Just a few weeks before the game's release, Sony finally released a new trailer for Killzone 2. And what an out of the ordinary trailer it is! I don't think we really needed a reminder of how highly impressive this game can be technically, but I'm not going to complain.

Commented on 2009-01-14 11:50:29
I'll be getting a PS3 for this game alone, its sad but true
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Commented on 2009-01-14 11:52:43
OMG, this is going to be awsome. Glad I bought a PS3 gonna be well worth it.
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Commented on 2009-01-14 12:03:37
that's the stuff blim. i've been waiting for gamersyde's version of these videos.
killzone 2 is gonna freaking pwn big time.
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Commented on 2009-01-14 12:05:50
Certainly looks good...i just hope it plays as well as it looks :)
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Commented on 2009-01-14 12:19:55
I'm not much of a FPS gamer but that was amazing. I liked that there were a large variety of death animations (especially the ones were they're not quite dead and convulsing while still holding onto the trigger). Also the explosions, especially the particle/ember effects (how they bounce off the ground) are a sight to behold. I might actually pick this game up.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2009-01-14 12:33:43
This was one of the biggest reason I bought the PS3, and its coming soon (too bad its in the end of Feb).

Anyways, can't wait, MP should be fun hopefully!

Blim I hope you can get your hands on that Cinematic Intro and/or Big Pieces trailer, that nuke in the beginning is amazing.
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Commented on 2009-01-14 12:53:55
The Killzone series has been pretty poor so far and I see no reason why this will be any different. Doesn't look as interesting as any random PC FPS.
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Commented on 2009-01-14 12:57:05 In reply to Sath
Posted by Sath
Blim I hope you can get your hands on that Cinematic Intro and/or Big Pieces trailer, that nuke in the beginning is amazing.
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Commented on 2009-01-14 12:58:04 In reply to Dre_realla
Posted by Dre_realla
I'll be getting a PS3 for this game alone, its sad but true
Is it a sin to own a PS3?
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Commented on 2009-01-14 13:19:56 In reply to Stoffinator
Posted by Stoffinator
Is it a sin to own a PS3?
but i'm pretty sure that getting it for one game alone is.:) coughGOW3cough
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Commented on 2009-01-14 13:41:05 In reply to md99
Posted by md99
The Killzone series has been pretty poor so far and I see no reason why this will be any different. Doesn't look as interesting as any random PC FPS.
except liberation which was great. so it could go either way (theres been one average game and one good one in the series), but considering how similarly it plays to cod 4 (i've played the beta) then i cant imagine it being bad, or mediocre for that matter. not unless they turned a whole 180 and started breaking the game after the beta?...which i supose could have
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Commented on 2009-01-14 14:01:04
The animations looks very good, other then that I cannot say much about it.. Never played it or seen it in reallife..

Graphicalwise it looks not that special anymore though when seen in slowmotion (quality of textures and AA etc).. But that's no real surprise running on 3 year old consolehardware.. It would look amazing on a GTX295.. :P
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Commented on 2009-01-14 14:13:33
Graphicalwise it looks not that special anymore
*bewildered look on face*
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Commented on 2009-01-14 15:16:30 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
Graphicalwise it looks not that special anymore
*bewildered look on face*
No, he is right. These guys did a clever thing with the game. The game looks SEXY. Its not a technical achievement. There are no superb textures (in fact they are quite flat and bland), the models are not a lot to brag about, and the effects are all far too soft (ie, they have no texture to them, the explosions look more like an expanding orange cloud with some small debris, as opposed to being awesome balls of fire and what not) or what ever. I think this game is damn sexy from an aesthetics point of view. But I am tired of people saying its the best look game out there. Mass Effect, RE5, Gear 2 all look better imo.

And I really don't like this trailer. All it showed were guys in the same-ish death animations over and over again. Almost every one showed was a stupid pirouette, and usually said movement maid no sense at all. You don't jump up and spin around when you get shot, you fall, and you fall hard. The part where the guy dives from the explosion is pretty great, but thats all I've seen that was like, well, thats new or, wow, nicely done. Beyond that it looks like a lot of different animations doing the same thing, or some ragdol physics, and its not like we haven't see that before. The music makes it kinda entertaining, but otherwise, this is not worthy of being a trailer. Still, better then putting out more of that old CG stuff and slapping a logo on 2 seconds of stuff I suppose, which is a lot of what has been happening with the trailers lately.
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Commented on 2009-01-14 15:40:37 In reply to pythxvii
Posted by pythxvii
No, he is right. These guys did a clever thing with the game. The game looks SEXY. Its not a technical achievement. There are no superb textures (in fact they are quite flat and bland), the models are not a lot to brag about, and the effects are all far too soft (ie, they have no texture to them, the explosions look more like an expanding orange cloud with some small debris, as opposed to being awesome balls of fire and what not) or what ever. I think this game is damn sexy from an aesthetics point of view. But I am tired of people saying its the best look game out there. Mass Effect, RE5, Gear 2 all look better imo.

And I really don't like this trailer. All it showed were guys in the same-ish death animations over and over again. Almost every one showed was a stupid pirouette, and usually said movement maid no sense at all. You don't jump up and spin around when you get shot, you fall, and you fall hard. The part where the guy dives from the explosion is pretty great, but thats all I've seen that was like, well, thats new or, wow, nicely done. Beyond that it looks like a lot of different animations doing the same thing, or some ragdol physics, and its not like we haven't see that before. The music makes it kinda entertaining, but otherwise, this is not worthy of being a trailer. Still, better then putting out more of that old CG stuff and slapping a logo on 2 seconds of stuff I suppose, which is a lot of what has been happening with the trailers lately.
you guys are seriously hilarious. "Mass Effect, RE5, Gear 2 all look better imo." what a big surprise, all 360 games. when will this console loyalty bullshit stop? when it comes to the current library of current consoles, killzone 2's tech and visual aesthetics is 2nd to NONE.
if you want to argue tech, bring it on.
it's sad that a game can't be appreciated for what it is due to the console it's on.
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Commented on 2009-01-14 15:40:47 In reply to Inflatable
Posted by Inflatable
Graphicalwise it looks not that special anymore though when seen in slowmotion (quality of textures and AA etc).. But that's no real surprise running on 3 year old consolehardware.. It would look amazing on a GTX295.. :P
Sorry, but you're wrong.

I'm a day-one 360 owner, and I don't have a PS3 (and I don't have any intension of getting one) but graphically this game is a step up from anything I've played on the 360.

That said, who knows how it plays, but the look is VERY VERY impressive.
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Commented on 2009-01-14 15:46:27
Yeah there's no way Mass Effect looks better than this, as a whole package Gears 2 comes close but this has the post processing effects down.
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Commented on 2009-01-14 16:03:03 In reply to pythxvii
Posted by pythxvii
No, he is right. These guys did a clever thing with the game. The game looks SEXY. Its not a technical achievement. There are no superb textures (in fact they are quite flat and bland), the models are not a lot to brag about, and the effects are all far too soft (ie, they have no texture to them, the explosions look more like an expanding orange cloud with some small debris, as opposed to being awesome balls of fire and what not) or what ever. I think this game is damn sexy from an aesthetics point of view. But I am tired of people saying its the best look game out there. Mass Effect, RE5, Gear 2 all look better imo.

And I really don't like this trailer. All it showed were guys in the same-ish death animations over and over again. Almost every one showed was a stupid pirouette, and usually said movement maid no sense at all. You don't jump up and spin around when you get shot, you fall, and you fall hard. The part where the guy dives from the explosion is pretty great, but thats all I've seen that was like, well, thats new or, wow, nicely done. Beyond that it looks like a lot of different animations doing the same thing, or some ragdol physics, and its not like we haven't see that before. The music makes it kinda entertaining, but otherwise, this is not worthy of being a trailer. Still, better then putting out more of that old CG stuff and slapping a logo on 2 seconds of stuff I suppose, which is a lot of what has been happening with the trailers lately.
someones in denial.

even a 360 blog said killzone kills even gears of war 2 visually. but just look at the the dev cycles of all these games. killzone has taken longer, and more effort has been put into its visuals. it doesnt means mass effect or gears of war 2 look bad, but they dont have anywhere near the level of polish killzone 2 has.
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Commented on 2009-01-14 16:06:07
What makes KZ2 look impressive first had is the lighting i think. Shadows and ambiance is just terrific. Great art direction doesn't exactly hurt either but i agree that models and textures aren't THAT impressive. They certainly don't look bad but they aren't off the scale either. As a whole though, it looks really REALLY good. I'm surprised there hasn't been too much "zomg it's so brown and grey!!!1!one!" whining yet.
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Commented on 2009-01-14 16:09:30
you know i've been looking forward to a really good online multiplayer game

GOW2 online multiplayer (except horde) just didn't fulfill that for me, hope killzone 2 won't be too buggy, glad they have betas out and gamers are testing and it's being polished.

I can see killzone being the next big online game, can't wait, in dire need of some online pwnage, gonna be sweet!
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Commented on 2009-01-14 16:10:19 In reply to Megido
Posted by Megido
What makes KZ2 look impressive first had is the lighting i think. Shadows and ambiance is just terrific. Great art direction doesn't exactly hurt either but i agree that models and textures aren't THAT impressive. They certainly don't look bad but they aren't off the scale either. As a whole though, it looks really REALLY good. I'm surprised there hasn't been too much "zomg it's so brown and grey!!!1!one!" whining yet.
i dont see much of that anymore. i think its cos the people who used to say it are fans of games like gears of war and fallout that suffer from the "problem"
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Commented on 2009-01-14 16:23:15
The animations are amazing, just wow..

couldn't help but recall the line willy from the simpsons said while watching the trailer..

* Tis isn't Ryight! tis isn't ryight at all!*

how can pwning be so satisfying?
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Commented on 2009-01-14 16:36:32
Posted by droezelke
The first review scores:

OPM US: 10/10
OPM UK: 9/10

Ok, they might be a little biased, but I'm sure this will be the best FPS on PS3 for a long time. Too bad for people who don't own a PS3 (I do). I hate exclusives (although I have a 360 and a PS3)!
Come on, the entire staff would be shot executioner style if they gave this game bad grades. Let's wait for some less biased reviews, shall we? :D
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2009-01-14 16:37:12 In reply to Splicer261
Posted by Megido
I'm surprised there hasn't been too much "zomg it's so brown and grey!!!1!one!" whining yet.
I read a funny comment on GAF which I found true.

At first it was about it being to brown and grey, then the voice acting sucked, then the weapons didnt pack a punch and didn't feel right, then it was about co-op, then the Helghast is a rip off, not enough variety in the environment, the texture sucks...etc.

People will find new ways to bitch about the smallest thing about this game, and the title being on PS3 only just gives them that extra push to continue.
Posted by Splicer261
you know i've been looking forward to a really good online multiplayer game

GOW2 online multiplayer (except horde) just didn't fulfill that for me, hope killzone 2 won't be too buggy, glad they have betas out and gamers are testing and it's being polished.

I can see killzone being the next big online game, can't wait, in dire need of some online pwnage, gonna be sweet!
Yeah same here, and thats the only thing that worries me.

If the game isnt buggy and the MP has smooth play, balanced, good servers and connections...etc. I would love it, would definitely play as much as I played COD4 (was TONS of hours) and then some.
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