Xbox 360 PS3

Encore une interview XCN ! Ce coup-ci, il s'agit de l'équipe responsable de Virtua Tennis 3. Les développeurs y exposent leurs opinions concernant le 1080p, le contenu téléchargeable, des explications sur le mode online et bien plus.

We got the pleasure to present two interviews! First with Toby Allen, Assistant Producer at SUMO Digital, and Mie Kumagai, Director at AM3.

How difficult has been the experience of creating one of the first two games with 1080p resolution for Xbox 360 and PS3?
From a 360 perspective we didn't have any real issues and it was all quite straight forward.

What are the primary differences between the Xbox 360 and the arcade versions of the game?
The arcade version of the game has been improved on the PS3 by AM3, we took this latter version and added a few extra features. You can expect a new world tour mode, character customisation, mini-games and 1080p quality graphics. Specifically on the 360 version we have taken the Virtua Tennis 3 experience to a new high with the addition of Xbox Live support; this include tournaments, game higlights, VT.TV and spectator mode. You can play up to 8 players online with doubles in a tournament - all playing at 60fps and in superb 1080p quality.

Will a demo be released before the full game goes on sale?
The demo has just been released - check it out on Xbox live marketplace and enjoy the latest Virtua Tennis 3!

Did it take long to implement the 1080p support? Why do you think other developers skip it?
Getting the game into 1080p resolution was pretty easy, where the guys had to put in some extra work was tweaking the quality and fullscreen effects. You will be able to see the game really shines at this resolution.

Did you think about including features for the Xbox-Live Vision Cam, like face mapping?
These are all brilliant features but would have required a significant amount of work and elements such as face mapping would be tricky with VT3's custom characters. However it is something we may look at in the future.

What game modes will be playable via Xbox-Live? Will there be online doubles settings or just single multiplayer features?
The online side of VT3 will be powered by 4 different features; tournaments, friendly, VT.TV and game highlights - you will be able to play doubles.

Do you feel you maximized the potential of the 360 with VT3?
We certainly tried, and the addition of VT online simply allows all the VT fans to finally play against each other in a true tennis environment!

Will there be secret Players to unlock?
Now that would be telling! I'm sure VT fans will soon figure this out!

Will there be some totally crazy Tennis Rackets?
Coming from a japanese developer, you can expect a high level of crazy content in the game - a lot of tongue and cheek.

Is it possible to create more than one Player Profile?
You will have to ability to create up to 4 different profiles for World tour.

Is it possible to play with two Xbox live gold accounts on one console against other players?
Yes, it is possible to play with two Xbox Live gold accounts on one console. They can participate in player (unranked) matches, ranked matches and tournaments. However, they must be on the same doubles team for tournaments and ranked matches.

In addition VT3 also supports doubles teams where the players are on different consoles. This feature behaves very similarly to when two players are on the same console and was mainly added to enable players on two different consoles to play ranked doubles matches together. We also have ranked leaderboards for when two players play together, including: Mixed Doubles TrueSkill, Men's Doubles TrueSkill, Women's Doubles TrueSkill.

Can Xbox 360 gamers expect some exclusive stuff with their version?
You'll just have to wait and see, we might have some suprises!

We know that Virtua Tennis 3 will give us the possibility to organize online tournaments over Xbox Live. Can you explain us how this feature exactly works?
The online tournament feature works by first grouping together the players in a lobby and once the required number of players have joined and/or everyone is ready the tournament can begin. For player (unranked) tournaments COM players are added to make up the numbers but for ranked tournaments a player will automatically get through to the next round if they are short of an opponent. Whenever someone is waiting for their next opponent who is still playing their last match they will be able to spectate the remainder of that match, also players that have been knocked out can remain to spectate the remainder of the tournament. The tournaments only have 2-3 rounds of play and you will play through your matches one by one until you are either the winner or are knocked out. The tournaments themselves do not have any leaderboards, but each match within a ranked tournament will still count towards their overall ranking. The tournament feature does not allow play to be suspended and resumed at a later date, once a tournament has started it must be played until the end.

Will be able to download some new mini-games or other content?
We have no plans for this right now.

Talking about Virtua Tennis 3 mini-games, what's your favourite one and why?
My personal favouite is Drum Topple as you get an immense amount of satisfaction from knocking down piles of barrels.

Does the 360 version play any different to the "Sega coded" PS3 version? Did you tweak the gameplay a little to stamp your mark on the 360 version?
Our aim with this conversion is to bring the PS3's VT experience onto the Xbox 360. Taking account of the technical requirements, we are using a different physics engine, which does affect the gameplay slightly in a few of the mini-games. However, we've been told that this really feels right and plays nicely.

Is it possible to bring your created player to Xbox Live matches and tournaments?
Custom players can be used online for all Xbox Live features.

Tell us more about the VT:TV feature. Will it be a simple case of drop-in drop-out, will there be a maximum spectator limit and can anyone host a VT:TV enabled game?
There is 9 slots online, which can be filled between players and spectators. There is no restriction as to who can host VT:TV games. If you see your friends online or having played a recent game, click on their gamercard and see the last 5 minutes highlight of their game.

How far along the development process did you make the decision to have the Xbox 360 version output at 1080p?
It was about the time when Microsoft added support to the Xbox 360, quite a way in to development.

Are there any plans for Downloadable Content such as New Courts, Players, Clothes etc.?
We have no plans right now.

Q&A with Mie Kumagai – Director AM3

How difficult has been the experience of creating one of the first two games with 1080p resolution for Xbox 360 and PS3?
To tell the truth, there it was not such a great trouble. In the sense of a multi-platform title, we started the development of VT3 by building the arcade system board. We adopted pixel shader technologies we can set up flexibly at the early stage of the development, assuming the hardware specs of PS3 and Xbox 360 to the best of our knowledge. As a result, we could secure 1080p resolution within a load range of a certain degree.

What are the biggest changes between VT2 and VT3, excluding graphics?
I suppose it would be variation of game modes. With new multiplayer mini-games added, the singleplayer “World Tour” mode was also added with more depth and a story nature.

The Dreamcast Version of Virtua Tennis was incredible! What have you learnt from that day till this?
In terms of graphics, we have learned pixel shader technologies and new animation techniques. Moreover, we re-analyzed the the sport of tennis, and we studied again what “heated match development” or “breathtaking rallys” were composed of.

To what effect does Virtua Tennis differentiate itself from the big competitor TopSpin 2?
With VT3, we had never been conscious of differentiation from other tennis titles, but always been thinking about what we should do for a new title of the VT series.

Why does the 360 version have an online modes and PS3 not?
The priority for the Virtua Tennis 3 development team on PlayStation 3 console has been to maximise the known strengths of the console. We wanted to ensure players experience the quality they have come to expect from a Virtua Tennis title.

Talking about Virtua Tennis 3 mini-games, what's your favourite one and why?
I love “Count Mania” in Training of the World Tour mode, and “Avalanche” in the Multiplayer mode in Court Games.

The franchise seems to take a more arcade approach in bringing the tennis sport to gamers instead of the deeper tennis simulation of its competitors. such as TopSpin, is this still apparent in Virtua Tennis 3?
One of the VT series’ concepts, “Super play with Simple control”, is inherited in VT3.
Experience and new ideas are necessary to strike a balance between simple controls and the depth of tennis gameplay. As a result, we could re-create the best parts unique to genuine tennis, such as putting the opponent off balance back and forth and around on the court, or flexible expansions of matches. One of the professional tennis players who cooperated with this title, said that “VT can provide image training for actual matches”, so VT3 can be described as “designed for professionals” in a sense.

What have the developers done in this game to make it different from the rest of the tennis games? Top spin 2 and Table tennis were both enjoyable for 5 minutes then the whole knocking the ball back and forth got tedious. Does this title provide anything different from those two titles that will want me coming back for more and more?
An abundance of game new modes and contents give the user pleasure. In the new “World Tour ” mode you create your own player and watch him rise throught the ranks, you can compete with your fiends and family in various mini-games, and become friends with, for instance, Federer or Nadal. You get encouragement and gifts from the stars and your coach, Training (mini-games) that offers as many as 72 variations and practice in a new mission style, you will never get bored.

How complex is your Create-A-Player mode?
The “World Tour (Raise-Your-Own-Player)” mode has communications with real players that occur in various situations. “Familiarity” is gradually achieved by playing a match against a real player or choosing him/her as your doubles partner. If Familiarity gets high, you will start to be offered practice matches, or receive encouraging mails. Moreover, the game’s attractions also lie in the player making intellectual decisions like occurrence of injuries and accidents due to radical training, or a time frame set for retirement.

Is there going to be a fully licensed selection of players, tournaments and locations featured?
A team of 20 players from all over the world including Federer, Nadal, Sharapova, or Mauresmo are featured under their own names and likenesses in VT3. Although ingame tournaments and locations are fictious, since we obtained collaborations from global brand companies we were able to decorate stadiums with their logos, the user can develop an illusion as if those stadiums were real.

A big thanks to the XCN gang, Toby and Mie for making this great interview possible!

4 images

  • Interview de Sumo Digital et AM3 - 4 images
  • Interview de Sumo Digital et AM3 - 4 images
  • Interview de Sumo Digital et AM3 - 4 images
  • Interview de Sumo Digital et AM3 - 4 images
marctheboss - Caliméro
Commentaire du 24/03/2007 à 20:05:20
hello juste pour dire qu'entre la demo et le jeu ben je retire ce que j'ai dit sur le jeu.
il est vraiment tres bien.comme quoi une demo faut ce mefie
En réponse à
Ghalou - Mungen_Tenshin
Commentaire du 24/03/2007 à 20:42:11
Quelqu'un peut traduire ça en Français ? ;__;
En réponse à
Commentaire du 24/03/2007 à 20:42:51
trop beau mais aliasé
En réponse à
Ghalou - Mungen_Tenshin
Commentaire du 24/03/2007 à 20:48:24
Aliasé ??? j'ai 10heures de jeu au conteur, j'ai pas consatater ce probleme.
En réponse à
Commentaire du 24/03/2007 à 20:53:16
Pourtant il l'est. Même en version 1080p sur PS3 (j'y ai joué sur un 46" Full HD Sony ^^). Et même avis que marctheboss, je suppose que c'est parce que la démo nous met directement le jeu en mode impossible, mais je n'avais pas du tout aimé, alors que là j'ai trouvé ça très sympa (j'ai testé que l'exhibition contre un ordi en mode normal), ça m'a beaucoup rappelé Virtua Tennis 2 de ma p'tite Dreamcast :)
En réponse à
Commentaire du 24/03/2007 à 20:55:12
Enfin...quand on regarde la première image les joueurs sont super bien fait, y a juste l'aliasing qui casse un peu
En réponse à
Ghalou - Mungen_Tenshin
Commentaire du 24/03/2007 à 21:11:45
bah pourtant sur ma tv hd sur 360 le jeu est pas aliasé, c'est un fait.
En réponse à
banditoz - Mandy
Commentaire du 24/03/2007 à 21:44:17
Tout pareil,comme mon voisin du dessus (même TVHD je crois),sinon pour le reste c'est du tout bon,il est quand même bien plus fun qu'un certain TS2,moins technique certe,mais c'est le jeu qui veux ça...donc ça smatch comme y faut!. :)

Sinon pour l'interview,j'ai rien lu?!. :cancre:
En réponse à
Commentaire du 24/03/2007 à 22:55:18
Ce message est en mode Boulet Time (TM). Pour l'afficher, cliquez ici
moi sur ma ps3 il l'est (mdr)
Commentaire du 24/03/2007 à 22:56:22
Alors, Yohmi, je vais dire un truc, on va me dire anti sony mais c'est pas le cas pour ce jeu la tout du moins: Je travaille dans un mag de jeux et crois moi j'ai testé Vtennis 3 sur le meme ecran Hd avec une ps3 et une 360. Les couleurs sont plus realistes sur ps3, alors que la version 360 est plus colorée, voir peut etre meme trop, mais par contre la version 360 n'est pas aliasé du tout alors que la version ps3 l'est. Voila pourquoi, si tu as testé juste la version ps3, tu ressens cette effet!!
En réponse à
Ghalou - Mungen_Tenshin
Commentaire du 25/03/2007 à 00:22:50 En réponse à Jperf
Posté par Jperf
moi sur ma ps3 il l'est (mdr)
Bah fallait le prendre sur 360, domage ;)
En réponse à
bikoko - Nani ?
Commentaire du 25/03/2007 à 01:33:40 En réponse à Ghalou
Taking account of the technical requirements, we are using a different physics engine,
dingue, le moteur physique n'est pas le même sur ps3 et sur xbox.
Why does the 360 version have an online modes and PS3 not?
The priority for the Virtua Tennis 3 development team on PlayStation 3 console has been to maximise the known strengths of the console. We wanted to ensure players experience the quality they have come to expect from a Virtua Tennis title.
Alors la force de la PS3 c'est ne pas avoir de online, et de toute facon ce que attends les joueurs d'un VT sur PS3 c'est de pas en avoir.
En réponse à
Soda - Tourist Trophy
Commentaire du 25/03/2007 à 10:42:47
Il a l'air exellent ce jeu ! Xboxyde va faire les 10 premières min ?
En réponse à
Commentaire du 25/03/2007 à 11:20:31
Traduction ?
En réponse à
Commentaire du 25/03/2007 à 15:20:08
T'es pas bilengue!
En réponse à
Driftwood - Dictateur en chef
Commentaire du 25/03/2007 à 15:39:16 En réponse à Monsieur_K
Bilingue, toi non plus ? ;)
En réponse à
Commentaire du 25/03/2007 à 19:16:10
La justification de l'absence du mode online sur PS3 n'en est absolument pas une.
En réponse à
Commentaire du 25/03/2007 à 19:56:59
Ils ne savaient pas quoi repondre, et vu qu'il fallait une reponse, ils ont sorti un truc bateau.
A moins que ce qu'ils disent soit vrai: il fallait tirer le plein potentiel de la becane.
Et programmer sur ps3, c'est pas evident...
Donc en fait c'est la vraie justification ^^.
Faut l'am3 de sega, equipe ultime pour arriver à quelquechose sur une ps3 (en ayant pas assez de temps pour mettre en place un mode online).

Alors que sur la 360 un petit sous traitant comme sumo fait l'affaire (avec le online la totale) ...
Ca en dit long.
En réponse à
Commentaire du 26/03/2007 à 14:03:32
L'anglais et moi c'est pas toujours une histoire d'amour.
En réponse à
Ghalou - Mungen_Tenshin
Commentaire du 26/03/2007 à 14:25:17
ça en dit long sur ceux qui restent chez Sega aussi, les AM sont mortes et toutes désoudées de leur meilleurs programmeurs, c'est un fait.
En réponse à
Commentaire du 26/03/2007 à 17:24:33
Sans me vanter, je maitrise assez bien l'anglais!
En réponse à
Commentaire du 26/03/2007 à 19:00:42
De toute façon, Sumo font du tres bon boulot. Y'a qu'à voir les différentes version de OutRun2 qui déchirent leur maman !
Mais de là à dire que les Studio AM sont morts faut pas éxagérer non plus. VF5 est là pour nous prouver le contraire ;)
En réponse à
Ghalou - Mungen_Tenshin
Commentaire du 26/03/2007 à 19:17:39
Am2 et la Sonic Team sont les 2 seules survivant.
En réponse à
Commentaire du 26/03/2007 à 21:13:24 En réponse à Ghalou
Posté par Mugen_Tenshin
ça en dit long sur ceux qui restent chez Sega aussi, les AM sont mortes et toutes désoudées de leur meilleurs programmeurs, c'est un fait.
Si tu veux mon avis, ça tient plus des modalités par avoir du jeu en ligne qui tourne sur la machine.
Au pire ils auraient repiqué le code de Sumo pour l'adpater à la ps3 sinon :/

Soit ça doit couter trop cher d'être hébergé chez Sony, soit fallait qu'ils montent leurs serveurs et c'est du fric aussi.
C'est là qu'ils passent les 60 € par an du Live. :p
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