Wolfenstein: The New Order has been avialable for quite a while now but we only got our own copy recently as the first one was sent to the wrong address. We then decided to wait until after E3 to propose a series of videos of this new installment in the series, a game which has been quite warmly welcome by the press though we must say we don't really understand why. Because we can't say we really dug MachineGames' title, we'll let you decide for yourselves. Note that we didn't capture the long - and quite boring - introduction sequence, so the extracts you'll see here come a bit later in the game.
Important: The "Sneaking in" video should have been placed right after "The Train" one.
All comments (13)
i can not believe they put this crap on the ps4 looking like it does haha
litterally looks like a bad ps3 game...yes the shooting is fun...for 30 mins then its boring as hell
thank got i only paid £25 for it...taking it to CEX tomorrow and getting £29 for it
It treats you as an intelligent player, not hand holding you for what to do during combat when you have so much choice compared to the 2-weapon shooters which just drop the appropriate gun for a boss battle to never be used again. For example, most people wouldn't realise that one of the most powerful enemies in the game, the shotgun shrapnel dudes, can be downed with a few shots to the back when you decide to flank them. Storytelling, exploration, level design, and shooting mechanics are top-notch setting a new standard away from the linear corridors and bullet sponges and aim-down-sights and full regen health and weak feedback and 2-weapon limit that plagues modern games. You don't have to use aim-down-sights which means you never have to be stuck on the spot in a shooting gallery behind cover (don't stay in one place for too long or you will get flanked but still there is the best cover lean system to use if you're in a tight spot) and can see your peripheries while blood spray and gore oozes out of every pore.
No other modern game will touch the dual wielding gun bonanza of blasting through a hallway with dual auto shotguns or sliding while shooting (a very rare ability in FPS) or just stealthing many areas instead with throwing knives and silenced pistols. The pistol rivals Halo 1 in ridiculous effectiveness. Enemies go down in a few hits all the way to the end of the game, and there are great hit reactions along with the dismemberment/decapitation/gore/gibs that works as fantastic feedback.
The maps are complex, to the level of older games, for a single-player FPS. The pacing has some great peaks and troughs, the concentration camp and Eisenwald prison being highlights to remind of the Riddick prisons along with the home base where there are some great character interactions like between J and Wyatt/J and Blazko/Fergus and Tekla. Enemy conversations can be quite funny (watch out for a conversation about concrete cough and lemon coffee) or humanising (if you don't kill the commander on the phone in chapter 1's castle right away, you get to hear that his wife is expecting a baby). There is tons of attention to detail to the world with loads of cool propaganda and newspaper clippings to highlight how the world works now with Nazis run over (UK loses its fish and chips history in favour for sauerkraut and sausages).
My wife cringed at the kills - a good sign :D