It took us a while but we finally managed to capture a bunch of videos of Killer Instinct on Xbox One. Although the game runs natively at 720p, we recorded our footage at 1080p, thanks to the console's efficient upscaler. Don't expect to see marvels here, I asked a friend of mine to play with me and he turned out to be an even worse player than I am. Enjoy the videos anyway!
All comments (29)
Great stuff.
And now the Quantic Break trailer from VGX has been put up only on the Xbox Youtube channel at the same resolution.
As much as people gave out about Sony's amazing 20th February Next Gen reveal, at least all the trailers were released at 1080p and in the highest bitrate quality on Press Sites.
Shame this game has stiff animations all round.
Heck there's slowdown in some of those videos.
Hopefully we get a Killer Instinct 2 with at least 16 fighters!
"Lazy developers"???
"They just decided not to do it"?!?!
WTF?! Do you think people decide to slave away under stress and pressure, doing 14 hour days 7 days a week and "just decide" not to do something that would make their game "better" to "some people"?! If you do, then you've really got A LOT to learn.
I don't know why the game runs at 720p / 60fps instead of 1080p, but maybe because it would've been 1080p / 30fps and that would've been unacceptable? Maybe because the developers only had a year to make a world-class fighting game with a tiny crew (read the credits) and hardware that wasn't finished?
I don't know, but I'd say my speculating is probably closer than the clear troll hate of "lazy" and "this is teh wurst g@m3z evar!"
Game is great and I'm happy to have a rock-solid 60fps fighter for the cost of dinner, on my next gen hardware.
Only problem I have with it is that the roster is small (but they say they're doing more) and that I can't get it on PS4 too.
Nobody would turn their nose up at a 1080p patch though would they?
I also agree that its a shame it didn't hit the 360 too..although for the lure of an exclusive it makes sense its on's certainly the only game at the moment that i'd truelly love to play on the platform
Also, no platform exclusive talkback without hardware dissing and admins trolling their own site :D