Xbox 360

Lionhead released these images of their upcoming DLC pack for Fable 2, named Knothole Island. The price is 800p, and it's planned to be released in the middle of this month.

Knothole Island DLC images

  • Images of Fable 2 DLC - Knothole Island DLC images
  • Images of Fable 2 DLC - Knothole Island DLC images
  • Images of Fable 2 DLC - Knothole Island DLC images
  • Images of Fable 2 DLC - Knothole Island DLC images
  • Images of Fable 2 DLC - Knothole Island DLC images
  • Images of Fable 2 DLC - Knothole Island DLC images
Commented on 2008-12-04 18:21:53
looks nice.. and importantly, worth the 800points.

Only thing i'm disappointed about is news that the new patch for fable 2 will take away the ability to kill children in the game. I thought they wanted to allow us the freedom to be as nice, or as evil, as we desire
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Commented on 2008-12-04 18:40:41
how do u kill kids in Fable 2?
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Commented on 2008-12-04 19:32:25
i was just asking the same thing ?... but anyway do someone know how long this will be like 5-10 hours to complete or less like mass effects DLC ?
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Commented on 2008-12-04 19:52:37
I was under the impression you can't kill kids in the game... seeing as how you can't target them and area spells don't hurt them.

I'd be absolutely f'ing shocked if this lasted 5 hours considering how damn short the whole main game is.
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Commented on 2008-12-04 20:20:18 In reply to Ronsauce
Posted by Ronsauce
I was under the impression you can't kill kids in the game... seeing as how you can't target them and area spells don't hurt them.

I'd be absolutely f'ing shocked if this lasted 5 hours considering how damn short the whole main game is.
Is it really that short? I've been playing the game on and off for the past few weeks - interspersing the main quest with the side quests, and it still feels like I have a while left. It's not like I have done a lot of side quests and haven't gone through any of the secret doors either.

I think hardcore gamers are going to HAVE to realise that games are catering to the masses and you are not going to have games which last for 100's of hours with pointless gameplay. If Fable 2 was any longer than it is now, I wouldn't bother continuing - people need to find time to play their games.

/rant over
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Commented on 2008-12-04 20:36:52
If you're rushing through, you can easily finish the game in a matter of hours. But both of my play throughs (good and evil files) lasted well over 30 hours. Those who rushed through missed the whole purpose of the game.. And if you didn't like it originally, this new content is unlikely to change that.
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Commented on 2008-12-04 21:10:09
cant wait!
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Commented on 2008-12-04 21:25:13 In reply to WinterSnowblind
Posted by WinterSnowblind
If you're rushing through, you can easily finish the game in a matter of hours. But both of my play throughs (good and evil files) lasted well over 30 hours. Those who rushed through missed the whole purpose of the game.. And if you didn't like it originally, this new content is unlikely to change that.
30 hours of pointless drivel. awesome. even the freaking demon doors where about as pointless as they come. i want incentives to keep playing and exploring, and fable 2 offered non. the loot was crap and thus the exploration became pointless. hopefully third times the charm in terms of the fable series.

and this is where the likes of fallout 3 and oblvion really show how its done. fable 2 offered an interesting world to walk around in, but no incetives to actually go off the beaten track. where if you entered a random cave in fallout or oblivion you would be rewarded with decent loot, be it a new peice of armour, a new weapon, or some form of short storyline. in fable 2 you go in a random cave and thats all there is in there, a random cave, no decent loot, no additional story, nothing, you fight the odd hobbe or bandit and thats all your given. and when thats the case why go down in said cave at all? considering they created such a beautiful world, they really didnt give you much reason to explore it.
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Commented on 2008-12-04 22:03:05
That's one of the things Oblivion and Fallout did WRONG. Unlike Morrowind, there was no reason to go off exploring because of loot/enemy scaling. Why go into a dungeon and try to *maybe* find a rare piece of armour, when any random bandit you run into will have the same, if not better equipment?

At least Fable had unique rewards for getting the silver keys and opening the demon doors and the Gargoyles, even if there should have been far more of them.
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Commented on 2008-12-04 22:10:00 In reply to WinterSnowblind
Posted by MoonWalkinYiddo
I think hardcore gamers are going to HAVE to realise that games are catering to the masses and you are not going to have games which last for 100's of hours with pointless gameplay. If Fable 2 was any longer than it is now, I wouldn't bother continuing - people need to find time to play their games./rant over
We do realise that a lot of games are trying to cater to the casuals more, but that doesn't mean we have to like it. And the thing with Fable 2 is that not only is it short, but most everything you do is tedious and pointless.

KORNdog is 100% correct about the complete lack of incentive in doing anything in the game outside of the main quest. After you've made a bit of money(tediously in the mini-"games") and have bought some property, you basically eliminate any and all need to dig things up, open chests, do side quests(which were also boring and repetitive), and explore in general(which simply wasn't that fun with the small areas and frequent loading).

Also, in no time, you can be wielding the best weapons...that you bought from a store. Wtf?! That's some pretty weak RPG design right there.
Posted by WinterSnowblind
Those who rushed through missed the whole purpose of the game.
Oh really? I'd disagree and say they were the smart ones because they didn't waste their time getting involved in shallow social interactions or the ridiculously shallow family aspect.
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Commented on 2008-12-04 22:13:00 In reply to WinterSnowblind
Posted by WinterSnowblind
That's one of the things Oblivion and Fallout did WRONG. Unlike Morrowind, there was no reason to go off exploring because of loot/enemy scaling. Why go into a dungeon and try to *maybe* find a rare piece of armour, when any random bandit you run into will have the same, if not better equipment?
Uh...I often got better shit by exploring random caves and stuff in Oblivion. I'd rather there at least be the opportunity to find something new. In Fable 2, you are pretty much guaranteed that you won't find anything worthwhile in caves or by doing side quests.
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Commented on 2008-12-04 22:29:40 In reply to Ronsauce
Posted by Ronsauce
Uh...I often got better shit by exploring random caves and stuff in Oblivion. I'd rather there at least be the opportunity to find something new. In Fable 2, you are pretty much guaranteed that you won't find anything worthwhile in caves or by doing side quests.
exactly, in fable 2 your typical loot is some sort of potion (most of which arnt even needed thanks to the incredibly low difficulty) or a bag of gold (which isnt needed once you move into the property market)

i appreciate what fable 2 was TRYING to do, and all the features it was trying to include, but at the end of the day each element of the game, be it the property market, "jobs", social interaction, loot, the dog, side quests, the main story etc, they where ALL simplified to breaking point. theres accessibility for the casual audience, and then theres simplification to a point where it actually stops being engaging, fable fell into the later. the game was too wrapped up in trying to please everyone. and as a result is a shallow experience. which isnt what you want in an RPG.
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Commented on 2008-12-04 22:34:30
Urm, I thought it was accepted by all (even the biggest Oblivion fans) that the caves in Oblivion were not only repetitive, but full of pointless loot. I liked Oblivion to start with, but it was all too up itself and not fun to play.

Having said all this, I did enjoy the original Fable a lot more than number 2, but number 2 was still a great game.
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Commented on 2008-12-04 23:02:49 In reply to MoonWalkinYiddo
Posted by MoonWalkinYiddo
Urm, I thought it was accepted by all (even the biggest Oblivion fans) that the caves in Oblivion were not only repetitive, but full of pointless loot. I liked Oblivion to start with, but it was all too up itself and not fun to play.

Having said all this, I did enjoy the original Fable a lot more than number 2, but number 2 was still a great game.
i agree they where repetative, but the loot was still a million times more worthwhile then the shit you get in fable 2. i went off the beaten track in fable 2 for about an hour, only to find something like 2 peices of celery and a carrot, thats not how you reward exploration. it just isnt.
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Commented on 2008-12-05 00:00:19 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by Ronsauce
Oh really? I'd disagree and say they were the smart ones because they didn't waste their time getting involved in shallow social interactions or the ridiculously shallow family aspect.
And I'd say you were one of the stupid ones for buying a game without knowing what it was about. The first game may have been ridiculously over hyped, but with Fable 2, we knew exactly what we were getting in to. If you didn't like it, why buy it? I happen to think it was one of the best games released this year, and I'd certainly play it over Fallout 3.

These "shallow" elements at least added to the atmosphere of the game. It certainly wasn't as done as well as it could have been, but it helped make your character more believable.

Oblivion works in this example as well, as it's also a very immersive game, but your character is never anything more than some nameless, characterless nobody. Being able to marry someone in Oblivion or Fallout would have been a great addition, even if she/he never really did anything, it was only there for role playing purposes.. To make your character more believable.

If you disagree, that's fine, but calm down. You sound like a Gamefaqs troll.
Posted by KORNdog
i agree they where repetative, but the loot was still a million times more worthwhile then the shit you get in fable 2. i went off the beaten track in fable 2 for about an hour, only to find something like 2 peices of celery and a carrot, thats not how you reward exploration. it just isnt.
This arguement is totally illogical. I do understand what you're trying to say, a lot of the time when you off exploring random places in Fable 2 it doesn't turn up much.. BUT! there is unique or, rare items and completely unique legendary weapons which require you to explore places, find keys or hints, etc. If you didn't see anything like this in Fable, perhaps it's because you ignored all this and ran through to complete it in 8 hours?

Where as in Oblivion there is NOTHING like that. The only unique items in the entire game were the Daedric artifacts, aside from that, there was no point to the exploration as every single armour/weapon set could be found on the random bandits.
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Commented on 2008-12-05 00:05:03
i just cant understand what makes them think they can release a dissapointing game then instead of make it better, charge us for more rubbish

heres a few things peter promised...

what he promised...

one button combat. anyone else remember peters promises and those demo videos he showed?? if fighting in a bar for example he said all you have to do is use this one button and your character will use things around him to fight with. for example pick up a glass off a bar and throw it, and a video particulaly memorable when you press the combat button and the character jumped and swung off the shandelia ect and used anything around him to fight with.

what we got...

we got one button for sword combat only, and although the combat was fun it wasnt as promised. the sword button was meant to be combat button as promised above. we got range and magic buttons too but he hadnt mentioned them at that point, so i guess we would have got them aswell anyway, only the physical attacks wouldnt have been limited to sword only

what he promised...

THE DOG!! the dog was meant to be a replacement to the mini map, it was meant to guide you, warn you of enemies and attack enemies, lead you to your objective. basically take away any need of any other interface and he hyped this up so much saying its the most incredible new A.i ect...

what we got...

we got something which shows us where to dig for pointless treasure. and we got a gold trail to lead us to the objective which peter didnt really bother to mention about...

what he promised...

he promised us LOVE. he promised us you could start families and have kids and that they would love you so much ect and that every person in albion is unique

what we got....

every person in albion had a random combination of favoroite place, favoroite gifts and favoroite expressions and that was the extent of their 'uniquness'. the interactions were terrible, i could make anyone love me just by flexing my arms a few times. and 100s of people would follow me around wanting me to buy them rings. so my wife didnt feel special at all. she was a prostitue too so i didnt have kids because i didnt want to risk an STD because some IDIOT said that your character dies of an STD at the end of the game (which wasnt peters fault) but ive heard the kid thing was as lame as the rest of it anyway.

so i feel a bit robbed that i was excited about these supposedly mindblowing features for like 2 whole years (as i was a huge fable 1 fan) all of which turned out to be very dissapointing.
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Commented on 2008-12-05 00:27:10 In reply to WinterSnowblind
The first game may have been ridiculously over hyped, but with Fable 2, we knew exactly what we were getting in to.

Wrong. Information was scarce and purposely left a lot to be questioned so gamers wouldn't realize how shallow every aspect of the game was.
They told us about a dog, a family, job system, and all that other nonsense to build desire for the game.
If a company told us exactly what they were giving us, the game would have probably sold half as well. Gamers ALWAYS want something that could possibly be great. Fable 1 wasn't enough to dash hopes in a sequel as it was pretty decent still since it was such a new game/ip.

I would have bought Prince Of Persia yesterday if I didn't find out you basically CAN'T die. If I'm not fucking challenged in a game whatsoever why the hell do I want it? I can just watch a goddamn movie because that is basically what it is then.

If Lionhead had told me:
You can't die
You'll make money easily and be able to buy most of a town in about 4 hours of play
Leveling your character is pointless since you are basically immortal
Clothing is scarce and despite us wanting you to look like an individual, there are very few GOOD articles to make uniqueness rare
Your dog is going to find useless bullshit that isn't even as good as what you'll find throughout the game
Your ammo and mana are infinite. This part of the game is odd since you can't die ALREADY, infinite ammo and mana are pretty unecessary
Your family is only a slight upgrade from Fable 1
The list goes on

I wouldn't have bought it

Do you remember Lionhead telling us those things?

There are reasons why they asked casual gamers to review this game. Because reviews from anyone else would have eliminated a lot of sales.
I bought this game, but I certainly sold it before I finished it because it was a waste of time and lacked any sort of challenge.
This also ruins immersion in a game. The player isn't as focused or determined to solve the game
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Commented on 2008-12-05 00:57:19 In reply to WinterSnowblind
Posted by WinterSnowblind
And I'd say you were one of the stupid ones for buying a game without knowing what it was about. The first game may have been ridiculously over hyped, but with Fable 2, we knew exactly what we were getting in to. If you didn't like it, why buy it?
? I loved the first Fable despite underdelivering on almost all of its overhyped bullshit. Forgive me for thinking that Fable 2 was going to be longer, better, and filled with actual worthwhile things to do.

But yeah, calling me stupid for thinking I had no idea what Fable was about when I was actually a huge fan of the first one kind of makes you the stupid one...and more like one of the Gamefaqs trolls you mentioned.
Posted by Tinks
If Lionhead had told me:
You can't die
You'll make money easily and be able to buy most of a town in about 4 hours of play
Leveling your character is pointless since you are basically immortal
Clothing is scarce and despite us wanting you to look like an individual, there are very few GOOD articles to make uniqueness rare
Your dog is going to find useless bullshit that isn't even as good as what you'll find throughout the game
Your ammo and mana are infinite. This part of the game is odd since you can't die ALREADY, infinite ammo and mana are pretty unecessary
Your family is only a slight upgrade from Fable 1
The list goes on

I wouldn't have bought it
Nor would I.
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Commented on 2008-12-05 01:54:47 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
30 hours of pointless drivel. awesome. even the freaking demon doors where about as pointless as they come. i want incentives to keep playing and exploring, and fable 2 offered non. the loot was crap and thus the exploration became pointless. hopefully third times the charm in terms of the fable series.

and this is where the likes of fallout 3 and oblvion really show how its done. fable 2 offered an interesting world to walk around in, but no incetives to actually go off the beaten track. where if you entered a random cave in fallout or oblivion you would be rewarded with decent loot, be it a new peice of armour, a new weapon, or some form of short storyline. in fable 2 you go in a random cave and thats all there is in there, a random cave, no decent loot, no additional story, nothing, you fight the odd hobbe or bandit and thats all your given. and when thats the case why go down in said cave at all? considering they created such a beautiful world, they really didnt give you much reason to explore it.
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Commented on 2008-12-05 02:01:24
You can't die
- but u will be ugly with scares

You'll make money easily and be able to buy most of a town in about 4 hours of play
- i didnt not watch on a clock, but 4 hours of real time gameplay is A LOT.

Leveling your character is pointless since you are basically immortal
- see point1. and what a problam with it? This is not diablo or mmo and I had fun opening new abilities and fight with them

Clothing is scarce and despite us wanting you to look like an individual, there are very few GOOD articles to make uniqueness rare
- how much give me the number. I dont remember actual numbers but I remember that there were a lot

Your dog is going to find useless bullshit that isn't even as good as what you'll find throughout the game
- nope. dog finds all kind of things - food, micsture, silver keyes, books, clothes weapons and...
btw go and buy dog books and teach the dog to do things better

Your ammo and mana are infinite. This part of the game is odd since you can't die ALREADY, infinite ammo and mana are pretty unecessary
- and this is awesome, cuz all spels are the same as guns or swords. this is advaned gamedesign. they simply cut all stupid past gen things like bioware with mass effect

Your family is only a slight upgrade from Fable 1
- actually I dont remember what it was in fable 1, but all social roleplaying in fable 2 is fun and deep. geez my friend told me that when he return from 10(!) years(!) journey his wife had a black baby lol!
and u have some quests with your family

P/S sorry for my english
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Commented on 2008-12-05 08:28:29 In reply to Tinks
Posted by Tinks
If Lionhead had told me:
I wouldn't have bought it

Do you remember Lionhead telling us those things?
Well, I do remember Lionhead telling us some of these things...
Posted by Tinks
I would have bought Prince Of Persia yesterday if I didn't find out you basically CAN'T die. If I'm not fucking challenged in a game whatsoever why the hell do I want it? I can just watch a goddamn movie because that is basically what it is then.
Isnt it basically the same thing as checkpoints? But I guess you are to hardcore to use these and restart your games every time you die.
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Commented on 2008-12-05 10:18:48
when u compleate loose your health u will have expiriense penalty
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Commented on 2008-12-05 12:39:41
Yes, they basically did the same thing as the new Prince of Persia. Why should we have to completely restart from a checkpoint, or reload from a menu every time we die? It's tedious and unnecessary.

Dying does give you quite a large expierence penalty and leaves you with scars.

The only point I really agree with you guys on is the dog. The majority of the time he will discover nothing but useless trash, and it did get to the point were I didn't bother paying attention to where he wanted me to dig. But he could find things like silver keys, useful books, weapons and even clothing.

And it still did do the other things he mentioned it would. He still leads us in certain directions to find loot, he and points in the direction of enemies.

The trail was there for the same reason we have the arrow in Oblivion and Fallout. Wandering around aimlessly can be frustrating, and it would be very hard for the dog to point you in the direction of quests, while doing everything else. However, unlike Oblivion/Fallout you can TURN THE TRAIL OFF!
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Commented on 2008-12-05 13:10:33 In reply to WinterSnowblind
Posted by WinterSnowblind
Yes, they basically did the same thing as the new Prince of Persia. Why should we have to completely restart from a checkpoint, or reload from a menu every time we die? It's tedious and unnecessary.
For some of us though, it gives a sense of accomplishment when we beat a game and weren't babied through the entire thing. I certainly don't think a game like Ninja Gaiden suffered because we were forced to restart at a checkpoint when we died.
Dying does give you quite a large expierence penalty and leaves you with scars.
I don't think the experience penalty and scars were drastic enough as I really didn't notice them either of the two times I died during the whole game.
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Commented on 2008-12-05 16:53:17
are people REALLY this blind???

ok let's see, Fable is not a full RPG, it's an action oriented should we cut it some slak for having substandard BS in it?


Mass effect was (and is) a was not a full blown RPG it was also action oriented like fable (just look at the combat) and lacked the complicacies of true full blown rpgs....but guess what? there was not even one single substandard element in the game.

Combat was handled very well under a shooter perspective adding in the whole RPG abilities and class perks and whatnot.....hell you could even control your team mates to an extent allowing you to approach any fight the way you wanted. in Fable 2.....welllllll all you do is mash a button and just watch the massacre requires some SERIOUS skills......and you can't even die......sure you do not have to reload from menues and whatnot but if you do no want your character to be fugly you just have to anyways.......WTF is the point of that? besides do scar even affect social interactions....or are they just cosmetic?

social interactions now there is a good many people can you talk to in fable?....NONE that is how many...they will talk to YOU but you will never be given the opportunity to are only given a choice every once in a while but absolutely no talking.....not even a quip.....some games do things like that like for instance half life and dead space but they are bloody shooters this is a can be as evil as you like and then flex your arms a few times and BAM people love you and suddenly forgot you are child murderer......WTF! Mass Effect you had to work for your had to talk to the woman/man/alienette and watch them slowly start to fall for could talk to anyone and decide how to handle conversations and wether or not to intimidate or charm someone..... you were actually, lo and behold, PLAYING A ROLE, as opposed to just run around as if you were playing a dumb platformer

sure......mass Effect had no real looting ....not as much as games like fallour or oblivion but you could gather a lot of gears upgrades (good god why can't I rework one of my magic items in Fable? why do I have to buy new weapons each time I want to try a new combination?) armor and stuff like that......and at least there were several different sets of armors for either male, females and aliens...they actually DID something (protect your ass) other than just look all cosmetic and and make people fear you or like you...I mean up to now Fable sounds more like the freaking SIMS than a RPG

Face it......Fable is the Macdonald's of action RPGs

it has a weak story, weak acting, short SHORT campaign with pointless subquests (why bother with unique master steel sword works perfectly and since I can't die there is no reason for me to buy anything least in MAss Effect you had unique sidequests to develope the story of your squad mates that would actually change the damn ending)....pointless SIMS-like social interaction unfit for an RPG, useless gimmics like the dog which basically did nothing but find dig spots for yet more useless stuff and worst of all........since there is no real depth to any of this WHY oh why should we feel any emotional pull at the end of the game deciding which ending to pick??? In Mass Effect you are given the choice of either saving or killing the person you love.....if you did not ignore the romance interests the choice is a tough one will make you think.....but in fable? come on......

also......the biggest grudge of all

we were promised an OPEN WORLD

Oblivion has an open world.....Fallout has an open world.....Far Cry 2 has a mostly open world.....but Fable 2 DEFINITELY has no open world just like fable 1 you move from area to area, each area has a few exits that lead to different areas....that is not a freaking open world

again......for the second time....we have been fabled!
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About the game
Published by
Xbox Game Studios
Developed by
Big Blue Box

$135 of $400 per month

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