Only a month left before trying Metal Gear Solid 4. To better cope with the wait, we are offering you these new images in high definition, some of them taken from a japanese event.

The images contain some spoilers

18 Images

  • Images of Metal Gear Solid - 18 Images
  • Images of Metal Gear Solid - 18 Images
  • Images of Metal Gear Solid - 18 Images
  • Images of Metal Gear Solid - 18 Images
  • Images of Metal Gear Solid - 18 Images
  • Images of Metal Gear Solid - 18 Images
  • Images of Metal Gear Solid - 18 Images
  • Images of Metal Gear Solid - 18 Images
  • Images of Metal Gear Solid - 18 Images
  • Images of Metal Gear Solid - 18 Images
  • Images of Metal Gear Solid - 18 Images
  • Images of Metal Gear Solid - 18 Images
  • Images of Metal Gear Solid - 18 Images
  • Images of Metal Gear Solid - 18 Images
  • Images of Metal Gear Solid - 18 Images
  • Images of Metal Gear Solid - 18 Images
  • Images of Metal Gear Solid - 18 Images
  • Images of Metal Gear Solid - 18 Images

7 Images GameWatch

  • Images of Metal Gear Solid - 7 Images GameWatch
  • Images of Metal Gear Solid - 7 Images GameWatch
  • Images of Metal Gear Solid - 7 Images GameWatch
  • Images of Metal Gear Solid - 7 Images GameWatch
  • Images of Metal Gear Solid - 7 Images GameWatch
  • Images of Metal Gear Solid - 7 Images GameWatch
  • Images of Metal Gear Solid - 7 Images GameWatch
Commented on 2008-05-22 07:19:51
don't have a PS3 but I know this is bound to be one of the hottest games of the year. Looks awesome!!
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Commented on 2008-05-22 07:20:22
Good. Even if i have 360 i'm proud that ps3 owners gonna have such a good game. Looks awsome. It's not bout gfx it's bout atmosphere.
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Commented on 2008-05-22 07:21:55
I don't like the over smoothness of the skin on the girl/woman, surely in this gen we should be seeing skin textures and pores and what not.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2008-05-22 07:27:17
Looks fantastic!

I heard there is a filter option in the game were you can choose to have blur or have it sharp (like the images)

But if these images are with the filters off then that is what I am going for, looks so much better, like a new upgraded engine for the game.

NG2 and MGS4...June is gonna be so awesome to purchase both of them :D
And it is in just weeks now!
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Commented on 2008-05-22 07:35:57 In reply to Jollipop
Posted by Jollipop
I don't like the over smoothness of the skin on the girl/woman, surely in this gen we should be seeing skin textures and pores and what not.
Some people have perfect skin though (remember its only a game). Not everyone is as ugly as you!! . Why the hell are some people so picky. One thing this generation of gaming has DEFINETELY brought us is picky, moany gamers. Don't remember people being so picky about silly little things in previous generations. If the games good, JUST ENJOY IT!.
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Commented on 2008-05-22 07:47:36
cant wait for... 360 version . looks woooooooooooow
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Commented on 2008-05-22 08:04:44
So pretty and so polished. Cannot wait. I am currently re-playing through all the cannonical Metal Gear games. So far, finished MGS, finished the Tanker segment of MGS2, and working on MGSPO. After I finish those up, I'll get to work on MGS3 and play MG and MG2.
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Commented on 2008-05-22 08:12:00 In reply to Nomis1
Posted by Nomis1
Some people have perfect skin though (remember its only a game). Not everyone is as ugly as you!! . Why the hell are some people so picky. One thing this generation of gaming has DEFINETELY brought us is picky, moany gamers. Don't remember people being so picky about silly little things in previous generations. If the games good, JUST ENJOY IT!.
LOL what people have perfect skin.. ie skin devoid of pores ? perhaps you been spending too much time with your blow up doll.
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Commented on 2008-05-22 08:16:47
Shame its not comming to 360.. nah i kid bout bloody time the PS3 got a game that made me buy one, this looks incredible , and here i was thinking wipeout HD and LBP were gonna be the system sellers for me. :D
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Commented on 2008-05-22 08:25:01 In reply to Jollipop
Posted by Jollipop
I don't like the over smoothness of the skin on the girl/woman, surely in this gen we should be seeing skin textures and pores and what not.
That is an odd criticism and dare I say, extremely picky. Not that many "next gen" games even have skin pore textures and it isn't even an issue that is normally brought up in the first place.
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Commented on 2008-05-22 08:26:38 In reply to Jollipop
Limited Edition is already Pre-Ordered and paid in FULL.
i'm taking a leave of absence when ths drops..
Posted by Jollipop
I don't like the over smoothness of the skin on the girl/woman, surely in this gen we should be seeing skin textures and pores and what not.
when all a stealth troll is left with is nonsensical nitpicks like "the skin looks too smooth", you KNOW you've got something special..Mr. Kojima would be proud. ^__^
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Commented on 2008-05-22 08:27:27
The best looking game I've ever seen. Looks amazing and the game will be amazing. The next 3 weeks will go by so slow.
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Commented on 2008-05-22 08:42:08 In reply to Jollipop
Posted by Jollipop
LOL what people have perfect skin.. ie skin devoid of pores ? perhaps you been spending too much time with your blow up doll.
actually, if you zoom in on the images (i'm on my PS3) There is subtle skin texturing as well as pores..i'm glad they didn't make it as noticeable as you seem to want it to be though..HD does serce a purpose, if you can see someones pores clearly on an a SD TV, thats defeating said probably Think Silent Hill Homecoming looks GREAT!
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Kudgel - Bernard Pavot
Commented on 2008-05-22 08:46:14 In reply to bama
Posted by bama
cant wait for... 360 version . looks woooooooooooow
Yea sure, go on.
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Commented on 2008-05-22 09:35:16 In reply to Nomis1
Posted by Nomis1
Some people have perfect skin though (remember its only a game). Not everyone is as ugly as you!! . Why the hell are some people so picky. One thing this generation of gaming has DEFINETELY brought us is picky, moany gamers. Don't remember people being so picky about silly little things in previous generations. If the games good, JUST ENJOY IT!.
Total spot on comment! Just head over to the GameFaqs/Gamespot forums and you will find that 90% of the community are a bunch of whining, spoilt, trash talking morons who don't even deserve to be playing games in the first place.

This on 360? what on 6 DVD discs, right-o........

This looks excellant, purchased on the day it comes out :)
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Commented on 2008-05-22 10:15:58
So that DUCK is the new Frog dummy ?? wack waack
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Commented on 2008-05-22 10:27:44
Haha wow at all the fan boys attacking me, geezzz chill out girls i am aloud to state my opinion.

What makes me laugh is how some people will instantly assume someone is Xbox bias if they don't have something nice to say about a PS3 title.

I like the game, I'm sure it will be great, but i think some of those skin textures look too much on the plasticy/fake side, its a valid critism so deal with it.
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Commented on 2008-05-22 10:30:55 In reply to aphex187
Posted by aphex187
Total spot on comment! Just head over to the GameFaqs/Gamespot forums and you will find that 90% of the community are a bunch of whining, spoilt, trash talking morons who don't even deserve to be playing games in the first place.

This on 360? what on 6 DVD discs, right-o........

This looks excellant, purchased on the day it comes out :)
If games like Oblivion can fit onto one, I see no reason why this wouldn't The MGS games tend to not rely much on FMV, and do most of their work through ingame cut-scenes, and judging by the length of the previous ones, I don't think this would need more than one disc, two tops, depending on the amount of audio. The graphics are certainly nothing the 360 couldn't handle, and Kojima himself said that.

But even if the game did require "six" DVD's, I don't think any 360 owner would be particularly bothered, changing discs isn't all that much of a problem, you know?
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Commented on 2008-05-22 11:29:07 In reply to WinterSnowblind
Posted by jackdoe
So pretty and so polished. Cannot wait. I am currently re-playing through all the cannonical Metal Gear games. So far, finished MGS, finished the Tanker segment of MGS2, and working on MGSPO. After I finish those up, I'll get to work on MGS3 and play MG and MG2.
Hehe same here, except I'm going from a chronological order instead, started with MGS3 > Portable Ops > currently on MGS1 > Then finally MGS 2
Posted by WinterSnowblind
If games like Oblivion can fit onto one, I see no reason why this wouldn't The MGS games tend to not rely much on FMV, and do most of their work through ingame cut-scenes, and judging by the length of the previous ones, I don't think this would need more than one disc, two tops, depending on the amount of audio. The graphics are certainly nothing the 360 couldn't handle, and Kojima himself said that.

But even if the game did require "six" DVD's, I don't think any 360 owner would be particularly bothered, changing discs isn't all that much of a problem, you know?
I'm also getting tired of hearing people "give in" to this whole "Blu-Ray = huge game" deal. If we're lucky, the game might be taking advantage of all the space on the Blu-Ray disc, but in most cases I think the devs are really reaching for it to meet those ends. When I hear the MGS4 devs say "we use completely uncompressed audio", for me that's an indication of how much unused space they really have on that huge disc. If uncompressed data is the only reason to develop a game on Blu-Ray, I'm not so sure there is much for us gamers to be happy about at all, except for the audiophiles with $100.000 surround setups of course.
I'm pretty sure you can take any game at 6GB and fill an entire Blu-Ray disc by just removing all compression on it, and you still won't notice much difference, at least not the regular gamer.

That said, I doubt the game will be ported over to the 360. At least not by Kojima, he has stated several times that they'll move onto new projects after this one. I also don't expect to see them change the ingame iPod for a Zune lol.
I for one hope it'll stay exclusive to the PS3. MGS is their killer app.
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Commented on 2008-05-22 11:55:28
I am thrilled-less than 25 days left...
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Commented on 2008-05-22 12:11:38
Cant wait, I have a ps3, it isnt doing much at the moment because I have nothing to play on it lol. But this will certainly get a play when its out.

I think all this blu ray 6 discs stuff is rubbish. If they have used more than 25GB then I have no idea what on. I would say when this comes out someone will rip it and put it on a bittorrent tracker and we will all see its probably under 25GB and that doesn't take into account the duplicate data used to increase read speed.
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Commented on 2008-05-22 12:37:42 In reply to WinterSnowblind
Posted by WinterSnowblind
If games like Oblivion can fit onto one, I see no reason why this wouldn't The MGS games tend to not rely much on FMV, and do most of their work through ingame cut-scenes, and judging by the length of the previous ones, I don't think this would need more than one disc, two tops, depending on the amount of audio. The graphics are certainly nothing the 360 couldn't handle, and Kojima himself said that.

But even if the game did require "six" DVD's, I don't think any 360 owner would be particularly bothered, changing discs isn't all that much of a problem, you know?
OMG get over it guys.....didnt you hear the latest interview by some Konami guys who confirmed the rumours are all 'False' and that theres no plans to take MGS4 to the xbox 360 and that its PS3 EXCLUSIVE
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Commented on 2008-05-22 12:47:58
I don't think the 360 could pull off the graphics and longevity of the game.

Look at how stunted GTAIV felt. The game didn't have enoguh dialogue to make it comprehesible if you ask me. The story was just too rushed, unless the chnage in writer and direction ruined the game.

I am getting very hyped for this either way. And it looks so crisp and beauitful. 5 days before release we'll find out it renders in 450p or something :P
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Commented on 2008-05-22 12:56:11 In reply to lb003g0676
Posted by lb003g0676
I don't think the 360 could pull off the graphics and longevity of the game.

Look at how stunted GTAIV felt. The game didn't have enoguh dialogue to make it comprehesible if you ask me. The story was just too rushed, unless the chnage in writer and direction ruined the game.

I am getting very hyped for this either way. And it looks so crisp and beauitful. 5 days before release we'll find out it renders in 450p or something :P
I dont understand why you choose to use GTA4 as an example that the 360 couldnt pull off mgs4's graphics... when the 360 version looked sharper, had a longer draw distance, and was in a higher resolution, than the ps3 version...very odd.

Anyway, theres no way this is coming to 360..only chance of that happening is if it doesnt sell well on ps3, and that aint gonna happen.

Game looks great, but i wouldnt be surprised to find out that there was actually under 10hrs of gameplay filling that 50gig? disc. A hell of alot of cutscenes to sit through.
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Commented on 2008-05-22 12:57:45
GTA was not stunted and if it was how is it the 360s fault?

The 360 could handle this just like the ps3 could handle gears of war 2. The only difference between the two is the media.

After all this time with both systems matching each other in graphics you would think people would have got the point.
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$135 of $400 per month

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