GSY Video PC Xbox One

The much awaited TitanFall is now available in North America and in two days in Europe, so we offer you some PC videos in 1080p60 on three maps different from the beta. More videos will be added this week and videos of the Xbox One version should be online this evening, or tomorrow.
Update: Added 3 videos from the Campaign mode, still from the PC version.

Hardware used to capture these videos:
- Intel i7 2700K @ 4.7 GHz
- 16 Go DDR3 1600 MHz
- 2x NVidia GTX 680 SLI
Capture software: Mirillis Action!

Official screenshots

  • Our PC videos of Titanfall - Official screenshots
  • Our PC videos of Titanfall - Official screenshots
  • Our PC videos of Titanfall - Official screenshots
  • Our PC videos of Titanfall - Official screenshots
Commented on 2014-03-11 12:09:34
A solid game with several good maps but no variety, no meaningful progression and ZERO learning curve. After 2 hours of play i grew completely bored.
This is the closest you can get to mobile gaming: quick drop-in/out sessions where everyone can have their fun and any frustration is being avoided like a plague.
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GangStarr - Inhibited Sony Lover
Commented on 2014-03-11 12:53:05 In reply to Megion
Posted by Megion
A solid game with several good maps but no variety, no meaningful progression and ZERO learning curve. After 2 hours of play i grew completely bored.
This is the closest you can get to mobile gaming: quick drop-in/out sessions where everyone can have their fun and any frustration is being avoided like a plague.
zero learning curve.. lol come back to the game in 2 weeks and say that..

right now obviously the skill gap is minimal since the game is new and everyones a noob. but in a few weeks/monts people will be mastering parkour, titan use and you will be getting destroyed like in any other game by better players
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Commented on 2014-03-11 13:25:06 In reply to GangStarr
nothing great, beta was meh.. just cod with parkour and over use cluster fk titans, and new perk system that is cards.. all rest is run and gun 5000 times a day, don't see what there is to get used to its fps, played one you played them all, just different gimmicks
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Commented on 2014-03-11 13:35:40
So so good!
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Commented on 2014-03-11 13:39:48
Pc version looks great! Happy with xbox1 version though, a lot of fun. A couple of maps dont seem titan friendly but i dont know my way around them yet so its prob just me. Twitch broadcasting at high quality is great too.
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GangStarr - Inhibited Sony Lover
Commented on 2014-03-11 13:45:47 In reply to Kostchtchie
Posted by Kostchtchie
nothing great, beta was meh.. just cod with parkour and over use cluster fk titans, and new perk system that is cards.. all rest is run and gun 5000 times a day, don't see what there is to get used to its fps, played one you played them all, just different gimmicks
thats like saying every RPG is the same, every racing game is the same just with different gimmicks

you can go away now
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Commented on 2014-03-11 14:06:29
The way it's meant to be played. :) I may have to purchase this game before it goes on sale on steam. So many games so little money. I'm torn between this and Stick of Truth. :(
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Commented on 2014-03-11 14:27:53 In reply to GangStarr
You can follow your own advice just as well.
Game is built around "Spawn -> Run -> Shot -> Die" as quick as possible. There is NOTHING ELSE. Just different scenery.
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Commented on 2014-03-11 14:51:53
Cool game but i wasn't overwhelmed by the beta ...
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GangStarr - Inhibited Sony Lover
Commented on 2014-03-11 14:55:22 In reply to Megion
Posted by Megion
You can follow your own advice just as well.
Game is built around "Spawn -> Run -> Shot -> Die" as quick as possible. There is NOTHING ELSE. Just different scenery.
Racing is "Start->get to finish line" as quick as possible
Adventure games are "Start->solve puzzle->kill enemies->move to next stage"
etc etc

if you break every game down to its most simplistic state ofcourse its gonna be just another X game

LMFAO yeah you can go away too
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Commented on 2014-03-11 15:13:59
This game is COD all over again, I ad expected something else but ohh my was I wrong!
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Commented on 2014-03-11 15:42:12 In reply to GangStarr
Posted by GangStarr
right now obviously the skill gap is minimal since the game is new and everyones a noob. but in a few weeks/monts people will be mastering parkour, titan use and you will be getting destroyed like in any other game by better players
The game can have a muted skill curve and more skilled players will still rise to the top. But it's the same "everyone wins," have a cookie for simply spawning excessive reward mentality as Call of Duty. This game has MW2 in its blood. It's pretty telling how massively popular the game is with non-FPS fans and how easy the game is even on the PC with a gamepad.

Part of the reason this game is popular is that it's easy to perform well in it. I thought that was obvious, but then again, you have folks talking up eSports in a game that didn't even ship with private matches... lol

Even the noobs at Polygon get it:
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Commented on 2014-03-11 16:01:00
off topic: I LOVE THE NEW VIDEO PLAYER :) now i dont have to download the video.

the game is nothing special, a decent multiplayer game.
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Commented on 2014-03-11 16:22:41
It's amazing how much hate this game suddenly got once it was dropped for PS4.
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Commented on 2014-03-11 16:36:15 In reply to Xoar
Posted by GangStarr
thats like saying every RPG is the same, every racing game is the same just with different gimmicks

you can go away now
its regular shooter with different mechanics that's all, combine that and perk card system is nothing new mate, i think you need take the rose tint glasses off
Posted by Xoar
It's amazing how much hate this game suddenly got once it was dropped for PS4.
the game is getting hardly any hate, and if people are just console gaming then you gaming wrong, i own PC gaming rig and ps3 and i still would not pick this game up it has nothing new but bots that shoots, oh and i can jump about..

its good people are enjoying but to say it gets hate from ps4 players is laughable.. there are plenty shooters out there to play, like all games its talked about because it is NEW nothing more, and the way they have ripped it to dry bones to sell all that dlc back is pathetic, that would be the only hate i have for this game
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Commented on 2014-03-11 16:45:48 In reply to Xoar
Posted by Xoar
It's amazing how much hate this game suddenly got once it was dropped for PS4.
I can assure you that I don't care if the game ever comes to PS4 (especially since I don't have one) :D

Some people (a minority that I include myself in) just don't like the game. It does bring out a lot of platform warriors though, doesn't it?
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2014-03-11 17:37:05
The game is way too easy because of the AI and how dumb they are, they are XP boosters and easy target to kill.

Though i did like it way more than the shitty Killzone SF MP and BF4.
Everything is insanely fast, its like they sped up the animations for everything (not that i have a problem with that).

But the beta didnt last long for me, after like 1 hour i couldnt force myself to play it, got kind of boring and i quit, and then a few hours later, i played it again and then quit soon after.
Felt like this game is good for small doses of fun, but wont last in long runs, atleast not to me.
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Commented on 2014-03-11 18:48:21
Well All I can say is we wont miss those who dont like it online, as if you dont like it. You dont like it.

But GangStarr has a point everygame these days is nearly the same.

Why do we play game... for fun, entertainment, story etc...

So we know you guys dont like the game, point taken.
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Commented on 2014-03-11 19:44:37
I don't have this game either but I can gladly say the game does nothing new, though there's nothing out on the market that's quite the same as it. I haven't invested any two hours in it but I already know there's no learning curve so i'll be just as good as everyone else in it, and I like my games with some sort of challenge - multiplayer games never offer a challenge.
I know this game is bad because it has one of the most popular games of last gen in its blood. And it's only been out a couple of hours but I already know its filled with non-fps fans as well as popular with fps fans a like - that's always a sign of a games poor quality. It even plays well with a PC game pad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Its just a bad fps game that offers absolutely nothing at all refreshing. I'll stick with Battlefield 4 and Killzone thankyou very much rather than give this a decent chance because i'm a skilled player damnit! I play REAL games.. not ones just for fun!
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Commented on 2014-03-11 19:50:47 In reply to bleachedsmiles
Posted by bleachedsmiles
I haven't invested any two hours in it but I already know there's no learning curve so i'll be just as good as everyone else in it, and I like my games with some sort of challenge - multiplayer games never offer a challenge.
I played the beta for several hours, thanks.

I think there's a big demographic for this game and its core mechanics are very polished. It's just not for me.

Even people who love this game agree:
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Commented on 2014-03-11 20:17:53
It is fast paced fps for anyone to pick up and play, have fun but obviously everyone cannot be good. Something like ut, quake games I guess
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Commented on 2014-03-11 21:24:19
Well, if the players couldn't perform double jumps and wall runs, it would be another COD, just with 2-legged vehicles. SOme people even play it that way and are successful what I have seen in streams so far.

You have loadouts, abilities, again stupid attachments like silencers, and your killstreak basically is your own titan drop. Even aiming down the side is in too......which is odd, cauz they tried to catch some of the arena flair of the old games but I cant really remember using ADS in quake or UT.
ADS shouldn't be in a fast paced game like this cauz it ruins the fast flow and changes pilot battles more into "first shot wins" situations. But I think a "hardcore" shooter can't generate that much money anymore, like in the old days, so they had to keep many of the mainstream stuff everyone can use and handle present in alomst every other shooter these days. Too bad.

Its a nice game with a nice and well done combination of parcouring and first person shooting, but aside from this, it just another COD. So its hardly anything new or even "innovative".

I have to admit that I liked the BETA, but after two days, it really got boring fast and stopped playing it. The reviews for this game are ridicolous, too. The game is so overhyped and received almost perfect scores everyhwere. even though some of the tests actually criticised essential facts for a MP shooter like similar look & feel of the maps etc.
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Commented on 2014-03-11 23:16:43
The game (beta) was fun and reminded me of the golden days of FPS but it got old really fast. Is it worth shelling out for 30 minute game play here and there?

It's gone down the CoD road of throwaway gaming, take your brain out and play which i suppose is casual gaming heaven for a lot of people....
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Commented on 2014-03-12 01:51:30 In reply to hasona
Posted by hasona
This game is COD all over again, I ad expected something else but ohh my was I wrong!
The sum of all developers are afraid to push gameplay mechanics for fear of backlash from CoD fans and game what happened to Killzone 2.

Its possible that PC gamers might get it for their rigs...but for years even they have been blaming game consoles...but its not really the game consoles fault, its the casual gamer aiming game devs and game reviewers who act like hard games or learning curves are a bad thing.
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Commented on 2014-03-12 02:06:01
I can definitely see yearly iterations of this. It looks quite disposable like COD. Not that there is anything wrong with that I suppose. I get drunk and play games like this all night on Saturdays with my cousin in Oregon. He would love this game. Although, the fact that games like this are only fun in small doses means that we end up playing at least 3 or 4 different games through the night. Sometimes more.
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About the game
Published by
Electronic Arts
Developed by
Respawn Entertai...

$135 of $400 per month

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