Xbox 360

The ever excellent site Gamewatch put online these 60 new images of Over G Fighters. This is starting to become a habit for a few exclusive Xbox 360 title made in Japan, but the graphics certainly do not impress.

60 gamewatch images

  • Over G Fighters images - 60 gamewatch images
  • Over G Fighters images - 60 gamewatch images
  • Over G Fighters images - 60 gamewatch images
  • Over G Fighters images - 60 gamewatch images
  • Over G Fighters images - 60 gamewatch images
  • Over G Fighters images - 60 gamewatch images
  • Over G Fighters images - 60 gamewatch images
  • Over G Fighters images - 60 gamewatch images
  • Over G Fighters images - 60 gamewatch images
  • Over G Fighters images - 60 gamewatch images
  • Over G Fighters images - 60 gamewatch images
  • Over G Fighters images - 60 gamewatch images
  • Over G Fighters images - 60 gamewatch images
  • Over G Fighters images - 60 gamewatch images
  • Over G Fighters images - 60 gamewatch images
  • Over G Fighters images - 60 gamewatch images
  • Over G Fighters images - 60 gamewatch images
  • Over G Fighters images - 60 gamewatch images
  • Over G Fighters images - 60 gamewatch images
  • Over G Fighters images - 60 gamewatch images
  • Over G Fighters images - 60 gamewatch images
  • Over G Fighters images - 60 gamewatch images
  • Over G Fighters images - 60 gamewatch images
  • Over G Fighters images - 60 gamewatch images
  • Over G Fighters images - 60 gamewatch images
  • Over G Fighters images - 60 gamewatch images
  • Over G Fighters images - 60 gamewatch images
  • Over G Fighters images - 60 gamewatch images
  • Over G Fighters images - 60 gamewatch images
  • Over G Fighters images - 60 gamewatch images
  • Over G Fighters images - 60 gamewatch images
  • Over G Fighters images - 60 gamewatch images
  • Over G Fighters images - 60 gamewatch images
  • Over G Fighters images - 60 gamewatch images
  • Over G Fighters images - 60 gamewatch images
  • Over G Fighters images - 60 gamewatch images
  • Over G Fighters images - 60 gamewatch images
  • Over G Fighters images - 60 gamewatch images
  • Over G Fighters images - 60 gamewatch images
  • Over G Fighters images - 60 gamewatch images
  • Over G Fighters images - 60 gamewatch images
  • Over G Fighters images - 60 gamewatch images
  • Over G Fighters images - 60 gamewatch images
  • Over G Fighters images - 60 gamewatch images
  • Over G Fighters images - 60 gamewatch images
  • Over G Fighters images - 60 gamewatch images
  • Over G Fighters images - 60 gamewatch images
  • Over G Fighters images - 60 gamewatch images
  • Over G Fighters images - 60 gamewatch images
  • Over G Fighters images - 60 gamewatch images
  • Over G Fighters images - 60 gamewatch images
  • Over G Fighters images - 60 gamewatch images
  • Over G Fighters images - 60 gamewatch images
  • Over G Fighters images - 60 gamewatch images
  • Over G Fighters images - 60 gamewatch images
  • Over G Fighters images - 60 gamewatch images
  • Over G Fighters images - 60 gamewatch images
  • Over G Fighters images - 60 gamewatch images
  • Over G Fighters images - 60 gamewatch images
  • Over G Fighters images - 60 gamewatch images
Commented on 2006-03-07 12:02:05
They don't look hot at all. Ace Combat Zero looks better if I'm being honest and the gameplay in that game is near enough guaranteed as well as being £20 cheaper to boot.
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Commented on 2006-03-07 12:04:35
I hate to say it, but if these same developers were making this same game for the ps3 it would look amazing.

Are they TRYING to make the 360 look weak over in japan? Its hard for the japanese market to remotely warm up to and see just how good the 360 is when we over here in the usa are constantly shown these amazing screenshots from all these great upcoming games that are truly showing off the capabilities of the 360 and then over in japan things like this are what they are seeing. Do they even show rainbox six, gears of war, ghost recon, elder scrolls screenshots over in japan in the famitsu magazine? Or any usa titles for that matter?

Do they ever show these to the japanese market so they can see just how powerful the 360 can be?
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Commented on 2006-03-07 12:12:28 In reply to Optimusv2
Posted by Optimusv2
I hate to say it, but if these same developers were making this same game for the ps3 it would look amazing.

Are they TRYING to make the 360 look weak over in japan? Its hard for the japanese market to remotely warm up to and see just how good the 360 is when we over here in the usa are constantly shown these amazing screenshots from all these great upcoming games that are truly showing off the capabilities of the 360 and then over in japan things like this are what they are seeing. Do they even show rainbox six, gears of war, ghost recon, elder scrolls screenshots over in japan in the famitsu magazine? Or any usa titles for that matter?

Do they ever show these to the japanese market so they can see just how powerful the 360 can be?
Probably not, seeing as how the japanese hate FPS - and pretty much anything else that doesn't involve a) fairys b) anime porn or c) giant robots/lizards.
And I agree, I played flight sims that looked better than this on my old PII 500 with a 16 MB Voodoo 3 vid card.
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Commented on 2006-03-07 12:37:23 In reply to cadavra
Posted by cadavra
Probably not, seeing as how the japanese hate FPS - and pretty much anything else that doesn't involve a) fairys b) anime porn or c) giant robots/lizards.
And I agree, I played flight sims that looked better than this on my old PII 500 with a 16 MB Voodoo 3 vid card.
ROFL, so true, so true.

It's a shame that the Flight Sim genre is so neglected these days.
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Commented on 2006-03-07 12:51:44
hey dude doesn,t matter craps like that , I can't wait to play at games like : Oblivion,Gothic3(Hope),Prey,GoW,GR:AF,SC:DA,PES6 then we will see the power :D
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Commented on 2006-03-07 12:53:20
The runway... *throws up*
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Commented on 2006-03-07 12:54:43
Doesnt impress at all. On a side note can someone shed some light on the "Afterburner" trailer that was shown at E3 last year?? I still have the trailer and just watched it again...i was always under the impression that Sega were releasing it on the 360...can anyone remember seeing the trailer and confirm if its still in development :)
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Commented on 2006-03-07 13:03:35
I hate Japenese games. Doesn't matter what they try and create, it just doesn't float my boat. That includes Metal Gear Solid. I nearly put my fist through the tv after spending 2 hours loading up the beta of that Final Fintasy on the 360. Utter rubbish. This looks cack aswell.
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BlimBlim - Tyrannosaurus
Commented on 2006-03-07 13:03:43 In reply to Scooby101
Posted by Scooby101
Doesnt impress at all. On a side note can someone shed some light on the "Afterburner" trailer that was shown at E3 last year?? I still have the trailer and just watched it again...i was always under the impression that Sega were releasing it on the 360...can anyone remember seeing the trailer and confirm if its still in development :)
It's arcade only for the moment at least.
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Commented on 2006-03-07 13:14:03
Seriously people, relax will you? "Omg!! it doesn't haves the realistic graphics!!! it is the suxxorz!!!". I mean I knew that alot Xbox360 owners cared about graphics, but there's no need to become full on graphics whores.

Yeah this game doesn't look as good as it could look, obviously, but that doesn't mean that it's automatically a crap game, I mean the graphics are certainly "bareable", it's not like we are looking at PS1 graphics. And besides how the game actually plays should be the most important part.

As for the "conspiracy" of Japanese devs trying to make bad looking, you have no idea of this games budget, how big the dev team is and how long they have had to work on the game so please don't use silly comments like that.

I especially dislike when people don't know enough about graphics to judge what is good, so they judge everything on how "realistic" it looks, even when alot of games don't even try to have a realistic art style. I'm not really talking about this game when I say that, just alot of games in general, it's a trend I've noticed with the hardcre X360 crowd. I think it needs to stop. But anyway I'm rambling now so I'll stop.

Just try to be a little more opened minded and less quick to judge everything solely on graphics.
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Commented on 2006-03-07 14:05:13
Taito are only making themselves look incompetent with this, I mean the latest Ace Combat on the PS2 looks better than this, albeit at a lower resolution of course.
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Commented on 2006-03-07 14:34:39
surely dreamcast could do it better
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Commented on 2006-03-07 14:37:42 In reply to alispa
The new Afterburner is looking pretty damn sweet. I remember back in the day playing it in the arcades.
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Commented on 2006-03-07 14:45:45
This game admittedly looks horrid. Very horrid. But, what do you expect? PS2 was like this too, and if Xbox is gonna try and win Japan over this is exactly the kinds of games you'll get. You'll get great looking ones, mediocre ones like Ziria, and plain garbage like this one. Unless if you want the Xbox to fail, then there's no use in complaining. The Japanese are used to seeing budget games get released alongside really great ones.

Anyways, every console will suffer this no matter what, and it's just that so few games are coming out cuz the console is so new this kind of stuff gets noticed more. I'm going to just ignore these games as there's no point in wasting time getting sucked into complaining. Once the games really start rolling in Xboxyde won't even update the lower budget games anyways. They'll just get lost in the woodwork just like how no one now notices when the Xbox and PS2 gets utterly crap games.
Posted by Franner
hate Japenese games. Doesn't matter what they try and create, it just doesn't float my boat. That includes Metal Gear Solid. I nearly put my fist through the tv after spending 2 hours loading up the beta of that Final Fintasy on the 360. Utter rubbish. This looks cack aswell.
Hard to believe that there isn't one single Japanese game you like considering the fact they pretty much cover all game genres with some few exceptions. Oh well, your loss.
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Commented on 2006-03-07 15:16:29
I really love flying games, but this game just keeps looking worse and worse as time goes on. I'm still going to watch it closely, silently hoping it starts to get better.
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Commented on 2006-03-07 17:20:52
Director says the textures of ground are based on satelite photograph. That's why the landscape looks so ugly.
Keep in mind that TAITO is a really small company.
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Commented on 2006-03-07 17:27:06
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Commented on 2006-03-07 17:34:47
as u said - not impressive at all
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Commented on 2006-03-07 21:36:59 In reply to Franner
Im not a big flight sim fan, Im not impressed so far with what they have.
Posted by Franner
I hate Japenese games. Doesn't matter what they try and create, it just doesn't float my boat. That includes Metal Gear Solid. I nearly put my fist through the tv after spending 2 hours loading up the beta of that Final Fintasy on the 360. Utter rubbish. This looks cack aswell.
Keep in mind Final Fantasy XI Is about four years old and was designed for the ps2 and pc.
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Commented on 2006-03-08 01:54:16 In reply to willdabeast
Posted by willdabeast
Hard to believe that there isn't one single Japanese game you like considering the fact they pretty much cover all game genres with some few exceptions. Oh well, your loss.
I actually can't think of a single game by a Japenese developer that I've liked. Ninja Gaiden perhaps. All the games I get excited by seem to be developed in the US or Europe. Maybe it is my loss alright.
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Commented on 2006-03-08 02:05:44
My eyes, they burn!!
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Commented on 2006-03-08 05:22:16
Small companies (you know, the companies that makes games outside of the tired genres - FPS, sports, generic GTA clones, generic action sequels) don't have the resources to make EA-looking games, you geniuses.

All the best-looking games are sequels or games in stablished genres that have guaranteed sales. If a company used all their resources making a niché game in a small genre, THEY WOULD CLOSE THEIR DOORS THE NEXT MONTH, because they would be LOSING MONEY.

And guess what? The PS2 is popular BECAUSE of the huge number of smaller games. It's called HAVING A LARGE LIBRARY, A LIBRARY WITH VARIETY.

The very opposite of the XBox 1.
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Commented on 2006-03-08 07:31:34
This message is in "Boulet Time" (TM), If you still *really* want to see it, click here
PlumbDrumb - Still drinking
Commented on 2006-03-08 07:40:15
No more caps lock posts, please.
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Commented on 2006-03-12 00:23:54
the_shape is right. calm down, guys. also doesn't look that bad.
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About the game
Published by
Developed by
Taito Corporation

$135 of $400 per month

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