Microsoft, Ubisoft and Konami had a nice surprise in store for the release next week of the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie since they will release tomorrow a Xbox Live Arcade version of the 4 players arcade classics Beat'Em All, and for only 400 points too! If the Live coop mode works correctly, this is a very good price!
All comments (14)
But I wish they would've done Turtles in Time.
But while they're at it, releasing 4-player Konami arcade games and all, they should really release the Simpsons arcade game. If they release it when the movie comes out they could ride a nice wave and make pretty decent sales I'd assume.
I wish these "retro" games had fake scanlines, then it wouldn't be so obviously low res :)
I once spent an afternoon while my mom was shopping at the arcade with complete strangers, we tag teammed this through like 1.5x times before I left. When you run out of quarters, step out to get more and someone else steps in to your spot in the mean time. I've done that before back in the day on Simpsons too.. both games rocked.
This looks like a great kiddie game.
My son is wanting this bad!
and i fully agree with the simpsons arcade game,that was uber wicked.
As far as I'm concerned, this is the epitome. I was a Turtles kid and remember countless times huddled around this machine with random strangers, taking turns as people ran out of tokens. And for 400 points, this is a no-questions steal.