While we'd rather have 1080p/60fps videos of Forza Motorsport 5 to show you guys, here is a bunch of new screenshots from the game. Don't worry though, the game will be available soon now, and we'll definitely capture some high quality footage for you guys. Don't be too hasty though, as we'll have to buy our own console, it won't be before November 22.
All comments (55)
Though that first shoot look odd; the light on the inside of nearest wheel makes it look flat or photo shopped or something...
People's opinions tend to always level out when direct feeds are up.
The xbox one has a DVR, the people who captured these screens should take advantage of that.
The xbox one has a DVR, the people who captured these screens should take advantage of that.
Below are the Youtube official channels of both Turn 10 Studios and Xbox, in both you will find a ton of FM5 videos, and if you don't like the quality of them, how about leaving a "polite" message to them asking them to send HQ footage to press sites? (Just a suggestion):
Turn 10 Studios: http://www.youtube.com/user/Turn10Studios/videos
Xbox: http://www.youtube.com/user/xbox/videos
PS. To anyone interested in racing movies, Rush seems like a great racing movie, I remember watching its first trailer some 20 times. Below is a link of Rush's page in HD-Trailers.net, the equivalent of Gamersyde, but for movies. :D
Rush: http://www.hd-trailers.net/movie/rush/
that's the only thing wrong i have to say about forza. they should upgrade their camera angles for 3rd person viewing.
Holy crap. I really didn't know it was that big of an improvement.
It could be the lighting, reflections, or some material parameters that keep throwing it off. Could be all of those reasons together or it could be none of them. In any case, it's good people complain otherwise devs wouldn't try so hard to make games look better.
Here's the real thing..pretty much same colour, stationary. http://www.regionalmag.com/images/articles/52_nt_2...
I think the backgrounds probably have a lot to do with it, and if we're going to nit-pic, the way the tires sit on the floor seems abit off.
You can see the orange Fiesta on track and it's much less shiny ;)