Trailer PC Xbox 360 PS3

Life in rapture is made of tough choices, we all know that but this new trailer shows it is still very true in Bioshock 2. So what will it be for you, harvesting or saving?

3 images

  • Bioshock 2 new trailer and images - 3 images
  • Bioshock 2 new trailer and images - 3 images
  • Bioshock 2 new trailer and images - 3 images
Commented on 2009-11-03 11:08:56
Hmm, looks a lot like the first one. Seems like a nice rental
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Commented on 2009-11-03 11:08:57
I'm going to miss the wrench... Electro Bolt + good-ol'-wrench-on-the-head was most satisfying... whoever played this isn't really good at killing splicers.

I'm going to rescue all the sisters on my first playthrough. Hopefully this time around, the way you treat the sisters will affect the how you have to play through the game. The first game was great, but lacked the most important thing out of all: Replay value.
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Commented on 2009-11-03 11:52:20 In reply to TyphoonS9k
Indeed, the first had a great story but was far too linear in terms of progression. Go here, kill splicers, collect this, kill big daddy, harvest little sister. Repeat.
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Commented on 2009-11-03 11:55:01
And here is the talent of 2K studios technical Art teams: the ability to create beautiful looking shaders with low resolution textures basis.
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Commented on 2009-11-03 12:11:29 In reply to 2PintsOfInsulin
Posted by 2PintsOfInsulin
Indeed, the first had a great story but was far too linear in terms of progression. Go here, kill splicers, collect this, kill big daddy, harvest little sister. Repeat.
and your point? not everything has to be a sandbox you know. there's nothing wrong with objective based gameplay.

they have multiplayer now, so i guess that addresses the replay value thing, which wasn't a problem for me.
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Commented on 2009-11-03 12:14:00
Funny, all the complaints (not specifically in this topic or on this site). I liked the first game. Yes, also me.. it was mostly for the game's atmosphere. And while fighting the ending boss I did feel very powerful with my character maxed out all the way.

This 'trailer' thing is how I imagine playing Bioshock 2, not all that fast paced stuff we saw in the previous trailer. That was just for showing off, how no one would ever play.

GOD I want this!

BTW, the title says BioshoK
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Commented on 2009-11-03 12:30:24
i think its not a huge step compared to the first game because it was build up for 360 and PC this one is for ps3 too from the first day.
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Commented on 2009-11-03 12:54:36
Posted by jmd749
they have multiplayer now, so i guess that addresses the replay value thing, which wasn't a problem for me.
So, it's OK for you to spend 50-60 euros or dollars on a game, beat it once or twice, and then have it catch dust on your shelve? Perfect for a rental I guess, and OK if you get the game used... well I got it brand new.

I play BioShock once in a while even to this day and didn't regret my purchase one bit, but you have to admit that it loses a significant portion of its appeal after the first or second playthrough. It's always like that with games that emphasize heavily on a great story. When I play BioShock today, of course it's still fun, but the fascination I had when the plot and most of the audio logs were still new, is completely gone. That's a shame.
Of course I hope BioShock 2 will have a great story as well, but I require something besides the story, something that keeps the whole thing fresh no matter how often you do it. If 2k Marin can accomplish that, even the doubters will be satisfied, I guarantee.

As for the multiplayer, the footage we've seen so far doesn't make it look too interesting to be honest. And even if it's going to be good, multiplayer doesn't replace a good single player with plenty of replay value in my opinion. Multiplayer just has a completely different kind of appeal than single player.
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Commented on 2009-11-03 14:07:14
The Bioshock tech is looking badly dated now. Low poly, brutally so, and blurry textures to boot. Not impressive.
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Commented on 2009-11-03 14:30:55 In reply to prodygee
Posted by prodygee
And while fighting the ending boss I did feel very powerful with my character maxed out all the way.
The game's ending (with the final boss) was still, for me, the worst in any game this generation. I'm not saying it was the worst in terms of general quality, but certainly in relation to the quality of the rest of the game. It's almost like they spent all that time coming up with an exciting, game-defining twist in the middle of the story and then slapped on whatever they could think of at the end.
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Commented on 2009-11-03 14:37:10 In reply to 2PintsOfInsulin
Posted by 2PintsOfInsulin
Indeed, the first had a great story but was far too linear in terms of progression. Go here, kill splicers, collect this, kill big daddy, harvest little sister. Repeat.
I like linear

Linear > sandbox

Opinion > fact

Me > you

And in your opinion all them points will be vice versa.

In short not everyone wants sandbox ALL the time, same way we dont want shooters ALL the time, the only thing i dont like spreading my wings with is sexual acts, i will stick to women, i know there are other options but hey...
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Commented on 2009-11-03 15:20:05
Not the best trailer i've seen
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Commented on 2009-11-03 15:43:44
First one was good, but seriously overrated. Not the revelation it was proclaimed to be. Not in the slightest. It just wasn't diverse enough to be great. Ditto for this. Feels like an expansion or a mod rather than a completely new experience. What's the point. I'm not even all that excited for MW2 either.
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Commented on 2009-11-03 15:48:23 In reply to ManThatYouFear
Posted by ManThatYouFear
I like linear

Linear > sandbox

Opinion > fact

Me > you

And in your opinion all them points will be vice versa.

In short not everyone wants sandbox ALL the time, same way we dont want shooters ALL the time, the only thing i dont like spreading my wings with is sexual acts, i will stick to women, i know there are other options but hey...
I don't know man, your avatar is lookin' at me funny ;)...
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Commented on 2009-11-03 15:52:16
@ dingleberry
Fascinating how some people can determine how a game feels, and what it is, without playing it once, just by seeing a 47 second video. I wish I could do that.
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Commented on 2009-11-03 17:08:54 In reply to TyphoonS9k
Posted by TyphoonS9k
So, it's OK for you to spend 50-60 euros or dollars on a game, beat it once or twice, and then have it catch dust on your shelve?
Perfectly happy. It gave me about 10 to 15 hours of entertainment, if I would go to the film, I would have to spend more than double that to so many hours of entertainment and I wouldn't even own it.
It would cost me even more if I where to buy DVD's.
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Commented on 2009-11-03 17:41:30
You got a point there, but then again, there are games that can give me 100 to 150 hours of entertainment. Or more. Even when excluding RPGs.
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Commented on 2009-11-03 17:50:49 In reply to TyphoonS9k
Posted by TyphoonS9k
@ dingleberry
Fascinating how some people can determine how a game feels, and what it is, without playing it once, just by seeing a 47 second video. I wish I could do that.
Yeah, that's normally how it's worked for me the past 20 something years of playing games, and I've only really made 1 or 2 bad buys, PES 2008 being one for sure. It's also called taste. If you don't like the looks of something, then chances are you won't like how it feels or tastes.
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Commented on 2009-11-03 17:56:40
is it not spelt bioshock ?
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Commented on 2009-11-03 20:05:22
Posted by dingleberry
Yeah, that's normally how it's worked for me the past 20 something years of playing games, and I've only really made 1 or 2 bad buys, PES 2008 being one for sure. It's also called taste. If you don't like the looks of something, then chances are you won't like how it feels or tastes.
I know, but it's not too difficult to say it like you mean it... for example, it looks like it's not gonna be diverse enough, and it looks like it feels like an expansion or a mod... the way you say it makes you sound like someone who already has either played the game or seen more than the few pieces of footage released until now, like your assumptions would be a matter of fact.
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Commented on 2009-11-03 20:59:57
Wow, did I shoot someones dog? Or is it just the wrong time of the month?

I just didn't find much replay value in the original Bioshock that's all. I really enjoye the game the first time I played it. Then my machine got trashed, and needed a rebuild. So I downloaded it again and it just wasn't as much fun second/third time around.

Not that I HAVE to justify myself to you fuckers, but seriously?

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Commented on 2009-11-03 22:20:02
I swear those pics almost look worse than the first game. This game's look has NOT aged well at all. Some of the most low-res I've seen in a while.

I loved the atmopshere and story of the first game, but I think they should have left that game alone as it's ending didn't leave room for a sequal without a pretty lame twist to justify it (I"m guessing).

I don't have much hope for this game so far but I'm sure I'll give it a rent as long as it gets good reviews/reactions around the net.

Just far too many other great looking games coming out.
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Commented on 2009-11-03 22:35:25 In reply to Nietzsche
Posted by Nietzsche
I swear those pics almost look worse than the first game. This game's look has NOT aged well at all. Some of the most low-res I've seen in a while.

I loved the atmopshere and story of the first game, but I think they should have left that game alone as it's ending didn't leave room for a sequal without a pretty lame twist to justify it (I"m guessing).

I don't have much hope for this game so far but I'm sure I'll give it a rent as long as it gets good reviews/reactions around the net.

Just far too many other great looking games coming out.
it's a prequel, there doesnt need to be a twist since it doesnt take place AFTER the first game, it is set before it. you play as the first ever big daddy remember!

but i agree, the game does nothing for me either. ken levines absence from the project, the same environments, the general "cash in" vibe. it just doesnt feel like a worthwhile sequel or a needed one for that matter. they should have either made another "shock" title set somewhere else. or even a prequel set within a intact rapture, actually play out the cities downfall.

this just feels cheap to me. some games play in such a way that a same-old sequel/prequel is all anyone really needs/wants, but with rapture offering such a unique experience that relies heavily on the atmosphere, exploration and descovery of the environment itself, setting a game in the exact same location just seems like a bad idea. i'd love to be proven wrong since i really enjoyed the first game, but i dont think i will be. this game wont have anywhere near the impact the first game had...and if you take that away from the game it's just a bog standard corridoor shooter.
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Commented on 2009-11-03 22:54:38 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
it's a prequel, there doesnt need to be a twist since it doesnt take place AFTER the first game, it is set before it. you play as the first ever big daddy remember!
Last I heard it's set 10 or so years AFTER the events of the first game. Yes, you play as the first Big Daddy, but he's obviously been around for a while, you didn't get to go to the whole of Rapture in the first game. It's set in Rapture after the first game, where it's really had time for things to go truly to the dogs.

At least this is what I last heard, ideally someone will correct me if I'm wrong.

As for the "trailer", not that it is, more like leaked footage really, still digging it. It's been about a year since I played the first game and just that short clip brought me back, good memories. I'm not going to comment on the multiplayer as I honestly don't know if it will work or not, but I just hope the single player matches the first game.
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Commented on 2009-11-03 23:09:11
i always assumed it was a prequel since you play as the very first big daddy. if it is indeed a sequel then that makes the game even more rediculous, why wasnt he mentioned at all in the first game? and where was he for that matter.

does that mean big daddies as enemies will be returning too, since it wasnt like you killed them ALL in the first game. maybe not as enemies but allies (since you, yourself are a big daddy?)

the more i know the less i like it, maybe it best you didnt tell me. lol
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About the game
X360 PS3
Published by
2K Games
Developed by
2K Marin

$135 of $400 per month

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