Video PS3

Tecmo also released this video finally showing the coop mode of Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 in motion, with Ryu and Momiji struggling against a quite vicious butterfly boss.
Update: Added a second coop gameplay video, with Ayane as the main character and Ryu as the helpful assistant.

Commented on 2009-07-28 13:45:52
Lovely game, Day one!
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Commented on 2009-07-28 14:12:15
Nice gameplay and nice implementation of the coop but i hate the censorship. The violence of the "original" NG II was one of the best thing of the game, now we have only some little splash of blood and a lot of violet cloud.
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Commented on 2009-07-28 15:09:17
Yes blood is way more important then gameplay......LOL
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2009-07-28 15:13:47
Alot of co-op videos these past days.

Anyways, their concept of co-op seems to deliver which is great.
However the idea of girls not having more than one weapon on primary and secondary and one ninpo is dissapointing.

But hey, nothing beats two Ryu's with various cool outfits in mission mode, unleashing their ninja skills :D

Can't wait to get it, and hopefully the game as a whole delivers more than what NG2 did...on the technical side.
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Commented on 2009-07-28 16:02:02 In reply to MEGATAMA
Posted by MEGATAMA
Yes blood is way more important then gameplay......LOL
Not more important than gameplay, just makes atmosphere twice as awesome.
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Commented on 2009-07-28 16:07:17
It's hilarious to see people continue to defend the removal of most the blood and gore. It was a horrible design choice and that's all there is to it. You can still buy the game and enjoy it. It'll still be a great game, but that doesn't change the fact that it was a truely pathetic design choice. I don't know which was worse, this or COD6 not having full coop support when COD5 had it.
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Commented on 2009-07-28 16:10:27
I'll take a good game with less blood than a bad game with lots of blood. I think at this point the only people whining over toned-down blood are bitter 360 owners who are upset the PS3 is getting the best version of one of their former exclusives yet again.
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Commented on 2009-07-28 16:26:16 In reply to phantomistice
Posted by phantomistice
I'll take a good game with less blood than a bad game with lots of blood. I think at this point the only people whining over toned-down blood are bitter 360 owners who are upset the PS3 is getting the best version of one of their former exclusives yet again.
I own the 360 version and I'll be buying the PS3 version. As far as looks go, I'd still take the 360 version any day, not because I'm some kiddy gore-hound, but because in NG2 the blood really was poetry in motion, it was beautiful and it had been done better than 99% of other games to date.

As far as gameplay, I'm sure the PS3 one will have more content (which is why I'm buying it, obviously), but I'm still unsure as to whether or not that'll make it better. I prefer NGB over Sigma because the pace was seriously screwed up in Sigma and the additions really did seem amateur in comparison to the stuff Itagaki had done. I suppose it's good to have more stuff even if it's not quite as good as the original content, but it still gave it a flawed feel rather than the near perfect build of the original.

Hopefully NGS2 won't suffer the same fate of course... I may love the Xbox originals but I'm not stupid, I want all of my games to be perfect.
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Commented on 2009-07-28 16:45:28
Grafics looks downgraded
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Commented on 2009-07-28 17:37:26 In reply to DDRMidian
Posted by Sath
Alot of co-op videos these past days.

Anyways, their concept of co-op seems to deliver which is great.
However the idea of girls not having more than one weapon on primary and secondary and one ninpo is dissapointing.

But hey, nothing beats two Ryu's with various cool outfits in mission mode, unleashing their ninja skills :D

Can't wait to get it, and hopefully the game as a whole delivers more than what NG2 did...on the technical side.
I'll have to agree, nothing beats two Ryu, except for one Ryu. Lets face it, the game should be played as a single player experience only, i was holding on my thoughts until now but from all the co-op videos i've seen so far, they really couldn't pull out the multiplayer right. The good part is, you can still play singleplayer mode with 3 new characters, two of them i really couldn't care less about, but Ayane, OH MY GOD...

Co-op makes NG hard no more. When an ally falls enemies fall back and give you plenty of time to heal your friend. Looks like the only way to actually lose in multiplayer is to have both players health reduced to a minimal level and wait for the boss to kill both with a single strike, that or abandon your ally. Anyway, i'll still play through it once, just to watch the co-op ninpo in all their HD glory...
Posted by DDRMidian
Hopefully NGS2 won't suffer the same fate of course... I may love the Xbox originals but I'm not stupid, I want all of my games to be perfect.
Totally with you there!
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Commented on 2009-07-28 17:40:16
looks fun in co-op..........
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Commented on 2009-07-28 18:02:38 In reply to ASURAshadow
Posted by ASURAshadow
It's hilarious to see people continue to defend the removal of most the blood and gore. It was a horrible design choice and that's all there is to it. You can still buy the game and enjoy it. It'll still be a great game, but that doesn't change the fact that it was a truely pathetic design choice. I don't know which was worse, this or COD6 not having full coop support when COD5 had it.
And I think its hilarious to defend the tons of useless blood in NG2 altough NG, NGB and NGS never showed so much blood and no one ever has complained about it. Gore and blood is and was NEVER the focus in the Ninja Gaiden games.
That's also what Hayashi said. And he's right. It's a great design choice. Sometimes you couldn't even see the enemies on the ground just because thousands of arms and legs covering the floor.

BTW, you can still cut the enemies in pieces. Should be enough IMO.

Coopp gameplay is very nice. I love watching knewbies playing this game :) Reminds on me when I first played Ninja Gaiden on Xbox.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2009-07-28 18:05:13 In reply to ACEfromRussia
Posted by ACEfromRussia
Grafics looks downgraded
Hahahaha @ you.

This says others
Just so you know ACE, 720p is better than 589p, and NGS2 is 720p with more strong colors.

There is nothing "we" can do about the gore, it was up to Hayashi to go this route and keep saying we want gore wont make it come back.
If petitions doesn't work what makes you guys sure bringing the subject up all the time like "no blood no buy" so?

I do agree that the gore had a great impact when playing NG2, but considering there is NOTHING I or us can do about it, I tend to accept it (some don't have to obviously) and just look at the GAMEPLAY content given us, and theres quite alot compared to NG2 that didn't have anything, unless you payed for it.

As long as NGS2 delivers a game that NG2 didn't in terms of technical issues then we "PS3 users" have a good NG title.
And hopefully that wioll continue on in other TN titles like DOA5 and NG3.

And as Female Tengu said, NG was never about blood and gore. Sure it was there definitely, but the weapons and combat was the main thing.
Itagaki just stepped it up a notch with a stylish Kill Bill like blood game while Hayashi is going for a colorful and "fresh" look.

PS. I hate the fact humans have purple mist, wrong color!
Should be red, closest thing to blood.

This is from Hayashi in his latest interview
"Our goal is to create one of most challenging action games and we believe that can be achieved without all of [the] attention going to the amount of blood that is used throughout the game," he says, noting that ESRB advertising guidelines don't allow decapitation to be shown in trailers.
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Commented on 2009-07-28 18:58:14 In reply to FemaleTengu
You guys are unbelievable. Did you even read my post before you replied? No one on this board ever said "no blood no buy". I said the opposite in fact. If you don't own both systems you should definitely buy this as it will still be a great game. Of course the NG series has never been about the blood and gore. It's always been about the gameplay and the challenge. I've been a huge fan of every game so far including the first Sigma. And Tengu, why would anyone have complained about the lack of gore in the first games when they never had it to begin with? It's only now that we've experienced it in NG2 and they chose to take it away from us that many fans are puzzled or upset by it. Is that so hard to understand?

Again, just to summarize:
-Still a great game, go buy it.
-Still should've had all the blood and gore in it. Bad design choice to take that away from the fans without atleast an option to turn it on.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2009-07-28 19:26:37
My comment was in general ASURA, not pointed to you.
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Commented on 2009-07-28 20:20:31
No one on this board ever said "no blood no buy".
I haven't said anything about it.
I've been a huge fan of every game so far including the first Sigma. It's only now that we've experienced it in NG2 and they chose to take it away from us that many fans are puzzled or upset by it. Is that so hard to understand?
No, it's not hard to understand. I know exactly what you mean. But I'm not upset nor confused because I can live without it AND I know what NG2 really needs (it is/was definitely not blood lol). I'm not a gore hater or something like that. NGS2 looks great, even without tons of red juice. And btw, I'm also an owner and fan of every NG game.

So for me, it's not a bad design choice. Why should it be a bad design choice anyway? Because players/fans experienced it in NG2? I love the new clean and fresh look. The game now looks more "ninja gaiden" than ever, you know?

P.S. I already preordered the game ;)
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Commented on 2009-07-28 20:32:56
Sounds good guys. To each his own :)
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2009-07-28 21:08:05
I see this "mist" as a fresh look and unique for NG, it does look good, but not purple for humans.

In my opinion it seems Hayashi is doing a bit more "japanese" style to the colors.
I mean look at DMC, Onimusha or any other hack and slash (not all of them) they tend to use strong and noticeable colors when you attack, why?
Because more color on screen to make it flashy and cooler, and japanese games action games tend to have alot of attack colors on screen.

Besides, blood and gore wasen't the main issue of NG2, slow downs, framerates, limbs getting stuck in the air, freezing...etc. those are the main ones.
When people keep saying such like "oh god where is the gore, its gonna suck now", just shows you how much 360 only fans was relying on the gore as a selling point (That was what Itagaki targeting at. Gore as selling point) than the actual NG2 as a whole.

And yes, I do say it sucks the amount of blood is gone, but whatever. Just deliver a good NG title as a whole and Hayashi's remake is a success...until NG3 :D
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Commented on 2009-07-28 21:21:54
I don't understand why Team Ninja doesn't let you change the color of the mist to red? That way, all this complainers will have one less thing to bitch about!
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Commented on 2009-07-28 21:26:57
I had a couple issues of small bugs or a game freeze but I never saw any frame drops when I played through it as so many people have complained about. The only time it slowed down for me was on one of the last levels going up that long staircase and fighting a huge amount of ninjas. It almost seemed like that was intentional slow motion for effect though because even after I killed the last ninja it was still slow motion running up the steps in that area. Even if it was a framerate drop though it was the only time I've actually enjoyed it in a game because it allowed me to watch all the beautiful animation of Ryu's attacks. I kept switching through all his weapons just to check out all the different attack animations. Weird, I know :P
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Commented on 2009-07-28 23:18:19 In reply to Sath
Posted by Sath
I tell what I seen. And it was downgraded textures on a temple of blood location
and NG2 has 2X AA, Sigma 2 - no AA
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Commented on 2009-07-28 23:25:53 In reply to ACEfromRussia
Posted by ACEfromRussia
Posted by Sath
I tell what I seen. And it was downgraded textures on a temple of blood location
and NG2 has 2X AA, Sigma 2 - no AA
weird if true, since the first sigma game looked better then a bit strange if they downgraded it for sigma 2....not that it matter to me, i hate the game.
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Commented on 2009-07-28 23:28:15
along with engine improvements, The removal of the blood, and severed limbs allowed them to improve other other like a few textures, and character models, lighting and whatnot. not everything looks better tho. But I personally still prefer the look of the original. Seeing limbs fly off with trails or pretty awesome looking blood everywhere is part of the excitement. This version would have been absolutely perfect if that had not been changed.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2009-07-28 23:54:32 In reply to ACEfromRussia
Posted by ACEfromRussia
Posted by Sath
I tell what I seen. And it was downgraded textures on a temple of blood location
and NG2 has 2X AA, Sigma 2 - no AA
Well I am telling you from what I have seen, NGS2 looks better from characters to great atmospheric changes, and many sites agrees with me and people who have been following the game.

The textures look better on NGS2 because of higher resolution is provided because its 720p native. The colors are stronger, higher resolution, non blurry screen, quite a cosmetic change really in small stuff and yes, they are noticeable.
AA, well yeah many say NGS2 has no AA and I have seen a comparison and I agree, but thats not a big thing, alot of games don't have that.
If I remember correctly, NG2 didn't have depth of field while NGS and NGS2 has it.
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Commented on 2009-07-29 00:16:34
Maybe GoW3 stole the blood? Somewhat interested in this, but Sigma was a bit hardcore for me.
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About the game
Published by
Developed by
Team Ninja

$135 of $400 per month

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