Namco Bandai offers a series of new screenshots for its combat game Tekken 6 on the Playstation 3 (and Arcade). Most of the veterans will be back for this entry, by example King and Panda, joined by new faces like Leo and Zafina. The american market will receive the game this winter, while the French will have to wait several more months.
Update: Five new screens!
Update2: 50 more screens!

9 Images

  • Images of Tekken 6 - 9 Images
  • Images of Tekken 6 - 9 Images
  • Images of Tekken 6 - 9 Images
  • Images of Tekken 6 - 9 Images
  • Images of Tekken 6 - 9 Images
  • Images of Tekken 6 - 9 Images
  • Images of Tekken 6 - 9 Images
  • Images of Tekken 6 - 9 Images
  • Images of Tekken 6 - 9 Images

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  • Images of Tekken 6 - 5 Images
  • Images of Tekken 6 - 5 Images
  • Images of Tekken 6 - 5 Images
  • Images of Tekken 6 - 5 Images
  • Images of Tekken 6 - 5 Images

50 Images

  • Images of Tekken 6 - 50 Images
  • Images of Tekken 6 - 50 Images
  • Images of Tekken 6 - 50 Images
  • Images of Tekken 6 - 50 Images
  • Images of Tekken 6 - 50 Images
  • Images of Tekken 6 - 50 Images
  • Images of Tekken 6 - 50 Images
  • Images of Tekken 6 - 50 Images
  • Images of Tekken 6 - 50 Images
  • Images of Tekken 6 - 50 Images
  • Images of Tekken 6 - 50 Images
  • Images of Tekken 6 - 50 Images
  • Images of Tekken 6 - 50 Images
  • Images of Tekken 6 - 50 Images
  • Images of Tekken 6 - 50 Images
  • Images of Tekken 6 - 50 Images
  • Images of Tekken 6 - 50 Images
  • Images of Tekken 6 - 50 Images
  • Images of Tekken 6 - 50 Images
  • Images of Tekken 6 - 50 Images
  • Images of Tekken 6 - 50 Images
  • Images of Tekken 6 - 50 Images
  • Images of Tekken 6 - 50 Images
  • Images of Tekken 6 - 50 Images
  • Images of Tekken 6 - 50 Images
  • Images of Tekken 6 - 50 Images
  • Images of Tekken 6 - 50 Images
  • Images of Tekken 6 - 50 Images
  • Images of Tekken 6 - 50 Images
  • Images of Tekken 6 - 50 Images
  • Images of Tekken 6 - 50 Images
  • Images of Tekken 6 - 50 Images
  • Images of Tekken 6 - 50 Images
  • Images of Tekken 6 - 50 Images
  • Images of Tekken 6 - 50 Images
  • Images of Tekken 6 - 50 Images
  • Images of Tekken 6 - 50 Images
  • Images of Tekken 6 - 50 Images
  • Images of Tekken 6 - 50 Images
  • Images of Tekken 6 - 50 Images
  • Images of Tekken 6 - 50 Images
  • Images of Tekken 6 - 50 Images
  • Images of Tekken 6 - 50 Images
  • Images of Tekken 6 - 50 Images
  • Images of Tekken 6 - 50 Images
  • Images of Tekken 6 - 50 Images
  • Images of Tekken 6 - 50 Images
  • Images of Tekken 6 - 50 Images
  • Images of Tekken 6 - 50 Images
  • Images of Tekken 6 - 50 Images
Commented on 2007-10-04 21:04:31
I hope this gets ported to PS3 quickly (the arcade unit is basically a PS3... so profits are the only thing that will slow it, I think), but I worry it might be still a year away or more.

Anyways, the game is really coming along based on these shots. It might be the best looking fighting game now (against VF5 and Soul Calibur 4 really). The shots are a little small though, so I wonder how texture detail and aliasing will be.
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Commented on 2007-10-04 21:06:30
There were actually even more screens released, if you check the official JP site. The game is indeed shaping up nice. The only problem is that it looks to play exactly like Tekken 5, which played exactly like Tekken 3, and so forth.
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Commented on 2007-10-04 21:22:20
You'd think this "HD era" would bring decent hair grafics(Pic 6, girl with white clothes) at least in fighting games. DOA4 have the same horrible hair grafics. They should find a good solution already, I know the guys behind Tekken and DOA are capable of it.
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Commented on 2007-10-04 21:31:47
GraPHics. Hair is one of the most complicated physical (nevermind graphical) procedures to run due to hair being extremely fine, and in extremely large amounts (in most cases where the effect would be noticeable). We won't see realistic hair in this generation, and probably not then next generation either.

This game looks alright, but the small screenshots don't really give it any justice! I used to love the tekken titles, I haven't played one since the fairly dire Tekken-Tag though.
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Commented on 2007-10-04 21:36:25
In a fighting game, I think realistic hair might be possible. Check out the old 6800 and 7800 Nvidia video card tech demos. The Mermaid one and Luna (or whatever).

Yes, they're tech demos, but a fighting game only needs 2 characters on the screen... If a Geforce 6800 can render a single character with realistic flowing complex hair and TONS of other effects in a tech demo, I think the modern consoles should be able to do 2 characters with similar hair, even if they turn off some of the other effects (which aren't all necessary really). The GPUs in these consoles are all a good deal better than a 6800 so why not?
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Commented on 2007-10-04 22:03:42
I was just thinking, it's probably just the budgeting of the graphics that disallows nice hair.

For nice hair you probably would have to reduce overall detail of other things. So you'd either put 40% of the game's detail into character hair or put 3-5% and have the rest of the game look better.

It's not that it's impossible, it's just not efficient for an overall good looking game.
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Kudgel - Bernard Pavot
Commented on 2007-10-04 22:05:10
Who cares about the hair seriously? Give me good gameplay and I'm there.
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Commented on 2007-10-04 22:09:14 In reply to Kudgel
Posted by Kudgel
Who cares about the hair seriously? Give me good gameplay and I'm there.
graphics tech maniacs, the same people who cared about the nvidia tech demos (like me).
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Commented on 2007-10-04 22:29:36 In reply to Kudgel
Damn, people, it's just hair, and this is a fighting game. If this was a game about fashion modeling, I'd understand. This is almost as lame as arguing about the grass in racing games.
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Commented on 2007-10-04 22:32:01 In reply to synce
Posted by synce
Damn, people, it's just hair, and this is a fighting game. If this was a game about fashion modeling, I'd understand.
What? A fighting game? Then explain all the supermodels with fancy outfits!
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Commented on 2007-10-04 23:02:47
Please don't tell Nina her hair looks weak, she'll kick your ass! :)

Tekken5 on PS2 is the last Tekken that i've played. Tekken6 might just be my reason to buy a PS3 next year! Graphics look really good (especially compared to some previous ones). And that new character next to Brian (in the snow-level) looks HUGE! And has a weapon! Interesting to see how well weapons are implemented in tekken6

edit: and do I spot a lightsaber on yoshimitsu?! Hehe! nice
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Commented on 2007-10-04 23:03:31
never liked tekken, graphically not on par with VF5 or SC4 imo..more around DOA4 except with worse animation. For Tekken fans, have fun.
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Commented on 2007-10-04 23:07:57
Rather have a video not caught by a cell phone.
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Commented on 2007-10-04 23:08:02
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Commented on 2007-10-04 23:09:12
Love the graphics, but I can't stand the Tekken gameplay and characters. I think DOA has best characters with somewhat interesting story. The hair probably can be done realistically, but it might drop the fps.
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Commented on 2007-10-04 23:43:54
Ah yes the tekken series, as always the character design looks like it was done by a bunch of tripped out crackheads :)
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Commented on 2007-10-04 23:48:26
Wow character models are superb (expect the animal characters), backgrounds look just like DOA's though.
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Commented on 2007-10-05 00:16:37
It looks good in some screens and not so great in others.

Wonder if Namco will bring this to 360, seeing as the PS3 has been selling so poorly, seems many exclusive 3rd party titles are heading multiplatform.

I call it now, 6 months after the PS3 version the 360 version will be released.
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Commented on 2007-10-05 00:38:54
Why aren't the animal characters fur shaded?
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Commented on 2007-10-05 00:49:47
jin and kazuya mishima are looking great

Did Craig Marduk visit a wax salon? He isn't hairy anymore lol

To me the male characters seem more detailed than the female
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Commented on 2007-10-05 00:54:15 In reply to Jollipop
Posted by Jollipop
It looks good in some screens and not so great in others.

Wonder if Namco will bring this to 360, seeing as the PS3 has been selling so poorly, seems many exclusive 3rd party titles are heading multiplatform.

I call it now, 6 months after the PS3 version the 360 version will be released.
But it's not selling poorly, It's coming close to 2 yrs and xbox360 sales in japan is exceptionally low. Ps3 hasn't even been out for a year and its doing okay.

Keep in mind, xbox360 has released some of its blockbuster games out such as gears of war and halo 3 now. You give ps3 the lifespan of 2 years and games such as MGS4, Final fantasy 13, tekken 6, and Killzone will be out.. Sales would be high! i think FF13 along with White knight's story will pretty much sell out ps3 all over japan, add on top of that european sales and american..the console will only do better and better

And now a £299 version has been confirmed with 40GB, it's going to sell more in europe and america now. I think developers know this and by the time Tekken 6 arrives, i doubt Namco would be in a position where they have to release it on xbox360 as well to make a profit.

They are releasing SC4 on both consoles, if SC4 sells more on the xbox360..hmm maybe, but i just can't see it.. It's tekken after all...
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Commented on 2007-10-05 03:23:35
Last Gen / :P
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Commented on 2007-10-05 04:23:14
tekken is great and was always... loved the older parts... but the ps3 isn't worth 600€ in my opinion... :)
will get it when it becomes cheaper... :P
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Commented on 2007-10-05 07:43:22
@ sp0tz )

it seem the 40GB PS3 will only cost 399€ ,when it gets released in europe within few weeks (rumors say release is between the 13th and 31st this october)

I wonder when Tekken 6 will be released , although personally I prefer Soul Calibur.
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Commented on 2007-10-05 08:16:41 In reply to Jigen
Posted by Jigen
I was just thinking, it's probably just the budgeting of the graphics that disallows nice hair.

For nice hair you probably would have to reduce overall detail of other things. So you'd either put 40% of the game's detail into character hair or put 3-5% and have the rest of the game look better.

It's not that it's impossible, it's just not efficient for an overall good looking game.
I remember reading this article that explained how these tech demos dished out by ATI and Nvidia really present the best scripted situation which can't be duplicated in say a real time application, hence why no tech demo 'games'.
Scripted how? I think it's because everything is pre-calculated and the demo app shows off what effects the GPU can display.
Obviously I don't know much about this myself, but googling something about the why of tech demos can yield good articles.

I think we are a good 1-2 "generations" from seeing the quality of those cool tech demo in games.
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About the game
X360 PS3
Published by
Bandai Namco Ent...
Developed by
Bandai Namco Stu...

$135 of $400 per month

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