Nippon Ichi sends us a giant new batch of screens for the role-playing strategy (SRPG) game Disgaea 3 planned as an exclusive Playstation 3 title at the end of January 2008 in Japan. A new gang of characters is installed, including Mao, Raspberyl, Almaz and Jiiya at their Maritsu Evil Academy school. They, along monsters, have really bad looking sprites. If I wouldn't have specified the platform, who would have thought?
All comments (16)
This game gives you more than 100 hours of gameplay. Much more than most games on the market.
If you don't like the gender don't buy the game. It's as simple as that.
No offense ;)
This game gives you more than 100 hours of gameplay. Much more than most games on the market.
If you don't like the gender don't buy the game. It's as simple as that.
No offense ;)
9 240 Yen (special edition) = roughly 80.96 USD
In other words, you pay full price.
But im still going to buy this and play it for 300 hours+ :)
I'm guessing they developed this on the PS2 platform then brought it over to PS3, then PS3's PS2 bc f'd the sprites. The pics look kinda like Disgaea 2 when I play on the PS3
To charge full price for a game like this is an utter joke.
On the PS2 this could've been priced lower due to lower license costs but then people would instead get their panties in a bunch over the fact that they'd have to play it on a PS2.
I suppose the real crooks are Sony for totally fucking up BC on the PS3 (after HAVING HAD an ideal solution in place for the first US model) so I guess we all get to be angry with them.
Roar collectively.