First 10 minutes PC Xbox 360 PS3

Devil May Cry is the first big title to be released this year, so here are no less than 6 videos in Gamersyde quality for you guys. Many feared Ninja Theory would never manage to fill Dante's shoes, but from the looks of it, they seem to have done a pretty good job. We must confess we've never been fans of the series, but this new episode looks more appealing to us, which is partly due to the new Dante, who is actually rather badass as you'll see. Feel free to give us your opinion.
Update: Launch Trailer added.

Commented on 2013-01-15 12:00:29
Yeah this game is sooo great...actually my favorite in the series
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Commented on 2013-01-15 12:53:48 In reply to Leonidas300
Posted by Leonidas300
Yeah this game is sooo great...actually my favorite in the series
The videogame culture is ending if people think this is the best Devil May cry.
Devil May Cry 3 was the most complete in the series. And the 4 was beatifull with that graphics at 60 fps.
This DMC doesnt look beautifull or great, looks normal, and run at 30fps.
And the controls... the controls are casual. Now you cant lock on your enemies.
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Driftwood - Dictateur en chef
Commented on 2013-01-15 13:05:03 In reply to MrPix3l
The DMC series is way overrated. 2 was bad and 4 was lazy, with that stupid idea to have the player backtrack the whole game (and fight the same bosses). It looked ok at the time but by no means great, but it did run at 60 fps. The new DMC has finally a good artistic direction, good characters, it's clearly not a casual game and you can't lock on enemies (at least that I know of - and if there is, they should teach the player to use it as I didn't see anything about it in my first hour of playthrough).

But seeing how some people like to live in the past cracks me up though. :p
In reply to
Commented on 2013-01-15 13:14:36
Yeah, the 2 and 4 were the worst in the series, but that doesnt meant that the 1 and 3 were great games.

And the artistic direction is way better in the 4 than in this games.

Im not living in the past, in living in the era of good games. With the time the games have better graphics, but worst art direction. And also now, when i play a game the sensation is that i am seeing a movie, not a game.
In reply to
Commented on 2013-01-15 13:19:45
@ Driftwood I liked DmC 3 and you are right. 4 was lazy. I am about 5 hours into DmC and it gets better and better. The Artstyle and Gameplay are amazing. And to come back to my " Actiongame NO GO " DmC has an free adjustibale Camera not like the other ugly " I am walking in a Picture " games.
Ahh and no lock so far.... i dont think there will be one :)
In reply to
Commented on 2013-01-15 13:34:06
The first DMC was a fantastic game, best in the series by far and something totally new when it first came out. It went all downhill from there. DMC2 was really bad and even though DMC3 is pretty good and DMC4 too (even if half of the game was exactly the same with a different character) none of the sequels can compare to the original.
In reply to
Commented on 2013-01-15 13:43:43
@gonzax But isnt it more the memory what once has been a great Game? I played the First one last year " again" and for modern standarts its crap... as it came out it was a wonderful Game but now ???
Lots of my favotrite Games of the past ,I remember much better than they are.
I think Ninja Theories DmC is a fantastic new interpretation.
But i am not here to convince anybody.... I am not missing a great game.
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Commented on 2013-01-15 14:01:07 In reply to MrPix3l
Posted by MrPix3l
The videogame culture is ending if people think this is the best Devil May cry.
Devil May Cry 3 was the most complete in the series. And the 4 was beatifull with that graphics at 60 fps.
This DMC doesnt look beautifull or great, looks normal, and run at 30fps.
And the controls... the controls are casual. Now you cant lock on your enemies.
Runs 200+ FPS on PC, you are playing it wrong :)
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2013-01-15 14:05:09
This DMC looks artically bad IMO.
Its like if one level looks red, almost everything is filtered red, and so on with other colors, its basically one color filter depending on the primary overal color in each level. Its way too saturated and ugly. Its not vibrant and various colorful thrown in one as DMC4 which IMO was easy on the eyes and good looking.

Combatwise, this one is as casual as NG3 turned out, and thats depressing compared to previous titles.

Not only that but the game was also great because it has a japanese visual flare to the combat. Remember that japan is masters of melee combat as much as westerns are into shooters, they know how to do it. It was colorful, it was vibrant when you kept doing the various moves and the feedback and animation was very smooth. I am constantly seeing weird "pop stop" animations in this one. Just look at a good DMC4 video side by side with DmC and you tell which is one is depressing to look at.
The biggest mistake was giving the series to a western developer not the reboot.

Reboot can be done and turn out good, but it HAS to be made by the same developers or company with a background who udnerstand and have good trackrecord of combat why? because they understand it, unless they lost their mind, something Capcom has been doing lately.

I find it funny how Heavenly Sword got smacked on because how bad that was, then Enslaved basically nobody gave a damn. But now they do DmC and its a big thing. Same style of animations, visuals, engine...but it has Devil May Cry slapped on it (or DmC whatever).

DMC4 was lazy as hell. Go forward with a character practically nobody gave a damn about, then go backwards with the star of the franchise, Dante. By the time you get to play as Dante you are worned out of the game because you fought all enemies and seen all levels.
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Commented on 2013-01-15 14:09:39 In reply to Jollipop
OK, yeah, in PC runs and looks perfect.

But still, the gameplay and the artistic direction is worst than the others.
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Driftwood - Dictateur en chef
Commented on 2013-01-15 14:38:42 In reply to Sath
I thought Heavenly Sword was not that bad thanks to its cast of characters and I loved Enslaved, so see, not everyone always feels the same about games. ;)

As for DmC, again, I don't see why people keep complaining about its gameplay mechanics, which are basically the same as before, with a good number of weapons, nice combos that require a bit of training (you could play the first DmC like crap and use the same combo from beginning to end, and the games were not particularly challenging in easy and normal either), XP, etc. That some people don't like the new artstyle and atmosphere, I can understand (though at least now it's not tacky anymore :p) but to say that the old games were better, you can't have played the HD collection.

I think people are sometimes a bit too prejudiced against western developers when it comes to franchises which were originally Japanese ones. Ninja Theory worked with Capcom to develop DmC, and that's actually Capcom that asked them to make drastic changes to Dante's physical appearance for example. DmC is a good reboot in my opinion but you have to actually play the game to realize it. :)
In reply to
Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2013-01-15 15:02:42
As a action fanboy its obvious how this game is so depressing to look at and from even the released footage of pros playing it its not as polished and kind of exotic compared to say DMC3.

You could watch DMC3 pro go all out nasty with the combat and then check another pro do the same with DmC, you can easily see the deepness and the flare is completely off for a game that was and is suppose to be a japanese style of game and have anime vibe going. Its like how japan tries to do anime off a western game, you can tell how the art, fighting, story...etc. is so different and not the same. Good example is for example Dragon Age.
Or even how japanese shooters lacks compared to western ones.

If you remove the title its nothing but a generic seen it before scenario in the end.
I did play the demo and i have been seeing the same moves of what i experienced and pros showing off to the full game, its not that much different other than minor changes and new weapons that tbh isnt anything special or unique.

Scythe and hammer isnt anything special, its boring and its been done many times before in other games. Compared to say DMC3 and 4 when Dante uses the hand to hand weapon (forgot the name) or the one were he throws a rose to make the spikes explode anytime he wants and much more.
There is a fresh style and take and then there is iconic stuff.

The ONLY iconic stuff back from DMC is sword and guns can be comboed thats about it. Everything else is stuff from other games we seen countless of times.
Like the scythe how Dante spins is like crazy, well that move was for the sword but i guess they needed a new weapon so they replaced it to the scythe instead.

Like the ring weapons, its also in Kingdom of Amalur called Chakrams. I would say most of the moves i seen Dante do with those can be found in KoA as well since i have been doing them constantly. The scythe, Dante's inferno and Ninja Gaiden 2.

i know people are still complaining about the appearence of Dante still but i am passed that, but the combat is something that cant and shouldnt easily be the same since these games are based on combat and nothing else.

And since the genre is lacking and slowly dying compared to the rest I was hoping Capcom could do DMC5 themselves but excel from DMC4, so i hope you can understand where i am coming from.
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Commented on 2013-01-15 16:07:22 In reply to Sath
Posted by Sath
As a action fanboy its obvious how this game is so depressing to look at and from even the released footage of pros playing it its not as polished and kind of exotic compared to say DMC3.
As an action fan that has not mastered anything past NG Black? or as what type of action fanboy?
You could watch DMC3 pro go all out nasty with the combat and then check another pro do the same with DmC, you can easily see the deepness and the flare is completely off for a game that was and is suppose to be a japanese style of game and have anime vibe going. Its like how japan tries to do anime off a western game, you can tell how the art, fighting, story...etc. is so different and not the same. Good example is for example Dragon Age.
Or even how japanese shooters lacks compared to western ones.
You can't make a 30fps action game looks as fast and responsive as a 60fps, it will never happen no matter how much moves you have in your game. so of course it will look off by some.
Japanese style? what do you mean by that? in combat? art style? story? and no it don't supose to have an "anime" style at all, I don't get what are you getting at with that to be honest.
If you remove the title its nothing but a generic seen it before scenario in the end.
I did play the demo and i have been seeing the same moves of what i experienced and pros showing off to the full game, its not that much different other than minor changes and new weapons that tbh isnt anything special or unique.
Generic seen it before? where? point me a game where the enviroments changes in real time while you are traversing or doing stuff, I like to know because I think it looks awesome.

Also its a DMC game, it wasnt suposed to be all completly new with pure original moves and stuff, it had to have some regular for teh franchise moveset, I think you are lookign at this the wrong way to be honest.
Scythe and hammer isnt anything special, its boring and its been done many times before in other games. Compared to say DMC3 and 4 when Dante uses the hand to hand weapon (forgot the name) or the one were he throws a rose to make the spikes explode anytime he wants and much more.
There is a fresh style and take and then there is iconic stuff.
Not in a DMC game it doesn't, This ain't just a weapon thing, they are angelic and hellish weapons that change considerably the way combat flows, not "just weapons" if you had take the time and "really" experience teh combat on the game you would had realized this, several enemies requires for this change of weapons to be able to beat them.
The ONLY iconic stuff back from DMC is sword and guns can be comboed thats about it. Everything else is stuff from other games we seen countless of times.
Like the scythe how Dante spins is like crazy, well that move was for the sword but i guess they needed a new weapon so they replaced it to the scythe instead.
Teh Glaive kinda weapon is new to the franchise as far as I know, brings a new element to combat in managing several enemies at once and a more strategic to the combat, again, is easy to just say "yeah this is garbage" when you dont even take the time to learn the very basics of the combat system.
Like the ring weapons, its also in Kingdom of Amalur called Chakrams. I would say most of the moves i seen Dante do with those can be found in KoA as well since i have been doing them constantly. The scythe, Dante's inferno and Ninja Gaiden 2.
And its a great addiction and a great weapon, whats your point here? only Amalur can have that type? or what?
i know people are still complaining about the appearence of Dante still but i am passed that, but the combat is something that cant and shouldnt easily be the same since these games are based on combat and nothing else.
Combat feels great, I don't know what are you talking about, it has great feedback, great moves and combos, fun weapons, etc.
And since the genre is lacking and slowly dying compared to the rest I was hoping Capcom could do DMC5 themselves but excel from DMC4, so i hope you can understand where i am coming from.
Yes you are coming from as someone that just want to shit on a game without even trying to learn it properly or anything, basically as a fanboy of the old games.
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Commented on 2013-01-15 17:06:02
@IRAIPT0IR... Man i love you for taking your time answering to that strange Man called Sath. My post would have been deleted.
It sounds like you enjoy DmC as well.... Bayonetta forever Brother :) ( or sister you never know )
Really was NG Black the last actioner he finished ?
I guess ppl that judge from watching videos or even Demos ( DmC is much better than the Demo is able to show ) should be ignored.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2013-01-15 17:19:32
Yes japanese games and anime are basically one when it comes to vibes for NG, DMC, Bayonetta, you name it, but then again you dont watch anime or seen one properly to get those references. Its full of them, character, look, combat style, sound, flashy color and how they use them, cutscenes, its all there.

The environment has ZERO play in its gameplay other than going A to B and getting, nothing more. Its more of an platforming thing than anything else, has nothing to do with the combat itself.

I also dont need to master every single action game to know what i am talking about while i can easily check youtube videos of pros who already mastered them and see how they play, hell even they are more or less saying the same thing.

In the full game i havent seen one single enemy that is forcing you to kill with one specific enemy. Breaking their guard with a hammer, thats the only one I can think of.

No i am not saying Amalut is the only game that is worthy of Chakram weapons, I am just saying most of the moves is strictly from that game, they dont do anything new. Its basically copying a move from another franchise to put it into their own game ebcause they lack ideas. But tbh other than the sword those weapons are the best ones i seen in the game that looks fun to use.

I am not a "fanboy" of DMC at all, hell i am as above casual as you can get, but I rather have those old than having this anytime. Also its not about old games, its not the reboot that worried me, it was to who they gave it to make it.

Imagine if Kamiya gave Bayonetta games to Visceral Games who made Dante's Inferno, rebooted and all...i highly doubt you would hold the same value to the franchise again and wish they didnt touch it.

No last one I finished was Darksiders 2 (but i dont count that as an action game). I have pretty much played every single action game you can think of this generation, from the best ones like NG, Bayonetta to worse like Clash of the Titans and Dante's Inferno and Genji 2...etc.
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Commented on 2013-01-15 17:23:53
@sath depends on one simple fact !!! DmC is a great Game simple as that and the reboot is the best thing that could have happened to this series.
Btw the 2 hellish weaopn are the fists so you have very close contact fights :)
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Commented on 2013-01-15 17:28:43
The combat moves have always been a little different between each games. The exception was probably Dante's moves from DMC3 to DMC4. They were pretty much identical, which is why I played through Dante's part much faster than Nero.

This new DMC has different moves as well, Dante can now grab things from afar or pull himself toward the enemies which encourages the player to play more differently than the previous games. But they have kept a lot of moves from the previous games as well. Like the stinger ( two presses forward and slash)

For me DMC have always been about the freeflow of combat and the joy of experimenting and getting better by having fun. This game has plenty of that so I am not complaining.
As for the art style and changes in the story it depends if the changes they have done is for the better. I have only played the demo so I am not going to judge it based on that and the trailers. From what I have seen I think they have made some good changes and some bad.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2013-01-15 17:34:13 In reply to Leonidas300
Posted by Leonidas300
@sath depends on one simple fact !!! DmC is a great Game simple as that and the reboot is the best thing that could have happened to this series.
Btw the 2 hellish weaopn are the fists so you have very close contact fights :)
Dont get me wrong I WILL play this game (on PC and Vergil hopefully is selectable by then or comes with it), the combat is pretty solid and do work perfectly fine for the genre. But in Devil May Cry standard its not that good IMO.
I will close one eye (not literally obviously lol) while playing this and think its not a Devil may Cry game, just another action game.

But if anyone loves it then more power to them :)

PS. i prefer the black hair Dante than white :P
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Commented on 2013-01-15 18:01:26
Just watched the boss fight. Game looks pretty great to me
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Commented on 2013-01-15 19:19:10
The Longest Posts............ever.
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Commented on 2013-01-15 19:21:13
Optimus puts these to shame
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2013-01-15 19:22:51 In reply to Zat
Posted by Tinks
Optimus puts these to shame
And Mr White :P
Posted by Zat
The Longest Posts............ever.
I barely, rarely do these long ones, only for this genre i sometimes go overboard (which i shouldnt). The rest is just a few lines like this one lol
In reply to
Commented on 2013-01-15 19:38:21 In reply to Sath
Posted by Sath
I barely, rarely do these long ones, only for this genre i sometimes go overboard (which i shouldnt). The rest is just a few lines like this one lol
) I see.
Well for me...this game is just awesome. Ninja Theory made a HUUUUGE improvement on movement transitions and overall smoothness of the gameplay. Framerate is ok and I love characters and their more "intelligent" interactions and dialogues. Very nice game, for me. Also that sort of ambient music in some cutscenes is top!
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Commented on 2013-01-16 02:02:24
So much walls of text... some people must really be in love with the new Dante... I mean its hard not to... Valentines is just around the corner and its all A-OK if you are... into that new game...

However reviews did point out its pretty mediocre... and not really a DevilMay Cry game... its wayy too mouthy and pretentious... I guess we will see how fans of the series react however...

And yah overboard and longest posts evar!!
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Commented on 2013-01-16 07:53:17 In reply to Akumajo
Mediocre? Yeah sure, they pointed out:
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About the game
PC X360 PS3
Published by
Developed by
Ninja Theory

$135 of $400 per month

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