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After the 360 version, Devil May Cry now has the honor of getting 1080p/60fps Gamersyde footage on PC. Obviously, the game looks a lot better than on consoles and from what we've heard, even those with a more modest rig can be satisfied with Capcom's port. Needless to say that if you have the choice, this is the version to get. Videos and images inside as usual.

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  • Our PC videos of Devil May Cry - Gamersyde images
  • Our PC videos of Devil May Cry - Gamersyde images
  • Our PC videos of Devil May Cry - Gamersyde images
  • Our PC videos of Devil May Cry - Gamersyde images
  • Our PC videos of Devil May Cry - Gamersyde images
  • Our PC videos of Devil May Cry - Gamersyde images
  • Our PC videos of Devil May Cry - Gamersyde images
  • Our PC videos of Devil May Cry - Gamersyde images
  • Our PC videos of Devil May Cry - Gamersyde images
  • Our PC videos of Devil May Cry - Gamersyde images
  • Our PC videos of Devil May Cry - Gamersyde images
  • Our PC videos of Devil May Cry - Gamersyde images
  • Our PC videos of Devil May Cry - Gamersyde images
  • Our PC videos of Devil May Cry - Gamersyde images
Commented on 2013-01-27 13:08:46

wtf is this mess... probably the most horrid game i've seen this year, artwise. in tyour face hipster shit.
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Commented on 2013-01-27 13:24:06 In reply to nostradamus
I'm going to have to disagree with you on this, in motion the game looks great, the art direction they took is very nice and suits DMC, people are being so stupid over this game, wow they changed his look... crap will not buy 0/10 etc etc

Ps: seen this year? first month into the year lol...
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Commented on 2013-01-27 13:28:24
Well, Art is subjective you know...

I have to say though, its nice seeing the game in 60fps....shale this is not the case in consoles
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2013-01-27 14:30:01
I finished the game on PC, 60fps is a difference and how it should be played (stupid Capcom dont care for consoles this time it seems).

Tbh, the game lacks any originality when it comes to combat, and i mean zero. They have either taken moves from previous DMCs or other games. The movelist is extremely short, only thing you gain is one iconic move then everything else is lvl2 and lvl3 upgrade which is basically stronger and wider version.

Levels, its bad, I just encountered 2 decent good ones which i wont spoil it but really this is the scenario. You walk, level get disoriented, you do some jumps and grabs, fight waves, jump through platforms and then exit to cutscene...thats it, thats how the entire level structure goes. Sure the design when they get disoriented and destroyed is very nice and all but you can pretty much guess how it starts and ends.

Bosses are ALL crap. The only ones that is good is...well one is a spoiler which is the end which is the best one, and some enemy that has two swords which is extremely fast and agile, hard as hell to figure out hen to attack him, was awesome.

Overal the game is solid at best, combat is easier.
You know how DMC pros do the jump-attack on enemies in the air, I could NEVER do it in DMC4, ever unless i tried 100 times i may gotten random 5 out of it.
Here its extremely easy to pull it off even for me, i do it so many times its funny now lol (i do enjoy doing it).

Music is garbage I am sorry. Best DMC music is from DMC1 and 2, this one is like a mix of Marilyn Mansion+dubstep, thats like nightmare to the ears.
I used my own music that fits with DMC1/2 style were there is industrial, orchestra, and electric guitar so i could get through the game.

Just like i said from the beginning, Vergil is the true star when it comes to the combat IMO, his is much more faster and japanese oriented and from what I saw what he could do in the game, i want the DLC now.

I did get outfit DLC as well for free when I got it, so right now I am replaying it with Dante-"cosplay", shame the coat is the stupid DMC3 emo version rather than DMC4 or 1.

Anyways thats my opinion on the whole game.
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Driftwood - Dictateur en chef
Commented on 2013-01-27 14:36:01 In reply to Sath
Posted by Sath
I finished the game on PC, 60fps is a difference and how it should be played (stupid Capcom dont care for consoles this time it seems).
Yes right, this has nothing to do with the fact that consoles are now completely outdated, that basically no one has ever been capable of developing 60 fps games with UE3 on consoles. Considering there are very few 60 fps games on 360 and PS3, maybe, just maybe, hardware is to blame. ;)
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2013-01-27 14:52:04
Well yeah, but Capcom could have let NT use their DMC4 engine and let them use that to get 60fps out of that. Using UE3 is the first mistake IMO to use to get 60fps.
They got to be thinking of consoles first not PC because gaming PCs can get 60fps with any engine unlike consoles.
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Driftwood - Dictateur en chef
Commented on 2013-01-27 14:59:00 In reply to Sath
Well, but then there's also a good chance that the game would have looked poorer (like DcM 4 now if you compare it to today's standards) to be able to run at 60 fps. Resident Evil 6 look terrible if you ask me, its 30fps framerate is choppy and don't even get me started on Dragon's Dogma, which may be sort of open world, but which looks really dated compared to other games of the genre.
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Commented on 2013-01-27 14:59:51 In reply to Sath
Posted by Sath
Well yeah, but Capcom could have let NT use their DMC4 engine and let them use that to get 60fps out of that. Using UE3 is the first mistake IMO to use to get 60fps.
NT is the one to blame here, they were nincompoop to the point they prefer using a engine not suited for the IP, just b/c they wouldn't have the time and ability to use MTFramework and deliver a game to Capcom MTF standards.
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Driftwood - Dictateur en chef
Commented on 2013-01-27 15:04:47 In reply to nostradamus
Why is it that every time you have something to say, it's just pure nonsense. It's like a curse or something?
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2013-01-27 15:05:05 In reply to Driftwood
Posted by Driftwood
Well, but then there's also a good chance that the game would have looked poorer (like DcM 4 now if you compare it to today's standards) to be able to run at 60 fps. Resident Evil 6 look terrible if you ask me, its 30fps framerate is choppy and don't even get me started on Dragon's Dogma, which may be sort of open world, but which looks really dated compared to other games of the genre.
DD and RE6 looks like crap no doubt, but DMC4 dont look bad for now, better than DD and RE6 by far. how is that bad?

IMO i rather have them use DMC4 engine and update it and run 60fps than ue3 and not have 60fps on consoles period.

In the end, we need new consoles lol
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Commented on 2013-01-27 15:42:36
This is probably one of the better PC releases of a multiplatform (concerning consoles) game I've seen in quite some time. The small touches added as PC benefit (HD Textures, 60 FPS as well as full controller support for those who like it) really shows the added consideration. Game feels very solid, gameplay is awesome, graphics are pretty aswell, performance is top notch. Pc version is worth buying for sure! :)
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Commented on 2013-01-27 15:58:02
UE3 looks damn dated by now. And everything that engine renders has that 'filth-filter' attached to it that you will fail to describe by words. It looks like a complete mess in the screens (no matter which system btw). I have yet to see a game that's got a clean look. Looking back it's probably Gears and Bioshock that come closest, without ever reaching the clean and crispy look of a DMC4 or Lost Planet though. It's the engine's output that puts me off really, not Dante's new look. Enslaved had that too btw, but it didnt matter because it was an original (without a better looking predecessor). Apparently Epic are the only ones to know how to handle this messy graphics engine...
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Commented on 2013-01-27 16:02:06 In reply to SplitTongue
Posted by SplitTongue
UE3 looks damn dated by now. And everything that engine renders has that 'filth-filter' attached to it that you will fail to describe by words. It looks like a complete mess in the screens (no matter which system btw). I have yet to see a game that's got a clean look. Looking back it's probably Gears and Bioshock that come closest, without ever reaching the clean and crispy look of a DMC4 or Lost Planet though. It's the engine's output that puts me off really, not Dante's new look. Enslaved had that too btw, but it didnt matter because it was an original (without a better looking predecessor). Apparently Epic are the only ones to know how to handle this messy graphics engine...
I think dishonored and mirrors edge have been the best use of the engine. Mainly because it looks nothing like the engine. Has non of the horrible shimmery, bloomy, blergh-ness you see in other UE3 games.
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Commented on 2013-01-27 16:38:19 In reply to SplitTongue
Posted by SplitTongue
UE3 looks damn dated by now. And everything that engine renders has that 'filth-filter' attached to it that you will fail to describe by words. It looks like a complete mess in the screens (no matter which system btw).

Apparently Epic are the only ones to know how to handle this messy graphics engine...
And yet you fail to realize it has nothing to do with midlleware, like is falsely said, but on how much work you go to cather the engine to your needs and not just realeasing with standard stock effects.

No one would know, if it was UDK if not told. The only thing the engine has going against it, is the way it loads textures, but it's not the only engine with that shortcoming.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Commented on 2013-01-27 16:41:22 In reply to Driftwood
Posted by Driftwood
Why is it that every time you have something to say, it's just pure nonsense. It's like a curse or something?
Yeah. Someone cursed his mother.
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Commented on 2013-01-27 17:03:11 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by Driftwood
Yes right, this has nothing to do with the fact that consoles are now completely outdated, that basically no one has ever been capable of developing 60 fps games with UE3 on consoles. Considering there are very few 60 fps games on 360 and PS3, maybe, just maybe, hardware is to blame. ;)
Then... Don't use UE3? That said, I don't think the framerate makes or breaks the game. Obviously 60 is better, but I'd say it's a smaller difference than for a shooter or fighting game.
Posted by KORNdog
I think dishonored and mirrors edge have been the best use of the engine. Mainly because it looks nothing like the engine. Has non of the horrible shimmery, bloomy, blergh-ness you see in other UE3 games.
Those games look that way because they put no work into an old version of UE3. Look at Gears of War, clearly the engine isn't the issue. It isn't perfect, but it's also been around for a long ass time. It's done pretty well for itself, all things considered. The engine isn't the issue, the issue is that it's really easy to make a game with decent, basic visuals with the engine, and so a lot of lower budget games use it and don't put work into tweaking it. There are plenty of good looking UE3 games, but they are usually major games who have teams to customize the engine. Look at Dishonored, that game looks really sharp, really clean, and generally great. Also, Bioshock Infinite, which looks superb in every way, and nothing like a low budget lazy UE3 game. Because they didn't just pump out the same shit that a lot of people do when using early UE3 tech. Saying UE3 sucks because no one utilizes it is pretty unfair. Gears of War 3 is one of the best looking console games out there, and on top of looking really sharp and generally fantastic, but it also runs pretty damn smoothly for a 360 game. Even coming from a PC that can run pretty much everything at 60 with antialiasing, Gears 3 felt relatively smooth, especially for a 360 game, which is saying a lot (See MGS4 and Halo Reach, two pretty huge releases with fucking dreadful framerates)
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Commented on 2013-01-27 17:04:02 In reply to nostradamus
That just looks like the Berlin Wall to me....
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Commented on 2013-01-27 17:18:10
So, stock MTF > stock UE3 ? That's what i was pointing out, so why go with the inferior solution then ? It's faster -> more money for Capcom. Works for Capcom, not for me. And generally i'm all in favor of Capcom, but not this time (nor with RE6 btw).
Posted by pythxvii
That just looks like the Berlin Wall to me....
LOL ^_^
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Commented on 2013-01-27 17:21:36 In reply to nostradamus
Posted by nostradamus

wtf is this mess... probably the most horrid game i've seen this year, artwise. in tyour face hipster shit.
you must live in a nice hood :)

looks like the wall on my building in the Bronx LMFAO - :D
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Commented on 2013-01-27 17:38:37 In reply to deafwing
Posted by deafwing
you must live in a nice hood :)

looks like the wall on my building in the Bronx LMFAO - :D
I heard he lives in an insane asylum were every surface is sterile white.
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Commented on 2013-01-27 21:32:25 In reply to SplitTongue
Posted by SplitTongue
UE3 looks damn dated by now. And everything that engine renders has that 'filth-filter' attached to it that you will fail to describe by words. It looks like a complete mess in the screens (no matter which system btw). I have yet to see a game that's got a clean look. Looking back it's probably Gears and Bioshock that come closest, without ever reaching the clean and crispy look of a DMC4 or Lost Planet though. It's the engine's output that puts me off really, not Dante's new look. Enslaved had that too btw, but it didnt matter because it was an original (without a better looking predecessor). Apparently Epic are the only ones to know how to handle this messy graphics engine...
gears of war 3 and bullet storm anyone?

I heard marcus phoenix is over 30,000 polygons, and grason hunt is over 40,000.

and those games had beautiful visuals.
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Commented on 2013-01-27 21:58:00 In reply to GunsnSwords
Grayson Hunt i mean, sorry for the typo ;)
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Commented on 2013-01-27 23:07:55 In reply to alimokrane
Posted by alimokrane
Well, Art is subjective you know...
Taste in art is subjective. Art itself is not subjective. There is a definition of the structure of what makes something art. Taking a dump on the sidewalk doesn't qualify.

That being said, this game looks like an otaku's wet-dream.
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Commented on 2013-01-27 23:22:47 In reply to GunsnSwords
Posted by GunsnSwords
I heard marcus phoenix is over 30,000 polygons, and grason hunt is over 40,000.

and those games had beautiful visuals.
where did you got those?
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Commented on 2013-01-27 23:25:41 In reply to crookedmind
Posted by crookedmind
There is a definition of the structure of what makes something art. Taking a dump on the sidewalk doesn't qualify.
making structure is what qualifys of not making art but limitations on art.

There is no limitations, anything can be artm if it represents the creativity of the creator.
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About the game
PC X360 PS3
Published by
Developed by
Ninja Theory

$135 of $400 per month

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