UNIGINE Corp. released a pretty nice-looking benchmark, so we decided that it was time to forget the horrible graphics engine of Aliens: Colonial Marines to see something nice. Until we have time to prepare a video (maybe even a couple on two different rigs), here is a big bunch of homemade images we captured in extreme HD quality. A first glimpse of the future?
Update 1: First video added. It was captured with all details maxed out except for AA (4x only) with the following rig: Intel Core i5, OC 3.32 GHz, 8 Go RAM, Windows 7 64, Nvidia Geforce GTX 670 Gainward OC.
Update 2: Second video added. It was captured with all details maxed out (Extreme HD preset), AA8x with the following rig: Intel Core i7 2700K OC 4.7 GHz, 16 Go RAM, Windows 8 64, 2x Nvidia Geforce GTX 680 Gainward SLI.
All comments (32)
But on PC this already easily achievable(skyrim with mods).
But on PC this already easily achievable(skyrim with mods).
Like Carmack said, most of nextgen's processing power will be wasted on FullHD. And what's that worth without AA ? "Hooray, even more edges..." so image will basically look sharper but still look shite. Still... A console's gpu will ALWAYS outperform a PC gpu of the same type (Windows ALWAYS being a PC's biggest system hog), so maybe we're even in for a little surprise with nextgen consoles, who knows...
Games could've look very different today but developers had to stuck with consoles mainly to get some money. Hell, maybe they didn't have to, given the fact that there is a big project like Star Citizen going on.
Were they capped at 60fps?
Games could've look very different today but developers had to stuck with consoles mainly to get some money. Hell, maybe they didn't have to, given the fact that there is a big project like Star Citizen going on.
I think it's mostly kind of pointless to say hypothetical "what if's", it doesn't really have any bearing on reality.
I mean, if man was solely, 100% dedicated to develop gaming, we'd might be in the Matrix by now, but it didn't work out like that.
or maybe it did....