Xbox 360

Microsoft and Mistwalker released this big batch of images and artworks of Lost Odyssey. Needless to say it shows a lot of stuff that could be considered as spoilers.


  • Lots of Lost Odyssey images - Battle
  • Lots of Lost Odyssey images - Battle


  • Lots of Lost Odyssey images - Field
  • Lots of Lost Odyssey images - Field
  • Lots of Lost Odyssey images - Field
  • Lots of Lost Odyssey images - Field
  • Lots of Lost Odyssey images - Field
  • Lots of Lost Odyssey images - Field
  • Lots of Lost Odyssey images - Field
  • Lots of Lost Odyssey images - Field

Concept Art

  • Lots of Lost Odyssey images - Concept Art
  • Lots of Lost Odyssey images - Concept Art
  • Lots of Lost Odyssey images - Concept Art
  • Lots of Lost Odyssey images - Concept Art
  • Lots of Lost Odyssey images - Concept Art
  • Lots of Lost Odyssey images - Concept Art
  • Lots of Lost Odyssey images - Concept Art
  • Lots of Lost Odyssey images - Concept Art
  • Lots of Lost Odyssey images - Concept Art
  • Lots of Lost Odyssey images - Concept Art
  • Lots of Lost Odyssey images - Concept Art


  • Lots of Lost Odyssey images - Cutscenes
  • Lots of Lost Odyssey images - Cutscenes
  • Lots of Lost Odyssey images - Cutscenes
  • Lots of Lost Odyssey images - Cutscenes


  • Lots of Lost Odyssey images - Characters
  • Lots of Lost Odyssey images - Characters
  • Lots of Lost Odyssey images - Characters
  • Lots of Lost Odyssey images - Characters
  • Lots of Lost Odyssey images - Characters
  • Lots of Lost Odyssey images - Characters
  • Lots of Lost Odyssey images - Characters
  • Lots of Lost Odyssey images - Characters
  • Lots of Lost Odyssey images - Characters
  • Lots of Lost Odyssey images - Characters
  • Lots of Lost Odyssey images - Characters
  • Lots of Lost Odyssey images - Characters
  • Lots of Lost Odyssey images - Characters
  • Lots of Lost Odyssey images - Characters
  • Lots of Lost Odyssey images - Characters
  • Lots of Lost Odyssey images - Characters
  • Lots of Lost Odyssey images - Characters
  • Lots of Lost Odyssey images - Characters
  • Lots of Lost Odyssey images - Characters
  • Lots of Lost Odyssey images - Characters
  • Lots of Lost Odyssey images - Characters
  • Lots of Lost Odyssey images - Characters
  • Lots of Lost Odyssey images - Characters
  • Lots of Lost Odyssey images - Characters
Commented on 2008-01-10 17:20:36


Amazing concept art.
In reply to
Commented on 2008-01-10 17:26:23
Surprising the concpet art is exactly the same as the in game models.. :D
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Commented on 2008-01-10 17:26:31
Lets be honest...who really cares for concept art ?

i care for the finished article, i dont really care how they got there
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Commented on 2008-01-10 17:33:09 In reply to ManThatYouFear
Posted by ManThatYouFear
Lets be honest...who really cares for concept art ?

i care for the finished article, i dont really care how they got there
Well, reading what jollipop said would answer your question, dont you think ? :D

Anyway, Looking fantastic as usual. The game has been on preorder for months now ... come on february!
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2008-01-10 17:47:42 In reply to Jollipop
Posted by Jollipop
Surprising the concpet art is exactly the same as the in game models.. :D
You are joking right?

Just to be mean...


looks "exactly" like this :S

I know you are a fan of this game, but you can't honestly say the concept art looks exactly like the ones in game.

Maybe some touched up cutscene, but without some good touched up tools being involved it doesn't look the same.

The concept art looks so damn detailed, while the in-game its not, not in the same caliber.
In reply to
Commented on 2008-01-10 17:54:36
Anyone know the NA release date for the game? Hope they fix some annoying stuff for the NA release.
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Commented on 2008-01-10 18:11:36 In reply to Sath
Posted by Sath
You are joking right?

Just to be mean...


looks "exactly" like this :S

I know you are a fan of this game, but you can't honestly say the concept art looks exactly like the ones in game.

Maybe some touched up cutscene, but without some good touched up tools being involved it doesn't look the same.

The concept art looks so damn detailed, while the in-game its not, not in the same caliber.
The images showing the characters in different positions... they have horrible quality (the image used on your reply for example). The models in game, on screen, looks so detailed and great, not so far to the concept art ones. And if you see a real time cut scene in High definition... no need to say more
In reply to
Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2008-01-10 18:16:34
Seb...well I have seen the cut scenes in HD, and it doesn't look anything near the concept art.

I am not saying it looks bad in-game or anything...but comparing it to these concept arts and saying it looks exactly like it, is a bit of a mysterious thing, considering it doesnt look so detailed, polished, jaggie less as the in-game model.

I am just saying, from what I doesn't look the same...a bit close, but not "exactly" :)
In reply to
Commented on 2008-01-10 18:29:42 In reply to Sath
Posted by Sath
Seb...well I have seen the cut scenes in HD, and it doesn't look anything near the concept art.

I am not saying it looks bad in-game or anything...but comparing it to these concept arts and saying it looks exactly like it, is a bit of a mysterious thing, considering it doesnt look so detailed, polished, jaggie less as the in-game model.

I am just saying, from what I doesn't look the same...a bit close, but not "exactly" :)
I´m not saying it looks exactly in game and the concept art, I said in game and in realtime cut scenes, the models don´t look too far to concept art :)
Anyway, I think the game looks so great, and some places looks stunning thanks to the art direction mostly. Graphics are very nice too, I like the Unreal 3 engine despite off the little problems on it.
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Commented on 2008-01-10 18:30:50 In reply to Sath
I think he didn't mean it that way... More like that there isn't anything that had to be took off from the in game models. They seem to have same clothes with all the details. Although I think those models look almost the same. Like in some games you see concept art and then the in game model has different looking face or just doesn't look same at all.
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Commented on 2008-01-10 18:34:08 In reply to Isomac
Posted by Isomac
I think he didn't mean it that way... More like that there isn't anything that had to be took off from the in game models. They seem to have same clothes with all the details. Although I think those models look almost the same. Like in some games you see concept art and then the in game model has different looking face or just doesn't look same at all.
Maybe you´re right. He was talking in that way maybe
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Commented on 2008-01-10 18:38:34
After looking other pics I think Sath picked worst looking picture to compare it. Other pics looks much sharper on texture and stuff. Looks more like 3D programs preview window picture.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2008-01-10 18:45:08
Well I took what I could grab on.

But non the less...the game do look good, even though its not my type of game*play*
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Commented on 2008-01-10 18:53:09
THX, Blim
cant wait
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Commented on 2008-01-10 19:25:07 In reply to Isomac
Posted by Isomac
I think he didn't mean it that way... More like that there isn't anything that had to be took off from the in game models. They seem to have same clothes with all the details. Although I think those models look almost the same. Like in some games you see concept art and then the in game model has different looking face or just doesn't look same at all.
Yea thats what I meant, obviously deatil isn't guna be the same as one is hand drawn and one relys on textures.

Outside of that though the look probably the closest in any game I have seen.

If you look at the different in the models of CGI and in game of this game you will understand what I mean.
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Commented on 2008-01-10 19:59:04
It would be a great game, I know it. I have read a lot of reviews and people´s comments, and they talk mostly so well about art direction, story, music, battle sistem, etc etc^^
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Commented on 2008-01-10 20:31:34
i love concept art!

the chick with glasses and big boobs is so hot
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Commented on 2008-01-10 20:38:48
As for character design, Seth and the loli look great, but to be honest I think some of Nomura's stuff looks better than this, and I hate that guy. I mean you can almost see some whale tail on Kaim. Come on!

What's also interesting is that we finally know who's immortal (the ones with 1030 in their profile)
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Commented on 2008-01-10 20:57:51
The concept Art are Amazing !!

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Commented on 2008-01-10 21:50:39
looks good, citys look a bit blocky though..I prefer the designs of these in FFXII.

Character models in the game are very good, although the antagonist is straight out of Shadow Hearts... poor design
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Commented on 2008-01-10 22:07:02
The drawn art is fantastic, i really love it. But the transition to 3d is, as in many cases, quite bad. The models are just totally devoid of character and life, which is really sad, because if they had managed to capture the feel of the artwork then this game would be perhaps the best looking game ever.
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Commented on 2008-01-10 23:46:07
That character model art posted above is closer to the real thing than 99.9% of game releases these days where they show off a 'screenshot' and the real game doesn't even look half that good. I realize you were being a picky semantics lover, but when a game comes this close, it deserves to be praised.

The game is out in Japan too. Anyways, I hear the graphics are really great for the RPG genre. I don't dig the style much myself, but other than the loading times and the main story arch it sounds pretty good.
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Commented on 2008-01-11 11:34:16
Ummm, no, Sakaguchi really let me down with these two games(Blue Dragon & LO).

Sakaguchi's fate is like Carmack's... both old geniuses remained away from game development for a whole generation, so they lost the touch where the genres had reached. Much like Doom 3 was not totally revolutionary... being in development for 7 years, so are Sakaguchi's new creations as old, been-there-done-that kind and non-creative. Stuff like BD and LO doesn't even reach PS2's Xenosaga, Radiata, Grandia games... not to even bother mentioning FF-XII, Dragon Quest etc.

FF-XIII, VS and White Knight Story are going to be what JRPGs are known for. Both BD and LO gave Sakaguchi a bad name in Japan. And LO has been a major let down !!!. With only 80,000 sold uptil yet, people in Japan are not even going to bother pickup another game by Sakaguchi San.
In reply to
Commented on 2008-01-11 11:44:58 In reply to Farooq
Posted by Farooq
Ummm, no, Sakaguchi really let me down with these two games(Blue Dragon & LO).

Sakaguchi's fate is like Carmack's... both old geniuses remained away from game development for a whole generation, so they lost the touch where the genres had reached. Much like Doom 3 was not totally revolutionary... being in development for 7 years, so are Sakaguchi's new creations as old, been-there-done-that kind and non-creative. Stuff like BD and LO doesn't even reach PS2's Xenosaga, Radiata, Grandia games... not to even bother mentioning FF-XII, Dragon Quest etc.

FF-XIII, VS and White Knight Story are going to be what JRPGs are known for. Both BD and LO gave Sakaguchi a bad name in Japan. And LO has been a major let down !!!. With only 80,000 sold uptil yet, people in Japan are not even going to bother pickup another game by Sakaguchi San.
But the funniest thing is that the guy said the game will make you cry, laugh and get emotionally involved...DAMN, man, that's hilarious ! the game looks like PS2's Onimusha 4 at best(shin onimusha, which was a good game but past-gen), has boring locales, and did I mention has absolutely ugly vegetation? just like Ninja Gaiden 2's vegetation(plants & trees etc.).

Aesthetics aside its great in music anyways, but so is every other game, so it doesn't make this game stand-out at all. TRUTH BE TOLD !
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Commented on 2008-01-11 12:06:30
To Farooq
Truth be told???DD. This is only your truth.
First, in rpgs or j-rpgs, the graphics are not the most important (FFVIII remains as one of the best j-rpgs ever, full of pixels and ugly graphics), and second, you´re only watching the images with vegetation, right? D... You say they have lost the touch, and the game is not creative... Since the beggining, the game is a CLASSIC j-rpg, Lost Odyssey is not here to innove the j-rpg, the game don´t try this. I can see the touch what you talking about, the touch that Square losted when Sakaguchi left the company.

What are you saying about the sales in Japan?? You know wath´s going on with Xbx360 in Japan, so, there´s nothing more to say about that. In japan, 360 games don´ t sell anything, but does It mean the games are bad? D

If Lost Odyssey were a PS3 exclusive your words would be different my friend.
Enjoy your PS3 super j-rpgs while others will enjoy the great Lost Odyssey on 360.
(Sorry, I would like to write better, but I´m from spain, so I´m doing wath I can)
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About the game
Published by
Xbox Game Studios
Developed by

$135 of $400 per month

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