Here's a series of beautiful artworks for the really hyped Killzone 2 being developed exclusively on the Playstation 3. For a moment I thought I jumped forward in time seeing the signature with "Killzone 3" on it. Coming back to my senses, I concluded that Killzone Liberation counted as number two in the franchise, at least for the artist in 2004. Hmm...

7 Artworks

  • Killzone 2 and its artworks - 7 Artworks
  • Killzone 2 and its artworks - 7 Artworks
  • Killzone 2 and its artworks - 7 Artworks
  • Killzone 2 and its artworks - 7 Artworks
  • Killzone 2 and its artworks - 7 Artworks
  • Killzone 2 and its artworks - 7 Artworks
  • Killzone 2 and its artworks - 7 Artworks
Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2008-03-17 10:18:04
Saw them I think yesterday, good art, very cool.

If they fix what was bad in the first Killzone, Killzone 2 will be very good.

From the tech demo videos I have seen, the shooting looks more polished, more updated than before.

What worries me is some of the stupid things from the first title like you can't hit an enemy from a certain distance with the assault rifle even though you dont need a sniper to do so.

The hit detection for each bullet when firing when hitting the enemy is I dont know, weird, but I hope they fixed it for their next showing.

The voice dialogues, they need ALOT more different dialogues in-game when playing it, the first one was like a band tape gone wrong and it kept repeating itself.

But other than that, it was fun, I liked it.

Never played the online version so I can't comment on it.

Visually it looks great.

PS. has a new link update were you can link your account to your PSN account for the PS3.
Speculations are that this is how you can get into the beta that Guerilla mentioned last year.
I had an account, so I linked mine, so I hope it is the beta :D

Another thing, Killzone Liberation is actually Killzone 2 because it takes a few months after the first Killzone but its on PSP (don't know if it counts), so technically, Killzone 2 (PS3) should be Killzone 3 :P
But as a console title, it is Killzone 2 for PS3.
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Commented on 2008-03-17 11:08:41
aint they like you know ... a year old ?
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Kudgel - Bernard Pavot
Commented on 2008-03-17 11:53:54 In reply to ManThatYouFear
Posted by ManThatYouFear
aint they like you know ... a year old ?
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Commented on 2008-03-17 12:48:08
I fail to see how a sequel to an extremely mediocre game is considered to be a triple A title. I remember this same hype for the original game, and besides some pretty CG sequences, I've seen nothing to get excited about. Are people really falling for this same stuff again?
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Commented on 2008-03-17 13:05:00 In reply to WinterSnowblind
Posted by WinterSnowblind
I fail to see how a sequel to an extremely mediocre game is considered to be a triple A title. I remember this same hype for the original game, and besides some pretty CG sequences, I've seen nothing to get excited about. Are people really falling for this same stuff again?
Throw enough cash at anything and it will be hyped as AAA (the first game certainly was)
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Commented on 2008-03-17 13:10:17 In reply to WinterSnowblind
Posted by WinterSnowblind
I fail to see how a sequel to an extremely mediocre game is considered to be a triple A title. I remember this same hype for the original game, and besides some pretty CG sequences, I've seen nothing to get excited about. Are people really falling for this same stuff again?
Yep so true. Guerrilla Games have not made one good console game so far.
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Commented on 2008-03-17 13:59:29 In reply to Knodi
Posted by WinterSnowblind
I fail to see how a sequel to an extremely mediocre game is considered to be a triple A title. I remember this same hype for the original game, and besides some pretty CG sequences, I've seen nothing to get excited about. Are people really falling for this same stuff again?
Posted by Knodi
Yep so true. Guerrilla Games have not made one good console game so far.
Killzone Liberation for PSP was a very good game. It was also a top-down isometric view game, which makes me question how good they are with FPS compared to top-down isometric.
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Commented on 2008-03-17 14:14:43 In reply to Kudgel
Posted by Kudgel
So...whats the point ?
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gmulis - blames poor<br>marketing
Commented on 2008-03-17 14:37:35
these are 2005 artworks
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Commented on 2008-03-17 14:46:07
Those artworks don't look very good. they don't fit to the look of the game, are not very beautiful... don't like 'em. But that's my opinion ^^
Well, it seems nobody liked the first Killzone. I do! Had some fun playing it, even if the gameplay sometimes made me crank =/ But after all it was a quite good game with a very good athmosphere!! But here again, that's my opinion ^^
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Commented on 2008-03-17 15:15:40
im excited for it, i got a moderate amount of enjoyment from the first game, although it was far from AAA. and this looks like a refinement of all the things wrong with the first. from what we hav seen there isnt anything about the game to question the quality of the title. except for the developers previous home console game. but then they also made the completely freaking awesome killzone liberation, a different type of game but one that gives me hope for killzone 2. for one it proved they can get AI right, which they got wrong in the first, plus they could make a game that ran smoothly, something the first didnt do. the tech alone in this title just amazes me every time i see it. texture res isnt amazing, but that defared rendering to create dynamic lighting off of EVERY light source from street lights to muzzle flare just makes it stand out. plus the setting and story should be just as good as it was in the first game for ps2 (the main stand-out features of the first game) basically im confident the game will be amazing. im not willing to get completely wrapped up in the hype since that has bitten me in the ass previously (PDZ, gears of war, halo2/3) but i can easily say this game looks awesome so far. i dont think its going to be an 08 title tho, although i hope it is.
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Commented on 2008-03-17 15:41:16
Well, I'm sceptical... but em let's see.
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Commented on 2008-03-17 17:05:53
I really liked the Ps2 and Psp iterations, both online and off. Along as this game improves on those we should be in for a treat.
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Doom_Bringer - I have terrible taste
Commented on 2008-03-17 17:29:20
this is really old man... these artworks were leaked shortly after the CG video was fist shown in 2006...
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gmulis - blames poor<br>marketing
Commented on 2008-03-17 18:54:24
whats all this discussion about sceptism and 1st game sucking

first thing first, how you enjoy a game is a personal prefence/taste. the majority is NOT always right (those who say sucked) neither is the minority(those who say its good). but to use that as an excuse is to show how narrow minded people can be.

2nd, how dare you judge dev team by what they have done. sure that what you look for when hiring a person. but it doesn't mean they are qualified. good example is RARE look at what they where in the past , look at the now. same goes for SEGA, Atari... list goes on
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Commented on 2008-03-17 19:48:34
this stuff is old.........

I don't think this game is coming out this year
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2008-03-17 20:02:04 In reply to GrimThorne
Posted by GrimThorne
this stuff is old.........

I don't think this game is coming out this year
As long as there is a beta as they mentioned for this year it should be good.
Besides, I rather have them work their asses off to make a great sequal rather than playing it early.
And it's not exactly like 2008 is a empty shell with no games.
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Commented on 2008-03-17 20:27:58 In reply to WinterSnowblind
Posted by WinterSnowblind
I fail to see how a sequel to an extremely mediocre game is considered to be a triple A title. I remember this same hype for the original game, and besides some pretty CG sequences, I've seen nothing to get excited about. Are people really falling for this same stuff again?
this man has said everything that needed to be said.
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Commented on 2008-03-17 20:41:01
Don't quite get the hype over this game, though I do hope it will be awesome obviously.

It looks very good graphics wise, on par with COD4 I'd say. Gameplay wise it looks decent as well, nothing extremely impressive. The cover-system looks cool and the hit-detection/reaction when shooting someone is awesome indeed. Otherwise, the shooting looks solid enough, but not as slick as COD4 (so far) and no 60 fps either.

The lighting is a mixed bag. Sometimes amazing, sometimes a tad flat. Character models and facial expressions are very nice, but the environments are generic and well....boring imo. We've just seen one part of one level though, so we'll have to see some more (perhaps daylight?) levels to make a fair judgement on that.

So far, this game is way overhyped imo. But...we'll see.
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Commented on 2008-03-17 20:54:55
its funny, a good portion of the people who ACTUALLY PLAYED THE FIRST GAME, especially far enough to remember the "building" level, have fate in the devs, and understand a lot of the "bad" came from console constraints.,

Yet those who never owned a PS2, skimmed over a review, or at most played the Gamestop Demo, are easily the LOUDEST and most passionate detractors of the first game.

Funny world i say.
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Commented on 2008-03-17 23:29:52 In reply to pantyhelmet
Posted by pantyhelmet
its funny, a good portion of the people who ACTUALLY PLAYED THE FIRST GAME, especially far enough to remember the "building" level, have fate in the devs, and understand a lot of the "bad" came from console constraints.,
Probably the same constraits that's gonna keep it from being a good title, this time around? :|

It's a bad Spin to a Underwhelming game.

K2 may be a good visual showcase, but i didn't saw till now more than ONE level to a game supposed to be released this year, and it was the same ol' same ol' shooter stuff shown.

Resistance 2 otherhand showed us a hand full of images of "NEW" stuff and a variety of levels to keep us grasping for more than ALL that was unveiled on the K2 demonstration.
My hopes are that Resistance is gonna blow the socks outta Killzone2 - Resistancowned! -
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Commented on 2008-03-18 00:17:13 In reply to starfox14now
Posted by starfox14now
Probably the same constraits that's gonna keep it from being a good title, this time around? :|

It's a bad Spin to a Underwhelming game.

K2 may be a good visual showcase, but i didn't saw till now more than ONE level to a game supposed to be released this year, and it was the same ol' same ol' shooter stuff shown.

Resistance 2 otherhand showed us a hand full of images of "NEW" stuff and a variety of levels to keep us grasping for more than ALL that was unveiled on the K2 demonstration.
My hopes are that Resistance is gonna blow the socks outta Killzone2 - Resistancowned! -
First, stop being daft, its a different console, the "same constraints won't apply..i vaguely understandd what you're trying to say in the 2nd paragraph,sure R2 will be great, but lets talk FACTS: Resistence 2 has not shown a single video, just pictures, Killzone has Video AND the press has played an alpha build MOST (if not ALL) actually enjoyed it. Get a clue trollcat.

*cough* Troll Harder *cough*
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Doom_Bringer - I have terrible taste
Commented on 2008-03-18 00:52:58
Their PSP title was pretty good BUT REALLY HARD!! I think these guys can make a quality game but its gonna be tough
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Commented on 2008-03-18 01:38:56
I like the art in this game, even when it makes absolutely no sense. I don't even know how that square thing can fly, in fact, I don't know why it would have no protection at all...........
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gmulis - blames poor<br>marketing
Commented on 2008-03-18 01:50:57
^^thats the beauty of fiction
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