huge fan of the BF series. I think BF2142 was too soon. Great game though. I still loved it. BF2 was just amazing for its time. I was addicted to it like no other.

BF2 was amazing but ruined by alot of things long term. The later patches were misinformed. They nerfed many classes, weapons and vehicles. It put me off the game. Its dumb having tanks unable to kill infantry. The whole flowers bullet issues. Nerf after nerf after nerf. Developers need to learn to have a backbone. The game was more fun at launch compared to now.

BC2 sounds fine. The classes are mixed so really you arent losing abilites if its like 2142. Just class names ;) Lets see how they handle it. Also isnt it 40 players according to OXM? Either way it sounds great.

In the meantime I have been loving Killzone 2, its like Karkand, Sharqi etc. on Steriods. They fixed alot of the class and ability issues that Battlefield games have had. Sony also have MAG coming with 256 players online. Maybe i will move on to Sony games if no one else delivers. We need companies like DICE who push forward.
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About the game
PC X360 PS3
Published by
Electronic Arts
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$135 of $400 per month

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