Xbox 360 PS3

Konami just released the PSN version of the Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 demo, while it came up on the Marketplace a couple of hours ago. Here's a gameplay video of the Xbox 360 version, showing four of the six teams available. I've always been a huge PES fan but I think it's too soon to judge the demo, since I've only played it for a couple of minutes. But just like the internet rumour says, it seems like the game is more like the previous PS2 games now. I only played in 3/5 difficulty this time, and the camera used is wide (many prefer "Normal long", more zoomed in).

Commented on 2008-10-02 14:54:20

Downloading it now very fast.

I hope those rumors are true. PEs 2007 Gameplay >> PES 2008 (which sucked)

It's the time of the truth.
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Commented on 2008-10-02 14:58:26
I prefer the FIFA demo :)
But its decent might rent it..
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Commented on 2008-10-02 16:00:36
I don't like any game this year. both fifa and pes are a huge dissappointment
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Commented on 2008-10-02 16:25:21
I like it alot, very good overall. I scored a peach of a free kick with Pirlo aswell very sweet.
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Commented on 2008-10-02 16:37:53
Played both demos, Fifa and PES, and the same as allways... TO ME, Fifa is boring as dead, PES is funny due to nice in gameplay. Graphics on PES are normal, should be better, but when I´m playing, I don´t need to see the pores on Messi´s skin (Yes, I´m from spain, a FC Barcelona fan)
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Commented on 2008-10-02 16:42:52 In reply to sebasrd24
Posted by sebasrd24
...I don´t need to see the pores on Mesi´s skin (Yes, I´m from spain, a FC Barcelona fan)
then how come you spelled Messi wrong? ;)

Will download demo tonight, hope I will not be disappointed!
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Commented on 2008-10-02 16:46:12 In reply to Zeuxis
Posted by Zeuxis
then how come you spelled Messi wrong? ;)

Will download demo tonight, hope I will not be disappointed!
What? I spelled Messi right, take a look again D. Yeah, you´re right, Owned to me. I did a mistake but It´s true that I´m a FC Barcelona fan, since... I don´t remember when, a lot of time
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Commented on 2008-10-02 16:56:21
Downloading it right now. Ironically, I am playing the FIFA 09 demo to pass the time.
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Commented on 2008-10-02 17:01:59
The pes 2009 demo is poor, how anyone can say it isnt is beyond me.

The graphics are the same as last year, the sound effects are a joke, ands its just poor overall.
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Commented on 2008-10-02 18:37:19 In reply to Kendoguk
Posted by Kendoguk
The pes 2009 demo is poor, how anyone can say it isnt is beyond me.

The graphics are the same as last year, the sound effects are a joke, ands its just poor overall.
Spot on! I was approaching this demo with an open mind, and once I started playing, I got that sinking feeling. People moaning about how sluggish and responsive issues are bringing Fifa down compared to PES need to go walk off a very tall building, because the responsiveness in this demo is shocking. Player have a robotic feel, not only that, but a rusted robotic feel about them. The animation is just so jerky it's annoying. Player will often go into this ridiculous-looking animation where they stick their arse out against a player to shield the ball, and it's just so clunky. I turned it off without even playing a solid half, and that's a first for me. Of course the PES fan boys will rush to defend, and once again it will probably get rave reviews, but this game is getting beyond a joke now. Where the fuck is this "stunning graphics overhaul" you boasted about, Konami? I don't see it. Sorry, but Fifa 09 is blowing this clean out of the water in every single department. PES to me is all but unrecognizable now, it it's really going to take a monumental effort to revive it. Seabass, you have destroyed a great franchise for being so lazy. Shame on you!

Now, come - come defend the undefendable. I'll be as bold as stating that the feel of this game is WORSE than what the PES 2008 demo was, and that's saying something, because at least I played that demo for a few hours at least. This is just shocking.
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Commented on 2008-10-02 18:43:29
I have no favourites every time FIFA and PES come out, but the last two titles released on both sides, FIFA has been better. I just can't understand how people could possibly say that PES is better than FIFA at the moment, its awful, and I pay for it every time, even will buy this PES because friends always seem to be better at it than FIFA apart from me.
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Commented on 2008-10-02 18:43:29
Worse than PES 2008? Mate, you need to wake up.
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Commented on 2008-10-02 18:48:19 In reply to sebasrd24
Posted by sebasrd24
What? I spelled Messi right, take a look again D. Yeah, you´re right, Owned to me. I did a mistake but It´s true that I´m a FC Barcelona fan, since... I don´t remember when, a lot of time
lol np ;)

Im scared to try this demo in case I create massive hate towards PES due to the disappointment third year in a row!
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Commented on 2008-10-02 19:03:16 In reply to blmbox
Posted by blmbox
Worse than PES 2008? Mate, you need to wake up.
Yeah, it's worse. It certainly controls a lot worse. PES 2008 was bad for obvious reasons like bugs, slowdown, and laggy online play, oh and the keepers were shite, but the PES 2008 demo (which felt a lot better than the retail game) was better than this demo.

If anyone needs to wake up, it's people that are defending this shit, and have been defending it, since the turn of the next gen consoles almost 4 years ago now. Next gen? Fuck - Konami are still stuck in PS2 territory 8 years ago.
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Commented on 2008-10-02 19:23:18 In reply to dingleberry
Posted by dingleberry
Yeah, it's worse. It certainly controls a lot worse. PES 2008 was bad for obvious reasons like bugs, slowdown, and laggy online play, oh and the keepers were shite, but the PES 2008 demo (which felt a lot better than the retail game) was better than this demo.

If anyone needs to wake up, it's people that are defending this shit, and have been defending it, since the turn of the next gen consoles almost 4 years ago now. Next gen? Fuck - Konami are still stuck in PS2 territory 8 years ago.
Believe me - if you think this is worse than last year's disgrace, you either haven't played last year's game or you haven't played this year's demo. I'm by no means defending the game; just disagreeing with you comments, which I find ridiculous.

There's no doubt that FIFA has better graphics, although the crowd in PES is a trillion times better than the crowd in FIFA. In terms of gameplay, I would say it's all about preference now more than anything else. PES is easily still more fun to play, but it's by no means realistic. Running animations are embarassing, as are most of the animations to be honest. The gameplay is very much last-gen now, but it's still the most fun football experience on the market in my opinion. But in terms of an overall package, it just isn't good enough from Konami and it's a real shame.

FIFA, on the other hand, is so much more realistic. It can be really frustrating at times in terms of gameplay, and it still feels slugglish and unresponsive a lot of the time (although I hear the final version is much better than the demo build in terms of those two things). Still, I think realism is important for a football game and FIFA is certainly the more accurate football simulation. Plus the modes are better in FIFA, such as the 10 vs 10 online mode and everything else. After playing both demos, FIFA gets my money this year. I think I need a break from PES - this year's is certainly an improvement, but it isn't enough to warrant a full price purchase. It's a shame, because Konami still holds the crown for best ever football game (PES 4 is the best football game ever made, still).

Buck your ideas up Seabass, because you currently develop the second best football game.
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Commented on 2008-10-02 19:33:03
I thought the reason why people (me included) played PES for all those years on the PS2 was because it was the most realistic representation of the sport there was on a console. Now it's the other way round, people still claim PES is the better game? Ironic that. Ironic and quiet frankly a lot of bollocks. To be brand loyal regarding games is just retarded IMO. You're doing nothing but cheating yourself with such a mentality. PES will get stick from me - and deservedly so - because I'm impartial. Even though I adored the series, it's gone to the dogs. It's fucked, pure and simple. PES fanboys are quick to rush and defend the game, but the fact is that they still fail to admit why PS2 versions of the game are still better than the so called next gen ones, when it should be the other way round, and I will guarantee that it will be the case this year too. We all forked out hundreds for the next gen consoles, so why are Konami still selling us poorer versions of last gen games for? Ridiculous. If I wanted a good game of PES now, I'd rather go and spend 40 quid on a PS2, which I could probably get PES 3 or 5 or an extra fiver.
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Commented on 2008-10-02 19:35:38
Errr, did you not read what I wrote?
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Commented on 2008-10-02 20:03:13
Actually after playing the PES demo a few more times and then immediately the FIFA demo, I have changed my mind - FIFA is more fun and more realistic.

Oh dear Konami. For shame.
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Commented on 2008-10-02 20:38:51 In reply to dingleberry
Posted by dingleberry
I thought the reason why people (me included) played PES for all those years on the PS2 was because it was the most realistic representation of the sport there was on a console. Now it's the other way round, people still claim PES is the better game? Ironic that. Ironic and quiet frankly a lot of bollocks. To be brand loyal regarding games is just retarded IMO. You're doing nothing but cheating yourself with such a mentality. PES will get stick from me - and deservedly so - because I'm impartial. Even though I adored the series, it's gone to the dogs. It's fucked, pure and simple. PES fanboys are quick to rush and defend the game, but the fact is that they still fail to admit why PS2 versions of the game are still better than the so called next gen ones, when it should be the other way round, and I will guarantee that it will be the case this year too. We all forked out hundreds for the next gen consoles, so why are Konami still selling us poorer versions of last gen games for? Ridiculous. If I wanted a good game of PES now, I'd rather go and spend 40 quid on a PS2, which I could probably get PES 3 or 5 or an extra fiver.
I agree - PES was all about the simulation, then PES6 and PES2008 came out and were 'teh ultimate arcadez', to put it lightly. Now it seems those hating on FIFA for being 'arcadey' and 'too easy to score' think those two points are actually good, and FIFA being simulation and difficult to score is a bad thing.
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Commented on 2008-10-02 21:23:08
i just got a 360 and saw a used pes 07 for cheap,do u guys think that game was good?cuz everyone says 08 sucks
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Commented on 2008-10-02 22:54:02 In reply to ywj
Posted by ywj
i just got a 360 and saw a used pes 07 for cheap,do u guys think that game was good?cuz everyone says 08 sucks
08 better than 07 but both not very good tbh. If u wanna pick up a good footy game cheap maybe Euro 08 if ur not too concerned with league teams.
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Commented on 2008-10-03 01:02:26
PES > FIFA out of gameplay addiction.

Fifa is pretty and sounds great but it gets old really soon, just because the gameplay isn't as deep and addictive.

In PES, you can keep playing it for months and still be hooked.

I have the feeling it will be the case with this year's games. Just not in the margin it's been past years.
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Commented on 2008-10-03 01:24:03
Oh dear, here they come.. rapid PES fanboys with their striking and super fresh arguments...
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Commented on 2008-10-03 01:37:56 In reply to OldSchoolGamer
Posted by OldSchoolGamer
PES > FIFA out of gameplay addiction.

Fifa is pretty and sounds great but it gets old really soon, just because the gameplay isn't as deep and addictive.

In PES, you can keep playing it for months and still be hooked.

I have the feeling it will be the case with this year's games. Just not in the margin it's been past years.
I'm afraid, as a former PES fan, I have to disagree.

The core of the PES gameplay is there, but they are clouded out by the robotic animations and overall crap presentation. I guess if you're looking for arcadey fun, PES 09 is the game for you. But many of us want a real football simulation, and I think FIFA 09 delivers in that regard.

As an overall package, FIFA is streets ahead.
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Commented on 2008-10-03 01:52:06 In reply to blmbox
Posted by blmbox
I'm afraid, as a former PES fan, I have to disagree.

The core of the PES gameplay is there, but they are clouded out by the robotic animations and overall crap presentation. I guess if you're looking for arcadey fun, PES 09 is the game for you. But many of us want a real football simulation, and I think FIFA 09 delivers in that regard.

As an overall package, FIFA is streets ahead.
Totally agree, I look for a good representation of the sport (football wise) and FIFA does not get boring gameplay wise especially with this new iteration with how free flowing it is, manager mode has seen subtle but good improvements and overall has far surpassed PES, not that I'm complaining, I'm just glad that I own the better game of the two choices.
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$135 of $400 per month

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