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Here is a new video of Mortal Kombat X where the team at NetherRealm details the features of the fighting game and gives a look at Faction Wars.

Commented on 2015-02-06 18:29:46
Can't wait. I hope netcode will be good.
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Commented on 2015-02-06 20:46:02
The only fighting game worth playing anymore
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Commented on 2015-02-06 20:57:00
Decent idea to keep people playing, too bad it's for such a mediocre fighter :P
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Commented on 2015-02-06 21:19:45 In reply to Megido
Posted by Megido
Decent idea to keep people playing, too bad it's for such a mediocre fighter :P
Mediocre ?
Nah, it just more appointed to the mainstream gamer types. Not all gamers want to cancel moves in mid combo or remember so insanely long tactics.
Most people who wanna play fighting games with friends enjoy SSB or this type of games.
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Commented on 2015-02-06 21:40:41, MK9 was a hot pile of garbage. Like i've said several times, a friend of min borrowed my copy of MK9, uploaded youtube videos of insane combos the same afternoon. Admittedly most casual players won't figure that shit out but still. Also look at tournament play of MK9, it's such a snoozefest. I'm not blaming people who like the game, just admit that you like it because of the gore and the spectacle, not because it's a tight fighter (cause it isn't).

MK9 also was very flat because like ALL of the freaking strings were natural combos, and there was little blancing between mids and low, a lot of your best strings with any given characters started with a super fast mid that lead in to a natural combo. It just devolved in to string spam and projectiles for zoning. I think even the most casual of scrubs can have just as much fun with something like Street Fighter, while that game is still much better in terms of mechanics. It doesn't have to be dumb to appeal to people, it just has to have different levels of play/appeal. You'll see plenty of players enjoying Tekken that have no idea what a just frame is, how to do a pewgf or even what a simple dash cancel is. Hell i've gotten hate mail about being a dick for not letting some tard get up after i put him on the floor. But at their level it's still fun because they can spam strings against some friends and don't worry about punishment, oki and setups.

The only appeal i see MK having over any other current fighter is the gore. Because the fans of MK are not heavily invested in the mechanics anyway. If they were they'd switch to a better game :P
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Commented on 2015-02-06 23:12:16 In reply to Megido
So in your opinion,is the new guilty gear worth my time?I'm not a hardcore fighting game player but i dig the style.If i really like how a character plays i may study that character to get better though.
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Commented on 2015-02-07 00:21:47
That level of pedantry is best saved for the meta or sub-combo geeks of SF5, Megido. When someone takes a game that seriously, it's time to go outside and get a fucking life.
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Commented on 2015-02-07 02:02:39 In reply to crookedmind
Posted by crookedmind
That level of pedantry is best saved for the meta or sub-combo geeks of SF5, Megido. When someone takes a game that seriously, it's time to go outside and get a fucking life.
I can get behind this sentiment.

Honestly, its a fun game with a surprisingly well made campy story with LOADS of content to unlock. I don't see how that is a bad thing.
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Commented on 2015-02-07 04:19:23 In reply to Xiong_Warriorzz
Posted by Ian_Nottingham
So in your opinion,is the new guilty gear worth my time?I'm not a hardcore fighting game player but i dig the style.If i really like how a character plays i may study that character to get better though.
I think it looks cool, and the Guilty Gear series has been good previously. Haven't played it myself though, as i'd have to import it. But hey, if we get it in europe i'm gonna buy it, no doubt.

I also think this is one of the pitfalls of getting in to fighters. If you want to get better at the game, don't focus so much on individual characters at first, instead learn the shared stuff for all the characters. Learn the system basics. Spacing, zoning, combos, cancels, punishment, ground game and so forth. Once you know how that stuff works, apply it to your favorite character and all of a sudden, you have jumped up a level. This is where the game starts taking new dimensions. But this is kinda the boring part, as you need to find all that info on your own, through youtube tutorials, or message boards and so forth. It's tough work learning to play a fighter, but it's super rewarding once you start grasping the basic ideas behind the games. You know, when you can start controlling the flow of each fight, rather than just hoping for good stuff to happen :)
Posted by crookedmind
That level of pedantry is best saved for the meta or sub-combo geeks of SF5, Megido. When someone takes a game that seriously, it's time to go outside and get a fucking life.
Posted by Xiong_Warriorzz
I can get behind this sentiment.

Honestly, its a fun game with a surprisingly well made campy story with LOADS of content to unlock. I don't see how that is a bad thing.
Yes and all i'm saying is that you should at least be honest about it not being a great fighter. You like it for completely different reasons. That's fine guys, but fun story, loads of unlockables and spectacular gore does not a great fighter make. Because, you know...if you start trying to actually be good at a fighter at some point, rather than just mashing, you will start noting these things. And no, i don't think i need to go out there and get a life because i spend more time with some genres than others, it's an interest. I spend time on my interests. Not to mention, i try learning the finer parts of playing fighters rather than fap at gore. Make of that what you will.
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Commented on 2015-02-07 07:26:33 In reply to Megido
Posted by Megido
Yes and all i'm saying is that you should at least be honest about it not being a great fighter. You like it for completely different reasons. That's fine guys, but fun story, loads of unlockables and spectacular gore does not a great fighter make. Because, you know...if you start trying to actually be good at a fighter at some point, rather than just mashing, you will start noting these things. And no, i don't think i need to go out there and get a life because i spend more time with some genres than others, it's an interest. I spend time on my interests. Not to mention, i try learning the finer parts of playing fighters rather than fap at gore. Make of that what you will.
Its great for what its meant to be.
I dont applaud it for its completive appeal, but for its simplicity and the fun factor it brings when playing with a group of friends. Sinds you cant seem to understand that you must be missing one if the 2 factors or approach the game with the wrong mindset.
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Commented on 2015-02-07 08:07:36
Hotkirby: kimda get you stare yourself blind at the critizism. I said its fine if you like it, just dont say its a good fighter. Enjoy it all you want, but its not a tight fighter.
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Commented on 2015-02-07 09:08:10
So glad we have the fighter police in here to tell us we cannot say it's a good fighter. Honestly man, if you don't like the game...then why do you feel the need to chime in on each new MK update on the forum? We get it, you don't like the game. So, perhaps instead of putting down walls of text in a thread for a game you don't like; play some SF5, take up golf, paint some happy trees, or adopt a puppy. We don't need you bashing the game each time there's an update for it mkay?
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Commented on 2015-02-07 09:51:43
Nah, ill just keep on whining.
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Commented on 2015-02-07 15:09:00 In reply to Megido
Posted by Megido, MK9 was a hot pile of garbage.
You really, REALLY hate this game, don't you? Thankfully I don't and alongside many others, keep enjoying it despite being fans of deeper fighting games. Not only that, most critics consider MK9 to be a great game and one of the better fighters of last gen (With Metacritic average of 86).

This trailer is pretty neat but I'm worried about microtransactions (After Goro pre-order BS, the execs at WB are starting to worry me).
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Commented on 2015-02-07 15:39:57
Yeah but like i said, i dont think critics can fairly judge a fighter. Really grtting in to a game like this takes more time than a single reviewer can put in, not to mention a lot of what is doscovered anout a fighter is a community effort.

I played MK9 woth friends, saw the fatalities and deroed around. But it was more of a party game experience. Which is fine, if thats what you are looking for but its not a game with much staying oower imo. People still play SF3 third strike, that is fandom that speaks to the games quality as a fighter.

So no i dont hate the game, but i think its absurd to even compare it to the greats of the genre, because it just isnt on par with sf, kof, valibur, vf or tekken. As a fighter.

As something to just pick up and play for funsies with your buddies over a few beers it works fine. If you want to go deeper than that i sugget looking somewhere else.
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Commented on 2015-02-07 16:28:02 In reply to Megido
Posted by Megido
Yeah but like i said, i dont think critics can fairly judge a fighter. Really grtting in to a game like this takes more time than a single reviewer can put in, not to mention a lot of what is doscovered anout a fighter is a community effort.

I played MK9 woth friends, saw the fatalities and deroed around. But it was more of a party game experience. Which is fine, if thats what you are looking for but its not a game with much staying oower imo. People still play SF3 third strike, that is fandom that speaks to the games quality as a fighter.

So no i dont hate the game, but i think its absurd to even compare it to the greats of the genre, because it just isnt on par with sf, kof, valibur, vf or tekken. As a fighter.

As something to just pick up and play for funsies with your buddies over a few beers it works fine. If you want to go deeper than that i sugget looking somewhere else.
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Commented on 2015-02-07 22:49:45
My faction MK crew is gonna walk up to your crew, and urinate on your shoes, and make you buy us a drink. Why? Because that's just how my crew rolls. Our leader is Lord Scorpion.
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Commented on 2015-02-07 22:57:18 In reply to hotkirby
Then don't read and respond. I don't see the issue, unless you are just butthurt over the fact that i'm pointing out flaws in your favorite game :P
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Commented on 2015-02-08 00:23:16 In reply to Megido
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Commented on 2015-02-08 08:56:04 In reply to Megido
Troll much Megido? Don't be a dick mkay?
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Commented on 2015-02-09 01:03:49
Megido hates mk because he sucks at it. He's been turned into a baby one too many times.
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Commented on 2015-02-09 02:08:49 In reply to Xeviant
Posted by THEundying27
Megido hates mk because he sucks at it. He's been turned into a baby one too many times.
Yeah i'm pissed because i lost a few online games. That's it. Has nothing to do with the things i take up that i don't like about the game.
Posted by Xeviant
Troll much Megido? Don't be a dick mkay?
So posting my opinions on a game is trolling, yet your shit and Kirbys pictures of squidward is quality stuff? yeah. Sure.
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Commented on 2015-02-09 13:40:22 In reply to Megido
Dude, you have been in MK thread after MK thread ripping on the game and the people who say they like the game just because they like the game. But it's not enough to make one post, you've gotta keep going and going and going and killing the convo for people who do like the game. It's juvenile trollish dickery, so knock it off ok? We all get it, you don't like MK.
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Commented on 2015-02-10 00:02:29
I liked MK9 much more than any previous 3D MK. Every now and then I fire it up on my console and enjoy it. When you don't play that game competitively it can be a load of fun. I hope this new installment will be nothing less than a worthy successor.
On a side note, a shame they abandoned this franchise for movies. It would deserve to go on in a modern style.
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Commented on 2015-02-10 00:24:52
Oh yeah, MK9 is hands down the best Mortal Kombat ever. By leaps and bounds. Going back and playing the older games now? Oh dear. Used to have loads of fun with MK2 and 3 on the snes. Barely playable now :P

Xeviant; i've been in 2, and the main thing i posted about in the other thread was the collectible statuette looking like crap :P

I've even defended the graphics of MKX as it's by far the best looking fighter on the horizon. I don't have a personal vendetta against the game as such, i just think it gets more praise than it should. Especially from reviewers calling it "fresh" and "innovative", when it's clearly just trying to emulate the established fighters, and coming up a bit short in the mechanics. It did a great job with the story mode, though and i actually hope other fighters are inspired to make better story modes when they see what Neather Realms did with MK. Same with this faction wars thing. It's something that could really help build the online community and i'd love to see other fighters do new stuff like this too. It's great. Unfortunately, i just don't think that the gameplay will be up to snuff, unless they really worked their asses off. I already pointed out a lot of what i find to be the big flaws of the game, but the thing is...i think that's how they want the game to be, because it takes very little dedication or investment to get to a decent level of MK. Anyone can just pick up the controller, learn a few strings and be good to go. Great for casual play, less great for competitive play. I certainly come down on the competitive side.
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About the game
Published by
Warner Bros. Int...
Developed by
NetherRealm Stud...

$135 of $400 per month

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