As we're still waiting for GRAW demo, Ubisoft offers us a little piece of Blazing Angels on the Marketplace. If you're not bored enough to take a quick peek by yourself, here is a 720p video of the game, well done by our most beloved Tyran. I see some nice post-processing effects but the framerate seems to have serious breathing issues.
All comments (33)
Btw i was ranked 15 at crimsonskies ladder <--bragger.
Anyway this was quite a fun game,however those levels better not be this short as they was now...
"but the framerate seems to have serious breathing issues"
What? i never feelt any lag,you could feel the v-sync doing its job in this game,runned perfectly.
Also you play as an american and some of the wing mans are it too,apperebty ubi soft realised how good their titles sells in USA,they have to fake history.
Yes the americans was the ones winning the wars vs luftwaffe,yeah right :P
Btw,göring was an idiot,instead of finishg RAF,he wanted to bomb London,instead of bombing their airfields.
Anyway,I can understand ubi soft,but feels wrong when people faking history.
What? i never feelt any lag,you could feel the v-sync doing its job in this game,runned perfectly.
"but the framerate seems to have serious breathing issues"
What? i never feelt any lag,you could feel the v-sync doing its job in this game,runned perfectly.
For more news look at IGN,just thought you guys wanna know about it...
The graphics (as far as I could tell) were not of a woow-factor (probably because it's bassicly a Xbox port with more polished textures and some nice lighting effects etc), but if you consider how much stuff is going on they're pretty impressive imho.. I also didn't notice much slowdown in fps, maybe a dip with big exploisions etc, but that's no problem imho..
P.s. comparing this game with Oblivion is totally useless, they're 2 completly different games.. Tbh I couldn't care less about adventure RPG games like Oblvion, so you won't see me buy that, but I also don't tell other people to stay away from it.. So why some people here tell me and others to stay away from this game and get Oblivion instead is beyond me..
And just to add to this announce, the console will be region free indeed, but concerning the games, it'll be led to publisher's will. So...
I'm quite intrigued with the arrival of several demos on the marketplace lately. Good stuff!
Still have no intention of getting this one though. I'll wait for a flying game built from the ground up for the 360 :D
That's great! I can finally import those weird porn...I mean... Action-games, from Japan ... Just action...
Where the xbox1 was spared of last-gen port-jobs due to the fact that the PS2 had been out for a long time and most quality titles were mostly next-gen material, the 360 is now suffering direct port-overs from last gen hardware.
Think of it this way, the xbox1 did not get games ported from or primarily built for PSOne (PSX) which was the actual last-gen at the time. But the 360 is getting a bucket load of last gen titles built for hardware as old as 6 years!
I have a feeling the games that come mid to late in the life of the 360 and the PS3 will absolutely destroy these launch-window and early games.
The PS3 folks should pray they are spared of PS2 port-jobs.. the PS2 sure received its share of PSX port-jobs so history might repeat itself, unfortunately.