When F1 Race Stars was first announced, many thought Codemasters had lost it. In the end, despite some flaws (few tracks, no drifting, artistic design of the power-ups), this Mario kart lookalike is rather fun to play, even a bit more than LittleBigPLanet Karting, which is a surprise to be honest. The tracks and the environments look pretty cool, with some vertiginous downhill slopes and a welcome variety. The races could have been more dynamic and probably a tad faster, but they are fun to play anyway. Now the game clearly doesn't have the charm of Sony's title, but it still is a promising first attempt at dethroning the king.
Note: Footage is from PS3 version.
All comments (11)
Sonic racing 2 (especially if you're a SEGA enthusiast) > F1 Race Stars >/= LBP Karting (its main advantage being the track editor)
F1 is a good game, with some nice additions to an F1 game, tracks are well done for each country etc, rain looks good.
Sonic and sega Transformed is a kart racer aimed at everyone, the first was good fun, but i'm actually finding the new one better. Tons of great tracks for the sega games from the past and excellent variety of weapons and playing on water,road,flight.
They are two very good games, as is LBP karting.
Either pick one that suits your type of style or get a couple :)