Images Xbox 360

Bungie released some images of Halo Reach, mostly taken from the latest trailer, as well as some renders showing some of the character models and weapons.

6 images

  • More images of Halo Reach - 6 images
  • More images of Halo Reach - 6 images
  • More images of Halo Reach - 6 images
  • More images of Halo Reach - 6 images
  • More images of Halo Reach - 6 images
  • More images of Halo Reach - 6 images


  • More images of Halo Reach - Renders
  • More images of Halo Reach - Renders
  • More images of Halo Reach - Renders
  • More images of Halo Reach - Renders
  • More images of Halo Reach - Renders
  • More images of Halo Reach - Renders
  • More images of Halo Reach - Renders
  • More images of Halo Reach - Renders
  • More images of Halo Reach - Renders
  • More images of Halo Reach - Renders
  • More images of Halo Reach - Renders
  • More images of Halo Reach - Renders
  • More images of Halo Reach - Renders
  • More images of Halo Reach - Renders
  • More images of Halo Reach - Renders
  • More images of Halo Reach - Renders
  • More images of Halo Reach - Renders
  • More images of Halo Reach - Renders
  • More images of Halo Reach - Renders
  • More images of Halo Reach - Renders
  • More images of Halo Reach - Renders
  • More images of Halo Reach - Renders
  • More images of Halo Reach - Renders
  • More images of Halo Reach - Renders
  • More images of Halo Reach - Renders
  • More images of Halo Reach - Renders
  • More images of Halo Reach - Renders
  • More images of Halo Reach - Renders
  • More images of Halo Reach - Renders
  • More images of Halo Reach - Renders
  • More images of Halo Reach - Renders
  • More images of Halo Reach - Renders
  • More images of Halo Reach - Renders
Commented on 2010-01-30 10:46:12
''The screenshots that recently surfaced were taken from a pre-alpha build that was created last November''
So the final game is going to be better looking
Check out Bungie for some of your questions >>>
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Commented on 2010-01-30 11:21:02
Or this.
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Commented on 2010-01-30 11:46:52 In reply to Viginti_Tres
Posted by Viginti_Tres
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Commented on 2010-01-30 12:56:17 In reply to Viginti_Tres
Posted by Viginti_Tres
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Commented on 2010-01-30 13:05:27
Bullshot deluxe.
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Commented on 2010-01-30 13:15:43
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Commented on 2010-01-30 13:37:33
Talk about milking a franchise. Bungie, make something new instead!
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Commented on 2010-01-30 13:43:33 In reply to zlimness
Posted by zlimness
Talk about milking a franchise. Bungie, make something new instead!
If I were to talk about milking a franchise, there are a ton more franchises that come to mind over Halo.
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Commented on 2010-01-30 14:20:39 In reply to Ronsauce
Posted by Ronsauce
If I were to talk about milking a franchise, there are a ton more franchises that come to mind over Halo.
Sure, but that doesn't make any less milked out. Nothing has really happened in the series since Halo 1. It's been 10 years since the first Halo, time to do something new with it.
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Commented on 2010-01-30 14:38:10 In reply to Ronsauce
You are right. Most milked is Zelda No Story same design about 23 games...thats milking
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Commented on 2010-01-30 14:58:50
noone is screaming about milking franchise when it comes to metal gear, GoW, final fantasy etc etc , what do you care? Dont buy it then.
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Commented on 2010-01-30 15:19:21 In reply to futromurzyna
Posted by Leonidas300
You are right. Most milked is Zelda No Story same design about 23 games...thats milking
Don't even get me started on Nintendo. But I gave up on them a long time ago. Bungie however can do much better than making the same game over and over.
Posted by futromurzyna
noone is screaming about milking franchise when it comes to metal gear, GoW, final fantasy etc etc , what do you care? Dont buy it then.
Yeah but this is a news post about Halo, not Sony franchises. I direct the same criticism towards any series that never tries anything new. Why do I care? I care because I know Bungie can make great games, yet they're stuck making these endless Halo games that feels exactly the same year after year.
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Commented on 2010-01-30 15:30:37 In reply to futromurzyna
Posted by futromurzyna
noone is screaming about milking franchise when it comes to metal gear, GoW, final fantasy etc etc , what do you care? Dont buy it then.
I'd take it if something dramatically new is happening in the franchise or not, and as zlimness has pointed out above, thats something totally not happening with the Halo franchise since Halo1... almost 10 years!
And releasing a DLC as a full priced game(odst) is nothing but milking... reach? only time will tell ;)

And the selection of games you chose to compare are totally like refreshing every turn... Metal Gear is epic and most twistedly new with real fresh story and maneuvering in each iteration, god of war is something which drops jaws each part and leaves you longing for more but still hasn't unearthed lots of greek mythology mysteries and a number of god relations... and final fantasy always breaks new grounds with both story-telling and gameplay, in each new fable, may it be that it gets a little boring at places, but innovative? yep it is!

But yes, you can say Ratchet and Clank is now in milking category, tekken also exists there and likewise is the silent hill franchise.
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Commented on 2010-01-30 16:14:44 In reply to mykmarian
Posted by mykmarian
''The screenshots that recently surfaced were taken from a pre-alpha build that was created last November''
So the final game is going to be better looking
Check out Bungie for some of your questions >>>
those screen shots were taken from the intro they revealed at the end of last year.. though it uses the game engine i wouldnt expect the gameplay to look better than it.

They need to show some actual gameplay shots. That one shot that they revealed last week looked like it could of been a gameplay shot..had the cross hair not been wildly off target.. making it look like a bull shot.

We're supposed to be seeing gameplay footage next month at the microsoft event...along with Fable 3's reveal
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Commented on 2010-01-30 16:19:38 In reply to zlimness
LOL at the ridiculous trolling in this thread.
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Commented on 2010-01-30 16:26:33
Now this sounds good...

Myth: Sketch called the Falcon, the “Warthog of the Skies.” Does that mean we’re going to get to pilot it in campaign and multiplayer?
Truth: Yup.
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Commented on 2010-01-30 16:28:07
Like the new assault rifle render, but the battle rifle is meh. Also kind of stupid that you have to play as a Spartan III when there are plenty of good Spartan II's to go around.
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Commented on 2010-01-30 16:35:10 In reply to zlimness
Posted by zlimness
Sure, but that doesn't make any less milked out. Nothing has really happened in the series since Halo 1. It's been 10 years since the first Halo, time to do something new with it.
WHAT?? Halo's always been leading the way.

Halo 2, recharging health - a gameplay mechanic that changed nearly all fps games after it. 2 Player co-op throughout. Unmatched online multiplayer for last gen.

Halo 3, the first game with 4 player campaign throughout/split screen. Recording EVERYTHING. Forge.

ODST's an expansion pack sold at full retail price. It's labelled Halo 3: ODST.. but even so i wouldnt lay claim they Bungie didnt try something new with it - they removed Master chief for one.

Halo's the only franchise that does seem to evolve. Sure alot of the same gameplay mechanic's cross over from each edition..would you expect anything less? if it's not broke.

Halo 3's still got the best enemy AI currently out too

Just to add...Halo wars - they turned Halo in to a RTS.. if thats not doing something different with Halo i dunno what is
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Commented on 2010-01-30 16:51:14 In reply to bleachedsmiles
Posted by bleachedsmiles
WHAT?? Halo's always been leading the way.

Halo 2, recharging health - a gameplay mechanic that changed nearly all fps games after it. 2 Player co-op throughout. Unmatched online multiplayer for last gen.

Halo 3, the first game with 4 player campaign throughout/split screen. Recording EVERYTHING. Forge.

ODST's an expansion pack sold at full retail price. It's labelled Halo 3: ODST.. but even so i wouldnt lay claim they Bungie didnt try something new with it - they removed Master chief for one.

Halo's the only franchise that does seem to evolve. Sure alot of the same gameplay mechanic's cross over from each edition..would you expect anything less? if it's not broke.

Halo 3's still got the best enemy AI currently out too

Just to add...Halo wars - they turned Halo in to a RTS.. if thats not doing something different with Halo i dunno what is
+1 Couldn't of said it better.
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Commented on 2010-01-30 17:35:26 In reply to bleachedsmiles
Posted by bleachedsmiles
WHAT?? Halo's always been leading the way.

Halo 2, recharging health - a gameplay mechanic that changed nearly all fps games after it. 2 Player co-op throughout. Unmatched online multiplayer for last gen.

Halo 3, the first game with 4 player campaign throughout/split screen. Recording EVERYTHING. Forge.

ODST's an expansion pack sold at full retail price. It's labelled Halo 3: ODST.. but even so i wouldnt lay claim they Bungie didnt try something new with it - they removed Master chief for one.

Halo's the only franchise that does seem to evolve. Sure alot of the same gameplay mechanic's cross over from each edition..would you expect anything less? if it's not broke.

Halo 3's still got the best enemy AI currently out too

Just to add...Halo wars - they turned Halo in to a RTS.. if thats not doing something different with Halo i dunno what is
When Halo came out, there was nothing like it. It was a completely new experience. Having shields instead of health, limited weapon slots, co-op etc. It really changed the way I thought about console FPS.

Do you get the same feeling today? Like; "Wow, I've never seen anything like this before". Because I sure don't. All I see is the same game I played almost 10 years ago. You can put a different dress on it, and it still feels old, because it is old.

Halo is one of the more conservative series today. It's up there with Gran Turismo, Silent Hill, Tekken, a few others and most of Nintendo's franchises. A new coat of paint is not my definition of evolving a series. Get with the times, do something new.
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Commented on 2010-01-30 17:40:16 In reply to zlimness
Posted by zlimness
When Halo came out, there was nothing like it. It was a completely new experience. Having shields instead of health, limited weapon slots, co-op etc. It really changed the way I thought about console FPS.

Do you get the same feeling today? Like; "Wow, I've never seen anything like this before". Because I sure don't. All I see is the same game I played almost 10 years ago. You can put a different dress on it, and it still feels old, because it is old.

Halo is one of the more conservative series today. It's up there with Gran Turismo, Silent Hill, Tekken, a few others and most of Nintendo's franchises. A new coat of paint is not my definition of evolving a series. Get with the times, do something new.
Ermm...No. Its quite simply impossible to fix gameplay perfection,
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Commented on 2010-01-30 17:43:36
I wouldn't even call it a new coat of paint either. They've just minimally added paint as the years have progressed seemingly out of intense fear.
The look of this game has gotten really goddamn boring over the years. They're afraid of being heavy handed and getting shit for it. They release screens expecting us to be impressed by the added polys. Instead I'm just looking at the same boring character with very little change.
I'm curious about this talent of Bungie everyone speaks of. What are they going to do after Halo really? I have high doubts about their ability after coasting on this franchise.
It's like some obese individual deciding to run again after sitting on the couch eating bon bons and Digorno pizza w/ Pepsi for a decade.
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Commented on 2010-01-30 18:01:59 In reply to zlimness
Posted by zlimness
When Halo came out, there was nothing like it. It was a completely new experience. Having shields instead of health, limited weapon slots, co-op etc. It really changed the way I thought about console FPS.

Do you get the same feeling today? Like; "Wow, I've never seen anything like this before". Because I sure don't. All I see is the same game I played almost 10 years ago. You can put a different dress on it, and it still feels old, because it is old.

Halo is one of the more conservative series today. It's up there with Gran Turismo, Silent Hill, Tekken, a few others and most of Nintendo's franchises. A new coat of paint is not my definition of evolving a series. Get with the times, do something new.
The core gameplay is the same, but at the same time it's been significantly enhanced by a vast array of vehicles and weapons. And as much as you complain about it, it doesn't change the fact that it's the most ambitious FPS gameplay out there - other shooters are all the same extremely linear affair with dumb AI.
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Commented on 2010-01-30 18:03:40 In reply to Jin187
Posted by Jin187
Ermm...No. Its quite simply impossible to fix gameplay perfection,
Who said anything about fixing? I'm talking about "creativity" and "innovation". Something Halo originally was, but is now just helplessly conservative.
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Commented on 2010-01-30 18:11:10 In reply to szaromir
Posted by szaromir
The core gameplay is the same, but at the same time it's been significantly enhanced by a vast array of vehicles and weapons. And as much as you complain about it, it doesn't change the fact that it's the most ambitious FPS gameplay out there - other shooters are all the same extremely linear affair with dumb AI.
Ambitious in what way? Slightly tweaking the gameplay every 2-3 years?
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About the game
Published by
Xbox Game Studios
Developed by

$135 of $400 per month

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