Images PC Xbox 360 PS3

Though these new screenshots of Mass Effect 3 are not 720p, they are still a good catch for anyone who claims to love the franchise. Hopefully, we'll find out more about the game at E3.

8 images

  • Mass Effect 3 images - 8 images
  • Mass Effect 3 images - 8 images
  • Mass Effect 3 images - 8 images
  • Mass Effect 3 images - 8 images
  • Mass Effect 3 images - 8 images
  • Mass Effect 3 images - 8 images
  • Mass Effect 3 images - 8 images
  • Mass Effect 3 images - 8 images
Commented on 2011-05-04 12:02:59
This year's end is gonna be so amazing for gaming. And probably the best year for RPG fans. I mean.....Skyrim and a new Mass Effect all in the same month?
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Commented on 2011-05-04 12:57:26
liking the more realistic colour pallet
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Commented on 2011-05-04 13:15:20
Yeah, i notice that too. But i think overall it will just look a bit more smooth and polished, no rough edges and all that. I don't expect big graphical changes, which is fine cause ME2 looks good enough. I love the fact that battlefields will be more epic now, there will be stuff going on in the background and that's really cool.
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Commented on 2011-05-04 13:24:24
I cant wait. i still need to get this game for the 360. I've finished it on the pc, but i will buy this for the 360 when a game of the year edition (or whatever edition comes out) comes out with all the DLC.
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Commented on 2011-05-04 13:57:01
i just want more rpg elements when it comes to modding your guns and armour this time round. That was the biggest let down of ME2... well that and the ending.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2011-05-04 13:57:42
Best sci fi game ever!

Bring on Mass Effect 3!
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Commented on 2011-05-04 14:25:58
Remember when Bioware used to make RPGs? Oh well, I guess the 360 needs more shooters, I always felt it was under served in that area.
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Commented on 2011-05-04 15:07:25 In reply to bleachedsmiles
Posted by bleachedsmiles
i just want more rpg elements when it comes to modding your guns and armour this time round. That was the biggest let down of ME2... well that and the ending.
Yeah, it felt strange that they took that away from the first game, and they should take that stupid scanning planet stuff away and make something better. It got tedious after a while
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GangStarr - Inhibited Sony Lover
Commented on 2011-05-04 16:12:50
looks alot like ME2, which isnt a bad thing

cant wait
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Commented on 2011-05-04 16:53:06
They are gonna bring back RPG elements , it won't be like ME1 but there will definitely be more RPG stuff in it this time around...great!!!
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Commented on 2011-05-04 18:10:11 In reply to Fr0gg0
Posted by Fr0gg0
Yeah, it felt strange that they took that away from the first game, and they should take that stupid scanning planet stuff away and make something better. It got tedious after a while
they did it so they could sell different armour as dlc
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Commented on 2011-05-04 20:54:11 In reply to moroboshi
Posted by moroboshi
Remember when Bioware used to make RPGs? Oh well, I guess the 360 needs more shooters, I always felt it was under served in that area.
I'm just glad Bioware continues to put out GotY quality games like Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2. Call it w/e you want, Mass Effect 3 will be an amazing game I have very little doubt.
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Commented on 2011-05-04 21:16:52
been delayed, which is great news, maybe they can make the game amazing, unlike ME2 and DA2? i'd like some depth this time around too if it isn't too much hassle, i know that could be seen as quite indecisive in terms of bioware's approach, having the 3rd play different to the second, but the same as the first. but frankly, at this point, i don't care about consistency. i DONT want ME3 to play like ME2 and certainly not like the mess that was DA2. i just don't.

we've seen bioware dumb down their games on a consistent basis since EA bought them, i honestly wouldn't be surprised if ME3 turned out to be a generic third person shooter with a thin glazing of RPG elements, i'd be disappointed as hell, but not surprised. bioware have gone from one of my favorite developed to just a "good" one. they dont seem to fix or refine elements anymore, they just remove them entirely, and often times replace them with less interesting, more laborious gameplay (i'd take the mako with its shitty controls over planet scanning any day of the week)

i want this game to be amazing, just like ME1, i want to walk away from it satisfied, knowing that it's wrapped up a great storyline in a way that makes sense and feels right. i appreciate them improving the shooting mechanics for ME2, but not at the expense of EVERYTHING else . if they can find a balance between those games, then it should be great. if it's just like ME2 (or god forbid, even more dumbed down) then i might have to pass on it.
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Commented on 2011-05-04 22:04:47 In reply to Moonwalker
Posted by Moonwalker
This year's end is gonna be so amazing for gaming. And probably the best year for RPG fans. I mean.....Skyrim and a new Mass Effect all in the same month?
sorry but the game has been delayed which is great news imo too many games for the end of the year
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2011-05-04 22:12:27
Mass Effect 2 was much better in alot of ways, one of them being less boring combat!

The only thing I want them to bring back for ME3 is to have the cool muzzleflash lensflare from ME1, to be able to augment the armor and weapons, thats it.

Other than that ME2 was better in everyway.
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Commented on 2011-05-04 22:16:45 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
i DONT want ME3 to play like ME2 and certainly not like the mess that was DA2. i just don't.

You want clucky slow shooting mechanics, with tons of filling garbage in the RPG aspects of the game?

No thank you I hope for a more refined ME2 with ME3.
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Commented on 2011-05-04 23:08:21 In reply to IRAIPT0IR
Posted by IRAIPT0IR

You want clucky slow shooting mechanics, with tons of filling garbage in the RPG aspects of the game?

No thank you I hope for a more refined ME2 with ME3.
Posted by KORNdog
i appreciate them improving the shooting mechanics for ME2, but not at the expense of EVERYTHING else
shooting was fine in ME2, that was never my issue, it was the rest of the game where it faltered. catering to the brainless masses who can't THINK for more then 5 seconds.
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Commented on 2011-05-04 23:13:47 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
shooting was fine in ME2, that was never my issue, it was the rest of the game where it faltered. catering to the brainless masses who can't THINK for more then 5 seconds.
lol, and ME made you think more than 5 seconds?

I mean really?

Or you know making a fun game that has awesome gameplay as you know games are suposed to play awesome not just read or see a history in them, like you know "GAMEPLAY", the single most important part of a game?
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Commented on 2011-05-04 23:19:16
I don't see why people made such a fuss about the shortcomings of ME1 to begin with. Just make identical items stack and bam, problem solved with the inventory. My biggest gripe with ME2 was probably the even further slimmed down skill trees. I men sure it's action focused but you still ahve a squad and RPG parts. I'm not expecting Fallout type of character customization (like when you have a super low intelligence in Fallout two and can only speak in grunts becasue you are too stupid, hahahaha) but some modifiers that aren't directly combat oriented would be nice...throw some goddamn stats based hacking and lockpicking in there for fucks sake. Things that might aid you in combat through material perks or alternat routes.

Then again, i'll be happy if they just reinstate a regular inventory system with different weapons and armor, mods and consumables, then take whoever thought out the planet scanning and publically flogg him/her in a square somewhere.
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Commented on 2011-05-04 23:21:15 In reply to IRAIPT0IR
Posted by IRAIPT0IR
Or you know making a fun game that has awesome gameplay as you know games are suposed to play awesome not just read or see a history in them, like you know "GAMEPLAY", the single most important part of a game?
Inventory management, character customization and min/maxing is also gameplay. I know you like action games but some of us actually like to tinker with the RPG parts as well. And let's face it, ME had stronger RPG elements than ME2 and i think a lot of gamers appreciated those, even if you are not one of them.
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Commented on 2011-05-04 23:25:37 In reply to IRAIPT0IR
Posted by IRAIPT0IR
lol, and ME made you think more than 5 seconds?

I mean really?
compared to the third person shooter called mass effect 2, hell yes, probably why you didn't like it. god forbid we used our brain a little when playing a video game.
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Commented on 2011-05-04 23:28:10 In reply to Megido
Posted by Megido
Inventory management, character customization and min/maxing is also gameplay. I know you like action games but some of us actually like to tinker with the RPG parts as well. And let's face it, ME had stronger RPG elements than ME2 and i think a lot of gamers appreciated those, even if you are not one of them.
BUt those parts sucked in ME, I don't know where you or how you came up with the notion that I don't want those things in a RPG, I do want them but with things that matters or being done right, ME had tons of armor that 90 % of it was filler, same as bullets and weapons, all just to be there and give the sensation that you have tons of shit to manage, worthless shit to be precise.

If you can't do it right why have it then? Heavy RPG fans liked them but that doesnt automatically made it a great thing in the game.

I was half the time in the menu destroying pushing Y the tons of repeated bullets and armors and weapons that I didnt need, why cause there was one weapon that made obsolete all of those weapons and bullets and armors and shit.

Stronger bad RPG elemensts I do not want, stronger RPG elements done right with some serious great things to manage could be great.
Posted by KORNdog
compared to the third person shooter called mass effect 2, hell yes, probably why you didn't like it. god forbid we used our brain a little when playing a video game.

You can't be serious are you?

IN an action game you use your brain probably way mmore than the slow RPG games man, what are you even talking about.
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Commented on 2011-05-04 23:38:41 In reply to IRAIPT0IR
So here's my thinking: If it's broken then fucking fix it. Essentially what they did was remove all parts players had complained about and replaced them with tedious busywork. I'd rather have broken management and exploration than the insanely contrived and forced upgrade mechanics we got in ME2. Yeah, they made the shooting a little bit better but pretty much gimped everything else. I still hold ME1 as the better game, even if it has a lot of shortcomings.
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Commented on 2011-05-04 23:39:29 In reply to IRAIPT0IR
Posted by IRAIPT0IR
IN an action game you use your brain probably way mmore than the slow RPG games man

you've disregarded intelligent, thinking mans games purely because you cant see the characters feet in first person. that says it all for me.

you're an action junkie without the capacity to enjoy anything else. that's not my problem...that's yours.
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Commented on 2011-05-04 23:48:45 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
shooting was fine in ME2, that was never my issue, it was the rest of the game where it faltered. catering to the brainless masses who can't THINK for more then 5 seconds.
The presentation and story in ME2 were far better than most games. It wasn't a deep RPG , but for the brainless masses???
I've yet to here a non-pathetic argument for why that game was brainless. It's an action game more than anything, very lite on the RPG elements but it's still an amazingly well presented story with fun interaciton in terms of combat.

Is uncharted 2 for the brainless masses? It's a great story with nothing mentally stimulating and basic action pieces. Nothing innovative at all in that game, just great presentation, same as ME2.
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About the game
PC X360 PS3
Published by
Electronic Arts
Developed by

$135 of $400 per month

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