First 10 minutes PC Xbox 360 PS3

Following our console videos of the reboot of Tomb Raider, here are finally some videos of the PC version (with TressFX), and several screenshots galleries.

Notices :

- As tessellation caused crashes, it was disabled in the last two videos. Every other options were maxed-out.
- Sometimes hair is blinking, this is due to the SLI with TressFX enabled.
- A new encoding was used for these videos, better quality and sharper details.

Hardware used to capture these videos:
- Intel i7 2700K @ 4.7 GHz
- 16 Go DDR3 1600 MHz
- 2x NVidia GTX 680 SLI
Capture software: Fraps

Without TressFX

  • Our PC videos of Tomb Raider - Without TressFX
  • Our PC videos of Tomb Raider - Without TressFX
  • Our PC videos of Tomb Raider - Without TressFX
  • Our PC videos of Tomb Raider - Without TressFX
  • Our PC videos of Tomb Raider - Without TressFX
  • Our PC videos of Tomb Raider - Without TressFX
  • Our PC videos of Tomb Raider - Without TressFX
  • Our PC videos of Tomb Raider - Without TressFX
  • Our PC videos of Tomb Raider - Without TressFX

With TressFX

  • Our PC videos of Tomb Raider - With TressFX
  • Our PC videos of Tomb Raider - With TressFX
  • Our PC videos of Tomb Raider - With TressFX
  • Our PC videos of Tomb Raider - With TressFX
  • Our PC videos of Tomb Raider - With TressFX
  • Our PC videos of Tomb Raider - With TressFX
  • Our PC videos of Tomb Raider - With TressFX
  • Our PC videos of Tomb Raider - With TressFX
  • Our PC videos of Tomb Raider - With TressFX
  • Our PC videos of Tomb Raider - With TressFX
  • Our PC videos of Tomb Raider - With TressFX
  • Our PC videos of Tomb Raider - With TressFX
  • Our PC videos of Tomb Raider - With TressFX
  • Our PC videos of Tomb Raider - With TressFX
  • Our PC videos of Tomb Raider - With TressFX
  • Our PC videos of Tomb Raider - With TressFX

36 PC screenshots

  • Our PC videos of Tomb Raider - 36 PC screenshots
  • Our PC videos of Tomb Raider - 36 PC screenshots
  • Our PC videos of Tomb Raider - 36 PC screenshots
  • Our PC videos of Tomb Raider - 36 PC screenshots
  • Our PC videos of Tomb Raider - 36 PC screenshots
  • Our PC videos of Tomb Raider - 36 PC screenshots
  • Our PC videos of Tomb Raider - 36 PC screenshots
  • Our PC videos of Tomb Raider - 36 PC screenshots
  • Our PC videos of Tomb Raider - 36 PC screenshots
  • Our PC videos of Tomb Raider - 36 PC screenshots
  • Our PC videos of Tomb Raider - 36 PC screenshots
  • Our PC videos of Tomb Raider - 36 PC screenshots
  • Our PC videos of Tomb Raider - 36 PC screenshots
  • Our PC videos of Tomb Raider - 36 PC screenshots
  • Our PC videos of Tomb Raider - 36 PC screenshots
  • Our PC videos of Tomb Raider - 36 PC screenshots
  • Our PC videos of Tomb Raider - 36 PC screenshots
  • Our PC videos of Tomb Raider - 36 PC screenshots
  • Our PC videos of Tomb Raider - 36 PC screenshots
  • Our PC videos of Tomb Raider - 36 PC screenshots
  • Our PC videos of Tomb Raider - 36 PC screenshots
  • Our PC videos of Tomb Raider - 36 PC screenshots
  • Our PC videos of Tomb Raider - 36 PC screenshots
  • Our PC videos of Tomb Raider - 36 PC screenshots
  • Our PC videos of Tomb Raider - 36 PC screenshots
  • Our PC videos of Tomb Raider - 36 PC screenshots
  • Our PC videos of Tomb Raider - 36 PC screenshots
  • Our PC videos of Tomb Raider - 36 PC screenshots
  • Our PC videos of Tomb Raider - 36 PC screenshots
  • Our PC videos of Tomb Raider - 36 PC screenshots
  • Our PC videos of Tomb Raider - 36 PC screenshots
  • Our PC videos of Tomb Raider - 36 PC screenshots
  • Our PC videos of Tomb Raider - 36 PC screenshots
  • Our PC videos of Tomb Raider - 36 PC screenshots
  • Our PC videos of Tomb Raider - 36 PC screenshots
  • Our PC videos of Tomb Raider - 36 PC screenshots

9 PC screenshots

  • Our PC videos of Tomb Raider - 9 PC screenshots
  • Our PC videos of Tomb Raider - 9 PC screenshots
  • Our PC videos of Tomb Raider - 9 PC screenshots
  • Our PC videos of Tomb Raider - 9 PC screenshots
  • Our PC videos of Tomb Raider - 9 PC screenshots
  • Our PC videos of Tomb Raider - 9 PC screenshots
  • Our PC videos of Tomb Raider - 9 PC screenshots
  • Our PC videos of Tomb Raider - 9 PC screenshots
  • Our PC videos of Tomb Raider - 9 PC screenshots
Commented on 2013-03-08 15:17:41
Ooooh lovely hair. That Tressfx is all over the place this week. Its nice to see some real high quality comparisons from Gamersyde.
Does any of the other characters in the game benefit fro this or is Lara the only one that is the centre of this tech in the game?
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Commented on 2013-03-08 15:45:05
Wooh! TreeFX really has a huge impact! No compromises, so I won't play it without it.
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Commented on 2013-03-08 16:27:29
This game is more beautiful than I expected! Looks much better on my screen than the impression I got from screenshots and vids. And the TressFX works for Nvidia too! It seems as though it may only be Lara affected by this but that is just fine with me. If everyone in the game was using this tech framerates would be unplayable on any card setup.
And the inevitable comparison.. I don't know about consoles, but on my PC this game looks much better than Uncharted 2 or 3. I've had them running side by side on two 1080p flat panel displays. Loving the game so far.
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Commented on 2013-03-08 16:39:24
Ahhhh! Seems it didn't make it on NVIDIA based GPUs. I hope NVIDIA is working on this issue.
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Commented on 2013-03-08 16:52:08
I wonder if it works for pubes? (The Whitcher 2 will never be the same again...)
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Commented on 2013-03-08 16:58:35
anyone with a modest config pc/notebook that tried to run this on HD resolution, rsvp?
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Commented on 2013-03-08 17:55:08
pc graphic is so beter than console
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Commented on 2013-03-08 18:38:56
Tressfx is a small effect, and one that you can certainly live without seeing that it's a massive hog on the performance of the game, but it's one that once you see it running, you just don't want to turn it off; unlike tessellation, which is pretty much the most overrated, hardware hogging feature going. Having it on just one character seems odd, though, but it's a start.
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Commented on 2013-03-08 19:12:29 In reply to nostradamus
Posted by nostradamus
anyone with a modest config pc/notebook that tried to run this on HD resolution, rsvp?
Yep. Have a core 2 duo E8500 (3.16ghz) 4GB 6400 DDR2RAM, 1gb ATI 5850 GPU. Everything (minus Tressfx) is running on high @ 1920 x 1200. Avg FPS is clocked at about 48, min dropped to something like 29. Its a supremely scalable title. Kudos to Crystal Dynamics.
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Commented on 2013-03-08 19:19:50
Yeah...playing it too even with tessellation and no issues so far. Im veeeery surprised by this. Love this game! And I have Nvidia.
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This message and account have been deleted at the user's request
Commented on 2013-03-08 20:30:14
Playing this game maxed out with the tressfx (not like my pc is completely new parts) and it looks awsome most the time. Other times the hair looks really weird and fuzzy, is nice though.
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Commented on 2013-03-08 20:54:25
weird , how does tressFX also work on nvidia cards , isnt it AMD TECHNOLOGY ?

nvidia doesnt share its physx tech

its not working on my nvidia gtx 285 , i dont know too much about this
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Commented on 2013-03-08 20:55:28
Well Nvidia is putting physx middleware on the PS4, so they're sorta sharing it.
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Commented on 2013-03-08 21:26:02
I see.
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Commented on 2013-03-08 22:32:32 In reply to radsy
Posted by radsy
weird , how does tressFX also work on nvidia cards , isnt it AMD TECHNOLOGY ?

nvidia doesnt share its physx tech

its not working on my nvidia gtx 285 , i dont know too much about this
It's not an AMD technology and it's working perfectly fine on my GTX580. Certainly can make for some great screenshots but there are collision issues just like any normal and crappy hair tech.
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Commented on 2013-03-08 23:41:56 In reply to radsy
Posted by radsy
weird , how does tressFX also work on nvidia cards , isnt it AMD TECHNOLOGY ?

nvidia doesnt share its physx tech

its not working on my nvidia gtx 285 , i dont know too much about this
It's an AMD developed thing, but it uses an open method, DirectCompute. AMD cards are better with compute stuff, so it'll work better on those, but any nVidia card capable of this kind of GPU accelerated physics will be able to run this hair. A 285 just isn't capable. An equivalent AMD card probably wouldn't do it either, and certainly wouldn't do it well.
I also think it looks like shit when you're actually running around. It swings around in a really goofy way, and manages to look as much like dark straw as perfect pantene hair. It's way too light, way too all over the place, and likes to just fling around and stick straight out. It's a good start, but I've seen much better hair with the same method.
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Commented on 2013-03-09 11:21:18
Looks decent, as someone said it's not crysis. And you don't need a supercomputer to run that either, it's just very high settings are mainly worthless fx that hog gpu.

It's a good game, but I still prefer uncharted. Doesn't feel much like the Tomb Raiders I grew up with.
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Commented on 2013-03-09 15:22:49 In reply to xgei8ht
Posted by xgei8ht
It's a good game, but I still prefer uncharted. Doesn't feel much like the Tomb Raiders I grew up with.
It's not supposed to feel like the Tomb Raider you grew up with.
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Commented on 2013-03-09 17:58:30 In reply to Xoar
Posted by Xoar
It's not supposed to feel like the Tomb Raider you grew up with.
It should at the very least have remnants of the old games in there, or at least an evolution of it. What we have here, even though it's a decently made game, is a shooter. A straight forward, GOW/Uncharted linear cover-based shooter. What's the point in calling it Tomb Raider if you aren't raiding any tombs? What, so they chuck in a few token ones that can be cracked in under 5 minutes? Bravo. The main gripe I have with this game is that it's not very varied when it should have been. Some large caverns with Portal-like traps and puzzles would have been great. There were sections of Far Cry 3 that felt more like Tomb Raider than this one.
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Commented on 2013-03-09 19:07:34
I agree. I think the game was really well made. But the way it's flows is off. They give you these hubs that are meant to be explored but I always feel like your directed to move forward with no real reason to stick around. When I first started playing I kept progressing forward as if I was going to eventually get somewhere and say okay here's where the game begins but then I realized I had just cleared a couple of these hubs.

Sorry about the poor sentence structure.
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Commented on 2013-03-09 19:29:09
Thanks Gamersyde for posting these amazing 60fps vids of Tomb Raider on PC.
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Commented on 2013-03-09 22:03:09
I'm running a i5 3570K, 8GB, GTX 570 setup and I had to turn TressFX off to get stable frames.. It's obviously not optimized for Nvidia videocards.. Nothing serious imho as the normal hair still looks good.. The rest is all maxed out, resulting in a very nice looking game even though the engine shows the consolehardware it was mainly designed for is old.. And despite the other obvious consolitis (menu's, certain controls and quicktimevents) it's a awesome game to play on the PC, I really really like it..
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Commented on 2013-03-11 05:13:30
The odds are good that this game will be released on PS4 at some point and will probably have TressFX. Hopefully by then it will be less buggy.
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About the game
PC X360 PS3
Published by
Square Enix
Developed by
Crystal Dynamics

$135 of $400 per month

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