Xbox 360 PS3

Square-Enix has revealed the official Final Fantasy XIII website, containing new images. KurowaSan of Neogaf took the time to capture them all, and it's a huge number. Some are old without us having them in the database before, but there is a couple of new ones and more importantly a few in high resolution.

Official site images 720p

  • Images of Final Fantasy XIII - Official site images 720p
  • Images of Final Fantasy XIII - Official site images 720p
  • Images of Final Fantasy XIII - Official site images 720p
  • Images of Final Fantasy XIII - Official site images 720p
  • Images of Final Fantasy XIII - Official site images 720p
  • Images of Final Fantasy XIII - Official site images 720p
  • Images of Final Fantasy XIII - Official site images 720p
  • Images of Final Fantasy XIII - Official site images 720p
  • Images of Final Fantasy XIII - Official site images 720p
  • Images of Final Fantasy XIII - Official site images 720p
  • Images of Final Fantasy XIII - Official site images 720p
  • Images of Final Fantasy XIII - Official site images 720p
  • Images of Final Fantasy XIII - Official site images 720p
  • Images of Final Fantasy XIII - Official site images 720p
  • Images of Final Fantasy XIII - Official site images 720p

Official site images

  • Images of Final Fantasy XIII - Official site images
  • Images of Final Fantasy XIII - Official site images
  • Images of Final Fantasy XIII - Official site images
  • Images of Final Fantasy XIII - Official site images
  • Images of Final Fantasy XIII - Official site images
  • Images of Final Fantasy XIII - Official site images
  • Images of Final Fantasy XIII - Official site images
  • Images of Final Fantasy XIII - Official site images
  • Images of Final Fantasy XIII - Official site images
  • Images of Final Fantasy XIII - Official site images
  • Images of Final Fantasy XIII - Official site images
  • Images of Final Fantasy XIII - Official site images
  • Images of Final Fantasy XIII - Official site images
  • Images of Final Fantasy XIII - Official site images
  • Images of Final Fantasy XIII - Official site images
  • Images of Final Fantasy XIII - Official site images
  • Images of Final Fantasy XIII - Official site images
  • Images of Final Fantasy XIII - Official site images
  • Images of Final Fantasy XIII - Official site images
  • Images of Final Fantasy XIII - Official site images
  • Images of Final Fantasy XIII - Official site images
  • Images of Final Fantasy XIII - Official site images
  • Images of Final Fantasy XIII - Official site images
  • Images of Final Fantasy XIII - Official site images
  • Images of Final Fantasy XIII - Official site images
  • Images of Final Fantasy XIII - Official site images
  • Images of Final Fantasy XIII - Official site images
  • Images of Final Fantasy XIII - Official site images
  • Images of Final Fantasy XIII - Official site images
  • Images of Final Fantasy XIII - Official site images
Commented on 2009-01-09 16:01:51
Super sharp
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Commented on 2009-01-09 16:13:06
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Commented on 2009-01-09 16:15:07
Want gameplay video, now. :(

Screens looks awesome for sure.
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Commented on 2009-01-09 16:35:01
OMG Awesome!
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Commented on 2009-01-09 16:37:25
Images from pre-rendered movies don't impress me.... Most people didn't buy World of Warcraft because of screen grabs from their pre-rendered intro.

I'll never understand why so many JRPG fans get so exited about pre-rendered images.
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Manager - Shemale
Commented on 2009-01-09 16:42:05 In reply to nam37
Posted by nam37
Images from pre-rendered movies don't impress me.... Most people didn't buy World of Warcraft because of screen grabs from their pre-rendered intro.

I'll never understand why so many JRPG fans get so exited about pre-rendered images.
Art direction is interesting to some. Seeing the characters and environments. From the CG videos I've seen from WOW, they have very little to do with the gameplay (random guy in random setting), while FF use it to unveil the story and similar.
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Commented on 2009-01-09 16:46:38
Beautiful screens.

You know, i always love the initial artworks they do for these games, concept to environment etc.

Wish they released them as a package or as a book. i'm sure the pre-production goes through hundreds of them, what happens?! do they just recycle them? i would so buy that book
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Commented on 2009-01-09 16:48:42
Yay, more old crap and CG. Square needs to get a goddamn grip. Release something worth looking at. And they need to stop releasing these microscopic pictures. Give us full 720.

You guys realize that the entire upper section (the ones fading to white) are all cg and around seven of the ones in the lower section are rendered in realtime?
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Commented on 2009-01-09 16:53:32 In reply to nam37
Posted by nam37
Images from pre-rendered movies don't impress me.... Most people didn't buy World of Warcraft because of screen grabs from their pre-rendered intro.

I'll never understand why so many JRPG fans get so exited about pre-rendered images.
i don't think the last image is pre-rendered, more like in-game

Whatever the case, FF games have always looked stunning, FF7, 8, and 9 looked stunning on the ps1, FFX blew me away on the ps2, so did FF12! what this proves is that, FF games always looked the best on the system they were launched.. FF13 is going to follow suit, expect it to be one stunning game
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Commented on 2009-01-09 16:58:27 In reply to Megido
Posted by Megido
Yay, more old crap and CG. Square needs to get a goddamn grip. Release something worth looking at. And they need to stop releasing these microscopic pictures. Give us full 720.

You guys realize that the entire upper section (the ones fading to white) are all cg and around seven of the ones in the lower section are rendered in realtime?
Do people ever stop and think, FF fans do like the CG? i mean, one of my fav moments is actually playing the game and awaiting the next CG clip, cause it looks so awesome! (this went for RE games as well!) and tied in with the story.

It's only the new generation consoles who took it away as graphics looked similar to CG, but ask anyone who had a ps1, they loved the CG scenes, tekken 3's onimusha's stunning CG scenes..

come on, we all know the game will rock, they don't need to prove anything else, let the CG shots continue
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Commented on 2009-01-09 17:01:17
You can quite easily pick out the cg from the realtime screens, lighting gets much flatter and textures become less detailed along with the reduction in polycount etc.
Yes, the screens are all old, but just passing them all of as "cg" is a bit neglectful.
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Manager - Shemale
Commented on 2009-01-09 17:04:57 In reply to Tomarru
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Commented on 2009-01-09 17:06:48
Images like this one are definitely ingame, there's a massive difference between that, and those other CG shots.
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Commented on 2009-01-09 17:09:26
Splicer: don't lecture me on old school gaming, i've been playing games since the NES ;)

CG in games is starting to lose it's value since it's WAY more effective to have sequences render on the fly. Also i find it more impressive to execute a cutscene well in realtime rather than CG. That said i don't have anything in particular against CG, i just think it's time square showed how their awesome super mega epic game will look.

Edit: easiest way to spot the realtime ones from the CG ones are lighting (shittier in the real time ones), edges of characters (straighter, lack of detail) and skin of the characters (the absence of translucency really shows). Ofc having some knowledge about 3d graphics in general is a big help.
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Commented on 2009-01-09 17:49:51 In reply to nam37
Posted by nam37
Images from pre-rendered movies don't impress me.... Most people didn't buy World of Warcraft because of screen grabs from their pre-rendered intro.
So that's why WOW failed.
Posted by nam37
I'll never understand why so many JRPG fans get so exited about pre-rendered images.
Prerendered scenes are a huge part of FF games. Story unfolds almost entirely with them. So showing CG is actually showing a part of the game. And as already stated here, not all those screens are prerendered.
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Commented on 2009-01-09 18:07:25
Thank you very much Square Enix ... Oh wait thanks for nothing!

Nothing we havent seen before. Thanks for posting Blim though
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Commented on 2009-01-09 18:10:39 In reply to Megido

I feel that other people would have an easier time digesting what you tell them if you were to reword your sentences. For example: "...realtime ones from the CG ones are lighting (shittier in the real time ones)."

It is obvious (if you know what your looking for) to spot the realtime from CG snapshots. However the real-time snapshots provided are very high caliber and technically above and beyond most/all current RPGS.

My assumption is that square has, since FF7(most apparent in 10/12), used various levels of detailed characters. They go in this order: CG / high level realtime cinema / standard realtime level character / standard to slightly lower realtime battle character. So what I think I am seeing in these shots are the CG and the High Level Realtime Cinema character models.
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Commented on 2009-01-09 18:11:43
Most are CG, a few look like in-engine. (and those look good if they are in-engine, not amazing but good). Not sure if any are really in-game though, I doubt it.

CG is no longer impressive like it was last gen, it is expected it will look nice.
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Commented on 2009-01-09 18:16:40 In reply to Nakano
Posted by Nakano
So that's why WOW failed.
What? I can't see how anyone can say WoW failed, at all. Maybe some promises weren't lived up to but it's the most successful MMO by quite a distance.

Anyway, thanks very much for the screens, I'd nearly forgotten about FFXIII! Can't wait to play a new FF :D
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Commented on 2009-01-09 18:21:41 In reply to nam37
Posted by nam37
Images from pre-rendered movies don't impress me.... Most people didn't buy World of Warcraft because of screen grabs from their pre-rendered intro.

I'll never understand why so many JRPG fans get so exited about pre-rendered images.
Couldn't have said it better myself
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Commented on 2009-01-09 18:32:14
Yhummo: yeah i agree that i could probably have phrased it better but still, i don't feel like writing a four page essay on how to spot the difference between CG and realtime. Those who are interested in CG will probably understand what i mean directly and those who aren't probably don't give a crap anyways :)

I totally agree that the realtime shots we are seeing right now are the ones used in in-engine cutscenes. I'd wager that the same/similar models will be used for combat as well.
Edit* I just remembered that the combat is supposed to take place straight on the field, not in a separate combat scene so i guess we'll be seeing detailed PC models all the time then. The NPC characters will probably have to take one for the team though ;)

The reason why CG has been such an important part of Final Fantasy earlier is all because of system limitations, not because CG is so awesome. On the PSX movies were available for the first time and because the graphics of that time were pretty rudimentary, CG sure as hell helped the storytelling a lot by adding very cinematic touches and graphics that just weren't even remotely possible in realtime. FFX used a lot less CG than it's predecessors because it was all of a sudden feasible to make an in-engine, that becoming even more true in FFXII. The natural evolution is to phase out the CG if you ask me and i think we'll see even less of it in FFXIII.
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Commented on 2009-01-09 18:33:57
Unless the devs have enough time and talent to create well-directed in-game cutscenes, I prefer game companies to outsource their work for nicely done CG scenes to production companies who specializes in this medium.
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Commented on 2009-01-09 18:35:48 In reply to vspectra06
Posted by vspectra06
Unless the devs have enough time and talent to create well-directed in-game cutscenes, I prefer game companies to outsource their work for nicely done CG scenes to production companies who specializes in this medium.
Yes but we are talking about square here, if they don't have time and money no dev in the genre has.
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Commented on 2009-01-09 18:36:15
What I don't understand is how people expect anything else, we know SE use their CG any chance they get, many JRPGs do, so why complain about it, if you are a fan (Megido, cough) then you should have become accustomed to the ammount of CG to expect.

SE have always held back on showing much of their games (especially when it comes to in game stuff) until the product is ready, unlike Capcom (for example) who flood us with new screens every frikkin day.
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Commented on 2009-01-09 18:39:17
you'd think by now they'd release at least a dozen true in-game shots. i mean, its coming out this year aint it? surely they have something purdy to show for all their work.
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About the game
X360 PS3
Published by
Square Enix
Developed by
Square Enix

$135 of $400 per month

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