Phantagram and Blueside Studios released Kingdom under Fire: Circle of Doom in Euroland today, while it has been available in the US for some weeks now. I got my hands on it, and inside you'll find a couple of minutes from the introduction of the game. With some luck, I will be able to get help to record some nice online multiplayer co-op sessions this weekend too! A demo of the game is also available on the Marketplace for those who want to try it out.
All comments (10)
KUF:COD is a nod towards the old dungeon crawler/grindfest style of gameplay. As GeRaLTo said the single player pales compared to the online co-op, which was the main focus of the game when it was being developed. As with any game designed around the idea of levelling up your character it gets better the more you play, rewarding you with bigger and better weapons and armour and spells.
I just don't understand that contradiction. I mean, Circle of Doom is not perfect, but I don't think it deserved all the 4s and 5s it got from reviewers. Anyway I played mostly in co-op and for the most part was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed the game. The synthesis system is pretty deep and kept me coming back. A deeper fighting system and more coherent story would have made this game a sleeper hit in my eyes. Instead, it's a solid 6.5-7 if you have friends to play with.
Try the other one, its a whole new experience :)
I also dont understand why people bash this game so much for being repetitive.. THATS THE POINT..
Diablo 2 was repetitive, Sacred was repetitive, Titan Quest was repetitive, Loki was repetitive.. Did that stop them from being absolutely great games? No.
You know why? Because they were hack-n-slash games!! Thats the POINT of the genre! You slaughter enemies, pick up loot and lvl up, to slaughter more efficently! How can you bash a game for doing what its supposed to?
I dont see reveiwers bashing Fifa for being repetitive? "Oh you only kick the ball around, not much else here!!"..?
Or what about a racing game? "All you ever do is race on tracks! Then use the reward to buy a better car, to race some more! How repetitive!"..?
Know what i mean? You dont bash a racing game for being repetitive, because its SUPPOSED to be about racing. Then dont f***in bash a hack-n-slash for being repetitive, its SUPPOSED to be about slaughter. Nothing more.
The problem is not that the player has to slay thousands of enemies. The problem is that it doesn’t make fun to do so. At least that’s what most reviewers say about Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom. And I believe that after the GT-review.
Of course what is good and what is bad depends on your personal taste. I have played N3 and it was fun to some extend but even though I have to admit that it is medicore thru and thru. A game you may want to recommend to a genre lover but not to anyone.
There is a demo on the marketplace, go and look for yourself if you like it or not. That’s the best way IMO.
Anyway there will be a new “real” KuF-game, that might be fun.