Trailer PS4

Square Enix has released on the PlayStation Store the free demo of NieR: Automata, allowing player to try PlatinumGames' action-RPG before it laucnhes in March. New screnshots inside plus a trailer showing iconic crossover weapons.

Demo screenshots

  • NieR: Automata demo is now available - Demo screenshots
  • NieR: Automata demo is now available - Demo screenshots
  • NieR: Automata demo is now available - Demo screenshots
  • NieR: Automata demo is now available - Demo screenshots
  • NieR: Automata demo is now available - Demo screenshots
  • NieR: Automata demo is now available - Demo screenshots
  • NieR: Automata demo is now available - Demo screenshots
  • NieR: Automata demo is now available - Demo screenshots
  • NieR: Automata demo is now available - Demo screenshots
  • NieR: Automata demo is now available - Demo screenshots
  • NieR: Automata demo is now available - Demo screenshots
  • NieR: Automata demo is now available - Demo screenshots
  • NieR: Automata demo is now available - Demo screenshots
Commented on 2016-12-23 07:18:37
The controls are so responsive and I'm happy that they are fully customisable.

Hope the general positive impressions of this demo lead to more sales, it is thoroughly deserved.

Don't really have any complaints about the demo, the lack of a dedicated combo system has been replaced with the skill input of timing and systems and in typical Platinum fashion, you're rewarded for not sucking.

I'd like to say that this takes the crown for combat in an action-rpg, but judging from the demo it plays more like an action game with a smattering of RPG elements, similar to Mass Effect 2 which was really a 3rd person shooter with RPG trimmings and that game wasn't bad at all!

2017 is looking to kill it in a different way to 2016 and I can't wait.
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Commented on 2016-12-23 08:07:36
The main difference between PS4/Pro is the alising

Well I hope the retail version can handle this for PS4OG

I may buy a Pro later next yr
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Commented on 2016-12-23 10:16:08 In reply to yippee123
Posted by yippee123
The main difference between PS4/Pro is the alising

Well I hope the retail version can handle this for PS4OG

I may buy a Pro later next yr
sounds like a basic supersampling then. i would have hoped there would be better AF.
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Commented on 2016-12-23 11:35:31
Gameplay videos coming?
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Commented on 2016-12-23 15:42:39
Found it a bit boring tbh. Combat seems simple compared to like dmc and bayonetta, and the RPG elements and bullet hell aspect didnt do much for me either. The dodge launch was fun, nut other than that Storywise not terribly exciting either, and the enwmies were SO boring both visually and mechanically.
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Commented on 2016-12-23 16:27:16 In reply to Megido
Posted by Megido
Found it a bit boring tbh. Combat seems simple compared to like dmc and bayonetta.
I feel like it's not trying to be either of those games. Bayonetta & Devil May Cry are in leagues of their own. NieR: A has a solid foundation that I imagine the full game will build on quite nicely, it being an action-RPG and all. If anything, it's a spiritual successor to Metal Gear: Rising.
Posted by Megido
and the RPG elements and bullet hell aspect didnt do much for me either.
I don't think there were any RPG elements in this demo to say the least, apart from picking up random items, loot etc the demo seems to emphasise more the action part of the action-rpg. I didn't play the first NieR but apparently bullet hell is a staple of the series, so where Platinum may have looked at it and said "this stinks", Square probably said "but it's part of NieR's DNA".

Personally I have mixed feelings about bullet hell, could do without it as the most you can do so far is dodge, but to overcome it I found myself repeating the same patterns of jumping and launching the enemies because attacking them head on almost certainly means you'll be hit.
Posted by Megido
The dodge launch was fun, nut other than that Storywise not terribly exciting either, and the enwmies were SO boring both visually and mechanically.
After her dodge, she has I think about 3 options so far: light, heavy, shoot. We don't get much if any story in this demo, so it's hard to judge. But I agree about the enemy variety; nothing is too mechanically different and if her core abilities and the controls weren't so responsive and slick, it'd be far less exciting.

The demo is being carried by how good 2B feels to control, and I feel like that is one the most important things in this type of game. Excited to see how the rest of the game follows.
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Commented on 2016-12-23 17:02:00
Well, for the story bit i think what's there isn't boding well for the rest of the game. So far as my tastes are concerned ofc, i bet some people found it cool and interesting.

As for the controls, i don't even see why you'd praise them. They are not better or worse than any of Platinums previous games, or fast paced action games in general. They are as resposive as they need to be for a game like this. If you did some dumb Tomb Riader/Uncharted animation IK interpolation shit that makes movements unprecise and slow a game like this would just collapse. To me this just seems like a dumbed down version of something like Bayonetta. Which i can sort of understand in that Square probably doesn't want it to be too difficult or niche, but then i just end up asking why the f they'd hire Platinum who are known for these types of unforgiving, lightning fast action titles :P

The visuals were also quite a drag, not very impressive technically and sorta dull aesthetically as well. Everything was brown. That, though, is something i suppose will change in the full game as i certainly hope the entire game doesn't take place in a huge junkyard.

I guess i just want deeper mechanics, as i find just mashing combos not being that fun and there seemed to be plenty of that here.
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Commented on 2016-12-23 20:27:42 In reply to Megido
Posted by Megido
Well, for the story bit i think what's there isn't boding well for the rest of the game. So far as my tastes are concerned ofc, i bet some people found it cool and interesting.
All I really got from the demo was two androids on a mission wrapped in all the anime tropes you can think of, "emotions are prohibited" she says, it doesn't really give an inclination of where the story is going, but if we're judging the story on what is strictly in the demo, then yeah, it's mundane.
Posted by Megido
As for the controls, i don't even see why you'd praise them. They are not better or worse than any of Platinums previous games, or fast paced action games in general.
Barring Bayonetta 2 and to a certain degree in terms of depth Bayonetta 1, NieR is one of Platinum's tighter action ventures. Maybe responsiveness isn't the term I'm looking for, but more the transitions into certain moves.

In particular, the dash into run is something that none of Platinum's mainline games have ever done, especially the degree of control you get mid-dash which I imagine has been tuned to accommodate Bullet Hell, dashing around the flights of stairs as you turn into each flight, I think the fact that you can manipulate 2B to do hair-pin turns mid-dash is great.
Posted by Megido
To me this just seems like a dumbed down version of something like Bayonetta.
Not that I'm disagreeing, but it's hard to judge the depth of what NieR is trying to do on this demo alone. But from the demo alone, it's not in the same league as Bayonetta action-wise, that doesn't make it bad.

I think Square want it to be an actual collaboration and less a Platinum Game attached to a Square Enix IP.
Posted by Megido
The visuals were also quite a drag, not very impressive technically and sorta dull aesthetically as well. Everything was brown. That, though, is something i suppose will change in the full game as i certainly hope the entire game doesn't take place in a huge junkyard.
I mean, there are green areas in the game. Anyway, I feel like a lot of my answers are just going to revolve around "the game's not out yet".
Posted by Megido
I guess i just want deeper mechanics, as i find just mashing combos not being that fun and there seemed to be plenty of that here.
What game did you have in mind when thinking about deeper mechanics? At a fundamental level, what did you want the demo to do at the very least?
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Commented on 2016-12-23 20:37:18
The bullet hell influence is the entire thing making NieR kinda novel. Although Furi does it too.
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Commented on 2016-12-23 20:51:36
I can't well judge the game as it's not out yet, so obviously i'm talking about what i saw in the demo. This is how they are marketing their game, this is what they are choosing to show me so i'm imagining that they are putting the best possible vertical slice out that they can make. Anything else would be stupid. Yes, the laziness of the animoo tropes makes me think that that is what the main story will be like, which i also, again, think is a rather reasonable assumption. If that's your thing, i guess you've got nothing to worry about, but for me that just makes me want to not even bother with a single cutscene. Already seen the same garbage a million times in your run of the mill anime.

I think my main issue is that it all just feels rather mediocre, full of compromize. Nothing about this demo makes me excited to play more of it. It just makes me want to go back and play through DMC 3 and Bayonetta again.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2016-12-23 21:20:04 In reply to Megido
Posted by Megido
Found it a bit boring tbh. Combat seems simple compared to like dmc and bayonetta, and the RPG elements and bullet hell aspect didnt do much for me either. The dodge launch was fun, nut other than that Storywise not terribly exciting either, and the enwmies were SO boring both visually and mechanically.
Sounds lie Metal Gear Rising lol
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Commented on 2016-12-23 22:52:10 In reply to Megido
Posted by Megido
I think my main issue is that it all just feels rather mediocre, full of compromize. Nothing about this demo makes me excited to play more of it. It just makes me want to go back and play through DMC 3 and Bayonetta again.
You're going to have to elaborate on what you feel like they compromised on?

Things can co-exist. The existence of Bayonetta and Devil May Cry doesn't somehow undermine the existence of NieR: A, it doesn't feel like a game so far that wants you to have long combo strings, but while you're comparing your feelings towards a demo against a pair of games that have been out for years and all their nuances explored, I'm not surprised you feel that way, but that doesn't mean it makes any more sense.

Would you believe that after I played the Bayonetta demo, there was nothing that made me want to go out and purchase the game at all?

I'm not saying you're wrong, but the misgivings you have towards the demo make little sense.
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Commented on 2016-12-23 23:20:50
If the combat doesn't have enough depth to be entertaining in a 15 minute long demo, and the combat is supposed to be the meat of the game then i feel it's reasonable to not be particularly entrhalled by it :P
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Commented on 2016-12-23 23:34:19 In reply to Megido
Posted by Megido
If the combat doesn't have enough depth to be entertaining in a 15 minute long demo, and the combat is supposed to be the meat of the game then i feel it's reasonable to not be particularly entrhalled by it :P
There are people out there who think Bayonetta and Devil May Cry play the same and at a surface level of hitting and shooting, they'd be absolutely right.

But it's almost as if you completely missed what I said, and that's fine. I feel like we're about to start going in circles anyway.

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Commented on 2016-12-24 00:06:39 In reply to yippee123
Posted by yippee123
The main difference between PS4/Pro is the alising

Well I hope the retail version can handle this for PS4OG
the PS4 version is said to be 900p. which makes no sense, with it's last gen textures and lighting. the result of this generation moving to upgraded consoles may just as well be in half quality games.
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Commented on 2016-12-24 00:09:22
The only problem in this conversation right now is that i keep saying i didn't like it and you keep repeating that you thought it was good. You can think it was good, i was just saying what i thought about it, it's not universal truth :P

But i mean, you don't exactly sound super excited about the game either. The best argument for it not being worse than the games that preceeds it is that maybe the full version will be better? All i'm saying is that it feels like a game that drops complexity and good, encouraging systems, for simplicity so that you can mash your way through without any difficulty. I don't like that. Personally. Where bayo and DMC awarded you for not getting hit, not using items, and keeping your Stylish meter going, this game auto heals you, doesn't keep track of what you do and all moves seem to be slight variations of the basic combo. I find it lacking for what is essentially an action game, 90 degree corner dashes be damned.

But again, that's just my opinion. I'm sure the game will get a following, and i dearly hope that the final game is deeper than the impression i got off of the demo. Part of the reason i'm disappointed by the demo is just that, i was hoping this would be better.
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Commented on 2016-12-24 01:52:28 In reply to Megido
Posted by Megido
The only problem in this conversation right now is that i keep saying i didn't like it and you keep repeating that you thought it was good. You can think it was good, i was just saying what i thought about it, it's not universal truth :P
Posted by Megido
But i mean, you don't exactly sound super excited about the game either. The best argument for it not being worse than the games that preceeds it is that maybe the full version will be better?
No. No. You don't get to say on the one hand I keep repeating how good it is, but on the other hand I don't sound super excited about it.

As it is an action-rpg, the prospect of things I haven't unlocked excites me. The game has a solid foundation as I said before, and me understanding that it is an action-rpg and that there should be more to come makes me excited for the game.

When I said:
Posted by Tiz
But it's almost as if you completely missed what I said, and that's fine. I feel like we're about to start going in circles anyway.

I was referring to my sentence regarding me playing the Bayonetta demo and then playing the game. I had zero interest in the demo, I played it once and then deleted it. It was on the off-chance that my brother bought the actual game that made me give it another shot and I'm glad I did because the game elaborated on a lot of things that the demo gave me no idea of.

I'd be very surprised if in NieR's case the game ends up being just what was featured in the demo.

For instance:
Posted by Megido
All i'm saying is that it feels like a game that drops complexity and good, encouraging systems, for simplicity so that you can mash your way through without any difficulty. I don't like that. Personally. Where bayo and DMC awarded you for not getting hit, not using items, and keeping your Stylish meter going, this game auto heals you, doesn't keep track of what you do and all moves seem to be slight variations of the basic combo. I find it lacking for what is essentially an action game, 90 degree corner dashes be damned.
Is a chipset feature that can be removed/destroyed in the game's systems but is automatically enabled for the demo and is likely something you have to obtain in the campaign. The feature is automatically disabled in Very Hard mode. You can also unequip all your weapons and go in all fists, have one weapon set as fists and the other set as swords and you can mix it up quite a bit on the fly.

Like anything with nuanced combat, the longer you play and the more you ramp up the difficulty, the more you reveal from the available systems.

To summarize, I'm not saying that it is impossible for you to dislike it, I'm saying there are aspects of what you're mentioning that confuse me. But I guess if you find the core gameplay loop boring as fuck and can't see any way they could expand on it believing that the game will stay at relatively the same beats as the demo, I can only reference my feelings regarding Bayonetta and how that game didn't open up until you started unlocking more weapons and moves in the retail release and finally learned what dodge offset was.
Posted by Megido
Part of the reason i'm disappointed by the demo is just that, i was hoping this would be better.
So, what exactly were your hopes for the demo when you downloaded it?
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Commented on 2016-12-24 02:16:32
Well, first off let me say that i don't think that those two quotes are in anyway incompatible. You seem to be hopeful for the full game, but at the same time you arguably admit that the demo is not exactly perfect, or am i mistaken there? You don't seem to have much issue with agreeing that the demo has shortcomings.

I'm sure they CAN expand on what's in the demo but like i've said, i'm just talking about what i've played. There's no point for me to talk about what MIGHT be in the full game when they've showed me a vertical slice of what they hope to ship. I'm sure there will be plenty of breakdowns and videos of that once it releases. I'm guessing about 500k twitch streams will divulge every single detail about the game the minute it releases.

I suppose i was hoping for a return to form after MG Rising was so-so but ok and the licensed games i tried (transformers) were pretty boring.
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Commented on 2016-12-24 04:15:54
It's got some of the better combat in an action RPG tbh. It isn't trying to be bayonetta or DMC etc and I'm not sure why people would think that is what it is? It's a sequel to nier. Another action RPG. It has open worlds, towns, dungeons, NPC's. Its final fantasy with a combat system that doesn't blow.
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Commented on 2016-12-24 07:10:41 In reply to Megido
Posted by Megido
Well, first off let me say that i don't think that those two quotes are in anyway incompatible. You seem to be hopeful for the full game, but at the same time you arguably admit that the demo is not exactly perfect, or am i mistaken there? You don't seem to have much issue with agreeing that the demo has shortcomings.
The games I've enjoyed have never been completely beyond reproach, Bayonetta is a fantastic game with rich mechanics, but fails in environmental interaction where Ninja Gaiden excels at, and Ninja Gaiden has good mechanics but sometimes you're left to the mercy of whether or not the A.I is in a screw you mood and it can become less about skill(Awakened Alma on anything higher than Hard springs to mind) and more about luck.

Devil May Cry has an incredible focus on high combo strings and points and demands you maintain it without getting hit, but the game is too dependant on lock-on sometimes and lacks the free flow of Bayonetta and Ninja Gaiden.

Now with NieR, yes, the demo has a few shortcomings, the enemy variety so far is paltry when compared to the vivid angelic designs of Bayonetta, or the demonic otherworldly enemies of Devil May Cry, the dodge into counter is visually rewarding but doesn't feel as satisfying as MGR's parry into counter.

The real question is how much the reservations you have concerning a particular game actually bother you? I do have reservations about NieR and when I get the game, it could just very well be what they have in the demo and I'd be disappointed if it didn't expand on that. The foundation is solid if a little plain, but as 2B feels great to control and the fact that it is Platinum, I have confidence that the game will expand.
Posted by Megido
I suppose i was hoping for a return to form after MG Rising was so-so but ok and the licensed games i tried (transformers) were pretty boring.
I don't like to sound like a PG apologist, but I don't think they've designed a bad game in earnest. They've made no secret about their licensed games being strictly pay cheques (if I can find the interview, I'll post it). Then they rescued Metal Gear: Rising from development hell and got an 8/10 game on the shelves in about 2 years.

I don't even see NieR as a return to form, but more business as usual, I'll start worrying about Platinum if the full NieR game sucks and Scalebound turns out even worse than its most recent showing.
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Commented on 2016-12-24 09:16:02 In reply to Megido
Posted by Megido
Well, first off let me say that i don't think that those two quotes are in anyway incompatible. You seem to be hopeful for the full game, but at the same time you arguably admit that the demo is not exactly perfect, or am i mistaken there? You don't seem to have much issue with agreeing that the demo has shortcomings.

I'm sure they CAN expand on what's in the demo but like i've said, i'm just talking about what i've played. There's no point for me to talk about what MIGHT be in the full game when they've showed me a vertical slice of what they hope to ship. I'm sure there will be plenty of breakdowns and videos of that once it releases. I'm guessing about 500k twitch streams will divulge every single detail about the game the minute it releases.

I suppose i was hoping for a return to form after MG Rising was so-so but ok and the licensed games i tried (transformers) were pretty boring.
NieR is not MGRR, since they can not make Raiden keep hiding as Snake does, they make MGRR as an ACT game instead

While the main idea behind NieR is another story.
NieR is a RPG first, and not souls-like RPG which tends to test your patience.

In the past live demo they showed.
NieR has so many ways to lower the difficulty, and that's because the producer wants Platinum to do that.

The OG NieR paid more attention to the story.
Which has 4 endings.

The battle system in OG NieR just not as good as NieR A

While this time, we can hope that the OG team will keep the story, music at the same level, and with better gameplay

That's already a huge improvement.

Well, this game (NieR A) attracts two kinds of gamers. The first is NieR fans who want a good story and ost from the game, the second is P* fans who want to play a decent ACT game on PS4

But remember, this is not a hardcore ACT game.

Still, it doesn't mean this game will be easy.
Since you can choose VH difficulty in which anyone can kill you with one hit.
There's also a score mode to test your skill with waves of enemies
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Commented on 2016-12-24 14:20:15
Love the fact that all of these text walls stem from me thinking the demo was bland. lol.
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Commented on 2016-12-24 15:02:43 In reply to Megido
Posted by Megido
Love the fact that all of these text walls stem from me thinking the demo was bland. lol.
You're entitled to your opinion, but there was obviously a reason you posted it on a gaming message board and I don't imagine it was to appease yourself.

Another thing I actually don't like about this demo is the fact that there is no distinct visual communication as to what weapon set you're using, switching between weapon sets need to have a striking visual confirmation so that it feels natural, Bayonetta has vivid colours for the weapons and unique designs which communicate this as does Devil May Cry, but NieR actually doesn't do it, so there are moments of hesitation when changing weapons which ruins the flow a tiny bit.

Also, and I imagine it is part of NieR's style, but this game has a depressing colour palette. I thought it might be because of Platinum's engine but this tiny gif I shamelessly stole from whomever sourced it on neogaf shows just how colourful it can get and it's an awesome fight in Bayonetta 2.
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Commented on 2016-12-24 22:20:01 In reply to Megido
Posted by Megido
Love the fact that all of these text walls stem from me thinking the demo was bland. lol.
I was just thinking the same seems like everyone is out to sell you on the game. I would say though I'm happy that the game got a demo.
In reply to
Commented on 2016-12-25 04:54:47
loved the demo, cannot wait to buy this
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About the game
Published by
Square Enix
Developed by
PlatinumGames Inc.

$135 of $400 per month

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