When Yooka-Laylee first arrived on PC and consoles, it was not given that warm a welcome due to some issues the game had to deal with. Although we thought we would probably see the duo again, we never expected Playtronic to drop the Mario 64 / Banjo-Kazooie tribute to turn to a more Donkey Knog Country approach to gameplay and game design. The idea was brilliant though, as Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair is actually an excellent platformer whatever the system you're playing it on. All versions of the game run at 60 fps so no one will feel left apart. We recorded a bunch of 4K videos for you to see, they don't show the very beginning of the adventure but it's still quite early in the game. You'll see the possibility to modify a chapter previously played by adding new conditions (ice, new types of enemies) and how the hub works. We'll have Switch videos up later too.