Xbox 360

Namco released a big batch of images of their soccer [i]simulator[/i] Love Football. The images show some more of their revolutionary feature: 3rd person soccer. And that feature can, if they succeed, really sell some games - both in Japan and Europe, as they are trying to put alot of teams based all over the world in it.

33 720p images

  • More of Love Football - 33 720p images
  • More of Love Football - 33 720p images
  • More of Love Football - 33 720p images
  • More of Love Football - 33 720p images
  • More of Love Football - 33 720p images
  • More of Love Football - 33 720p images
  • More of Love Football - 33 720p images
  • More of Love Football - 33 720p images
  • More of Love Football - 33 720p images
  • More of Love Football - 33 720p images
  • More of Love Football - 33 720p images
  • More of Love Football - 33 720p images
  • More of Love Football - 33 720p images
  • More of Love Football - 33 720p images
  • More of Love Football - 33 720p images
  • More of Love Football - 33 720p images
  • More of Love Football - 33 720p images
  • More of Love Football - 33 720p images
  • More of Love Football - 33 720p images
  • More of Love Football - 33 720p images
  • More of Love Football - 33 720p images
  • More of Love Football - 33 720p images
  • More of Love Football - 33 720p images
  • More of Love Football - 33 720p images
  • More of Love Football - 33 720p images
  • More of Love Football - 33 720p images
  • More of Love Football - 33 720p images
  • More of Love Football - 33 720p images
  • More of Love Football - 33 720p images
  • More of Love Football - 33 720p images
  • More of Love Football - 33 720p images
  • More of Love Football - 33 720p images
  • More of Love Football - 33 720p images
Commented on 2005-12-26 13:45:11
They already tried (and failed) with third person Football in the two Libero Grande games on the PS1. I don't know how they expect to get any attention when this looks no better than a Dreamcast game anyway.
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Commented on 2005-12-26 13:57:24
Jeez this game looks so horrible but it will sell in Japan! Sad, isnt it.
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Commented on 2005-12-26 14:05:56 In reply to Slabs
Posted by Slabs
They already tried (and failed) with third person Football in the two Libero Grande games on the PS1. I don't know how they expect to get any attention when this looks no better than a Dreamcast game anyway.
your right

this is too sad the graphics is no were near the xbox 1 graphics i don,t see myself getting this game. i need to see a big improovement from 1 to 10. sad case.
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Commented on 2005-12-26 14:51:47
thats just so bad , it aint funny
if this is the best the 360 is going to offer in the future...rollon the ps3 !

this and frame city killer...namco suck
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Commented on 2005-12-26 14:53:42
looks aint everything, but yes looks poor but most prob plays really well
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Commented on 2005-12-26 14:57:06 In reply to Drunkenshaolin
Posted by Drunkenshaolin
looks aint everything, but yes looks poor but most prob plays really well
That's not why people bought their Xbox 360's..

A good game needs good gameplay *and* good graphics imho..
Posted by easynow
if this is the best the 360 is going to offer in the future...rollon the ps3 !
Why make this comment? You know just as well it's BS..
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Commented on 2005-12-26 15:21:14
Worst textures ever. The colors are way off.
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Commented on 2005-12-26 15:31:31
Wow...I don't normally say this...but it looks like a bad Xbox Seriously Namco, either you have suddenly become talentless hacks...or you are not giving the X360 the attention you should.

Where is my SoulCalibur or Ace Combat? Those are Namco's top franchises....but with FCK and this...I nominate Namco lazyest Japanese developer for X360. I mean Capcom, Konami, From, Mystwalker etc.. all of these companies are giving X360 some proper attention and some quality games....Namco seems to using the "give a dog a bone" mentality it had for Xbox 1...
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Commented on 2005-12-26 15:50:12 In reply to Inflatable
Posted by Inflatable
Why make this comment? You know just as well it's BS..
whats BS ?? (im no fanboy) but ken k was quoted saying something like ... games developers
must make games look different to the last generation (thats why a lot of smaller devs jumped ship to MS they didnt have the money to make games of a MGS4 visual flair)

now if and i say if that MGS4 footage is idicative of "real" ingame footage then the 360 will be in a lot of trouble. and with NAMCO producing sh1t like this and frame city killer, .

i didnt shell out 500 quid to play games that look like they are running on a ps1 ??
if one developer starts getting "lazy" some will also follow that lead.

its up to micrisoft to get tough with these developers and DEMAND a greater "quality" of visual flair. or its bye bye 360
the gereral public (not hardcore gamers) will base their purchase on what they see with their eyes and if the ps3 looks "better" i;n a graphical form then its a no brainer what one they will spend their hard earned cash on.
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Commented on 2005-12-26 15:51:55
If this is Namco next-gen, I'm done buying Namco games. What fck is up with FCK, how dare they butcher the Unreal engine like that. Damn, Namco is going down the drain...they're a joke in my opinion
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Commented on 2005-12-26 15:57:14
The only excuse they could possibly have is that they're tweaking the gameplay with this build and this is debug graphics.
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Commented on 2005-12-26 15:59:37 In reply to easynow
Posted by easynow
whats BS ??
That argument is ridiculous, if you honestly believe all PS3 games will look visually stunning then you must be brand new to the world of videogames.
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Commented on 2005-12-26 16:09:00
amazing graphics!!!!!
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Commented on 2005-12-26 16:25:08 In reply to Boosman
Posted by Boosman
amazing graphics!!!!!
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Commented on 2005-12-26 16:32:44
Someone please burn my eyes, this would have average graphics even if it came out on the PS1, i dont know how they think they are going to make money with a game like this, they all must be high or something.
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Manager - Shemale
Commented on 2005-12-26 17:12:31
You have to remember that, when you're in third person - 15 000 spectators will be shown in the background, while around 15-16 detailed players also will be in your sight. This is no Fifa or PES, where 15 persons are visible.

Just look at the Fifa 06 RTWC replayes. Around 5-10 fps, and that's the same angle Love Football uses. When you're the golie and is going to kick the ball, with the camera behind you, the framerate is even lower. When you're moving left and right, it's like 2 fps.
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Commented on 2005-12-26 17:16:31
Yeah but FIFA was like that because of limited optimising time with final kits, this is just artistically disgusting. I mean they have REFLECTIONS on the shorts and shirts.
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Commented on 2005-12-26 17:21:56 In reply to Slabs
Posted by Slabs
That argument is ridiculous, if you honestly believe all PS3 games will look visually stunning then you must be brand new to the world of videogames.
na mate i am 30yrs old and been gaming since the bbc acorn electron.

you tell me why the ps3 shouldnt be visually stunning ?. and the argument is totaly valid.
i work in marketing and the way you take peoples money is ,you show them something "nice" something they "havent seen b4" something "thats better than the other " tell them that "they need this in their life" .
the console war hasnt started yet, it will start when the ps3 is released, it will be a war of adverts and marketing, and the one that will "win" in the general publics eye will be the one that looks better than the other. and so far on the 360 there is nothing thats a "major" leap over the last generation (maybe pgr3 and cod2 but thats pushing it)

and yes i do have a 360 and i find it a slight let down. in 2 weeks i have compleated cod2, condemned and q4and 2 of those game looked like they could have run on my xbox1

you cant tell me that you would be happy to have that sh1t running on your 360???
its like taking 2 steps backwards.

and the CES starts jan 5th to 8th in las vegas so we will all soon know what the ps3 can realy do
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Commented on 2005-12-26 17:23:09
the skin textures are terrible, terrible I say!
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Commented on 2005-12-26 17:26:02 In reply to easynow
The XBox was the most powerful system this generation and it still had games that looked like crap, if you think every PS3 game is going to push the system to its limits then you really haven't been paying attention in your 30 years.

I am NOT excusing this Namco abomination, simply stating that you are over-reacting because Namco are not making the effort to make their games take advantage of what we know is a powerful system.
Posted by easynow
in 2 weeks i have compleated cod2, condemned and q4and 2 of those game looked like they could have run on my xbox1
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Commented on 2005-12-26 17:32:14 In reply to easynow
well you don't seem to be very clever (or good at your job). Because if you really came from Marketing, then you'd surely know, that Marketing is 90% false promises - in Sony's case nearly 100%. Dancing sequence from FF on PS1, Toy Story Graphics on PS2 and Killzone 3 comes to mind . . ....

If you would have seen the newest GoW ZeroLaunch trailer, you wouldn't argue with MGS4.

Or if you even would have played representable 360 games (Kameo, PGR3, PDZ), you would realize next-gen is already here. Call of Duty and Condemned wouldn't be possible on an Xbox 1.

But please - keep running around blind, sell your 360 and stop bothering ppl. in this forum.
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Commented on 2005-12-26 17:51:04
I think they want the 360 to fail in Japan. or Sony is paying them big money to keep Microsoft off the Japanese market.
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Commented on 2005-12-26 17:51:39 In reply to docLEXfisti
Posted by docLEXfisti
well you don't seem to be very clever (or good at your job). Because if you really came from Marketing, then you'd surely know, that Marketing is 90% false promises - in Sony's case nearly 100%. Dancing sequence from FF on PS1, Toy Story Graphics on PS2 and Killzone 3 comes to mind . . ....

If you would have seen the newest GoW ZeroLaunch trailer, you wouldn't argue with MGS4.

Or if you even would have played representable 360 games (Kameo, PGR3, PDZ), you would realize next-gen is already here. Call of Duty and Condemned wouldn't be possible on an Xbox 1.

But please - keep running around blind, sell your 360 and stop bothering ppl. in this forum.
yes thats what marketing is about if sony was all about false promises , then why have they gone on to sell over 100 million ps2'S they must be doing something right dont they??

and yes i have seen the gow zero hour trailer and still not a patch on mgs4

and yes i have pgr3 , i dont like pdz or kameo (gameplay) does any one remember doom 3 on xbox or chronicles of riddick , so yes the xbox could quite easily run q4 and condemned

is it not ok to feel a little let down by the 360??? and you honestly believe that microsoft dont "over promise" if you do then its not me who is running around blind, isit now??

am i not allowed to have an opinion ... or do you want me to follow the pack ?

and on the part that you say i mustnot be good at my job.....

what i was saying is what you said... you got to tell people that one product is better than the other ...or that they NEED it in their life... or they wont be "cool" without it
(they are laymans terms) and that is what sony is good at, marketing.

they made gaming cool to be part of a lifestyle and no mater how you try and put it microsoft is still seen as a geeky company. that has products that are full of bugs and need to be constantly updated (ala windows).
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Commented on 2005-12-26 18:00:12 In reply to Slabs
Posted by Slabs
I am NOT excusing this Namco abomination, simply stating that you are over-reacting because Namco are not making the effort to make their games take advantage of what we know is a powerful system..
so why are you bashing me ??? . and i am not saying every ps3 game will push the systems power. but nothing so far has pushed the 360 has it?? i dont even think a single game has taken an advantage of the AA and it frikkin free. pgr3 is full of jaggies. the frame rate on q4 is dire cod2 nice but way too short. .

we should all be demanding QUALITY out of the box?? because our hard earned money these game developers like to take.
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Commented on 2005-12-26 18:32:47
This is a grate game for PS1 :$
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About the game
Published by
Bandai Namco Ent...
Developed by
Bandai Namco Stu...

$135 of $400 per month

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