As promised, here are a few more videos of the PS4 version of Thief captured in hard mode. Note that the game is running at 1080p and 30 fps with noticeable dips once in a while while the Xbox One version is "only" 900p. More videos are currently uploading, so be patient if you want to see more.
Update: Three videos added.
All comments (33)
It's really a shame that the xbone can't run these early cross-generational games at native 1080p, it's only going to get worse later on.
I don't think things will "get worse later on", historically it's actually the opposite. What you see now is a lot of legacy engines, legacy techniques and cross-platform games. As devs embrace nothing but next gen, it'll all just get better.
It's really a shame that the xbone can't run these early cross-generational games at native 1080p, it's only going to get worse later on.
The Xbox will never match the PS4, but it does FINE. The difference between 900p and 1080p for the console crowd isn't that big. And the Xbox One has well known issues with the development tools available compared to the (from what I've heard) fairly great dev tools on the Sony side. This is a problem that can easily be fixed with some effort on Microsoft's part. And the Xbox One also has a bigger learning curve regardless just because it has a pretty neat, but unusual feature (SRAM) that devs don't know what to do with or how to use it just yet from the looks of it.
This game is poorly optimized. People really need to stop looking at bad games to show how the Xbone is lacking. Ryse looks awesome and ran pretty consistently for the most part. Killzone might look a little sharper in some ways but I think Ryse does better in others.
The Xbone does fine. It's not a PS4, but it's not some doomsday scenario because the thing can't do an extra 10% of resolution. And it's also hard to compare the HARDWARE when the development side of things is where the real issue is.
And again, this is a fucking shitty game with awful optimization, even on PS4 which still runs poorly and doesn't actually look much better.
If you think that kind of stuff matters, join us over on the PC side and stop complaining about 150px.
By "FamousMortimer"
"There are xbox fans who think esram is this mystical thing when all it is is cumbersome, bottlenecking memory. But its in there so it HAS to be special. When I hear people say devs need to just utilize esram better, its like saying they need to learn how to do the most basic thing again. Esram isn’t rocket science, it isn’t even complex. Its just a pain in the a**. That’s it."
The PS4 has a better GPU. That's it. Doesn't make it 50% more powerful.
The PS4 has a better GPU. That's it. Doesn't make it 50% more powerful.
Have you not noticed that most games on the PS4 run at native 1080p whilst their xbone counterparts run at 720p(LESS THAN HALF THE RESOLUTION).
Titanfall runs on a 10 year old engine (source) at a shitty 720p resolution on the xbone, that is a damn shame and there is no other explanation for it, other than the xbone is an overpriced piece of garbage. Digital Foundry had this to say about it "once again we see £100 GPUs besting the console experience". A real damn shame if you ask me.
If you actually think the xbone is good value for money then good luck with that.